At night.

The moon shone brightly, illuminating the calm sea.

Carl and his naval vessels slowly shuttled across the sea, creating ripples, peaceful and beautiful.

Chatun stood alone on the deck behind the ship, leaning forward against the fence, staring at the sea in a daze.

"What are you thinking about so intently?"

Carl walked over wearing a cloak, holding two bottles of liquor in his hands.

Chatun was slightly stunned, then turned around and said,"Boss, I'm not thinking about anything, I just think the moon reflected in the sea is very beautiful."

Carl handed over a bottle of wine and sighed,"It's really beautiful... I feel like you are worried about something."

Chatun took the bottle and paused slightly, then forced a smile,"Nothing's on my mind."……"

Before he could finish, Karl interrupted him and said,"If you smile more beautifully, I might believe it. Tell me, it's not easy to keep things in your heart."

Karl smiled at Cha Tun and waited for his answer.

Cha Tun felt Karl's kindness and raised the bottle to take a gulp.

"Cough cough cough... Boss, cough cough, this wine is too choking."

Just after taking a sip, he was choked and coughed repeatedly.

Carl took a small sip and joked with a smile:"Drink slowly, or you will waste all my good wine."

Chatun smiled and took a small sip like Carl, but he still couldn't help grinning, then his expression became serious, and he said slowly:"Boss, do you want to ask me why I gave up the devil fruit today?"

"Well, tell me?" Carl asked with a smile.

"Boss, I actually grew up in the slums. As you can see, I am short and ugly. I have never been liked by my peers. They always bully me, play tricks on me, steal my things, and beat me up... I don't have any friends. Everyone laughs at me. Even my family members dislike me and say I am a useless person who can't do anything."

Karl lowered his eyes. He knew what kind of shadow childhood trauma would leave on a person.

"Later, I joined the Navy by chance. I got a great promotion here, but I still had no friends. I didn't dare to make friends at all. I was afraid that they would dislike me... Until [Zero] was established and I was selected, I felt extremely happy because I was valued and not abandoned. Later, I learned that it was the boss who selected me. I am really grateful to you."

Chatun said a little excitedly,"Here, everyone naturally gets along well. The harmonious and warm atmosphere is something I have never felt before. I even feel like a family... So, I won't compete with them for anything, no matter how important it is."

Carl understood.

Chatun just attaches too much importance to the hard-earned bond, so he doesn't want to affect everyone's relationship because of other things.

Another point is that Chatun has been engraved in his bones since childhood.

Suddenly, Carl felt a strong sympathy in his heart.

He patted Chatun on the shoulder and comforted him:"I believe you also feel what kind of people everyone is. Don't feel pressured in front of them, just be yourself. And in the future, if you have anything, come to me at any time to talk, and come to me if you are bullied. I am your boss, you know?"

""Yeah! Boss! I understand!" Chatun nodded heavily, his eyes slightly moist.

This was the first time he told others about his experience.

""Where are your family? How are they now? You are an elite in the navy." Carl asked casually.

Chatun said bitterly:"They...died, I don't have any family anymore."

Carl was startled, then reached out and patted Chatun on the shoulder, and said sincerely:"Sorry, I don't know"

"It's okay, boss."

"After all, my family is gone. From now on, if you don’t mind... are you willing to be my brother?"Karl asked with a smile.

Family... brother...

Chatun was deeply moved. He quickly wiped his face twice and whispered,"Thank you, boss."

Kahl smiled and comforted,"Hahaha, I will be your big brother from now on. If you have any problems, just tell me. Don't keep it in your heart. It's too uncomfortable."

""Come on! Let's go!"

Carl raised the bottle.

Chatun showed a happy smile on his face and also raised the bottle and gently bumped it.


The two of them took a big gulp at the same time.

"Ahem... Big Brother, I'm still not used to this wine, where did you get it from?" Chatun's name for Carl has changed to"Big Brother", and their relationship has become closer again.

Chatun completely opened his heart to Carl and became his absolute confidant.

Speaking of wine, Carl said mysteriously:"This wine has a history, it's the strong liquor that Vice Admiral Garp brought back from his hometown in the East China Sea"

"Ah? The wine brought back by Vice Admiral Garp? But why is it here with you, big brother?" Chatun was a little confused.

Carl hurriedly whispered,"Shhhhh, don't tell anyone about this. Admiral Sengoku has been thinking about this wine for a long time, but Garp just wouldn't give it to him... So before I left the headquarters, Admiral Sengoku found me, and we worked together to get Vice Admiral Garp's wine out."

"Ah? What if Vice Admiral Garp knew about this?"Chatun's cognition was refreshed.

Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp looked so majestic, but they were so shameless?

"If you know, then know. Anyway, I only took 30%, and the bulk of it is with General Zhan Guo. Then we can just put all the responsibility on General Zhan Guo."Karl raised the bottle and took a sip, saying with a smile.

He is good at doing this kind of thing.


Chatun was speechless, not knowing what to say.

He just thought in his heart: It turns out that the Warring States generals are ordinary people behind the scenes.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but take another sip.

It was really delicious.

The two of them leaned on the railing and drank the wine sip by sip.

Carl looked at the sea and had an idea in his mind,"Since Chatun called me 'big brother', I must not treat him badly. I think the natural devil fruit should be suitable for him.……"

Sky Island, I have to find a chance to go there!


At the same time, on Beehive Island, the seriously injured Silver Axe finally returned to the base camp.

Although he was seriously injured in the fight with Carl, he was rescued by kind residents and recovered for many days before he had the strength to return to the base camp.

When Rocks learned about it, he immediately summoned all the squad leaders.

"Huh? I wondered who it was, it turned out to be Silver Axe, how come he changed into a mummy style after not seeing him for a few days? Hehehe……"Captain John walked into the room with two rapiers on his waist, mocking without any scruples.

It was because Silver Axe looked very embarrassed now.

He was wearing silver armor and looked very majestic before, but now he was wrapped in bandages and leaned against the chair with difficulty, looking like a completely different person.

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