Pirate Kingship

Chapter 51 Gunpowder Artists and the Counterattack of the Taiwanese

In order to catch the gradually merging privateer alliance off guard and prevent them from coming to their senses, Byron and his party sent out a second-level extraordinary to ambush them.

For several days in a row, they did not dare to rest, and worked overtime to launch serial assassinations everywhere.

Finally, today they completed the set small goal and brewed [Transmutation Blood].

Although the night is still long, they decided to stop and rest for a day.

Regain your energy and cure [Guardian Knight] Bruch, the right-hand man, first, and wait for the privateer alliance to relax their vigilance before killing him with a surprise attack!

More efficient and safer.

Moreover, after Byron summarized the intelligence read from the previous victims.

It is already known that the reason why the privateer captains collectively entered the Iron Anchor Bay is to join the captain council member, help "vote" and "fight", and send him to the throne of the North Sea Warlord.

Subconsciously began to search the ship registration information that Gus got from Sheriff Weber in the logbook.

Prepare to select a suitable unlucky guy, sneak into the team of the privateering alliance, and offer your "loyalty" to the councillor who defected to the York family!

"It's still easier to get things done with someone in the court.

The intelligence collected by Gus not only includes the arrival time of the privateering ship, the number of personnel, and the major pirate leaders, but also comes with a copy of their wanted orders.

It saved me a lot of effort."

When they reached an intersection, the three of them carefully went into a brightly lit alley and retreated separately.

Even if there are [Hunters] in the Wilderness Sequence, don't think about catching them in such a complex smell environment.

Byron snatched all the grilled squids from the two people, and instinctively walked into the street full of perfume, eating while walking.

"It smells so good!

I didn't expect that one day, squid would be addictive."

The side effects of [Blood Holy Grail] are showing.

However, unlike [Blood Eye] Salman's "gluttony" and [Magic Mirror] West's "cleanliness", Byron's side effects are obviously milder.

To be precise, the [Silver Law] has taken effect simultaneously!

At the beginning, he relied on the blood battle ritual to plunder Herman's ability [Blood Holy Grail], obtained the protection of the law, and greatly weakened the negative effects of taboo knowledge.

Combined with the description of the [Logbook], Byron found that his solidified symptoms were somewhat like a variant of the "Uncanny Valley Effect".

Which emotion is produced depends purely on the proportion of the two elements of "tentacles" and "humans".

Humans - non-humans - indescribable with tentacles - purebred octopus (squid, etc.).

The first two will produce emotions of love, and the latter two will produce appetite.

Even when others see indescribable things and their SAN value drops wildly, Byron just wants to feast on them!

And the love for tentacles has gradually shifted to neutral traits such as "soft as boneless" and "light and soft".

Of course, non-humans and monster girls are still his current favorites, if there are really these magical species overseas.

"The legal system represents the anchor that stabilizes itself, and the forbidden knowledge represents the sail that breaks out of the safe zone and rides the wind and waves.

When lifting the sail, you must also tighten the anchor on your body to avoid being overturned in the wind and waves.

In addition, the recipe says that as long as the ritual of the Scarlet Holy Grail can be successfully held, all previous side effects will be further weakened."

Now, in addition to immortality, Byron has another motivation to obtain the ritual of the Scarlet Holy Grail.


But at this moment, Byron suddenly smelled a very fresh and strong smell of blood, which made him alarm.

Looking up, he saw a figure who looked like a street magician walking towards him on the busy prostitute street.

The face was covered with a silver full-face mask, wearing a top hat and a wide cloak. From the body shape, it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

But the elegant artistic temperament and the slightly burnt smell of fireworks emanated from the inside.

He also seemed to be a top student from the Vinaya Academy of Arts in the Holy Silver Empire.

‘Is it him? ’

This appearance and aura instantly reminded Byron of a person who, like himself, had recently become famous in Anchor Bay - the Gunpowder Artist.

It is said that he has mastered all kinds of gunpowder to perfection, and killing people is like an art performance.

He even sends an invitation to the victim to invite him to enjoy the fireworks show.

And usually after the performance, the scene is clean and nothing will be left except ashes.

It is much more high-profile and arrogant than the elusive [Wild Hunt].

And when Byron subconsciously activated the [Ship Log] hidden in his right eye, he found that he could not read any information on him.

He immediately realized that if the other party's rank was not higher than his, he was wearing a strange object that could block or even modify his own information!

More likely, the two possibilities of strength and props coexist.

"Others may not be able to smell the blood on him, but after the [Ritual·Blood Holy Grail], I am now more and more sensitive to the smell of blood.

I am very sure that he must have killed many people just now!"

Fortunately, the other party only glanced at Byron and did not see through his disguise of [Cognitive Correction].

The two hurriedly passed by.

Byron hurried back to the Rosemary Inn to treat his guardian knight.

The gunpowder artist ignored the fancy clothes on the roadside and came to the sea at the end of the prostitute street.

