This is the biggest problem that Carl realized.

In the pirate world, ordinary people can only use one devil fruit, and even he is not surprised, but he does not intend to be a landlubber.

But he is bound to [Zero], and can sum up their strength, so... is it possible for the devil fruit's ability to be summed up and fed back to him?

If so, does it mean that he can have multiple devil fruit abilities?

【Yes! And the host is not restricted by the weakness of the devil fruit!】

The system's affirmative answer made Carl happy again.

The road to becoming stronger has been broadened a lot!

"How did things go?"Karl calmed down and looked up and asked

"Boss, it's done."Akainu and his crew came back.

Ghost Spider looked at the Devil Fruit in Kizaru's hand curiously,"Is this the Devil Fruit? I don't know what it is capable of."

"You will know after you eat it." Chatun said jokingly with a smile.

The young Ghost Spider was not as ferocious as he looked. He waved his hands in fear,"I don't eat anything carelessly. Who knows if the devil fruit will give me a useless ability? Not only did I not become stronger, but I became a landlubber."

They are all elites of the navy, and naturally they are aware of the flaws of the devil fruit.

But at the same time, if it is a powerful ability, then it is worth the risk of becoming a landlubber.

After all, all future admirals of the navy are devil fruit users.

"Well, now I can tell you a good news, this devil fruit is very powerful……"

"It's the Parahuman-type Heavy Fruit!"

The crowd was shocked

"Hmm~ It sounds a bit incredible~" Kizaru looked surprised. Akainu

’s cold face showed a trace of emotion,"The Heavy Fruit… It is said that it can change the gravity position at will, making objects heavier and even floating."

"That's right." Carl nodded and said,"This is the general ability. When it is put into practice, the effect will be even stronger. As long as you are strong enough, you can even summon meteorites to fight for you!"

Carl's voice seemed to be full of different magic. The eyes of the people looking at this devil fruit no longer had the fear they had before, but instead were faintly excited.


Carl paused deliberately, and continued with a long tone:"Does anyone want to become a user of special abilities?"

In Carl's opinion, all Fujitora who take the Juju Fruit will become admirals in the future.

It is not a loss for them to take the Juju Fruit now, and it may even make them stronger.

For a moment, the scene fell into silence. People like Kizaru and Akainu were completely unmoved, because they felt that the Juju Fruit was not suitable for them.

However, a few people had ideas about the Juju Fruit.

After all, this is a big temptation.

Carl observed the performance of the crowd and said with a smile:"It's just a devil fruit. You will encounter powerful devil fruits in the future. You can draw lots for this fruit."

Carl suggested.

Everyone present was moved.

Unexpectedly, in the face of a powerful devil fruit, Carl still had no idea and still gave it to them.

The draw finally decided the candidate: Mole.

The mole looked at the devil fruit in his hand, his heart was excited, and he took a bite with anticipation.


"It's too disgusting!!"

The mole roared madly. Even if he had strong willpower, he couldn't stand this kind of disgusting taste that was even worse than the Nine-turn Large Intestine. He almost vomited bile.

But on the contrary, the mole gained the power of the Heavy Fruit!

When the mole can fully adapt to the power of the Heavy Fruit and master it, his combat power will increase rapidly, and this will bring more feedback to Carl!

At the same time, a special energy surged out of Carl's body.

At this moment, he seemed to be able to control the changes in the surrounding force field. With the spread of the observation Haki, several meteorites in outer space showed signs of loosening and falling.

"This is the power of heavy fruits.……"Carl's eyes flickered, and he murmured softly in his heart.

He had gained another ability.

Moreover, it seemed that if this ability was used well, it would achieve unexpected results in battle.

At the same time, the system's prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! Host ability growth detected……】

【Reward: Chicken Talisman! Lots of Observation Haki!】

【Chicken Talisman: Allows the holder to use telekinesis to levitate in the air and control the movement of objects】

"The chicken charm?"

Carl muttered to himself, thinking:"I don't know if the system's rewards are random or fixed.……"

But before he could ask the system, Taotu's crisp and lively voice rang in his ears,"Boss, where are we going next?"

So Carl regained his focus and ordered,"The place where General Bruno lost contact last is very close to Gus Island. Let's go to the island to take a look."

The Chicken Talisman was not sent out in a hurry.

The Floating Moon Step can be replaced to a large extent, and the Chicken Talisman can be kept as a reward for [Zero] in the future.

"Gus Island... but it is known as the pirate town, and there are pirates with bounties of over 100 million. Are we going there directly?"Huoshaoshan, biting a cigar, couldn't help asking.

Gus Island, because there is a volcano group on the island, there are very few residents, and the navy is too lazy to occupy such a useless island. Over time, it has become a small gathering place for pirates, just like Rocks' Beehive Island, but the degree of danger here is nothing compared to Beehive Island.

"Of course."Karl affirmed:"It was just a small fight before, your real training starts now!"

Hearing what Karl said, everyone became eager to try.

The group quickly rushed to Gus Island.

And after this reward, Karl's observation Haki successfully broke through to the [Perfect] level!

His strength was raised to the peak of the admiral!

Host: Karl

Strength: Peak of the admiral

Taijutsu (Perfect)

Armament Haki (Perfect)

Observation Haki (Perfect)

Conqueror Haki (Low Level)

Finger Gun (Perfect)


Ox spell

Chicken spell

Heavy fruit


The only thing that made Carl feel a little disappointed was that no one else had awakened their Conqueror Haki, which meant that his Conqueror Haki could not be improved.……


But Carl and the others didn't know that Gus Island, now known as the pirate town, had already become a mess. There were shouts of killing everywhere, and the corpses of pirates could be seen everywhere. The smoke of war completely permeated the town.

The reason for all this was because of a devil fruit.

It is called the most aggressive natural devil fruit!

Magma Fruit!

The big pirate Moby, who has a bounty of 500 million Beli, is leading his men to fight for the magma fruit.

As a powerful swordsman, the long sword in Moby's hand has been completely stained red with blood, and the whole person releases a cold murderous intent, shocking the other pirates.

Opposite him are two groups of big pirates who have joined forces, with bounties of 318 million Beli Lotodus and 277.4 million Beli Dibal respectively.

In this era, pirates with bounties of over 100 million are extraordinary, and now there are three of them at once.

""Lotodas, Dibal, hand over the magma fruit obediently, and I might spare your lives! If you still insist on doing it, don't blame me for being rude!" Moby, who was burly and full of murderous aura, said coldly.

The long sword in his hand flashed with a cold and icy light, and there was a murderous intention.

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