"Boss, this is too hard to believe!" Chatun stuttered, feeling extremely shocked.

"Yes, why is it so easy for you to find a devil fruit? Even the navy finds it very difficult to get a devil fruit!"Huoshaoshan bit his cigar and said in shock. It was indeed a bit too easy.

Carl muttered in his heart, even he didn't expect it would be so easy to get another devil fruit.

"Maybe you are lucky."Carl said nonsense

"We are lucky to have found the devil fruit long ago, and the boss is also lucky, God is blessing the boss!" said Doberman

"That's right, I also think that the boss is lucky."Ghost Spider immediately agreed.

Carl laughed and scolded:"This wave of flattery is not smart."

As for who is lucky, he doesn't bother at all, anyway, as long as the devil fruit is in hand, it's fine.

Thinking of this, he calculated in his mind:

Akainu has magma fruit and dragon charm, and has the strength of an admiral.

Sauro has the bull charm, and the mole has the heavy fruit. Their strength should not be underestimated. Although they can't catch up with monsters like Kaido and Big Mom, they are enough to stand alone in the sea.

He also has an ice fruit in his hand, which is prepared for Aokiji.

In addition, the cat-cat fruit leopard form and the upcoming string-string fruit can once again enhance the strength of the [Zero] members.

The most important thing is that as long as their strength increases, they will ask for peace with Carl!

With this calculation, Carl immediately felt that there was hope of breaking through SS.

Suddenly, Carl felt a breath approaching rapidly.

"Watch out, someone is coming."

Carl warned, and put away the Cat-Cat Fruit Leopard Form. After all, holding a devil fruit casually was a bit too high-profile and ostentatious, which was totally inconsistent with Carl's personality.

He liked to become stronger quietly and then scare everyone!

Soon, a ship appeared in everyone's sight.

"The World Government's ship!" Taotu whispered beside Carl.

Standing on the bow of the World Government ship was a tall and thin figure wearing a white suit and a white cloak. He wore a pure white mask on his face, which looked a bit weird and scary.

From a distance, the soldiers on the World Government ship shouted:"Navy in front, stop!"

Carl narrowed his eyes and looked at the not-so-strange attire. He suddenly figured out something in his mind and sneered in his heart:"So the dogs the pirates are referring to are them!""

"Don't worry, let's see what they want to do." He waved his hand, signaling Taotu and others not to be nervous and wait and see.

Moreover, the opponent's strength does not pose any threat.

The ships of the two sides slowly approached, and the tall and thin man with a white mask jumped directly onto Carl's ship and asked with a scrutinizing attitude:"Are you from the headquarters of the navy or the branch? What are you doing here!"

His voice was a little hoarse, but his attitude seemed very arrogant.

Carl crossed his arms and said nothing.

Ghost Spider understood what he meant. He didn't know what identity the other party had to speak to Carl, so he stepped forward and grinned:"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to investigate us!"

The impolite words made the man in the white mask unhappy, but he still lowered his voice and said:"The secret force directly under the Celestial Dragons——CP-0!"

Carl looked calm, not surprised at all.

When he saw the other party's outfit, he knew the other party's identity.

This connected many things - the pirates that Carl had just solved were escaping from CP-0, and it was very likely because of the devil fruit.

Normally, the cat-cat fruit leopard form should be taken back to the World Government by the CP-0 members, and later given to Lucci after he showed his talent, but now, everything has been changed by Carl.

"Secret Force!"

"He is actually a member of CP-0! Known as the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons!"

Chatun, Ghost Spider and others burst into exclamations, obviously they did not expect the masked man to have such a great background.

As a force directly under the Celestial Dragons, CP0 has the"killing privilege" and has the right to kill anyone who hinders the mission, whether it is a naval officer or a prince or noble, they can kill at will.

Obviously, the status of the masked man is higher than theirs!

He even has the power to kill them!

""Hmph! Tell us your identities!" the masked man said in a deep voice.

He had a good temper. At least he told us his name first instead of taking action.

Carl narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, but he still didn't speak, just to see the reactions of the members of [Zero]

"You said you are CP-0? What evidence do you have? I also suspect that you are a pirate pretending to be one!" Chatun put his hands in his pockets, looking nonchalant.

In fact, he was also very nervous, but Carl didn't say anything at this moment, and it seemed that Carl didn't like the masked man very much, so he had to show it.

"Question me? Then go to hell!"

The masked man's last bit of patience was broken by Chatun's words.


His figure floated quickly and came to the front of Chatun.

"Finger gun!"

His fingers were wrapped in Armament Haki, and he pointed out, like a bullet bursting out of gunpowder, full of lethality.

Chatun's smiling face suddenly darkened. He reacted quickly, perhaps he had already expected the other party to make a move, and directly wrapped his whole body in Armament Haki, and fired a Storm Kick. A moon-like light blade burst out.


Although the Storm Kick was fired in time, the finger gun of the man in the white mask was stronger. He actually blasted Chatun's Storm Kick to pieces, then flashed in front of him, and said in a cold voice:"With your ability, you are not qualified to talk to me!"

The finger gun stabbed towards Chatun's heart again.

The white-masked man was merciless and used a killing move!

He didn't care whether the other party was a navy or not. From his appearance, he even regarded the other party as a pirate.

Carl raised his eyebrows and found that the other party was very strong, definitely at the level of a top vice admiral.


Chatun only had time to block with his arm before he was blasted away by the finger gun. Fortunately, he was covered by the armed color domineering and was not injured.

The white-masked man's eyes became colder and he attacked again.

However, all the members of [Zero] became angry.

The other party came up and wanted to kill their companions without saying a word?

Who cares who you are!

Do it first!

Taotu, Ghost Spider, Doberman, and Stockabery drew their swords at the same time!

Four sharp sword auras condensed into four slashes, bursting from four directions!

"Attack me? I will kill you!"

The white masked man spoke coldly without any emotion.

The iron block activated!

Ding ding ding ding!

The white masked man used the powerful six-style skill iron block to completely defend against the slashes coming from four directions.

It was this action that completely angered the white masked man!

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