Pirate Kingship

Chapter 487: Royal Domain: Puppet Kingdom (6400)!

The Puppet King originally wanted to play a balancing act where multiple enemies would kill each other.

But he didn't expect to meet an ancestral true balance master.

Just a slight attack was already the limit of this segment, and even the powerful [Probability Dice] unexpectedly failed.

He was also brought in from outside the stage as the thread puller, and became an extra who was also influenced by the thread of fate and staged the "ups and downs" of life.

Of course, he always considered himself the protagonist.

"Is that His Highness Louis's [First-level Holy Relic, the First Longitude and Latitude Sextant]? It's the fifth-level legendary puppeteer in the palace sequence who came to save us!"

As soon as the golden light projected by the sextant appeared, Catalina Dibo on the "Ox City" cheered excitedly.

The holy relic [Sextant] is one of the key inventions that created the Age of Discovery, and its extraordinary abilities are very powerful.

After seventy years of maritime history, everyone in the upper echelons of various countries has long known that this is——[Positioning Teleportation]!

When using a sextant to measure latitude and longitude, you first need to know the current precise time, and then measure the height of a certain celestial body, usually the horizon when the sun reaches midheaven.

Then consult the astronomical almanac to learn the equatorial coordinates of the celestial body on that day, and substitute the formula "cos z = sinφ sinδ+ cosφ cosδ cos t" to get the latitude φ of the place.

Longitude is determined by measuring the distance between the moon and another celestial body (such as a star or planet) against observatory standard time.

In this era of great navigation, holding a sextant is equivalent to having a GPS or Beidou positioning system when a modern ship goes to sea. Its contribution to the navigation industry can be imagined.

The origin of the name sextant is precisely because the arc length of the dividing arc is exactly one-sixth of a circle, which is sixty degrees.

Therefore, as long as you hold a sextant and a nautical chart for positioning, you can use the astrological power of the sun and the moon to move instantly within 60 degrees of latitude, longitude, east, west, north, and south of the planet's sphere.

However, the destiny of the sextant is: to be down-to-earth!

“The road less traveled through shortcuts must be retraced through down-to-earth efforts.

Although this ability can be used three times a day without limit, the user must personally walk a route of equal length within three months after activating the ability.

Once violated, it is possible to be sent directly to the sun or moon by the sextant, a one-way interstellar journey.

It is said that there are at least three Castilian adventure ships that have violated destiny for various reasons. If humans can land on the moon in the future, we might still see them there. "

With this treasure in hand, the Puppet King can reach almost any place in the known world instantly.

But after a moment of excitement, Catalina suddenly turned pale. She thought that something seemed wrong, and she lost her voice:

"Wait, brother, something is wrong!

The special effect of the title [the key to the treasure ship] is only partially disabled. Except for the insiders who have seen the ‘information black box’, we still don’t exist.

Because of the lack of a medium that is not affected by the key, the inside and outside cannot communicate with each other, and the distress signal cannot be transmitted.

Theoretically, if His Highness [Puppet King] Louis, who is already the keeper of secrets, takes the initiative to leave some surveillance methods in the fleet, it is indeed possible to break through this barrier.

But now this naval battle has been going on for several hours. No matter how slow you are, you can still react. The [Sextant] can arrive in an instant.

Why didn't Prince Louis come earlier or later, just when we were about to escape?


Caterina didn't say any more, and Wycliffe next to her also understood what she meant.

Because they suspected from the beginning that someone took the initiative to leak information about the treasure fleet in order to plan the king's party and the princess's party on the next ship, attracting these two powerful pirate gangs.

When the Puppet King appeared with his own eyes, there was no doubt who the leaker was!

Later, as long as the other party's secret keeper kills everyone else, no one will know what happened here.

Even the Life Gem will only shatter on the spot when the [Information Black Box] is completely broken, and that will be a month later.

The princesses Jeanne Don Quixote and the Green Lady Angelia on board the [Horse Horse] next to them were just a step slower than the Dibo brothers and sisters to react.

As one of the sixteen [King's Right Hands] and the one with the highest status among all the Castilians present, Angelia even yelled at the visitor:

"Your Highness Louis, what do you want to do?

Don't you know that your behavior is treason?

Selling the treasure fleet harmed the interests of the entire noble group. Even if you are a prince, you cannot escape the responsibility.

You'd better stop immediately. I will consider asking His Majesty to intercede on your behalf and get a lighter punishment. "

Of course, a woman who had climbed to the right hand position of the king in the power hub of the largest sea power could not be so naive.

He thought that just by pulling the tiger skin of all the nobles, he could scare away the Puppet King who was obviously coming to silence him.

While questioning, he quietly waved his hand towards [Gulfstream Mother] behind him, signaling her to seize the opportunity and run for her life.

