He is a member of CP-0, known as the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons!

How could he be provoked by a group of young navy boys?

What a shame!

Only blood can wash it away!


Finger gun!

The white-masked man flashed in front of Demon Spider and launched a fierce and sharp attack.

Demon Spider's hair was like eight spider legs. He raised his hand and slashed, slightly blocking the opponent's attack.

Then, Taotu's Kinpira slashed horizontally, and the white-masked man withdrew.

However, he was about to face the slashes of Doberman and Stockaberri.


The white-masked man raised his arms and resisted the two attacks.

"It's my turn! Finger gun!"

Chatun exploded, and a strong airflow condensed on his fingers, bursting out instantly, forcing the white masked man back again.

""Damn it! Who the hell are you!"

The voice of the man in the white mask was filled with a hint of anger.

He looked at the appearance of the navy in front of him. They should not be very old, but their strength was almost at the level of vice admiral. Although he was at the top of the vice admiral level and stronger than them, it was okay for him to face one person, but when the five of them attacked, he was suppressed.

Just based on this point, he was sure that these navy were not simple guys!

Then the man in the white mask became more confused,"What does the navy want to do by gathering a group of young elites? Does the world government know this news? And now they are against me again. Is it an order given by the navy? In this case... the cat-cat fruit leopard form is likely to be snatched away by them!."

The thought in his mind was just a thought.

Carl had never thought that the white masked man had such a strong ability to associate. Perhaps the other party had done too many bad things, so he had a strong sense of crisis.

Thinking of this, the white masked man quickly distanced himself and stopped on his own initiative

"Who is your direct superior? I want to talk to him on the phone!" He said coldly, but he looked very alert.

Carl waved his hand and nodded, indicating:"I'm here. If you have anything to say, just say it directly. Den Den Mushi is not very convenient."

The white masked man looked at him and was stunned,"Are you their direct superior?"

He looked at Carl's handsome and gentle appearance. For a moment, he couldn't believe that the leader of a group of little ghosts was a big ghost?

This guy didn't look much bigger than them.

The white masked man twitched his mouth. He always felt that Carl was deceiving him, but he had no evidence!

He wanted to get angry, but when he thought of the strength shown by this group of people just now, he silently suppressed his anger and tried to be calm:"Who are you ordered by to call your superior?"

Carl smiled and took out a Den Den Mushi with foam at the mouth from behind him, and said with a smile:"Here, why don't you check if it can be used? If it can be used, I'll give it to you."

The white masked man almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Is this the navy?

Even the Den Den Mushi was destroyed. Are they sure they are not pirates in disguise?

The white masked man felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten nine turns of large intestine. He had no idea how to deal with Carl and his gang.

If he used force, he would still be a bit defeated.

If he used soft tactics, the other party would not play by the rules!

The white masked man became more and more angry.

The soldiers of the World Government on the side looked at the tense atmosphere and were so nervous that they were sweating. They had never seen an enemy that their leader could not solve.

"You...what unit are you from?" The man in the white mask still wanted to interrogate Carl and his men.

Carl smiled coldly,"No comment!"

"Anything else? We're leaving."

No comment?"

The white-masked man's face had turned the color of liver under the mask. He had never been treated like this before.

He suppressed his anger, pointed at the wreckage of a pirate ship in the distance and said,"You took care of that group of pirates, right?"

Carl crossed his arms, a half-smile on his face, and didn't answer at all.

Who the hell is this guy!

The white-masked man took a deep breath and continued,"Where are the devil fruits in their hands?"

"What devil fruit?" Carl started to play dumb.

"Since you guys solved the pirates, the devil fruit must be in your hands!"The man in the white mask was anxious, because his mission was to bring back the devil fruit.

"Did I mention that we were the ones who dealt with the pirates?" Carl said with a smile.

Hearing this, the man in the white mask became even angrier,"You are the only ones here, who else could it be if not you!"

"We saw this scene when we came here. What does it have to do with us?"

Carl now maintained an attitude and refused to admit it.

He wanted him to give away the devil fruit he had obtained?

The voice of the man in the white mask suddenly became cold and threatened:"Boy! That devil fruit was specifically requested by the Celestial Dragon! No matter who you are, no matter who the superior behind you is, he can't protect you! I advise you to hand it over obediently!"

It's useless to reason, so I had to move out the backstage.

Carl suddenly felt a little irritated. The other party's chattering was really noisy.

"I'll say it one last time. I don't know what devil fruit is! Also, if you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude."

The man in the white mask held his breath. Was he threatened?

He gritted his teeth and said"OK" several times in a row.

At this moment, a small boat approached quickly.

"Boss, I got the devil fruit!"

The boat approached, and Akainu appeared on the boat with a devil fruit in his hand.

Akainu was in a good mood at the moment, and the first mission assigned to him by Carl was successfully completed.

But after getting on the boat, he found that the atmosphere seemed not right?

Kizaru, wearing a yellow striped suit, walked slowly from behind Akainu with his hands plugged in, and muttered:"Well~ It's so lively~"

Sauro and Mole drove their boat into the cabin of the ship and came to the deck.

Especially the size of Sauro's giant, which is more deterrent.

The soldiers of the World Government were trembling a little, with an instinctive fear of huge things.

The white masked man didn't care about the people who came. His sight was completely attracted by the white devil fruit covered with strange patterns in Akainu's hand.

Devil fruit!

Although it was not the one he wanted, he could bring back another devil fruit to make up for his mistake.

Before Carl could speak, the white masked man rushed to Akainu and ordered:"Navy boy, hand over the devil fruit in your hand."

Akainu frowned instantly, his cold face full of dissatisfaction, and he glanced at the white masked man coldly,"Who are you?""

Before the boss said anything, this guy wanted to steal the devil fruit that I worked so hard to get?

Who do you think you are!

The white masked man was arrogant,"CP-0! The direct troops of the Celestial Dragons!"

"Boy, give me the devil fruit quickly, I want to present it to the Celestial Dragon Master!"

Akainu's face suddenly became terribly gloomy!

The air on the ship suddenly became scorching hot...

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