Pirate Mutant System

Chapter 259 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The power of 260 Kaido!

After the purple flame fell on Kaido's body, it wrapped Kaido's body at a very fast speed.

From a distance, Kaido seems to have become a purple burning man.

The purple flames continued to rise on Kaido's body. Although others could not feel any temperature, Kaido was wrapped in a high temperature that he had never endured, or even seen, and was greatly tortured!

Kaido's difficulty to kill is based on the premise that its body's defense is extremely high, and even its internal organs are very tough and have almost no weaknesses!

Under this premise, Kaido's body also becomes very insensitive to pain.

Pain is a warning signal to the cerebral cortex that the biological body is damaged.

For Kaido, it is really difficult to let his body be damaged.

So, Kaido hadn't felt the pain for a long time.

But this time, when the whole body was covered with purple flames, Kaido felt an extremely strong pain,

After this unfamiliar stimulus signal was transmitted to the brain from all over the body, Kaido was stunned and stayed in place.

After a few seconds, Kaido circled around 407 Shen'er, and then a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Suicide has always been Kaido's interest, but he has never been able to achieve it, because his body is too strong, and there is basically no way to hurt him in this world.

But now, Kaido feels the long-lost pain on Lin Mu's purple flame, no matter what the result of the pain is, she makes him feel very informative, because as long as he can feel the pain, he will be far away from his goal A little closer!

"Hahaha! This long-lost feeling is so refreshing!" Kaido burst into laughter, as if enjoying the burning sensation.

Kaido's action made Lin Mu's eyes flash with surprise. Except for those who had been burned to death, Lin Mu was the most terrifying of the purple flames.

Not to mention the ultra-high temperature of Zihuo for the time being, its bizarre existence has already caused countless powerhouses to complain, and some even died of bitterness.

Even if his willpower was as strong as Akainu's, he was burned and screamed in agony, and in the end he even completely lost consciousness.

But Kaido was able to enjoy this feeling, which shocked Lin Mu.

But soon, there was a flash of relief on Lin Mu's face, because Kaido's reaction had changed.

At the beginning of being burned, Kaido was still able to enjoy the size of a haha, but after more than ten seconds, the color of enjoyment on Kaido's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of pain and anger.

After the initial freshness passed, the purple fire brought Kaido deep pain!

However, Kaido is worthy of being the strongest Four Emperors due to one-on-one duels, both physically and mentally, it has become extremely powerful to a terrifying level.

Despite being tortured by the burning pain of the purple fire, apart from a groan, Kaido clenched his teeth and did not let out a scream!

This willpower alone is much stronger than Blackbeard Akainu!

Of course, there are also reasons why Kaido's body is too strong, resulting in a lot of weakened pain perception.

Looking at Kaido, who was enduring great pain with all his veins showing, but forcibly endured without saying a word, Lin Mu couldn't help but admire Kaido in his heart.

Lin Mu knew very well in his heart that the pain of being burned by the purple fire was not much weaker than the pain when he obtained the new gene, and when he suffered that kind of pain, he almost wanted to die.

Moreover, there was only thirty seconds between the pain and the bath, but even if it was only thirty seconds, Lin Mu would not be able to move freely for several minutes after that.

But now, Kaido's body has been burned under the purple fire for half a minute, but only the skin and hair on the surface of the body are scorched and scorched, and there is no trace of affecting his life at all.

Seeing this, Lin Mu's brows furrowed deeply, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Because Lin Mu and Kaido both belong to the type with almost unlimited physical strength, if they attack, they can attack for several days or even ten days without any pressure, but it is completely meaningless.

So at the very beginning, the two had already agreed that the attack time of the two must have a limited time, and Kaido proposed a one-minute time limit!

Obviously, Kaido is not ignorant of Lin Mu's ability, and knows the terrifyingness of Lin Mu's flame, so he continued to propose a minute and never gave in.

As for Lin Mu, considering that even Blackbeard couldn't last under the purple fire for more than a minute with the ability of the dark fruit, he then agreed to Kaido's request.

That is to say, the two attacked each other, no matter what, they could only last for one minute at most, and when Kaido attacked Lin Mu before, he stopped after one minute.

So, now that the purple fire can burn Kaido for at most one minute, Lin Mu must take back the purple fire, otherwise Lin Mu will automatically lose the game!

As time passed by, the flames on Kaido's body rose more and more fiercely. After fifty seconds, the air even filled with a scorched smell, which was obviously the flesh and blood on Kaido's body. scorched by flames.

However, Kaido's eyes were not dimmed at all, and they were still shining. Obviously, this injury could not pose a fatal threat to him.

Lin Mu counted second by second in his heart, and when the time reached one minute, despite helplessness, Lin Mu walked to Kaido's side one step at a time, and then pointed at Kaido's body.

Immediately afterwards, the purple flames rising from Kaido dissipated like a low tide, and was taken back by Lin Mu.

Lin Mu knew very well in his heart that if he continued to let the purple fire continue to burn, Kaido would definitely be burned to death, but that didn't make any sense.

Because he wants the historical text, not Kaido's life!

(I’m really sorry for the updates in the past few days. I took a trip to Chongqing for personal reasons, and I don’t have much time every day for my physical and mental exhaustion. I’m going home by train tonight, and tomorrow will be Friday!).

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