The silver axe in Silver Axe's hand had long disappeared. It could only be blasted to the ground by the recoil force in the storm, and then penetrated the ground, penetrated the magma, and finally reached the deep sea. Fortunately, the shield behind him reduced a lot of impact for him. He was seriously injured and fell into a coma in the deep sea. Before he fell into the coma, his mouth seemed to be cursing the national quintessence.

The chaotic ocean current swept the unconscious Silver Axe, and no one knew where he drifted.

Gus Island was blown through!

Magma flowed, seawater poured back, and rocks and soil collapsed, a scene of destruction.

Akainu was hit by the storm and fell into the sea, and he sank deeper and deeper. The feeling of powerlessness invaded him and made him feel desperate.

Fortunately, Carl, who was floating in the air with the chicken spell in the sky, was about to leave. His keen observation Haki captured Akainu's breath, and then penetrated the wind and waves, reached out to pick up Akainu, and flew to the periphery.

"This guy is quite righteous."

Akainu's return was completely beyond Carl's expectation.

It also showed Carl that Akainu still had a chance to be redeemed, and he had not yet taken the extreme path.

Looking at the ruins gradually sinking into the sea below from above, Carl sighed,"I didn't expect that the first move would destroy an island!"……"

"Oh no! I wonder if Silver Axe is still alive!"

Carl was so excited that he went all out without any concern for the consequences. Fortunately, there were no residents on Gus Island and the pirates were cleaned out.

The only problem was Silver Axe. Carl was not sure if he was dead or not.

The navy ship was floating in the waves with difficulty.

The people on the ship were filled with fear and disbelief.

"Shit! Gus Island was destroyed!" Huoshaoshan said blankly. The cigar in his mouth had fallen on the deck, but he was unaware of it.

"What a crazy battle to create such a destructive scene!"Sauro was full of admiration. This kind of power was even stronger than their giants.

"I wonder how the boss and Sakaski are doing. Let's prepare to return and find them!" Kizaru's voice was solemn, and his tone had changed, without any cynical attitude.

"We are fine." Carl's voice came from the sky, and then he descended from the sky with Akainu.

"Boss! I'm so glad you're okay!" Taotu's eyes were red and her face was excited.

"Well, don't worry, I'm not that weak."Karl comforted casually, not noticing the other feeling under the girl's excitement.

Sauro waved his fist excitedly, and said excitedly:"The boss is so fierce! The island was blown up!"


Karl always felt that this sentence sounded weird.

Fierce... blow up... what the hell is going on!

Kizaru's heart was relieved, and he couldn't wait to ask:"Boss Karl, where is Silver Axe? Did you kill him?"

Karl's eyes sank slightly, and he shook his head and said:"I knocked him into the sea, and I don't know whether he is dead or alive."

"Hmm~ I believe that even if Silver Axe is not dead, he will be skinned alive. The boss is still fierce~"

Carl's mouth twitched.

Fierce... What kind of word is this to describe him!

"cough cough……"

Akainu woke up and felt awe in his heart the first time he saw Carl.

The magma giant that destroyed the world was so terrifying that it left an indelible mark in his heart and became the goal he worked hard to achieve.

"Boss, magma.……"

Carl waved his hand to interrupt Akainu and stopped him from continuing. He knew what he was going to ask.

But now was not the right time to let them know Carl's secret.

"There are some things that I will tell you when the time is right. Before that, I hope you can help me keep the secret."

Carl looked serious and serious.

Seeing him like this, Akainu shut up tactfully.

Although Kizaru, Momosagi and others were very curious, they suppressed their doubts in their hearts and made up their minds to help Carl keep the secret.

Especially Momosagi, she decided this time that she would not tell Crane anything about Carl.

Carl stretched out his palm, and in his palm lay a hexagonal block with a dragon pattern.

Dragon Talisman

"This is the Dragon Talisman. Its power is blasting!" Carl introduced it calmly.


Everyone took a deep breath.

Sure enough, it was another powerful power!

Where did Carl get this magical thing?

"Boss, is this the same thing as the cow charm?" Taotu asked curiously.

"That's right."Karl nodded, then looked at Akainu,"Sakaski, your ability is compatible with the Dragon Talisman, so it is awarded to you."

Originally, even if the Dragon Talisman was obtained, Karl did not intend to give it to Akainu immediately, and wanted to find an opportunity to test Akainu.

But in the dangerous battle just now, Akainu was able to return to find him without fear of life and death, which already explained everything.

Akainu's radical ideas and practices made many people dislike him, but he was absolutely loyal and respectful to Karl!

This was enough for Karl.

"Give it to me?"Akainu's brain short-circuited.

Such a powerful dragon talisman was just given to him casually?

Even with the dragon talisman in both hands, Akainu was still in a dizzy state.

"But I want to make something clear. Giving you great power does not mean you can be overbearing. You must remember that no matter what you do in the future, you must keep the kindness in your heart. Justice is not absolute, and you must have a heart that can distinguish right from wrong!"

"Can you do it?"

Akainu's eyes were blank, and something in his heart was touched.

After a long time, he slowly came back to his senses and nodded heavily at Carl:

"I can!"

I can!"

These two simple words are a guarantee of Akainu's determination.

Carl nodded with great satisfaction and believed in Akainu, because he felt a kind of warmth in Akainu's eyes.

At this moment, a clear prompt sound from the system suddenly rang in Carl's mind:

【Ding, the host's strength breaks through!】

【Current strength rating: S!】

【Reward: Maximum number of people seeking peace +1. (10/11)]

Then, the panel changes.

Host: Carl

Strength: S

Taijutsu (Secret)

Armament Haki (Perfect)

Observation Haki (Perfect)

Overlord Haki (Intermediate)


Ox Charm

Chicken Charm

Dragon Charm

Heavy Fruit

Magma Fruit


A breakthrough?

Carl was slightly stunned, and then he was filled with joy.

He suppressed his excitement and continued to talk with everyone calmly.

Stockaberry asked respectfully:"Boss, where are we going next? Should we report back to the headquarters?"

Carl hesitated for a moment, glanced at everyone present, and said softly:

"Do you guys…want to become stronger?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then nodded, their eyes filled with longing.

"Well, since you want to become stronger, then don't go back to the headquarters. Next, I will go find a powerful devil fruit for you! Let you quickly become stronger in a short period of time!"

Carl waved his hand and made a decision.

He wanted to build a legion of all devil fruit users!

Moreover, the devil fruit must be very powerful, not weak ones.

For example, the String Fruit.

Another example is the Thunder Fruit...

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