Taotu mustered up great courage to say this, then lowered her head, kept repeating"I'm sorry" in a low voice, and didn't even dare to look up at Carl.

If it was Gion who later became a candidate for the general, she might not have such little girl emotions.

But now she is a little girl who has not experienced much of the world.


Karl couldn't help but be stunned.

He thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be this.

Anyway, the strength will be exposed sooner or later, and you can't keep pretending to be a pig and not eat the tiger, right?

By the way, is what happened just now a big deal?

""Oh, what do I think? You said it, so what? Even if you didn't say it, someone else would. And I was going to report it myself, and you just happened to say it for me. I have to thank you." Carl comforted her without blushing or beating his heart.


Taotu was slightly stunned, raised her bitter little face in disbelief, and whispered:"Really?"

Carl's eyes shone with sincerity, and he said frankly:"Of course it's true. How could I lie to you?"

"Then...then you forgive me."Taotu heaved a sigh of relief, and a smile finally appeared on her rosy little face.

At the same time, the tears in her eyes dripped down her cheeks.

Carl was puzzled. It was just a small matter. Is it necessary to cry? She doesn't look like a candidate for the general in the future.

It seems that she needs to be trained well in the future.

But then again, he stretched out his hand with some reluctance, gently wiped away Taotu's tears, and comforted her softly:"What's there to cry about? Girls are not beautiful when they cry. So, don't cry no matter what happens. If you are bullied in the future, come to me. I'll see who dares to bully the only beauty of [No. 0]!"

Carl reacted quickly, comforting her and laughing and joking.

Taotu finally burst into laughter, nodded heavily and said:"Thank you!"

Then she ran away like a fly.

Looking at her back, Carl scratched his hair inexplicably, and then turned around and left the training ground without thinking much.

Back in the dormitory, Carl lay on the bed and pondered:

"The Admiral's disappearance is a foregone conclusion.

I'm afraid that Steel Bone and Sengoku have no hope for this matter.

The purpose of letting me find out the truth of this matter is more to train me, and it's just the right opportunity to train the members of [Zero]...

But the Rocks Pirates are the biggest risk after all.

No one knows what happened in the Valley of the Gods.

After all, it's not as simple as it seems on the surface that can make the World Government spend a huge price to leave traces...

So, if you want to face the storm in the sea, you have to be stronger!

Only by making [Zero] stronger!


"It seems... that we can't train them in a conventional way.……"

In the room, only Karl's low murmur was left.


The next morning, a navy ship slowly sailed out of Marinford.

There were only eleven people on board, including Carl and the Zero member.

"Boss, what mission are we going to carry out? Kill the pirates?"Akainu stood beside Carl and couldn't help asking.

In Akainu's view, if he wanted to defend justice, all he had to do was kill all the pirates, and he could pay any price for it.

Carl looked at the vast sea and said calmly,"Admiral Bruno is missing."

"What? The admiral is missing?" Akainu was shocked. Kizaru said in disbelief:"Well~ the admiral is missing... That's terrible~"

Momosagi said in shock:"Then our mission is to find Admiral Buno?"

"Finding clues to Admiral Bruno is just one of them."Carl turned around, looked at the future combat power of the navy, and said in a deep voice:"The most important task is to train you! Let you grow quickly! I have a hunch that within a year, a major event that will change the world will happen on the sea. If you don't want to become a burden at that time, you must do your best to become stronger in the next period of time!"


Everyone answered in unison.

Carl had already established an image in everyone's mind, and now he could mobilize the passion of the young men with just a few words.

An adventure for the navy gradually began.


Two days later.

Gus Island waters

"There's a pirate ship ahead!" Mole put down his telescope and reported respectfully.

"Pirates are really rampant... How many batches have come here to die?" Akainu twisted his neck coldly, murderous intent rising.

Along the way, he encountered many pirates who took the initiative to attack pirate ships.

Perhaps because there was only one navy ship, it became a hot prey in the eyes of pirates.

Carl leaned on a recliner with a parasol above him, looking very comfortable.

When he heard the news, he didn't even open his eyes, and said in a low voice:"Deal with it."

In fact, Carl is not a bloodthirsty and murderous person, but some extremely vicious pirates deserve to die!

"Got it!"

Akainu, Kizaru and others attacked quickly, because they wanted to move the battlefield away from the navy ships to avoid disturbing Carl.

Ten minutes later, Kizaru rushed back first, walked to Carl, and reported in a low voice:"Well~ Boss, a devil fruit was found on the local pirate ship~"

Devil fruit?

Carl was a little surprised, then opened his eyes, stood up and looked.

Kizaru was holding an oval object in his hand. It looked like a fruit, but it was covered with weird devil-like patterns.

This is the devil fruit that many people on the sea dream of.

【Ding! The Devil Fruit Viewing function is enabled. 】

Just then, the system prompt sounded in Carl's mind.

Devil Fruit Viewing function?

Carl was slightly happy in his heart. It came just in time. He could check what the ability of this Devil Fruit was.


He whispered in his heart

【Ding! Devil Fruit Detected……】

【Devil Fruit——】

【Superhuman Series·Multiple Fruits!】

【Effect of consumption: You can use your ability to manipulate the strength and direction of gravity at will.

You can instantly raise gravity to a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers from the ground, and pull down meteorites with high temperature flames.

You can also make objects float weightlessly.

In addition, you can also make gravity form a repulsive force to deflect the opponent's attack.

You can also swap the direction of gravity in an area and drop everything on the ground into the sky.

Gravity Fruit?

Carl raised his eyebrows and a smile instantly appeared on his face.

He never thought that he would get the gravity fruit so easily without realizing it.

This devil fruit, which will belong to Admiral Fujitora in the future, is undoubtedly powerful!

However, Carl suddenly thought of something and asked silently in his heart:"System, if [Zero] takes the devil fruit, can the ability be fed back to me?"

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