Facing John's ridicule, Silver Axe secretly clenched his fists and said nothing, but secretly swore in his heart that he would take revenge after he recovered.

"Hahaha! Silver Axe, you are still alive!"

The Golden Lion Shiki walked in with a big laugh.

Behind him, Kaido, Big Mom, and Wang Zhi entered the room one after another, and Whitebeard had arrived long ago.

The room was very large, like a huge palace, otherwise it would not be able to easily accommodate these monster-sized guys.

Being ridiculed one after another, Silver Axe finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily:"What qualifications do you have to laugh at me! Wait until I recover, and I'll show you what's going on!"

"Humph, that depends on whether I give you a chance or not!" John threatened with a sneer.

Silver Axe's face changed again and again, and he remained silent.

He was seriously injured now, and his existence value was minimal. If he was abandoned by Rocks, he would definitely be killed by this group of desperate guys!

Rocks sat in the first seat, and had been closing his eyes to rest, as if he was asleep. Now he opened his eyes and said faintly:"Stop making noise, Silver Axe, tell me what happened on Gus Island."

As he spoke, the cold, violent, and murderous atmosphere instantly filled the room.

Everyone was shocked and all restrained their unruly appearance.

Ski and John did not dare to continue to mock Silver Axe.

And from Rocks' words, it can be seen that he was very angry about what happened to Silver Axe.

His plan was disrupted!

Silver Axe recalled what happened on Gus Island, and said slowly:"That day I got the order from the boss to go to Gus Island to recruit pirates and bring back magma fruits... But I didn't expect that when I arrived, the pirates were wiped out by a group of very young marines."

"What do you mean by very young? Don't tell me you fell into the hands of a bunch of brats?" Shiki the Golden Lion said in surprise.

It would be a shame if the captain of the Rocks Pirates was killed by a bunch of brats from the navy.

Silver Axe's face turned terrified, and he explained with a stiff face:"That group of navy men looked less than 20 years old... but it's not that they are strong, but their leader, whose strength is very strange."

"Leader? How old is he?"Captain John asked.

Silver Axe looked as if he had eaten shit, and he was going to be killed by these damn guys.

"Looks like I'm in my early twenties……"Silver Axe said weakly.

Rocks' eyes suddenly became fierce, and the temperature in the whole room dropped rapidly. His indifferent words were filled with cold murderous intent,"So, you lost to that kid."

He was stating a very ordinary fact, but Silver Axe's back was already wet with cold sweat.

Everyone knows that the Rocks Pirates do not recruit trash, let alone allow trash to exist!

Silver Axe trembled all over and hurriedly explained:"Captain! Listen to my explanation, that guy ate the magma fruit, and also has other weird abilities, can change gravity, and even has a terrifying and extreme strange power. Even my shield was deformed. Maybe even Newgate is not as good as him! His fighting ability is definitely not what he should have at his age."

Silver Axe was completely panicked.

He thought that before the fight, Carl had eaten the magma fruit, and then let Akainu eat it, but it was just a cover-up. This was what Silver Axe figured out later. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why Akainu clearly ate the magma fruit and used magma, but Carl could use that power again later.

He thought that it was all a trick by Carl from the beginning to the end.

He didn't know Carl's name, but he was absolutely sure that he was a guy who took the magma fruit.

"Terrifying brute force? It even deformed your shield?"

Rocks was slightly surprised.

In his impression, the only people in the navy who could do it were Cyborg and Garp, and even Sengoku was a little bit behind.

"Captain! Everything I said is true. You can investigate the navy. This man is definitely a new generation of monster genius in the navy."Silver Axe spoke quickly, indicating that he was very anxious.

As long as Rocks was a little unhappy, everyone would eat his meal.

"Hahahaha... Silver Axe, you are not talking nonsense here, are you? We have never heard of such a person in the navy." Golden Lion Shiki laughed teasingly.

Captain John sneered,"Never heard of it."

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes, with a hint of curiosity, and muttered,"Terrible strange power... I don't believe there is anyone stronger than me! Gulala Lala……"

Rocks was silent.

Silver Axe's forehead was covered with sweat, waiting for his fate to be announced.

""Ka-ka-ka! Interesting! It seems that the navy has hidden a lot of things! Investigate the guy that Silver Axe mentioned, I want to kill him myself!" Rocks suddenly laughed out loud, his laughter was full of violence and killing, and everyone felt the cold breath.

Rocks was willing to believe Silver Axe's words.

Because he believed that Silver Axe would not dare to deceive him.

Besides, Silver Axe would still be useful.

Therefore, Rocks' anger could only be vented on the culprit-the guy who ate the magma fruit.

Silver Axe didn't even describe his appearance, but recognized the characteristic of the magma fruit, because the ability of the devil fruit cannot be changed, and Rocks also thought so.

So, the task of the Rocks Pirates to secretly find the magma fruit ability users in the navy was passed on.

At this time, Carl didn't know that Silver Axe was not only alive, but also successfully returned to the Rocks Pirates, causing him to be targeted by Rocks.

Carl's appearance made Rocks feel a sense of crisis.

A new genius appeared in the navy, what should the pirates do?

Of course, it is to obliterate!

Especially Rocks does not allow any changes in his plan!


Carl didn't know that he was targeted by Rocks, the overlord of the sea. He was leading the members of Zero to have breakfast in a small town.

"Phew~ I haven't had a proper breakfast for a long time. Huoshaoshan, you really need to practice your cooking skills."Ghost Spider ate heartily and didn't forget to tease Huoshaoshan.

Kizaru surprisingly agreed:"Well~ I really should practice~"

Huoshaoshan scratched his head embarrassedly,���

The group went out to sea, but they couldn't find a chef. They had to let Huoshaoshan, who knew a little bit about cooking, take on this responsibility.

The main reason was that he was honest and simple, so the food he cooked was hard to describe.……

"By the way... As a girl, can't Taotu cook?"Mole said thoughtfully.


The Jinpi Luo was unsheathed, and a cold light reflected on the face of Mole. He shut up and ate obediently.

Taotu was still angry, and complained in her heart:"How can these guys say that I can't cook in front of the boss? Will the boss think that I am not virtuous enough? I'm going to die. I must practice cooking hard when I go back!"

The atmosphere among the people was happy.

Little did they know that a group of uninvited guests had come to the door.

Begging for a bookshelf!

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