In addition to "fertility", this snail totem god also has the power of the "Gulf Stream". Even if her body crosses the first circulation zone, there is a high probability that she will not be drowned.

But they didn't wait for them to take action.

A beam of light shot straight into the sky from the quasi-legendary battleship [Dream Castle], and then turned into countless crystal-clear and slender silk threads, covering the huge battlefield of more than ten miles around.

Finally, a spherical space that covers the sky, the sea surface and the underwater without any dead corners was formed.

A big fish in the sea was about to swim out of the boundary formed by the silk threads, and was cut into countless sashimi by the silk threads in an instant.

This is one of the core abilities of the puppeteer [Puppet Theater].

If the "actor" wants to jump out of the stage and break through the "fourth wall" of the stage, he must defeat the only existence from outside the wall, that is, the puppeteer himself who pulls the strings!

After ensuring that no one can sneak away, [Puppet King] Louis sat on a gorgeous ivory throne and slowly rose to the highest point of [Dream Castle].

With a gloomy face, he looked at the group of fourth-order extraordinary people on the nearby ship and said coldly:

"You are all good. Your performance this time is far beyond my expectations.

In the script I originally designed, your death is just killing each other, and your soul still has a chance to return to the collective subconscious sea.

But now I have changed my mind.

I want to turn all of you into puppets for me to drive, and this deadline is forever!"

His life creed and obsession have always been the same: "Sit on the throne, enjoy power, and arbitrarily control the fate of the weak through the silk thread in your hand, and do not allow anyone to disobey yourself!"

But the protagonists and supporting roles in these puppet shows dare not perform according to the script they arranged, and accept the fate of death obediently?

He absolutely cannot tolerate it.

Everyone on the battlefield has already died!

Afterwards, he locked his eyes on the two "Byrons" who flew down from the sky after shattering the cumulonimbus clouds and returned to their respective teams.

Looking at their surprised faces, it seems that they did not realize that this was a carefully arranged game by themselves, and they did not expect to encounter a fifth-order legend here.

They even exclaimed:

"Puppet King? Why are you here?

Is it that the puppet dancer I saved was actually arranged by you?"

"Isn't my chance encounter with the artificial lantern man an accident? You are the one behind all this?"

Byron never had the habit of letting his enemies know what was going on.

Even at this point, he was still acting, just to find the right opportunity to use [Surgical Table] to trick him.

Even the vest on Byron's body was fake, and his superb acting skills fooled even the "old director" like the Puppet King.

After hearing what "they" said, Louis was a little less confident in his initial judgment.

He had personally directed countless puppet shows, and there had never been so many accidents like this time.

He was more familiar with the high-level extraordinary people in the Kingdom of Castile than anyone else, and he knew very well that although they were strong, they did not have such strange abilities.

Naturally, he suspected that there was some abnormality in the suspected "children of destiny".

But looking at the expressions of the two people, it really didn't seem like they were acting.

He immediately suppressed his doubts. Since he had come to this point where he had to personally take action, the truth was no longer important. Now he just needed to kill people.

The puppet king clenched his fist and slammed it on the armrest of the ivory throne, shouting:

"The domain of royal power is unfolding, and the puppet kingdom is coming!"

Click! Click!

The quasi-legendary warship [Dream Castle] immediately stretched out like a building block, and the hull and building area expanded rapidly.

The main body of this warship is a large caravel with high bows and sterns. It is older than the popular galleons and more like a city wall.

The front and rear buildings were built to look like castles, decorated with gorgeous gold and gems. The huge warship was like a dream kingdom floating on the sea.

The interior space is actually many times larger than the exterior, as if a towering castle belonging to the prince was moved to the sea.

At this time, the superstructure unfolded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it became a small city standing on the sea.

This city may be too small for humans, but for building blocks and puppets, such a place is already magnificent.

After the building block castle reached its limit, a layer of light waves that seemed to be composed of billions of silk threads continued to expand outward. After engulfing everyone, it did not stop until it reached the border of the "puppet theater".

"Hahaha, please continue dancing and try to please me!"

The laughter of the puppet king spread throughout the "stage".

Only the fifth-level [King] has a royal domain that can modify the rules at will, which is comparable to the secret forbidden area with various killing rules.

If you want to start from scratch and become a [King], in addition to being a fifth-level legend, you must also achieve the trinity of king, law, and country. These three elements are indispensable.

[Puppet King] obviously did not establish an independent country, and it is not a real king.

But the ability of the quasi-legendary battleship [Dream Castle] can be used as his exclusive territory with him, using the puppet citizens accumulated on the ship to assist him, the "king", to develop a simplified version of the royal domain [Puppet Kingdom].

Once this warship can be transformed into a complete legendary warship in the future and awaken the ship spirit, perhaps it can give birth to a fifth-level queen who sits in the Puppet Kingdom.

That is when the king's domain will be in its complete form.

