Pirate Kingship

Chapter 52 Privateer Alliances and Raids

At nine o'clock the next morning, the sun had not yet risen and the sky was pitch black.

A corner of the anchorage in Iron Anchor Bay.

At least a hundred pirate ships of all sizes quietly gathered together to form an independent and exclusive small group.

Although the blood cross flag of the Kingdom of Hastings was not openly hung on the mast, most of the sailing styles, decorations, and even the appearance of the pirates were from Hastings.

There is no doubt that they are all privateers under the White Rose York family!

The [Pirate Code] of Iron Anchor Bay recognizes their pirate behavior and accepts privateer captains from various countries.

It also allows them to move freely in this pirate port.

In the center of a group of privateers is a ship [Vengeance] that is comparable in size to the Kingdom Navy's 74-gun third-level ship.

Compared with other short pirate ships, it stands out from the crowd.

This is the flagship of the pirate fleet under the command of Councillor Edward Redbeard!

There is a special combat command room in the tall stern building, and a large number of privateer captains are gathered here at this time.

Extraordinary people are no longer rare. Only the second-level professional level is eligible to get a chair, and the first-level servants can only stand and listen.

However, Maltz, the [Woodpecker] who had competed with Byron for Bruch before.

Although he is only first-level, he has also managed to get a position with his unique black magic [Queen Ant Blessing].

Among the privateer captains.

A Extraordinary person wearing a black dress and a black hat, as if he had just returned from someone else's funeral.

Holding a dirty headscarf in his hand, he poured himself a glass of high-strength absinthe with hallucinogenic effects, muttering:

"People come from the sea and return to the sea.

The drums will stop, and the bagpipes will be silent. Arnold, Arnold. Come back, come back."

After repeatedly calling a person's name, his body suddenly twitched violently like a seizure.

The entire conference room became unusually cold, and many Extraordinary people with higher inspiration could even hear something whispering in the shadows at the corner of the table.

The privateer captains around couldn't help but get nervous.

Because the [medium] of the cemetery sequence in front of him was using his signature skill - [spiritual communication]!

After taking some highly hallucinogenic herbs or medicinal wine, their spirits would enter a trance between life and death.

Let their consciousness leave the material body and communicate with some dead spirits in the void to obtain information about the dead.

Of course, this spiritual communication ritual is also very dangerous, and a sufficiently stable [anchor] must be used to anchor itself.

Otherwise, there is a risk that the consciousness will be quietly lost, or even eaten by some existence in the world of the dead.

So before the [medium] communicated with the spirit, he borrowed a sum of money from every captain present, and no one hoped that he would fail.

However, as time went on.

Seeing the biting wind constantly rolling up the headscarf, no spirit could be revealed.

A pirate captain wearing a tricorn hat and with bloodshot eyes asked anxiously:

"What happened?"

After a long time, the [Psychic] opened his eyes tiredly, shook his head, and said in a dead tone:

"As expected, Arnold's spirit has dissipated like the previous victims.

I can't find the identity of the murderer.

But the style is obviously still that [Wild Hunt]."


The pirate captain's original one-tenth of hope turned into boundless anger.

He raised his hand and slapped the thick oak table hard, looking at the participants and said angrily:

"Not counting ordinary members, this is the sixth extraordinary person!

Are we going to continue to be passive like this? Who will die in the Privateer Alliance tomorrow, you or me?!

If this goes on, people's hearts will be scattered."

He paced anxiously in place for two steps.

"During this period, our people have been missing every day.

What's more hateful is that it was not until last night that we discovered that the arrogant [Wild Hunt] actually only killed the captains and pirate officers of our privateer alliance!

Damn it, do they really think we are all made of mud?"

The other pirate captains also had gloomy faces, but they also expressed deep sympathy for the speaker.

Because the one who just disappeared last night was his first mate, a drunkard [One-eyed Dragon] Arnold.

He was also the object of the medium's communication just now.

Everyone said that they were missing, but in fact everyone knew that the missing people were actually dead.

There are all kinds of professions among their group of privateer captains.

The [Prophet] of the Tower Sequence, the [Hunter] of the Wild Sequence, and the [Medium] of the Cemetery Sequence.

But I don't know what means the murderer used.

Not only the corpses, but also the spirits of the extraordinary people who can exist for a long time have been cleared, and the prophecy is the first to be excluded.

The longer the time goes, the more the [Wild Hunt] hiding in the dark becomes a mystery.

The fear of the unknown spread among all the pirates of the privateer alliance, and Byron's already high [Legend] became higher and higher.

It might not be long before it exceeds [20] and brings some kind of substantial extraordinary effect.

At this time, a captain knocked on the table, attracting the attention of others.

"We were summoned together by Senator Redbeard, and we put aside our past grudges and formed an alliance. As a whole, we didn't offend anyone at all.

Do you think it has something to do with that [Devil's Son]?

Ever since the White Crystal's Magic Mirror West caught his tail, the Devil's Son disappeared without a trace.

From then on, no matter whether his divination ability was stronger or weaker than West's, no one could lock his position.

How is this similar to the Wild Hunt? "

Others objected.

“But [Devil’s Son] was just a minor mortal half a month ago.

Could it be that he took refuge in a certain force in Iron Anchor Bay and gained asylum?

Perhaps, as long as we catch the [Wild Hunt], we can follow the clues to find the [Devil's Son]! "

Regardless of whether there is any basis for this speculation, all privateer captains have reached a consensus:

"We must counterattack!"

“Judging from the fact that the highest level of victims is only one level, the level of this Wild Hunt should also be only one level.

During this period, the number of people will be reduced, and first-order transcendent people will go out less often.

Then send out a few second-level elite baits to trap and kill [Wild Hunt]! "

When everyone's momentum was rising again, [Woodpecker] Maltz suddenly poured cold water on them.

"Everyone is on the list, so why do you think he won't collect intelligence in advance when selecting a target?

In addition, he only targets our first-order servants.

Are you able to completely disguise yourself as someone else? "

It felt a little cold all of a sudden.

Most of the ferocious pirates have a good reputation and obvious characteristics.

They are pirates and not a killer group. It is really difficult to deal with such a difficult enemy.

The pirate captain whose first mate had just died was the most unwilling to accept it. He rolled his eyes and suddenly said:

"By the way, why hasn't Captain Redbeard come back yet?

He summoned everyone together with Bai Qiangwei's warrant and said that he would lead everyone to make achievements.

Now that we are in trouble, he won't stay out of it, right?

With him taking action, a small [Wild Hunt] and the [Devil's Son] who don't know where they are hiding can definitely be captured.


His eyes faintly scanned the entire audience:

"Everyone, is there a possibility that [Wild Hunt] is not the enemy we provoked ourselves, but the enemy of Senator Redbeard?"

As if the words awakened the dreamer, the eyes of all the privateer captains became a little twinkling.

At this moment.

There is a report from the sailors of the [Nemesis].

Captain Redbeard, who had just attended an emergency meeting of the Captains' Council, had returned to the dock and was about to board the ship.

No matter what they thought in their hearts, a group of privateer captains all got up and walked out of the stern of the ship to greet the mid-rank transcendent.

But they had just lined up on the deck when they saw a group of people walking along the trestle carrying whale oil lamps.

Boom——! ! !

An earth-shaking loud noise suddenly exploded in the night sky.

What greeted their "backer" Red Beard and his entourage earlier than them was the flames rising into the sky!

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