As soon as Torrebol finished speaking, the exploding magma had already incinerated the slime, and finally hit Torrebol in front of his horrified eyes.


The huge impact force directly knocked Torrebol away, smashed the wall of the tavern, and fell awkwardly on the street outside.

Inside the tavern, the pirates who saw this scene were so scared that their souls almost flew away.

"Damn! He just called out for his natural ability!"


"I am dying, I am dying. The navy won’t even let go of such a remote place. They are not going to let us live!"

The pirates all ran out desperately, fearing that they would be swallowed by the magma if they were half a step slower.

But Akainu didn't pay any attention to the small fish around him. If it were according to his previous character, perhaps the whole tavern would have been covered by magma... Oh, no, the whole town would have been gone. Facing insignificant people, he would just kill them. But now it is different. He began to change himself under Karl's teaching, and his character is not so extreme.

At this time, Torrebol was greatly shocked.

"I say, I say, how come we can meet such a powerful navy here? No, they are here to find me, they want to take away the String-String Fruit! How abominable!" A lot of the mucus on his body was destroyed by the lava, and his skinny body was vaguely revealed, which looked rather scary.

At the same time, a treasure chest emerged from his mucus.

Akainu just walked out of the hole in the wall, and when he took the first step, he saw Torrepol repairing his mucus body and hiding the treasure chest again.

Not caring about the shock of having his worldview refreshed, Akainu shouted,"Catch him, the devil fruit is in his body!"

Torrepol stood up from the ground with a sinister smile on his face,"I say, I don't want to play with you little brats anymore."

After saying this, two lines of mucus burst out from his body, strangling the towering buildings in the distance, and then the mucus suddenly contracted, just like Spider-Man's spider silk, and flew into the air with his body swinging.

Kizaru, who came out one step slower than Akainu, suddenly covered his cheeks with his hands, with a look of unbearable pain.

Akainu was equally unmoved when facing Torrepol who was about to escape.

Although Torrepol was confused, he still smiled and said,"I say, I say, see you next time...ah!"

Torrepol let out a scream of horror before he said half of his arrogant words.

Because a huge shadow enveloped him.

It was Sauro who was waiting outside.

The huge body of the giant blocked almost all of Torrepol's routes, and his huge fist swung out.

He muttered softly,"Bull Talisman!"


The fist was like a cannon, hitting Torrebol directly into the ground.

Suddenly the whole street shook violently, and then smoke and dust rose up, covering the whole street. The pirates who were already scared to death ran out desperately.

Although the observation Haki can sense the breath, the smoke and dust choking the mouth and nose is really uncomfortable.

"Cough cough cough... Sauro, is it necessary for you to be so heavy-handed? You're almost destroying this town." The Mole covered his mouth, and the gravity field was activated to clear the smoke and dust.

Sauro scratched his head embarrassedly,"I thought it would be amazing if he could escape from you, so... I went all out."

As soon as he finished speaking, the tavern that Akainu and the others had just entered collapsed. The Mole opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Then he shifted his gaze to Torrebol, and immediately took a breath of cold air, making his own contribution to the warming of the world in the sailing world.

Torrebol's mucus was all over his body, splashing everywhere, revealing his skinny and shriveled figure. The whole person was embedded in a huge pit under the ground, and fell into a deep coma.

A treasure chest fell beside him, and the lid was opened.

A white devil fruit covered with devil patterns was revealed.


Akainu walked forward, picked up the treasure box and covered it again.

"Let's go, the mission is accomplished."

But after just two steps, he was stopped by Kizaru,"Hmm~ What should we do with this guy?"

Akainu stopped and remained silent. Mole

's mouth twitched when he heard this. He didn't want to touch this guy who was covered with snot-like mucus.

After seeing the situation clearly, Sauro had already found a place to wash his hands.

The scene was quiet for a while and a little awkward.

"He is not strong." Akainu said sullenly. Kizaru immediately echoed:"Well, it is indeed not strong."

After that, the two of them left in tacit understanding.

"Not strong? ?"

The Mole was a little confused. What did it mean to say whether he was strong or not now?

This showed why Kizaru and Akainu could become admirals in the future. They still had sinister natures.

Torrebol was not strong, which meant he could not pose a threat. It was just an excuse to ignore him. Besides, Carl only ordered to bring back the devil fruit, but did not tell him how to deal with Torrebol. He would just have to act according to circumstances. It took the Mole a long time to react and he cursed in a low voice,"Two guys who are really sinister.……"


Carl was sunbathing on the deck of a naval ship.

Huoshaoshan was chewing a cigar and had just taken out a parasol from the warehouse. He skillfully set it up for Carl.

"Stop working, and get some sun today." Carl waved his hand.

The warm sunshine hit his face, making him feel warm. The lazy sea breeze made Carl feel so comfortable.

He squinted his eyes and leaned back on the recliner, tapping his fingers lightly on a treasure chest beside him, muttering,"I have to find time to go back to Marinford.……"

The box contained a very important and powerful devil fruit.

The Ice Fruit!

Aokiji's true fruit.

Carl found this powerful devil fruit smoothly with the help of the navy's intelligence and the underground intelligence network.

The only thing that made Carl a little anxious was that there was no news about Kizaru's true fruit: the Sparkle Fruit.

If Carl could gather the power of the three admirals, he would definitely break through to SS!

In addition, the String-String Fruit that he asked Akainu to find would be another significant improvement.

"It's a bit too complicated... I have to find time to develop the power of these devil fruits, and add the talisman. If I can successfully combine the power of several devil fruits with the power of the talisman, my strength will definitely make a qualitative leap!"

Carl opened his eyes, cast his dim eyes at the endless sea, and finally sighed helplessly,

"Conqueror Haki... is the most important thing."

So far, his Conqueror Haki is only at the intermediate level.

It is still a long way from Conqueror Haki Entanglement...

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