Pirate Mutant System

259 The competition begins!

"We take turns attacking each other, or let each other do something like suicide, whoever dies first loses!" Lin Mu said.

Kaido heard a loud laugh, then waved his hand and asked directly, "Who will come first?"

"I found you, you come first!" Lin Mu stood there motionless and said towards Kaido.

Kaido's eyes flashed, but he didn't refuse, and walked out of the secret room.

Naturally, Lin Mu followed closely and walked out of the secret room.

On an empty island, Lin Mu and Kaido stood opposite each other, no more than twenty or thirty meters away from each other.

Such a short distance, whether for Lin Mu or Kaido, is almost equivalent to no distance at all, because they can land their attacks on each other at any time.

And Kaido does exactly that!

After standing still, Kaido's feet shook violently, and then his tall body shot straight at Lin Mu like a cannonball, and came to Lin Mu in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Kaido's fist fell on Lin Mu's body like raindrops, and every blow hit the vulnerable part of Lin Mu's body, making a "dong, dong, dong" sound!

Even accompanied by the faint sound of dislocation of the bones, it can be seen that Lin Mu was also seriously injured in Kaido's attack.

At this moment, Lin Mu's body is like a small boat swaying in the storm, as if there is a danger of overturning at any time.

If Lin Mu wanted to, he could troll from Kaido's attack at any time, but according to the previous agreement, neither of them could back down from each other's attack, and once they backed off, it was equal to the number of people!

Lin Mu is determined to win the historical text, how could he take half a step back?

Moreover, although Kaido's attack was fierce, Lin Mu suffered some injuries, but it had not reached the point where he could threaten Lin Mu's life!

After a minute, Kaido's stormy attack finally stopped.

After closing his hands, Kaido stood up, his eyes fixed on Lin Mu!

Under Kaido's stormy attack, Lin Mu's body also suffered some damage, and even his bones were dislocated a lot!

But other than that, nothing serious, the police said there was a threat to life, and Kaido's attack didn't even make Lin Mu incapacitated.

And more importantly, after the recovery ability belonging to Wolverine in Lin Mu's body began to work, his dislocated bones and injured flesh and blood organs began to recover at an extremely fast speed, and they were restored to good condition in an instant. lossless state.

Kaido's eyes narrowed after seeing this scene, and for the first time there was a solemn expression on his face.

Although Lin Mu's defensive ability is not as good as his, his recovery ability is much stronger than his!

At this time, Kaido also understood why Lin Mu came to die before him. With such a reliance, he did have the capital to compete with him.

However, Kaido is not flustered because he doesn't think he will die before Lin Mu in this match!

Moreover, Kaido is not only not flustered now, but is very excited. It is interesting to collide with each other. If Lin Mu is easily killed, what is the interest in this game?

Only such a hard-to-kill opponent can let him experience the joy of competition!

"Hahaha, Troyson, I really underestimated you!" After admiring, Kaido still didn't hide the excitement on his face, and said: "It's your turn now, let me see your attack methods. I heard that you killed Whitebeard and Akainu with your own hands, and even that guy Teach may have been poisoned by you, so let me see how you killed them!"

While saying this, the Haki on Kaido appeared again thistle.

If the red-haired Haki is the attitude of the world, then Kaido's Haki is the attitude of arrogance and fearlessness!

"Since you're looking forward to it so much, let's take a look." Lin Mu said lightly, and then stood on the spot and started accumulating flame power in his body.

Lin Mu doesn't have the time to fight against Kaido, so he's ready to use his strongest ability as soon as he comes up.

Lin Mu also has some guesses about how difficult it is to kill Kaido. He was able to defeat the Four Emperors camp and Naval Headquarters more than ten times by himself, but no one has ever been able to kill him. Come to the power of Kaido's body.

It's definitely impossible to kill Kaido with normal methods, so Lin Mu also prepared to use Purple Fire from the very beginning!

After the purple fire appeared in this world, it has always been in the hands of Lin Mu. It has always been inexorable. Anyone who is infected with the purple fire will inevitably be burned to death.

The only district police is just a matter of time.

Some people died when they were touched, and they couldn't even ask the sound of screaming.

But some people can last for nearly a minute under the purple fire, such as Blackbeard, and this is also because of the ability of the dark fruit. If it is not the ability of the dark fruit, the black beard can only survive under the purple fire at most. ten seconds;

Lin Mu was curious about how long Kaido could last under the scorching fire of the purple fire.

Kaido was also watching Lin Mu quietly, and when he saw the rising flames in Lin Mu's body, Kaido's eyes flashed.

He had heard of Lin Mu's abilities, so he naturally knew that Lin Mu was saving something terrible.

But Kaido didn't stop Lin Mu, because this is their game agreement, he can only choose to wait for Lin Mu's attack!

A few minutes later, the flames in Lin Mu's body finally accumulated, and a purple flame with a thin hair was wrapped around Lin Mu's fingers.

Immediately after, Lin Mu pointed at Kaido, and the purple flame of the thin hair flew directly towards Kaido not far away.

Although this purple flame was thin and thin, it was extremely fast and fell on Kaido in an instant.

When the purple flames fell on Kaido's body, it spread immediately, wrapping Kaido's whole body, and Kaido's whole body became a burning man!

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