Carl activated the power of the chicken spell, floating in the air, his eyes lowered, slowly retracting his playful look and becoming serious.

He knew that the real battle had just begun!

Whoosh— the wind whistled.

The silver axe cut through the sky and swept across.

Carl's arm was wrapped with armed color domineering, shining with a dark and deep luster, and he raised his arm to block it.

He rushed forward and punched out with his other fist.

The silver shield was pushed out.


A dull sound erupted.

Both of them shook their bodies and then launched the next round of attacks.

After the real fight, the silver axe was not completely powerless to resist the huge power of the bull spell.

Carl's arm suddenly turned into rolling lava and spread out like a surging wave, trying to swallow the silver axe.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's shield flickered and pushed out a strong breath.

Armed color domineering, released.

The magma dissipated, and Carl's fist instantly penetrated and hit the shield.


The force of the Bull Talisman, combined with the explosive force of the Dragon Talisman, forced Silver Axe back.

But at the same time, Silver Axe swung the long axe horizontally, hitting Carl's shoulder, hindering his attack rhythm.

Carl took a deep breath again and attacked suddenly.

Silver Axe swung the silver long axe and chopped it down from the sky.




The continuous sound of collisions was transmitted to every corner of Gus Island.

The battle between the two had already entered a white-hot stage.

On the coast of Gus Island, the members of [Zero] gathered on the navy ship, looking at the battle on Gus Island from afar, all with worried expressions.

"It's Silver Axe! I didn't expect him to be here!"Mole gritted his teeth and said,"Hurry up and ask for help from the headquarters."

"Hmm! Although the Silver Axe is scary...but Boss Karl is even scarier~" Kizaru was a little worried, but he had more confidence in Roll.

Akainu unexpectedly agreed with Kizaru,"Trust Boss Karl! Even if we ask for help from the headquarters, the battle will be over by the time the reinforcements arrive.""

"Hmm~ If only the speed was fast enough~" Kizaru couldn't help but sigh

"Alas! I didn't even have time to give the Bull Talisman to the boss."Sauro covered his head, looking very annoyed. Kizaru suddenly had an idea, and swallowed nervously, and asked tentatively:"You say... Is it possible that the boss already has the power of the Bull Talisman?"

His words instantly made the scene quiet.


I don't know who swallowed.

"Maybe... maybe... it's really possible." Huoshaoshan bit his cigar and said in disbelief.

"How did the boss do it? He is like a real monster!"Chatun's words drew unanimous agreement from everyone. Taotu thought of something and asked,"Sakaski, is the boss's explosive power the magma fruit?"

"No." Akainu said firmly, his arm turned into magma, making the people around him feel the surging heat, but there was no explosion feeling like Carl,"Boss, that is definitely a special ability!"

"The boss is so mysterious... Why do I feel like I can't see through his cards at all?"

"So, the boss should be able to defeat Silver Axe, right?"

"It must be possible! After all, no one has ever seen the boss really take action!"

Just as everyone was discussing, the ground on Gus Island suddenly shook, and thick black smoke rose into the sky.

"Hmm? What happened?" Chatun was surprised. Kizaru suddenly thought of something and said with a trembling voice:"Hmm~ We seem to have forgotten something important.~"

""Volcanoes!" Akainu shouted.

They almost forgot that the center of Gus Island is a volcano!

"The volcano...erupted!"

Everyone looked out and could clearly see red magma rushing out of the crater amidst the thick black smoke.

"Oh no! Get out of here!"

"Oh my god! The boss is playing too big!"

"Boss, will everything be alright?"

"I don't know if the boss is okay, I just know that if we don't run, we will be swallowed by the magma!"

Akainu looked at the surging magma, jumped and rushed to Gus Island, leaving only one sentence,"You retreat first, I'll go find the boss!"

Magma is not a problem for him who has magma fruit.


""Mad man! You are a fucking mad man!"

Silver Axe roared and roared, furious.

His arm holding the shield was shaking constantly, and the shield was covered with fist marks, all of which were the result of the hard fight with Carl just now.

Although he has a strong physique, he can't withstand the combined attacks of the Bull Talisman and the Dragon Talisman again and again.

Just now, the two of them fought all the way to the vicinity of the volcano, and Silver Axe saw with his own eyes that Carl, the mad man, took the initiative to detonate the crater and let the volcano erupt.

The rushing and boiling magma that fell from the sky made Silver Axe's scalp numb.

On the other hand, Carl completely turned into a magma man, constantly absorbing the magma from the volcanic eruption, strengthening himself, and in the blink of an eye, he formed a magma giant standing opposite Silver Axe.

With the help of With the power of natural magma, Carl's explosive strength has reached a new level.

Indistinctly, there is a feeling of breaking through the peak strength of the general.

But, unfortunately, it is still a little short.

Swish - the arm of the magma giant that Carl turned into was wrapped with armed color domineering, and the deep black luster flashed in the red light, which looked very strange.

Bull Talisman!

Dragon Talisman!

Heavy Fruit!

All kinds of abilities were condensed on the arm in an instant.

A devastating punch suddenly fell.

The air was full of the smell of burning, and the space showed dense cracks under the power of this punch, as if it could not withstand the terrifying force.

The face under the silver axe helmet changed again and again, and finally it was extremely ugly.

"I should have known I would not have come! I ran into such a madman!"

He was extremely upset.

But he still did not forget to burst out with all his strength, otherwise he might really be killed by Carl's punch.

He carried the shield on his back, holding the handle of the silver long axe with both hands, and his whole body armor was filled with a strong layer of armed color domineering.

""Knight's special skill: Charge and Slash!"

Silver Axe shouted, and suddenly burst out with an indomitable momentum, swinging the axe and rushing forward.

The speed was so fast that it left a series of sonic booms in the air.

Akainu shuttled through the magma, and saw the magma giant full of the aura of destroying the world from a distance. He was shocked and speechless.

Everything he saw was almost beyond his cognition.

As the saying goes, it was numb.

But then, something happened that made him even more numb.

Carl and Silver Axe's attacks collided with each other.


There was a brief silence.

Then, brilliant white light burst out from the center of the two people's attack collision...

Then, a deafening roar broke out.

The wave of destruction instantly began to destroy the entire island.

The magma giant broke apart, and Carl emerged from it. His chest rose and fell violently. He was exhausted, but he was not injured!

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