


"Damn! Who is cursing me behind my back?——"

Carl sneezed several times, rubbing his nose with his right hand and cursing.

In his left hand, there was a Den Den Mushi foaming at the mouth.

The Mole watched Carl rudely hang up Cyborg's Den Den Mushi, and for some reason, he felt a chill on his back.

The matter came to an end, and Cyborg would no longer pursue the matter of disobedience. At the same time, the five people who knew about it kept it a secret.


The turbulent waves carried a silver figure up and down in the sea.

I don't know how long it took.

The unconscious silver figure was washed up on an island.

Not long after, he was found by the people on the island and healed the seriously injured guy.……


Three days passed in a flash.

During these three days, a big event happened on the sea. Someone found that Gus Island was missing!

A famous island disappeared strangely, which once caused a lot of panic among people.

However, no one stood up to make excuses for this.

Beehive Island.

(Also known as Hatchinos Island) is known as the paradise of pirates.

Many years later, it was the base camp of Blackbeard, one of the Four Emperors.

But now, it belongs to the sea overlord of this era-Rocks!

In the camp, many famous pirates gathered together.

"Gulala~ I didn't expect Gus Island to disappear. Did someone destroy the island?"

A tall man who looked like King Kong was holding a barrel and drinking happily.

He wore a very distinctive pirate hat, with his blond hair loose and casually scattered. His gestures showed an unusual spirit.

The strangest thing was that this man had a golden beard like a crescent moon.

The people around him looked at him with deep fear, because he was -


Edward Newgate!

One of the strongest cadres under Rocks!

"Hahahaha… Needless to say, it was the navy guys who took action. With such combat power, it is very likely that it was that bastard Garp. Now the navy dare not admit it. Those guys are really cowardly rats."

Opposite Whitebeard, a man sitting on a boulder laughed.

He was wearing traditional Japanese clothing with orange and yellow stripes, and a black robe on the outside. His long golden hair was like a cloak, reaching to the ground, like a lion's mane. In addition, his sideburns and beard were golden, and his sideburns were very long.

It was the flying pirate who was as famous as Whitebeard - the Golden Lion, Shiki!

He had"Sakuragi" on his waist."、""Ku Shi" two famous swords, with his arms folded, his expression arrogant and unruly, naturally exuding an aura called ambition.

Even in front of Whitebeard, he is still not inferior!

Next to Shiki, there is a man wearing a burgundy robe, a pirate hat, and two Western swords on his waist. He laughed and said,"I just don't know what happened to Silver Axe. There is no news until now. He won't be arrested by the navy! Hahahaha!" Captain John

, a cadre of the Rocks Pirates! He said that his companions were arrested by the navy, and not only did he not have any worries on his face, but he also laughed without any scruples. Shiki smiled arrogantly when he heard the words, and sneered:"Who cares, our pirate group will not allow the existence of trash.


""You're right! Hahaha!"

The man with a giant sword on his shoulder and a long beard that touched the ground laughed.

Wang Zhi!

He was also one of the cadres.

A little further away from them, there were two younger guys, a man and a woman.

Although they looked younger, their bodies were more burly than Whitebeard. The young man was slender, but extremely tall and burly, with black hair draped over his shoulders, a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm, and leather pants.

Hearing the discussions of Golden Lion, Captain John and others, he suddenly had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

They were obviously partners in the same pirate group, why didn't they even care about the life and death of their partners?

"Mamamama~~Kaido, what are you thinking about?"

Yes, this man is one of the Four Emperors of the New World of the Future -

Kaido, the Beast!

The woman who spoke to him was 8.8 meters tall and looked like a giant, with long pink hair and an exceptionally beautiful appearance.

Another of the Four Emperors of the New World of the Future -

Charlotte Linling.

Kaido raised his head and took a big sip of wine. His rude posture even caused the wine to splash out, and he didn't care about splashing on his body.

Then he said in a dull voice:"I wonder where the captain has gone. I haven't seen him for several days."

After that, he took another big sip of wine in a depressed voice.

There is one thing that Kaido has never changed, that is, he likes to drink.

Charlotte Linling tasted the mountain of food in front of her, and said indifferently:"The captain is like this. Aren't you used to it after so many years? mamama~~"

In the Rocks Pirates, only Kaido and Big Mom have a good relationship

"That's true." Kaido sighed slightly, then laughed and raised the wine jug,"Oh, no more talking, let's have a drink! Celebrate our joint efforts to kill the Navy Admiral!"

Charlotte Linling laughed loudly:"Mamama~ Cheers!"

If Carl could hear the conversation between the two, he would be shocked.

Because he inferred that it was Rocks who took action against Admiral Bruno, he never expected that it was Kaido and Big Mom who joined forces to kill the Navy Admiral!

Then why was it only Kaido who followed Rocks back to Gus Island that day?

Where did Charlotte Linling go?

The answer is unknown.

"Jie Hahahaha...Lingling, Kaido, you two are getting along very well!"The Golden Lion Shiki looked over and laughed

"After all, they killed the admiral of the navy, so it's worth celebrating." Wang Zhi said with a half-smile. His two straight long beards trembled while he spoke, which looked a bit funny.

Captain John put down the wine pot, his eyes flashed with greed, and he muttered quietly:"I heard that Lingling has a fantasy beast devil fruit in her hand, that thing is quite valuable……"

Now the Fish-Fish Fruit, Mythical Beast, Blue Dragon Form in Big Mom's hand has not been given to Kaido. Kaido obtained the Fish-Fish Fruit after the Battle of God Valley.

Upon hearing this, Whitebeard frowned slightly, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said in a warning tone:"That was given to her by the captain himself, I advise you not to mess around!"

"Hehehe... Newgate, what qualifications do you have to control me!" Captain John sneered at Whitebeard's threat.


Whitebeard put down the huge wine bowl and reached out to pick up the huge naginata - Kusukumokiri.

A strong and terrifying aura burst out from Whitebeard's burly body, and laughed:

"Gulala~~ Come and see if I am qualified!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Without Rocks, who else could suppress these monsters?

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