Karl raised his eyebrows and put down the soy milk in his hand.

He felt five powerful auras approaching, and one of them was very familiar.

"It's really haunting.……"

At this moment, Carl suddenly thought of what the armless pirate said before, and he agreed with it.

A dog is a dog. His nose is sharp enough.

"Haha... you're enjoying your meal."

Suddenly, a cold, arrogant and provocative voice came.

【Zero】The members put down the food in their hands, and looked up or turned their heads to look at the door. There were five figures standing there.

All of them were wearing white suits!

The leader was tall and wore a white mask with two dark circles under his eyes.

One was of medium build, wearing a white mask with red stripes under his eyes.

One was sturdy, wearing a white mask with a black mark on his forehead.

One was tall and thin, wearing a white mask with a beard mark on his chin.

There was another person, who was very familiar to everyone. He was the guy with the pure white mask, who had tried to snatch Akainu's devil fruit before but was beaten back.

Akainu 1���Cold, his expression suddenly darkened,"It's you!"


"Hmm~ I've been found~" Kizaru slowly took out a handkerchief to wipe the food residue from the corner of his mouth, and said faintly.

Taotu, Mole, Ghost Spider and others all drew their swords, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

""Hand over the Devil Fruit! Otherwise! Die!" The guy wearing the mask with red patterns under his eyes said coldly, not hiding his murderous intent.

"Hey! Who are you? You are interfering with our business! Get out now!"The owner of the breakfast restaurant did not understand the seriousness of the matter and actually wanted to drive CP-0 away..


The man in a suit with a mustache on his chin made a decisive move, and the next second he pointed his gun and was about to pierce the throat of the breakfast restaurant owner.

""Mole." Carl suddenly called out.

The mole understood, and the power of the fruit was activated instantly. The huge gravity field directly enveloped the CP-0, and then saved the restaurant owner at the critical moment.

"Are you going to die?"

The restaurant owner was so scared that he saw his great grandfather waving at him just now. Was it an illusion?

Now everyone realized that something was wrong and they all ran out of the restaurant from the back door in a panic.

The restaurant owner didn't care about his own shop and ran for his life.

If the situation just now happened again, he could talk to his great grandfather directly.

CP-0, who was in the lead, wore a white mask with dark circles under his eyes and spoke in a hoarse and slow voice,"You actually attacked CP-0. Haha... I haven't seen such ignorant guys for a long time."

The mole held the knife with both hands and pointed at CP-0, sweat dripping down his forehead, but still said:"CP-0 is enough to kill innocent people?"

""Just ants... Now, I will judge your crimes." The man with dark circles under his eyes said hoarsely.

He stretched out his finger and pointed it at the mole.

Flying finger gun!


The mole reacted quickly and blocked the attack of the flying finger gun with his sword in front of him.

Swish - the guy with dark circles under his eyes flashed in front of the mole, as fast as teleportation, and before the mole could react, he kicked it with a whip kick.


The mole flew backwards and hit a large cabinet, and only stopped when it hit the wall. However, cracks had already appeared on the wall behind it, which showed that the man with dark circles under his eyes was ruthless and merciless.

"A guy with the strength of a general... It's just right for them to practice."Karl raised his eyebrows and thought to himself.——

【Zero】All the members gathered around him in an instant, their eyes full of hostility.

When Akainu stood up just now, he heard Carl whispering,"Sakaski, you lead them to solve it."

Akainu immediately understood that Carl was giving them a chance to grow.

"You, do you want to commit insubordination?"

The burly man with black stripes on his forehead took a step forward, full of oppression.

The other CP-0s all stepped forward.

The atmosphere was tense.

The guy in the pure white mask said coldly:"Kid, hand over the devil fruit in your hand!"

He was defeated by Akainu in one move before. After returning to the ship, he immediately contacted all the members. They went out together to punish Carl and others who committed insubordination.

However, they still don't know who the leader of this team is.

After all, Carl has never taken action, and he doesn't look like a leader no matter how you look at him.

At this time, Akainu stood up with lava flowing on his arms, and the temperature in the whole restaurant rose instantly.

"The strength of an admiral, haha... you must be their leader."The guy with the black eye mask looked at Akainu with interest, but murderous intent appeared in his eyes. Akainu looked at him coldly and did not answer.

He did not answer because he was not the leader.

In CP-0's eyes, he had acquiesced.

"Ahem... you hit me really hard!" The Mole got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at CP-0 with an unfriendly look.

Fortunately, Akainu and Kizaru were all in their prime and had no fear of CP-0.

If it were ten years later, after being brainwashed by the Navy's philosophy, they would probably also be in awe of CP-0, or at least be wary of it, instead of hitting out at the slightest disagreement like they do now.

"Hehe... I'll give you one last chance."

The masked man with dark circles under his eyes raised his finger again, aimed at Akainu, and said coldly:"Hand over the devil fruit, or... die!"

CP-0At the same time, they took a stance to attack.

If the other party refuses again, then no matter who they are, they will be wiped out!

Because they are now challenging the majesty of the Celestial Dragons!

The only fate of resisting the ruler of the world is death!

Ghost Spider became more and more unhappy, grinning:"The devil fruit is here! Come and get it if you want!"

The eight arms formed by the hair behind him waved, and sharp transparent silk threads burst out.

"Hmm? Devil fruit ability?"CP-0, who was wearing a mask with stubble, was surprised. He dodged and kicked, and in the blink of an eye, he kicked several times to block these silk threads. The human-beast form that Huoshaoshan opened was noticed.

The pure white masked man was shocked,"The fruit is in your hands! You dared to eat it, damn it!"

After that, he rushed to Huoshaoshan, wanting to teach this guy who prevented him from completing the task a lesson.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, Akainu suddenly shouted:"Go to the East Coast! Fighting here will destroy this town!" The

East Coast is open and full of mountains and forests.

Carl showed satisfaction. Akainu's performance... was very rational.

If it were according to Akainu's temperament, he would not care about the life and death of others in a battle?

But now he would consider ordinary people, which shows that Carl's shaping of him was quite successful, at least he had humanity.

Akainu's words made everyone pause, and then quickly rushed out of the restaurant from all directions and rushed to the east.

Ghost Spider did not forget to shout provocatively:"If you want a devil fruit, then come!"

CP-0When have you ever received such a provocation?

"Hehe... since you have taken the initiative to choose the grave, I will satisfy you!"

PS:Add one more chapter! Please add it to the bookshelf!

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