Just as Carl was thinking about future plans, a pirate ship suddenly appeared in front of their navy ship.

"Boss, we've encountered a pirate ship again." Huoshaoshan smoked a cigar and put down the telescope.

When Carl looked over, the pirate ship was rushing towards him at a speed of 120 miles per second.

"Hmm? Why do they feel like they didn't see a navy ship, but a pile of treasure?"Carl was confused. This was the first time he saw pirates so excited about the navy.

Could it be that there was some powerful monster-level pirate on the ship?

Thinking of this, Carl's eyes suddenly became sharp, and his heart was full of vigilance.

"Boss, let's go!"

Ghost Spider rubbed his hands, eager to try.

Doberman drew out his sword from his waist, and Chatun also drew out his hands from his pockets.


Taotu saw that Karl didn't say anything and reminded him.

"cough cough……"

Carl put his thoughts aside and said,"You guys guard the ship. The enemy this time may be unusual. I will go and take a look myself."

Hearing Carl's words, everyone���With an incredible look on his face, Taotu was even more shocked and said,"Boss, are you saying that this group of pirates is coming for us?"

Carl nodded,"It's very likely, otherwise how could pirates rush over to see the navy as if they saw their own father?"

After saying this, everyone looked at the pirate ship and found that the other party was indeed very fast and would be in front of them in a short time. Everyone immediately became alert.

Carl stopped talking nonsense, and Moon Step tapped in the air and jumped out.

The members of [Zero] on the ship were even more prepared. Perhaps this was the most powerful enemy they had encountered, and it was possible that it was more terrifying than the Silver Axe.

Carl came to the sky above the pirate ship, frowned and looked at it, and suddenly his expression was extremely stunned.

Because the pirates on the ship were not powerful at all, they were just a group of defeated soldiers!

Many pirates were injured and looked like they were running away?

Running away?

Carl instantly used his Observation Haki to cover the entire pirate ship, and searched it thoroughly from top to bottom, inside and out, but he didn't sense any strong aura. The strongest person on the ship was only at the level of a vice admiral... and he had a broken arm.

When he saw the pirate, Carl recognized him as a vicious pirate who had slaughtered many small towns and had been at large in the pursuit of the navy.

The moment they saw Carl, all the pirates looked dejected.

The leading pirate with a broken arm was in despair,"Damn... a bunch of lingering guys!"

""Don't do it! Here's the devil fruit, leave us alone! Otherwise I'll eat it now!"

The armless pirate gnashed his teeth and yelled, while his intact left arm took out a devil fruit with strange patterns from the treasure chest behind him and held it tightly in his hand, as if he would take a bite at any time.

Carl raised his eyebrows and landed on the other pirate ship with a smile on his face.

"I never thought I could come across a devil fruit like this!" He felt a little emotional. He didn't expect his luck to be so good.

Then the system prompt sounded:

【Ding! Devil Fruit Detected!】

【Animal Series: Cat-Cat Fruit: Leopard Form】

【It can transform into a leopard, with the unique flexibility of cats and the fighting instinct of carnivores, and can exert the strongest power in hand-to-hand combat. It can usually transform into three stages: human form, beast form, and human-beast form!】

"Huh? Cat-Cat Fruit·Leopard Form! Isn't that Lucci's Devil Fruit? It actually appeared here." Carl looked quite surprised.

After all, this Devil Fruit later became very famous along with his owner, Lucci who was affiliated with the World Government CP organization, and he was also known as the first genius in 800 years. In the later period, he developed the Animal-type Devil Fruit to the awakening stage.

If Doflamingo is the pioneer of the awakening of the Parahuman Devil Fruit, then Lucci let people see the awakened side of the Animal-type Fruit!

And now, he is very lucky to be met by Carl.

Then... he must not be let go!

Carl showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth,"Do you think you are qualified to negotiate with me?"

As soon as the words fell, a fierce look appeared on the face of the pirate with the broken arm. He clearly felt that Carl was not going to let them go, so he decided to fight to the death!

He was about to take a bite of the devil fruit.


Carl's eyes suddenly became sharp, his pupils contracted, and a terrifying aura burst out from him.

The domineering aura was activated!

In an instant, the aura like a tide enveloped all the pirates.

Every pirate felt as if a huge hammer had hit their heads, and their minds were immediately scattered and they fainted.

Even the pirate with the broken arm was still shaking, and it could be seen that he was still struggling hard.

Swish -

Carl's figure appeared in front of him like a ghost, and he easily avoided the devil fruit.

"Damn it! You are a lackey of the Celestial Dragons! I will fight you to the death!" The armless pirate went completely crazy, pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed Carl's head.

"Running dog?"

Carl dodged easily, with a puzzled look on his face.

Logically speaking, the navy hasn't been given the title of running dog yet, right?

Then who is the running dog he's talking about?

Carl, with doubts, suddenly appeared above the pirate ship, with his palm pointed at the pirate ship.

The dragon spell exploded!


The flames of the explosion enveloped and devoured the entire pirate ship, destroying the vicious pirates and the pirate ship together.

After doing everything, Carl leisurely returned to the navy ship.

"Boss? Solved?"Ghost Spider's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief.

"Didn't they say the enemy was very powerful?"Chatun looked confused, not understanding what was going on.

Because just now, they saw Carl first land on the pirate ship, then leave, and wipe out the enemy with one move.

Could this be the powerful guy that Carl mentioned?

"cough cough……"

Carl coughed twice tactically, and then explained:"The other party must be running for their lives, so they didn't notice us. In fact, they are not very strong."

He didn't expect that these pirates didn't even look at the road ahead in order to escape?

Who was chasing them?

Carl was a little confused, and always felt that things were not that simple.

"Then, the other party had a devil fruit in his hand, the Animal System, Cat-Cat Fruit, Leopard Form. Wait for Akainu and the others to come back and distribute this fruit."Carl said lightly, as if devil fruits were commonplace.

Little did they know that the members of [Zero] were completely confused.

How many devil fruits had he obtained?

How could such precious devil fruits be as easy to get as cabbage for Carl?

If this were told to others, who would believe it?

Within just half a month, a group of people obtained three powerful devil fruits in a row, oh no, four, and another one was coming back soon!

It was numb.

Everyone was already numb to the point of not being able to get any more...

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