Carl made this decision after intense thinking.

First of all, devil fruits can turn people into landlubbers.

Secondly, it is extremely difficult to find devil fruits.

However, Carl cannot refuse the system reward. According to the rules of system rewards, even if there are only twelve spells, the benefits are huge!

Dragon spell + magma fruit, Akainu's combat power soars!

At the same time, Carl can also receive feedback.

There are only three spells: the cow spell, the chicken spell, and the dragon spell.

The rest are the rabbit spell representing extreme speed, the laser pig spell, the healing horse spell, the immortal dog spell... all kinds of powerful spell abilities are exciting.

The most important thing is that the devil fruit is the only way to quickly improve strength in the short term. Moreover, the powerful devil fruit will also allow the strength of the [Zero] members to break through the original limit, which is obviously more beneficial than harmful to them.

Even if many people resist the devil fruit, they cannot deny the devil fruit.

"Looking for... Devil Fruit?" Taotu covered her mouth in surprise, and said in disbelief:"Boss, Devil Fruits are very rare. You may not find one even if you search for a year."

Carl smiled slightly,"Rare? But we encountered two powerful Devil Fruits in one day."

Taotu looked at the clear and bright eyes, her face slightly red and lowered her head.

Carl misunderstood, thinking that she had some concerns in her heart,"Don't worry, I know what your concerns are. The Devil Fruits I find for you are definitely top-notch! I want to make you the strongest in the sea!"

Carl's bold words inspired everyone, and they responded one after another.

""Okay!" He waved his hand and ordered,"Mole, inform the headquarters of what happened here. Also, use the Navy Intelligence Network to find out all the information about Devil Fruits. And, find me a man named Trebol."

"Yes!" The Mole answered respectfully and turned to the ship's communication room.

"The rest of the people continued to practice on the ship."

After giving the instructions, Carl returned to his room. He immediately checked the system panel.

Host: Carl

Strength: S

Taijutsu (Secret)

Armament Haki (Perfect)

Observation Haki (Perfect)

Overlord Haki (Intermediate)


Ox Charm

Chicken Charm

Dragon Charm

Heavy Fruit

Magma Fruit


Just now, after Akainu obtained the Dragon Talisman, the feedback allowed Carl to break through the peak of the Admiral and reach the so-called S! His physical skills also broke through directly, reaching the [Ultimate] level.

"System, what does S-level stand for?"Karl asked in confusion.

Why did it become S after General?

【S、SS、SSS is a classification of combat power. The strength of an admiral generally refers to that of Green Bull, which is very weak compared to the strong ones; S-level is the watershed, the level of admirals Akainu and Aokiji; SS-level is the monster level, Roger, Whitebeard, Garp, Golden Lion and the like; SSS is unprecedented and unparalleled, the pinnacle above all others!】

"So that's how it is."

Karl nodded after thinking about it.

To put it bluntly, only some monsters that are beyond common sense are defined as S.

And Karl only reached S in terms of hard power, his real combat power would be even stronger!

Akainu's strength may reach S level, but that is his upper limit. Now that he has the Dragon Talisman, he has the opportunity to break through to SS

【Of course, S is not the upper limit, there are SS and SSS! I wish the host to break through to SSS soon! 】

The crisp voice of the system continued to sound in his mind.

Carl's mouth twitched,"Thank you."

There are SS and SSS ratings?

How strong do you have to be to reach that?

At least Silver Axe's strength is still in the category of generals, otherwise Carl would not have won so easily.

""Will Rocks be SS or SSS?"

He thought silently in his heart, and suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

He is still not strong enough.

Fortunately, this time the system rewarded a binding quota.

Needless to say, this quota must be prepared by Carl for Aokiji.

"Next time I go back to headquarters, I will discuss with Sengoku about transferring Aokiji up. That kid has the potential to be as good as Akainu in the future, so he can't be wasted."

Carl looked serious and analyzed to himself,"There is still too little information about devil fruits. Kizaru's Shining Fruit did not appear, and Aokiji did not get the Ice Fruit. The only thing I know is that the Thunder Fruit is in Sky Island, and the String Fruit is in Trebol's hands.……"

At this time,

Doflamingo was only a baby less than a year old.

Enelu on Sky Island did not obtain the Thunder Fruit.

This was the only news that Carl could confirm.

As for other powerful devil fruits, he could only look for them in the vast ocean.


At the same time.

Marine Headquarters, Marineford. Sengoku, who received the news from Carl, was immediately upset.

He immediately dragged Garp to Cyborg's office, and happened to meet Zephyr who was returning from a mission. He was reporting on his work and didn't bother to say hello. Sengoku shouted directly,

"Something big has happened!"

Seeing Zhan Guo's anxious look, Gang Gu couldn't help but get a little nervous and said in a deep voice:"What's going on? Did Rocks do something?"

Rocks is always a huge rock hanging in the hearts of the navy.

"It is indeed related to Rocks."Zhan Guo looked sad and lamented,"Carl just sent a message that he found clues about Bruno, and all the clues point to Rocks. It is very likely that the monster personally attacked Bruno."

"What? It's confirmed?"

The last glimmer of hope in Cyborg's heart was shattered. The great admiral of the navy fell silently.

Although they had speculated for a long time, the news was still a big blow to everyone.

A trace of grief flashed across Crane's face, and he asked,"What exactly happened?"

Sengoku sorted out his emotions,"Carl led [Zero】���Lu found Gus Island and learned from the pirates there that Kaido, a new member of the Rocks Pirates, appeared on Gus Island and challenged Buno. When Kaido returned to the island again, he was with Rocks... That was exactly when Buno lost contact.……"

There was no need to elaborate on what was going on. Cyborg and Zephyr both understood what was going on.

Garp shook his head heavily and sighed,"Ah, poor Buono."

""Damn Rocks! What on earth does he want to do!" Zephyr said angrily. Cyborg quickly put away his grief. As the head coach, he had to stay calm."Sengoku, what happened to Gus Island? That's where pirates gather. Nothing happened to Carl and the others, right?"

He said this to change the subject so that the admiral would not be immersed in grief.

The topic came back to Carl.

Sengoku swallowed and said tremblingly,"Carl led [Zero] to wipe out Gus Island without any casualties.……"

Cyborg nodded in appreciation. Carl did not disappoint him.

"Then they encountered the Rocks Pirates leader, Silver Axe……"

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