Seeing this scene, the survivors on the sea suddenly became a mess.

Especially on the two escaping strange warships, those Castilian soldiers and sailors who had heard of or even witnessed this ability couldn't help but cry out for mercy:

"Your Highness, spare your life! Your Highness, Louis, I am willing to sign a slave contract. I will definitely not tell the truth. Don't turn me into a living puppet!"

"I don't want a life worse than death."

"I'd rather die than end up like that."

Some people even have too weak psychological endurance and keep the last bullet they were planning to use to fight for their lives, aiming at their own jaws and pulling the trigger.

With a sound of "Bang!", he fell down and died.

Ordinary soldiers were frightened by the [Kingdom Domain·Puppet Kingdom], and several fourth-level extraordinary beings all had ugly expressions on their faces.

Byron, Catherine, Violet and the others were not surprised by their reactions.

After realizing that he might face the Puppet King, Byron specially collected all kinds of information about the Prince of Castile in advance.

There is a gold medal killer who works for the online store "Shahame" and even submitted a personal experience report on the "Puppet Kingdom":

“A few years ago in the colony of Castile there was a port city with thousands of inhabitants violently resisting taxation.

It happened that the Puppet King was renovating in the colony at that time. He immediately took action after hearing the news and launched his own puppet kingdom outside the port.

After just half an hour, [Dream Castle] turned around and left.

Driven by curiosity, the gold-medal killer who was a [Beast Tamer] sent his flying beast to the island to check, but he saw that everyone seemed to be intact and continued to farm, log, and fish.

Just when he thought that the Puppet King was just bluffing to scare others, he was shocked to realize that everyone in the city was moving too uniformly.

At six o'clock in the morning, they stepped out of the house with their right feet. They walked on the road in a neat line like precision gears. Even the movements of waving tools during work were exactly the same.

If this was a machine, it would be very mechanically beautiful, but if it were a human being, it would be nothing but terrifying.

Just when the trainer who possessed the flying beast with his senses felt a chill running down his spine and was about to turn around and leave, everyone in the city suddenly looked at him, with blood and tears flowing from his empty eyes.

The thousands of people living here have clearly been transformed into living puppets of the "Puppet Kingdom" without even realizing it, playing their original roles as puppets on strings.

Yes, that's not life, it's just acting!

The city where they originally lived has become the most realistic stage.

These "actors" have no emotions, no self, and no future. All they have is the script arranged by the Puppet King for them.

The animal trainer was so frightened that he ran away and never dared to come closer.

From then on, no one in the Castilian colony dared to resist the tax. The governor's office told them to pay as much as they wanted, and they had to pay the tax first even if the whole family starved to death.

To this day, if a sailboat accidentally enters there, you can still see those "living puppets" who act as themselves day after day.

It is simply more grotesque than grotesque, more evil than evil spirits. "

The reason why he stayed there was because the Puppet King was warning everyone. How could those who knew about it not be afraid?

The former commander of the Treasure Fleet [Behemoth Buster] Wycliffe also realized that there was no way to improve. Only by defeating the Puppet King head-on would he have a chance to survive.

He hurriedly said to the enemy who was fighting to the death just now:

"Everyone, we are facing a secret realm now. If no one can unite the entire army, the number of people is of little significance. Everyone is being attacked by the rules of the domain simultaneously.

Everyone, please move your feet, do not imitate puppet behavior, do not be in a daze, do not pull the rope to dance, and do not stand still for more than ten seconds at a time.

Once there are three puppet judgments, you will really become a living puppet involuntarily!

Also pay attention to your companions, they may become enemies at any time.

Let's all work together. Only by breaking through the Puppet Kingdom and ending the traitor, the Puppet King, can we break through the fourth wall. "

As a [monster hunter] in the wilderness sequence, he can naturally read the killing rules in various secret realms.

The precautions warned to everyone are not much different from what Byron read from the logbook.

Hear his words.

For the sake of the lives of their followers, [Wild Hunt] and [Sea Hunter] decisively put aside their "hatred" for the time being, and jointly set up a spiritual radio station, linking all three parties.

He also clearly conveyed the "Taboos of the Puppet Kingdom" to everyone.

At this time, Catherine finally realized that when she first customized the law.

Why did you subconsciously define the content as: "In the territory of the [Golden Deer], all Castilians have all five senses weakened and their reactions are slow, like puppets."

Obviously at that time, the Puppet King was ready to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Catherine immediately canceled this order and issued a second order:

"In the territory of [Golden Deer], everyone's reaction speed will be increased by 30%, and their resistance to rules will be increased by 30%!"


A circle of golden light lit up within a hundred-meter radius of the Golden Deer, diluting a lot of the Dream Castle's royal domain with the [Golden Law].

The group of Castilians couldn't help but cheer up:

"This battle can be fought!"

