"Hahaha! There's something interesting to watch! If you want me to say it, if anyone of you has a grudge against anyone, just go and have a fight. A real man's strength is not displayed in a childish quarrel like playing house!"

The golden lion Shiki laughed defiantly, trying to escalate the situation.

Upon seeing the fight, Kaido's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously reached for Hachisaijie beside him.

Hachisaijie is the name of the mace that Kaido always carries with him.

Linling suddenly glanced at Kaido, signaling him with her eyes not to get involved.

Kaido understood, and nodded to Big Mom imperceptibly, and his hand loosened Hachisaijie.

Charlotte Linling had long disliked Captain John. That greedy guy had been eyeing the mythical beasts in her hand, and this time it was just the right time to borrow Whitebeard's hand to teach him a lesson.

For a while, Kaido and Big Mom both took a wait-and-see attitude.

""Hey, hey, hey! This is a camp! Don't do anything stupid!" Wang Zhi shouted in dissatisfaction, his long straight beard shaking more violently. It would be fine if they were doing stupid things outside, but this is their base camp, do these two lunatics want to fight here?

However, Whitebeard and Captain John ignored him.

Swish -

John drew out the rapier from his waist, grinning:"Newgate, I've been annoyed with you for a long time! Don't think you are the strongest just because you are the captain of the first team!"

His aura was sharp, not inferior to Whitebeard's at all.

Before, everyone was an officer, on an equal footing.

Recently, Rocks actually promoted Whitebeard to captain of the first division, Shiki to captain of the second division, and his Captain John to captain of the third division? Captain

John has been causing trouble for Whitebeard recently, otherwise why would Whitebeard want to go to war over a disagreement?

Wang Zhi is the captain of the fourth division.

Silver Axe is the captain of the fifth division.

Big Mom is the captain of the sixth division.

Kaido is the captain of the seventh division.

Each captain has the strength that is not inferior to the admiral.

Especially Whitebeard and Golden Lion, in Carl's eyes, they are at least S-level, and may even be SS!

The dragon-like muscles on Whitebeard's arms bulged slightly, and his whole body burst into an aura of mountains and seas.

Kusanagi Kiri swung, and the wide and sharp blade emitted a cold light, which made people shudder.

The rapier in Captain John's hand also emitted bursts of Cold light, sharp breath.

The next second.

Two figures attacked at the same time in perfect harmony.

Kurogiri swung high and chopped down fiercely. Wherever the blade went, sonic booms were heard in the air.

As Whitebeard's burly body swung Kurogiri, the people watching the battle subconsciously felt as if the ground under their feet was shaking.

The terrifying gust of wind rushed towards Captain John's head, and the cold light of the blade even stung his cheek.

His expression became extremely serious.

There are no idiots who can join the Rocks Pirates. If you still have a chance in the face of Whitebeard's full-strength attack, it will cost lives!

The armed color instantly wrapped around the rapier in his hand, and the two swords crossed to block above his head.


The airflow exploded!

Kurogiri's huge blade was blocked by two rapiers.

The auras of the two people burst out at the same time, and the impact force spread like a bomb, which hit the camp in a mess, and everything became a mess.

"Haha! The fight finally started!"

The boulder under the feet of Shiki the Golden Lion flew into the air. He stood on the boulder, motionless, as if watching a show.

Kaido and Big Mom were not affected either. The only thing that made Big Mom unhappy was that the food in front of her was destroyed.

Wang Zhi was carrying a huge sword, looking quite unhappy.

These two crazy guys didn't listen to his advice?

"Wait until the captain comes back and see how you explain it!" he said coldly

"Newgate! Is this all you have? If so, you'd better give up your position as captain of the first squadron!" Captain John looked fierce, still not forgetting to provoke.

Whitebeard stared at John with cold eyes, not bothering to talk nonsense. He exerted force with both arms suddenly, bursting out with strength again, pressing the two rapiers in John's hands to sink continuously.

"Humph! This guy has strange strength!"

John snorted coldly.

He also exerted force again, and swung out two Western swords fiercely. At the same time, he retreated with the help of the recoil force, and briefly opened up the distance.

Whitebeard did not give a chance and approached again.

Captain John wielded both swords, attacking and defending to the extreme.



In the blink of an eye, the two men fought thousands of times.

But this level is just a small fight for the two of them.

Suddenly, Whitebeard took a step back and waved his arms. A pure white ball of light formed on his fist, emitting a destructive wave.

It was the famous Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

Tremor-Tremor Fruit, beat the sky, the earth, and the air!

Captain John was horrified when he saw this, and cursed:"He actually dared to use the Tremor-Tremor Fruit in the base camp! This guy is really crazy!"

The scene before him was completely beyond Captain John's expectations.

The original small fight suddenly became serious after Whitebeard displayed the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.


Whitebeard punched down.

A crisp sound was heard.

The space in front of Whitebeard suddenly showed dense cracks, like broken glass, and the traces spread in the space.

At the same time, there was also a destructive shock force.

Tremor-Tremor Fruit, air shock, start!


An irresistible shock force hit Captain John in front of him, and he blocked it with two crossed Western swords, and stretched out and flew backwards uncontrollably.

When he stabilized his body, he was shocked to find that there was a huge gully in front of him, extending all the way to the feet of Whitebeard.

The power of Whitebeard's blow was so terrifying.

The whole camp seemed to have experienced a huge earthquake, and many buildings were destroyed by the impact storm just now.

Wang Zhi spread his hands helplessly,"This really can't end."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a violent and cold breath.

Not only him, but also Kaido, Linlin, Whitebeard and Captain John could clearly feel that breath.

Cold, violent, murderous, dark... the beast-like oppressive feeling instantly enveloped the entire camp, and countless pirates trembled.

An indifferent and cold voice came,

""Ka-ka-ka-ka! You guys are so lively without me here!"

The next second, a figure appeared in everyone's sight.

This person had a very alternative hedgehog head, wearing a crimson windbreaker, and was 2.5 meters tall. The pressure emanating from his body enveloped the entire space.

"Captain, you are finally back!"

Wang Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, looking relieved.

That man is finally back.

The well-deserved overlord of the sea -


""Ka-ka-ka! Newgate! John! You are really reckless!"

Rocks laughed defiantly.

He said reckless, but he didn't seem to blame them at all.

When Rocks arrived, Whitebeard and John stopped at the same time.

John smiled sullenly,"Captain, Newgate and I were just sparring... nothing else."

As he spoke, a drop of sweat flowed down his forehead.

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