Training ground.

Cyborg's eyes were a little surprised.

Wait, he seemed to have forgotten something.

This is the headquarters of the Navy! Would n't it be inappropriate for two guys with the strength of admirals to fight here? ?

Sengoku exclaimed beside him,"Stop them quickly, don't let them fight!"

If they continue to fight, it will be Marinford who will suffer!

At this time, the situation in the field has changed.

The fists of the two people who collided have separated.

Carl's feet sank deep into the ground, and the entire training ground shattered in an instant, turning into a ruin. But he didn't see any injuries, but his face was full of excitement and enthusiasm.

In comparison,

Zefa looked more embarrassed.

Because... he flew out again.

With the blessing of the power of the bull spell, Carl's strength can be said to have reached a monster level. Although Zefa was prepared, he still felt caught off guard. He was blown away by the impact and recoil.

But this time, Zefa performed the Moon Step in the air, constantly consuming the impact force, and only stopped before hitting the building.

This time, his eyes looking at Carl completely changed.

It is no exaggeration to say that Carl is qualified to be a navy admiral!

His wildness was aroused, and his fighting spirit surged instantly. He turned into a shadow and rushed towards Carl again.

Carl was not afraid. He pulled his feet out of the ground and rushed towards the opponent at an extremely fast speed.

Before the two of them could fight, three figures appeared between them.

Steel Bone, Garp, and Sengoku

""That's enough! If you keep fighting, my Marinford will be destroyed!" Cyborg shouted coldly, stopping the two.

Carl quickly retracted his fist.

Zephyr calmed down, thought about the consequences of the fight, and stood aside in silence.

Garp laughed and patted Carl on the shoulder, praising:"Good boy, your strength makes me very impressed!"

Even the future naval hero Garp is very optimistic about and agrees with Carl.

Sengoku stood beside Rawl with a smile, and said with regret:"Carl, if you had shown your strength earlier, maybe you would have become an admiral now."

Yes, with Carl's current strength, it would be a pity if he didn't become an admiral.

Although he only collided with Zephyr twice.

But he completely occupied the upper hand. He was able to challenge the admiral without retreating, and his strength was extraordinary.

After all, not everyone can get the upper hand from the"black wrist" Zephyr.

Cyborg hugged his arms, his dragon-like muscles bulged, looking very oppressive, and he couldn't stop smiling on his face,"Carl, the task is left to you, give me the result as soon as possible.

Then he turned to the shocked members of [Zero] in the distance and shouted,"Karl will be your chief instructor from now on! In the future, he will lead you to go out on missions, and you must follow his orders unconditionally! Also, learn more from Karl, I hope you can grow up soon!"

"Don't let me down, and don't let Carl who has worked so hard for you down."

As expected of a leader, a few simple words have done the job of motivating.

After saying this, Cyborg led Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr, and Crane away from here.

Carl tore off his clothes that were shredded in the previous fight, revealing his full muscles. Although his smooth muscle lines were not as impactful as Cyborg and Zephyr's, they looked particularly beautiful.

Especially Taotu, whose face was red and she dared not look directly at Carl.

"Instructor Carl...actually defeated Admiral Zephyr!" Akainu took a deep breath, feeling very stupid for provoking Carl.

"Wow~ Too strong! Instructor Carl is so scary~" Kizaru didn’t expect that Carl, who usually seemed to be more lazy than him, was actually as strong as the admiral!

It’s so shocking.

It seems that I have to slack off less in the future... Kizaru thought silently

"So handsome! Instructor Carl is so handsome!" Taotu couldn't help but stare at Carl with little stars in her beautiful eyes, with an expression of admiration and respect.

"Instructor Carl, will you be the one leading us from now on?"

"That's right." Carl glanced at the ruined training ground and frowned,"The training ground can't be used now... Never mind, I'll give you a day off today, relax and follow me to carry out the mission tomorrow!"

""Yes! Boss!"

I don't know who shouted this first, and everyone else followed suit.

"Yes! Boss!"

"Boss, how do you usually practice? It seems that you are not much older than us?" Huoshaoshan asked while touching his head.

This question also made others very curious.

That's right, Carl is usually not seen practicing. He is either lying down to enjoy the cool air or going home on time.

Carl showed a mysterious smile and whispered mysteriously:"The secret is: don't practice!""

Silly children, I have you and it's enough.


What is that?

It's totally unnecessary!"

"Huh? That's impossible."

"Boss, please teach us your experience. Someone asked.

Carl didn't want to dwell on this topic too much, and said with a serious face:"Five seconds, I will personally practice with the person who doesn't leave, it just happened that I didn't have a good fight just now!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately dispersed.

Akainu was still a little hesitant and wanted to ask Carl for some advice, but when he thought about the scene where Carl forced Zefa to retreat just now, he shuddered and left honestly.

"This mission is extremely dangerous, so be prepared."

Carl's voice came from far behind everyone, and everyone was immediately startled. It seemed that they were going to complete a dangerous mission. Perhaps this was one of the purposes of forming [Zero].

Everyone left, and only Taotu stayed.

Carl stared at Taotu with a puzzled look. No matter how he looked at her, Taotu didn't look like she was going to stay for additional training.

She lowered her head, her face flushed, and her little hands were so nervous that they rubbed the corners of her clothes.

But it must be said that she had a unique beauty at this moment. Her delicate face was already eye-catching, and her smooth and slender legs were even more eye-catching, especially the obvious tattoos, which added a bit of weird beauty, but it was inconsistent with Taotu's current performance.

Carl looked at Taotu who had been struggling, and couldn't help but ask softly:"Gion, is there anything else?"

The other party now looked too much like a hesitant little rabbit, and Carl was afraid that he would scare the other party away if he spoke louder.

""Um... Instructor Carl... I, I have something to tell you." Taotu stammered, her voice very low.

If it weren't for Carl's sharp senses, he wouldn't have been able to hear what he was saying.

"You talk, I'm listening."

Taotu raised her smiling face slightly, looking like she was about to cry, and said with guilt:"It's all my fault. I told Sister He about your affairs. I brought you trouble. I'm sorry, Instructor Carl, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.……"

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