The custom command that can adapt to the opponent's moves has a bit of the flavor of "Word Spirit", and it is also one of the most unsolvable supernatural powers in the world.

It is said that the church has a one-time holy relic of uncertain level, called [Echo of the Creator]: "I say, let there be light."

Using it can achieve the highest level of Word Spirit that affects the whole world.

With this treasure in hand, even if you want to destroy all mankind, it is extremely simple. You only need to change the boiling point of this world from 100° to 36° for five minutes.

Of course, no one knows whether this big killer is a thing made up by the church to scare people, but they know that the Word Spirit of the [Creator] can definitely restart the world.

As the captain of the [Golden Deer], Byron took over the command of the joint fleet without hesitation.

"I swear to the [Silver Law] and the Creator that no matter what conflicts we have, we will wait until we are safely out of danger before resolving them, and we will never take revenge in battle.

Everyone, please use the [Dreadnaught] as the lead ship and the [Golden Deer] as the flagship, and let's go together to break through the Dream Castle!"

Other fourth-level extraordinary people who are qualified to attack the fifth-level legend responded one after another.

However, due to the limited coverage of the Golden Deer, they all concentrated on five warships.

[Dreadnaught], [Flame Rose], [Golden Deer], [Numa Nandan], [Niucheng].

At the same time, [Candy Witch] also transformed herself into fluid, escaped from the end of the oarfish's intestines, and jumped onto the [Dreadnaught] with [Thief Baron].

But [Captain Goat] Alex, who was transformed into a puppet, was already beyond saving, and the surgical table could not temporarily remove the uselessness of flesh and blood.

The oarfish turned and rushed towards him, entangled him and Pinocchio, and prevented them from returning to support the Dream Castle.

The next moment.

[Dreadnought] activated the heavy force field to become an arrow, and [Cow Castle] activated the Great Wall of the Sea, connecting the five warships into a whole.

"Group Storm Aura!"

"Group Storm Weapon!"

"Group Ocean Current Blessing!"


The five warships exploded with layers of aura gains.

With the joint blessing of Byron, the [Storm Lord], and Catalina, the [Navigator], it was like five goose feathers easily facing the wind.

In a blink of an eye, they killed to the upwind position of the Dream Castle.

"Fleet salvo, open fire!"

The [Storm Seal Ring] in Byron's hand greatly enhanced the professional ability and easily took over the fire control system of all the guns of the five warships.

At the same time, the "Great Wall of the Sea" shared the ability of the [Rose Girl], the figurehead of the [Flame Rose], with the entire assault fleet.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A round of fleet salvos, all of them achieved double-bullet shooting, one for conventional shells and one for fireballs, the luxurious barrage accurately fell on the Dream Castle.

Especially the 42-pound heavy gun on the [Golden Deer], which was comparable to a first-class ship, made the Puppet King, who had been watching the show outside the stage, finally experience the disparity of the times.

Buildings collapsed, wood chips flew, many soldiers were crushed into pieces, and in some places, fireballs were concentrated and ignited.

It's a pity that the effect of fire attack was average in the storm.

Countless toy soldiers on the castle also fired back.

But the artillery of the Clark ship was not as good as that of the large Galen. If the battle time was extended, the first one to fail would definitely be the Dream Castle.

Louis, the [Puppet King] who had witnessed the defeat of the Treasure Fleet, was not surprised by this situation.

He knew very well that his family had mastered the maritime hegemony for decades, and there was indeed a challenger that could not be ignored.

But as a fifth-level legend, he had a long board that no one could match.


After snapping his fingers, the sharp threads on the periphery began to shrink rapidly, causing everyone to involuntarily move towards the direction of the [Dream Castle].

The assault fleet led by the [Golden Deer] was no exception.

Time was running out, and they could not afford to bombard slowly. They had to capture the thief and the king immediately!

At the same time, the mechanical structure of the castle behind the Puppet King started, and four vertical wooden coffins slowly rose. A bloody number from one to four was written on each coffin lid.

The coffin lid opened, and four puppets with strange shapes but strong spiritual glow walked out.

Tap, tap, tap.

Inside the cabin, accompanied by the neat footsteps like the tide, countless puppet soldiers and puppet knights holding muskets, sabers, and spears rushed onto the deck.

The Puppet King also stood up from the throne, looked at a group of fourth-level extraordinary people who had approached the castle gate, untied his cloak, and threw it on the ground.

He slowly drew out a sharp holy relic saber from his waist and pointed it at the enemy:

"Yes, the supernatural system in this world is indeed a gathering of the masses. No matter how high the rank of a supernatural person is, he may be beaten to death by lower ranks.


Puppet King Louis grinned:

"No one knows better than me what it means to use the majority to bully the minority!"

Perhaps he was forced to go down in person, but the puppet king was too cautious.

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