Pirate Mutant System

261 Destroy the new Marine Division! (1/5)

It was very easy for Lin Mu to burn Kaido to death, because once the purple fire got on Kaido's body, it would never disappear without burning Kaido's ashes.

Kaido's defense is amazingly powerful, but in front of the purple flames, the skin on his body has been scorched. As long as the flames continue to burn the skin, it will be flesh and blood, and then the internal organs and bones!

This process may take a long time, but it is easy to take Kaido's life.

Because Kaido does not have the ability to put out the purple fire~.

However, Lin Mu couldn't do this, because his purpose was not to kill the Four Emperors from the beginning, but to obtain the four historical texts of the road signs in the hands of the Four Emperors.

And to get the historical text, it is necessary to pry open the Four Emperors and let them say the whereabouts of the historical text.

Lin Mu threatened Luffy with his companions, and threatened Blackbeard with his life, both of which made rhyme decisions based on the characters of the two, and finally succeeded in obtaining the historical text from these two.

However, these two methods do not have much effect on Kaido, but may anger Kaido, so that Kaido would rather die with the pirates than tell the specific location of the historical text.

It is for this reason that Lin Mu has no choice but to get along with whoever dies first, hoping to defeat him in the game, and then let Kaido tell the whereabouts of the historical text.

Since it's a competition, you have to abide by the rules, and breaking the rules is equal to failure.

So Lin Mu had no choice but to withdraw the burning purple fire on Kaido's body.

"Troisen!" After the purple fire was taken back by Lin Mu, Kaido's muscles twitched silently for a few times, then he raised his head to look at Lin Mu and called out Lin Mu's name word by word.

"I finally understand why those people change color when they mention your name, your flame is really scary, if there is no one-minute limit, I am afraid that even if I can't ping for a long time, I will be burned to death! Kaido's eyes Staring at Lin Mu burningly, he said, "My body is so strong that I can't feel any danger or pain. You will never understand how boring and lonely this kind of life is!"

"A life without any danger, a life without any excitement, is really boring!"

"So, I fell in love with suicide, and hoped that by challenging all kinds of harsh environments, even a little excitement would appear in my life, but unfortunately it never succeeded!"

"But this time, I found that feeling. When I was just burned by the flames, I finally felt pain, felt danger, and even felt the thrill of life being lost forever! 99

When he said this, Kaido's eyes released a lot of light, although the skin on his body was burnt black at the moment, but his face was full of excitement: "If there is no limit for one minute, I will definitely be killed by you!

"But..." Said here, Kaido's voice changed: "The rules are the rules, since I didn't kill me within a minute, then it's my turn to attack!"

"Are you going to attack me yourself, or do you want me to do something?" There was no fluctuation in Lin Mu's voice, as if he hadn't heard Kaido's excited declaration just now.

Lin Mu doesn't care about how Kaido thinks about what just happened, he cares about the victory of this game, and the final historical text.

Lin Mu's indifference did not affect Kaido's excitement. After a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Zu's corner, Kaido said around: "Troisen, I think that the new Naval Headquarters has been unhappy for a long time. You broke in to get that plaque, but if you think about your teleportation ability, it might be a problem for the police, but it's easy for you."

"So I'll change my request, you go and smash that place! Kaido said: "Smash the new Naval Headquarters and meet me, even if you pass this round!"

After taking a deep look at Kaido, Lin Mu just spit out the word "okay", then turned around, took a step forward and disappeared, and when he rediscovered, he had already reached a few brown rice and turned into a face. A small point that is hard to detect with the naked eye.

·0 for flowers..

And Kaido saw this scene with a flash of envy in his eyes, no one would not be envious of his ability to come and go freely.

"Troisen, don't let me down, I finally found an opponent who can make me feel the danger. If you lose easily, then this game will be meaningless!"

Looking at the direction where Lin Mu was leaving, Kaido murmured with a smile on his face.

Naval Headquarters Malin Fodor, along with the island where it was located, was completely burned by Lin Mu at the end of the war on the top four years ago, and completely disappeared from this world.


Marine suffered heavy losses in that battle, until two years later when the World Conscription was slowed down, and now it has returned to the level of its heyday, and is even stronger than it was four years ago.

However, this power is for others!

For today's Lin Mu, the power of his Master is completely ahead of the Admiral level, even the power of the Four Emperors level.

He could easily kill the Four Emperors, and naturally he could easily kill Marine Admiral.

This has nothing to do with the number of heirs. Whether it is three Admiral or thirty Admiral, for Lin Mu, there is no district police, it is just a matter of fire.

So when faced with Kaido's request, Lin Mu's heart didn't even waver.

With Lin Mu's current combat power, Naval Headquarters is just like paper in his eyes. Destroying it is too easy, it's as easy as piercing a layer of window paper.

After leaving Kaido's base camp, Lin Mu went straight to the new Naval Headquarters, which is located in New World, the original MarineG1 branch base!

Now even the three Admiral have been updated, and Lin Mu only has a little understanding of Fujitora. As for the other two Admiral Momousagi and tea dolphin, Lin Mu is very curious!

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