As we all know, Rocks is a moody person.

He might be joking one second and beheading someone the next.

"I gave him the position of captain of the Newgate First Squadron! If you have any opinions, come to me directly!"

"I have important things to do recently, and I don't want to see similar things happen again."

Locks crossed his arms and said coldly.

But the wild and crazy aura released from his body has already given everyone a sense of oppression.

""Understood, Captain." John answered honestly.

The huge rock floating in the sky fell to the ground, and Ski jumped down from it. He looked at Rocks and said excitedly:"Captain, are we going to go to war with the navy?"

As an ardent warmonger, Ski really wanted to start a war with the navy.

"Navy? Kakakaka... They are not worthy of being my target!" Rocks said with an arrogant and unscrupulous laugh.

"Captain, are you saying that we can attack the Tianlong Pig now?"Wang Zhi's eyes lit up, and a fierce fighting spirit flashed across his eyes.���The high and mighty Tianlong people also have a lowly title, Tianlong pigs.

They are not worthy of being human!

"Compared to the war I want to start, what I’m doing now is just an appetizer."There was a flash of madness in Rocks’ cold eyes, and the wine-red cloak behind him fluttered without wind, highlighting his incomparable domineering attitude!

Rocks walked to a stone, picked up a wine jug and drank from it, then said disappointedly:"I wanted to use the magma fruit to attract the Celestial Dragons, but now it seems that the Silver Axe guy has failed... wasting my time!"

Rocks originally wanted to use the magma fruit to attract the Celestial Dragons and use their blood to pave the way for his great plan.

However, the first step failed.

He was a little angry and a little anxious.

He didn't have much time left.

"Captain, use my mythical beast devil fruit."Charlotte Linlin suddenly stood up and said

""Ka-ka-ka-ka!" Rocks laughed strangely,"Ling-ling, this is what I gave away."

The implication was that I had already given the things away, and there was absolutely no way I could take them back.

After all, he was Rocks!

"But……"Lingling was still a little hesitant.

Rocks's expression became even crazier,"Don't worry. I have found a more powerful fruit... and it is more attractive to the damn Tianlong Pig!"

"Kakakaka... The beginning of blood! It's coming soon!"


"Just wait and see!……"

The entire Beehive Island was filled with cold and crazy voices.

Some were excited, some were silent, and some were worried. No one knew Rocks's plan or what he wanted.

Even the most powerful Whitebeard couldn't see through that man.

All anyone could do in front of Rocks was obey.


Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

In a small town in a remote sea area.

In a tavern.

A man wearing a cloak with a circle and a quilt-like shape sat in a corner.

He held a cane with a plum blossom logo, wore a pair of small sunglasses, had a half nose hanging, had bangs on the upper part of his hair, glue-like hanging hair on the lower part, had a stubble on his upper lip, and had sparse teeth, looking like a sloppy uncle.

Everyone in the tavern avoided him.

Not only because he was so sloppy that people felt disgusted, but also because of his strength.

Just now, a drunken pirate spoke rudely to him, but was easily killed by this sloppy uncle...

Suddenly, the tavern became quiet.

Because three figures walked in at the door.

They were wearing navy uniforms!

The young man walking in front had a cold face and exuded an aura of keeping strangers away.

On his left was a guy wearing yellow striped clothes who looked sloppy.

On the far right was a swordsman with a childish face.

It was Akainu, Kizaru, and Mole.

Sauro, who was traveling with them, stayed outside.

The four of them left the main group to complete the task assigned by Carl, to find a pirate named Trebol and snatch the devil fruit from him.

As for what kind of fruit it was, Carl did not elaborate.

But Akainu and the others deduced that the devil fruit that Rawl valued must not be simple. Akainu and the other two stood at the door, their eyes scanning the entire tavern, and finally fixed on the man with the image of a sloppy uncle. Ignoring the other pirates, the three of them walked straight over.

"Trebol, right?"Akainu raised his eyes slightly and said in a low voice.

Now he not only obtained the magma fruit, but also the blessing of the dragon talisman. Although he is young, he already has the demeanor of a strong man in his actions, exuding a calm aura.

This is the innate self-confidence after becoming powerful!

It is something that a truly strong man should have!

The man with the image of a sloppy uncle had snot hanging on his face. He laughed when he heard it, revealing his uneven teeth,"Hehehe, it's the navy."

That's right, this man is Trebol, the key figure in the future rise of Doflamingo!

It's just that now, Doflamingo is still a baby.

And he also encountered Akainu and others.

A look of disgust appeared on Akainu's face, and he frowned and said,"Hand over the devil fruit."

He was too lazy to talk nonsense.

The smile on Torrebol's face froze, and his heart was shocked.

How did they know that I had a devil fruit?

He was the only one who knew about this!

He smiled calmly and said,"Hehehe... I say, I say, even if you are the navy, you can't control me."

"Or do you want to rob it by force?"

Kizaru looked at Torebol, who had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter, and said,"Well, I kindly advise you to cooperate. Otherwise, the guy next to me will be very scary if he gets angry.~"

"Navy brat! You're courting death!"

Trebol said no more nonsense, his eyes flashed with ferocity, and he waved his hand, and a stream of slime gushed out.

In his eyes, Akainu, Kizaru, and Mole were just young boys, how could they be his opponents?

But he didn't know that Akainu's strength had reached the level of an admiral!

"Humph! You dare to attack me!"

Akainu's face suddenly turned cold, his arm instantly turned into rolling magma, and he punched out.

The whole tavern was suddenly shrouded in a scorching breath, as if a volcano erupted.

Kizaru curled his lips and muttered in disgust,"Well~ It's too hot~ I'll stay away from this guy in the future~"

The moment the magma came into contact with the mucus, the explosive power of the dragon talisman exploded.


The sound of a cannonball exploded in the tavern.

All the pirates who were watching the excitement were stunned.

What kind of power is this?

Trebol felt the scorching heat fluctuations, his expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed:"Natural ability!"

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