Weber, the sheriff who once provided information to Gus and Byron, was smoking a worn-out walnut pipe, and seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

When he saw the person coming, he was startled at first, and then when he saw the whalebone emblem on his sleeve, he suddenly realized:


But he was stopped in time by the other party's eyes.

Changing his careless attitude in front of Gus, he quickly handed over a stack of papers and said respectfully:

"I have prepared all the information you want.

It has absolutely not alerted the parliament and any upper echelons.

I found that a large number of privateers from Hastings suddenly gathered near the [Vengeance] of Councillor Edward Redbeard yesterday.

It is obvious that they are preparing to support him to take office."

When the gunpowder artist began to look through the information, the sheriff could not help but said cautiously:

"Public cough, sir, the next target is them?

Would it be too radical for us to eliminate those competitors for the position of "Overseer" in private and physically?

Although the current Overseer [Children's Guardian] Sir Dennis is in poor health.

The situation is not very good, and there is a possibility that the position of "Overseer" will fall from the hands of our bay people.

But this is completely contrary to the legislative spirit of the [Pirate Code]!"

Obviously, even the Golden Palm Trading Company noticed that something was wrong with Anchor Bay and had already escaped.

Byron, an outsider, also pieced together the conspiracy of the privateering captains with scattered clues.

How could the senior officials of Anchor Bay, who have been rooted here for thousands of years, not smell something wrong?

They were clearly preparing to take action directly.

No, judging from the level of activity of Gunpowder Artist in the recent period, he should have already taken action.

However, when the sheriff said that the current warden [Children's Guard] was ill, a trace of imperceptible sadness flashed in Gunpowder Artist's eyes.

There was obviously something unknown to outsiders.

Instead, she completely sneered at what he called the "legislative spirit":

"The value of the [Iron Law of Kingship] is to safeguard the interests of the king and the ruling class, not the opposite.

If it cannot serve the king, then there is no need for the law to exist.

The idiots in Hastings were forced to make the [Magna Carta] by a group of nobles two hundred years ago.

It became the king under the law, and a crown that has been passed down for hundreds of years was covered in dust.

The king's power was greatly restricted in the country, and the forces of other dissidents emerged one after another.

The reason why York was able to replace Lancaster was not because the nobles with the right of inheritance were too powerful?

If I were the [Mad King] of Lancaster, I would have cleaned up all the domestic competitors who were qualified to get involved in the throne.

Anyway, I'm not the Inquisition , no solid evidence is needed, just suspecting someone is plotting something bad is enough!

Besides, I am now a free pirate [gunpowder artist], what does it have to do with the official Anchor Bay?

Isn't it enough to just kill and not bury? "

After saying these murderous words, the tone softened slightly:

"My father, the North Sea Pirate King, is missing, and we, the Bay people who still retain our primitive beliefs, have lost our greatest support and confidence.

As a princess of the Bay people, I can't afford to gamble and can't afford the risk of misjudgment.

The position of 'supervisor' is not worth cherishing.

But the secret treasure guarded by the Bay people for generations is related to whether the Bay people can rise again, the whereabouts of my father, and even the life and death of everyone on this island.

It must not fall into the hands of others! "

After the opening of the Age of Discovery, the Bay people have been gradually declining.

But the old people are always chanting the ancient legend, or more accurately, a very old prophecy:

"In the imperial era, the Bay people were still chasing wild deer in the forest of the Evernight Peninsula. Hundreds of years later, they will chase the entire Silver Continent.

They conquered the continent with force, but were conquered by pagan beliefs. The glory of the Bay people in the North sank into the deepest part of the ocean.

But one day it will be reawakened by blood and flames!

My right eye will witness everything."

The first two-thirds have been realized.

Many people believe that the last third will not be an exception.

Because it is a prophecy from the [God of Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt]!

With this prophecy, it is not surprising that the Gunpowder Artist has an opinion on Hastings, a Bay nation that kneels at the feet of the church.

Her father [Whale Hunter] disappeared because of this prophecy and the future of the tribe, and the Bay people in Anchor Bay can no longer afford any risks.

Even without Byron's ability to see into secrets.

They are also very clear that for the impregnable Anchor Bay, the new warlord whose interests may not be consistent is the biggest flaw!

Simply bypass all official departments that may be infiltrated and strike first.

"Who says the weaker party can only passively wait for the judgment of fate?

Whoever dares to judge me, I will send him to see their [Creator] first!

We are the people of the Bay, we are pirates, we are the people of [God of Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt] Woden.

Killing enemies and plundering like the wind are our nature.

The big pirates who dare to touch the position of the warlord will die.

Moreover, I will always remember the last words my father said to me before he left."

The gunpowder artist looked up at the layers of black sails in the anchorage of Iron Anchor Bay, and said word by word:

"As long as there is the courage to bear the consequences, how can the king be bound by mere rules?

Make the tough decisions, kill the kid inside of you, and become a real adult! "

If Byron were here, he might criticize her for her opinion of his uncle.

But I have to admit that this heir to the throne, whose situation is not much better than him, may not have the power of a king, but his momentum is enough to make people look at him.

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