"Celestial Dragons? CP-0?"

Mole muttered in a low voice. He had heard of this unit.

He knew, and Akainu certainly knew it too.

But Akainu did not show any sign of compromise, and said with murderous intent:"So... you want to steal my devil fruit?"

Akainu was angry.

He had worked so hard to get the devil fruit in order to come back and ask for credit from Carl!

Carl even gave him the powerful dragon charm, which made him become an admiral in one leap. He had to do something to repay Carl.

But now, someone wanted to take away the fruits of his labor.

""I don't care about you! Get out of here!" Akainu said with suppressed anger.

He is still young and has not had much contact with the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. Moreover, his increased strength makes him more arrogant. He is only honest in front of Carl.

Now facing a stranger, how can he indulge him?

The man in the white mask didn't expect this guy to speak so harshly and speak rudely to him. Where does he put his face?

CP-Where is the face of 0?

Where is the face of the Celestial Dragons?

""Anyone who insults CP-0 will die!"

The white-masked man completely exploded, and instantly launched an attack on Akainu, trying to seize the devil fruit in Akainu's hand.

Although he didn't know the effect of this devil fruit, he had to hand something over.

Moreover, he even felt that there was a great possibility that the devil fruit he had been chasing all the way was in Carl's hands, and that kid just wouldn't hand it over!

Seeing that the other party had taken action, Akainu would never tolerate him, and shouted angrily:"Go to hell!"

"Exploding magma!"

Akainu gave the combination of the magma fruit and the dragon spell a new name: Exploding magma!

Puff puff puff...

Akainu's arm turned into rolling magma, which kept emitting hot bubbles, raising the temperature of the entire ship and giving off a burnt smell.

Kizaru, who was still behind him, wisely walked away.

"Hmm? A natural devil fruit user?"

The white-masked man frowned under his mask.

Akainu's methods were completely beyond his expectations.

Carl raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Akainu was so brave. He really took action when something happened!

This guy can handle it!

Akainu's impression in Carl's mind was improved again. The white-masked man was already in a difficult situation. He had to face the attack of Akainu's exploding magma. It was obviously scorching magma, but it made him sweat coldly.

""Iron Block!"

The white masked man shouted, and actually chose his most confident and best six-style skill - Iron Block at such a critical moment.

Carl didn't need to look to know the next result.

After all, there are thousands of six-style skills, and learning Iron Block is half useless.

Especially when the opponent used Iron Block in the face of Akainu's exploding magma, he was not an iron block, but a stubborn head.


The magma impact, the moment it touched the white masked man, the power of the dragon talisman exploded, and a fierce impact force was transmitted to him.


The white masked man vomited blood, dyeing the white mask red, as if blood dye had been added, making it look a little more weird.

The huge impact not only caused the white masked man to be seriously injured, but also flew out, and plunged into the sea in a miserable state.

"It feels like Sakaski has become stronger again!" Huoshaoshan bit his cigar and said in disbelief.

Carl explained to him by the way:"This is not the upper limit of Sakaski's strength! The ability of the magma fruit is compatible with the dragon spell. When Sakaski gradually masters these two powers and integrates them, he will be stronger!"

Magma fruit is the most offensive devil fruit.

The dragon spell can maximize the offensiveness of the magma fruit.

It can only be said that Akainu, this kid, has a promising future.

While the two were talking, the man in the white mask was knocked into the water and returned directly to the World Government's ship.

"I said...why don't you leave and wait for the magma to take you away?" Carl said lightly.

Hearing his words, the soldiers of the World Government hurriedly fled back to their own ships and quickly sailed away.

Akainu said unwillingly:"Boss, just let them go like this?"

The magma on his arm had not yet subsided, and he was murderous.

Carl's eyes flickered, and he nodded and said:"The other party are all soldiers of the World Government after all, so we won't kill them all. Sakaski, have you forgotten what I told you? If I find out that you kill innocent people indiscriminately, don't blame me for being rude."

In fact, Carl didn't think so in his heart.

If Carl met these people alone, the man in the white mask would definitely not be able to escape.

But the situation is different now. All the members of [Zero] are watching. If someone accidentally tells this matter, no matter what Carl's identity is, he will inevitably face the hunting order from the Celestial Dragons. I am afraid that by then, Sengoku, Garp and others will have to take action against him under the pressure of"justice."

Therefore, Carl chose to endure for a while and calm down.

"But, that guy is too arrogant! He's just a dog of the Celestial Dragons, how can he really think he has such a high status?"Akainu angrily put away the magma on his arm, the temperature on the deck suddenly dropped, and a cool sea breeze blew all around.

Carl is really satisfied with Akainu now.

First of all, it's because he is really helpful when he has something to do, and this person is easy to deal with.

Secondly, he is not afraid of the Celestial Dragons, nor does he flatter them. Instead, he has a little disgust, which is what a normal person should think. Do you really think everyone is willing to be a dog for the Celestial Dragons?

As for the others, except for Sauro, Carl dared to guarantee the other party's loyalty to him, and he kept a little room for the others. After all, they chose to be loyal to the navy, not him, Carl.

Carl couldn't help but sigh in his heart:"The later Sakaski was almost the most hated character by all Haimi. Who would have thought that he would be my confidant first?"

"Okay, watch your words. Come on, let me see this devil fruit." Carl smiled and took the String-String Fruit, while changing the subject.

【Ding! Devil Fruit Detected!】

【String fruit!】

【The ability of the fruit is to freely manipulate the line. Specifically, the body can transform into a line, remotely control others, tie the line to the cloud, and then fly in the air. It can control the body movements of more than two people, and use invisible lines to cut people and objects, but cannot control people's will. The awakened state can have an impact on the external environment. 】

When Carl thought about the fact that one of Doflamingo's rising objects was in his hands, he wanted to laugh. It turned out that the feeling of intercepting was so good.

""Yes, the mission was accomplished very well!"

Carl praised generously.

A smile appeared on Akainu's cold face,"I won't let the boss down! Just give me any mission!"

He promised solemnly.

Carl even gave him the powerful dragon talisman, so he naturally had to work for Carl!


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