The smile on Ganggu's lips slowly froze, and he murmured,"I actually encountered Silver Axe?"

"What? How could Silver Axe appear there!"Zeff was immediately startled, and stood up and roared.

He seemed to have anticipated the heavy losses of [Zero], and a burst of anger rose.

Zhan Guo ignored Zefa's fierce reaction and continued:

"Carl attacked, and beat Silver Axe to the point where he is unknown whether he is dead or alive... He even blew up Guts Island.""


The pen in Crane's hand fell on the table, but she didn't react at all.

Zephyr turned his head and stared at Sengoku with wide eyes, his face full of disbelief.

Garp froze, and the expression on his face froze.

Carl... beat Silver Axe to the point where he is unknown whether he is dead or alive? He even blew up Guts Island?

After all, Silver Axe is a cadre of the Rocks Pirates, with strength comparable to that of an admiral, but he was beaten so miserably by the fledgling Carl?

How perverted is Carl?

Cyborg was stunned, took a deep breath to suppress the shock in his heart,"Sengoku, are you sure the information is true?"

He really couldn't believe it.

"Of course! It was the rat who reported it personally. Besides, for such a big thing, Carl didn't need to falsify it."Zhan Guo's tone was firm, and it was obvious that he trusted Carl very much.

"Phew~ What an incredible guy!"Kapu let out a long sigh, found a chair to sit down, and suddenly asked:

"How old is Carl?"

"He just turned 20……"Sengoku was shocked, and then he realized that Carl was so young! He was only one year older than Kizaru, but he had the strength to defeat Silver Axe!

His future was limitless!

Maybe he could become Rocks in the Navy!

"I still underestimated this little guy." Ganggu sighed. He frowned and asked in confusion:"But how does Carl practice? I have never seen him practice on weekdays."

Zhan Guo waved his hands and shook his head repeatedly,"Don't look at me, I haven't seen him practice either."

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Yes, how does Carl practice?

Who can tell them ?

"Maybe... this is talent? Hahahaha" Finally, it was Cap who broke the silence, and his big, silly laugh echoed in the office.


Cyborg's eyes flickered.

Apart from talent, there is really no other reason.

"Defeating Silver Axe and destroying Gus Island is incredible." Zefa sighed with admiration in his tone.

Carl's performance repeatedly exceeded his expectations.

He had no doubt that Carl was the future of the navy.

Cyborg tapped the table with his fingers, as if planning the next step. He suddenly looked up and asked,"Where is Carl? Where are they now? Have they returned to the headquarters?"

"Instead of returning to the headquarters, Carl said he wanted to train Zero for a while, and they also contacted the intelligence department of the navy to collect all the information about devil fruits."Zengguo did not hide anything and reported all the information he knew.

When Cyborg heard the news, he slammed the table and shouted angrily:"Nonsense! He defeated Silver Axe and it will be easy for Rocks to notice him. Once Carl encounters Rocks, it will be the biggest loss of our navy! Give me an order immediately to recall Carl!" Zhan

Guo immediately dialed the Den Den Mushi to contact Carl.

"Bulu Bulu~~"

"Hello, I'm Mole." The voice of Mole came from Den Den Mushi.

Before Sengoku could speak, Cyborg said,"I'm Cyborg! Let Carl answer the Den Den Mushi."

"Marshal Steel? Yes!"

Mole was obviously startled, and then there was a noisy sound.

"Boss! Marshal Steel is looking for you"

"Marshal? Looking for me? Hello?"

Hearing Carl's voice, Cyborg tried to speak calmly:"I am Cyborg, I already know that you defeated Silver Axe, you have made a great contribution this time. However, you must return to Marinford immediately! This is an order!"

How could Carl not know that Cyborg was afraid of Rocks, but it was also urgent for Zero to become stronger.

"Sorry, Marshal Cyborg, I can't go back.……"

Before Karl finished speaking, the hot-tempered Cyborg suddenly got angry and shouted:"What do you mean you can't come back! This is my order! You must come back!"

"A general is not subject to orders from his sovereign when he is away from home.~~~"

The Den Den Mushi sounded busy.

Carl hung up the Den Den Mushi.

"Hang up, hang up? ?"Zhan Guo's hands trembled, unbelievable.

Carl was so brave, he actually dared to hang up Steel Bone's Den Den Mushi? ?

Also, what does it mean that a general is not subject to the orders of the king when he is away?

You are openly disobeying orders!

Carl is really brave

"he……"Zefa opened his mouth, not knowing how to describe Carl. Wasn't that boy too brave?

Veins popped out on Cyborg's forehead, and he exuded a dangerous aura. He said in a low voice,"Call me back."

Zhan Guo wiped the sweat from his forehead and called Den Den Mushi again, but he couldn't get through.

? ?

No way? ?

Zhan Guo was completely dumbfounded.

Carl took the initiative to cut off the communication! Is he crazy?

"Marshal, we can't get through." Zhan Guo said unhappily.

""I'm so pissed off!"

Cyborg roared, and smashed the desk to pieces with a slap.

The navy soldier on duty outside the door was so nervous that his back felt cold,"Did something big happen? Marshal Cyborg rarely gets so angry." What he didn't know was that the guy who made Cyborg so angry was sitting at the same table with him for dinner not long ago.

"Marshal, maybe Karl has his own ideas. He quickly persuaded

"Can you disobey orders just because you have an idea?" Cyborg glared and looked like he was going to bring Carl back personally.

Carl was very important to him, and he had to ensure Carl's safety even if he had to mobilize a large army and go out personally.

He hurriedly said:"Marshal, Carl and the others are collecting information about devil fruits, which means they are also paying attention to devil fruits. We just need to provide him with enough help, and let him do the rest by himself."

Zhan Guo echoed:"Yes, they are all young and strong people, and they always need experience. Besides, Silver Axe's life or death is unknown, so how can he have a chance to pass the information to Rocks? Maybe by the time Rocks receives the news, Carl has already returned to Marinford. Now there are only five of us who know the news. As long as we don't say it, the Gus Island incident will be a mystery, and no one will know what happened."

It must be said that Zhan Guo is worthy of being a wise general. His well-reasoned analysis calmed down the angry Cyborg.

He thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the case.

"Humph! When that kid comes back, I will settle accounts with him!" Cyborg snorted coldly, tacitly agreeing that Carl should act alone. Zhan

Guo took the opportunity to suggest:"Marshal, everyone is very sad about Bruno's accident, but the position of general cannot be left vacant forever, do you think……"

Cyborg glanced at Zhan Guo and understood the meaning of his words.

Zhan Guo was trying to get Carl the position of admiral!

Cyborg said unhappily:"This matter is not over yet! I will settle this account with that stinky boy sooner or later!"

As a dignified admiral of the navy, it has been many years since anyone has hung up on Den Den Mushi.

What's more, he refused to answer it!

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