Then, Carl took out the Cat-Cat Fruit Leopard Form that he had just obtained.

This fruit looked like a cat head with only the outline, and the animal characteristics were very obvious.

"Boss, what is this?"Akainu was stunned and asked in disbelief.

How long have they been gone, and Carl has another devil fruit in his hand?

Kizaru raised his eyebrows, his face surprised:"Hmm~~ It seems that we will all have a devil fruit soon! That's simply too scary~"

Carl's speed in obtaining the devil fruit made them tremble with fear. Why did they feel like they came to the sea to purchase goods? Are devil fruits really as rare as rumored?

Now everyone has doubts about their own cognition, just because the experience is too outrageous.

Carl briefly mentioned the process of obtaining the devil fruit, and then focused on introducing the function of the devil fruit,

"Cat-Cat Fruit - Leopard Form. The user can transform into a leopard, with the unique agility of cats and the fighting instincts of carnivores, especially good at hand-to-hand combat. There are three forms: human form, beast form, and human-beast form. I can tell you with certainty that this animal-type devil fruit has great potential."

"It seems that this fruit can greatly improve physical strength.……"Huoshaoshan bit his cigar and thought about it.

He was attracted by the Cat-Cat Fruit, the leopard form.

Carl then introduced:"The String-String Fruit. The user can freely manipulate the string. Don't underestimate this single ability. If it is developed well enough, the body can even transform into a string to remotely control others. Or tie the string to the cloud to fly in the air, and use the invisible string to cut people and objects."

"What? Can you fly after taking the String-String Fruit?" Taotu covered her mouth, very shocked.

After all, the name of the String-String Fruit sounds very ordinary, who would have thought that the effect would be so powerful?

"And I am more certain that the String-String Fruit, as a parahuman devil fruit, once the fruit ability awakens, it can even affect the surrounding environment. At that time, the parahuman devil fruit is no different from the natural devil fruit! However, if you want the fruit to reach the awakened state, it depends on the individual."

"It's no different from the natural system! Is this really what the String-String Fruit can do?"Chatun exclaimed, completely shocked by Carl's introduction.

Everyone else opened their mouths, shocked beyond words.

The String-String Fruit once again refreshed their cognition.

Akainu was not moved at all. He not only had the magma fruit, but also the dragon charm bestowed by Carl himself. Even if the String-String Fruit was powerful, what did it matter?

What he cared about most was the awakening of the fruit,"Boss, how is the fruit awakened?"

Carl pondered for a moment and said,"With the development and enhancement of the user's strength, he will naturally be able to feel the power of awakening. Remember, don't underestimate the ability of any devil fruit. As long as you can develop it well enough, there will always be unexpected abilities!"

Especially the Rubber Fruit, do you think he is rubber?

No, no, no.

He is actually the Human-Human Fruit, the Mythical Beast, the Nika form, which symbolizes the great sun god!

"Can the magma fruit awaken?"

Akainu asked impatiently.

If the fruit becomes powerful after awakening, then what if the magma fruit awakens?

Carl shook his head and said regretfully:"So far, no natural devil fruit has awakened. After all, the ability of the natural system itself is terrifying enough."

Akainu looked disappointed and nodded sullenly. Taotu secretly looked at Carl, her eyes full of little stars, with an expression of great admiration and respect, and her heart cheered,"Wow~ The boss is so handsome! Why does the boss know so much! I admire the boss so much!"

Now she is a loyal fan girl of Carl.

Carl is about the same age as the members of [Zero]. He looks relatively handsome and very pleasing to the eye. In addition, his strength and experience simply crush everyone. It is hard not to admire him.

Otherwise, how could Akainu be so convinced of Carl?

"Okay, next, let's distribute these two devil fruits."Carl said, holding a devil fruit in one hand.

It is often the most satisfying to divide up the power items.

Akainu and Mole took a step back at the same time. They already had devil fruits and did not interfere with others.

Sauro took a step back silently. He was very satisfied with the Bull Talisman.

Taotu retreated without hesitation. Although these two devil fruits were powerful, he, a girl, really didn't like them.

"Hmm~ I don't think it's suitable for me~" Kizaru muttered and retreated.

Carl didn't say much about it, after all, Kizaru's natal fruit had not appeared yet.

But the others were very surprised by Kizaru's performance.

Kizaru's strength can be said to be the strongest among those who have not taken the devil fruit. Logically, it should be Kizaru's turn, but he chose to quit?

Especially since the String-String Fruit is still very powerful and can even awaken.

Isn't Kizaru tempted?

In this way, there are two devil fruits, and 5 people are left.

Chatun, Doberman, Huoshaoshan, Ghost Spider, and Stokberg.

Huoshaoshan bit his cigar and said directly:"Boss, I'm interested in the Cat-Cat Fruit·Leopard Form."

"What do you think?"Carl turned and asked the other four.

Doberman shook his head,"Animal-type devil fruits are not suitable for me."

"It's not suitable for me either." Ghost Spider said immediately.

Stokaberi said,"I am also a swordsman."

Finally, only Chatun was left.

He waved his hand and said,"You don't have to look at me. Since Huoshaoshan is interested, I will never compete with him for it."

After that, Chatun directly withdrew from the devil fruit selection. It looked like he was not even going to fight for the String Fruit.

Carl looked a little surprised,"Okay, then the Cat-Cat Fruit Leopard Form belongs to Huoshaoshan, and the String Fruit will be drawn by lot as usual."

After that, he did not forget to look at Chatun, who smiled and said nothing.

The three of them drew lots.

The String Fruit finally belonged to Ghost Spider.

The future powerful vice admiral of the navy, but he was also a little cruel and murderous.

Carl handed him the String Fruit and solemnly admonished,"The String Fruit is handed over to you. I want to repeat to you again, giving you powerful power is to let you protect what you want to protect, not to use this power to hurt innocent people, especially you, Ghost Spider, don't kill people indiscriminately, and control your temper!"

Facing Carl's reprimand, Ghost Spider nodded obediently and smiled,"Don't worry, boss! From now on, I will listen to the boss in everything! I will do whatever the boss tells me to do, and I will not do it if the boss tells me not to do it!"

Ghost Spider said this, indicating that he only followed Karl's lead.

"Me too." Huoshaoshan said with a smile while holding the devil fruit and biting a cigar.

"Who of us isn't?"

"That's right, we all listen to the boss!"

Doberman and Stockabery echoed.

Please add it to the bookshelf! Begging you!

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