Akainu's magma explosion forced the guy with the black eye mask back again. The latter was shocked and asked in surprise:"What kind of ability do you have!"

He was completely confused.

Every time he attacked and collided with the magma, the opponent would always burst out with a strong impact like an explosion, which made his arm numb and completely at a disadvantage.

Is this still the magma fruit?

Although he had heard that the magma fruit was the most offensive devil fruit, it couldn't be so strong, it was completely beyond the normal range.

Akainu's face was as cold as always, and if you look closely, you can find a hidden excitement.

He finally had the opportunity to perform well in front of Carl. Even if the opponent was an admiral, so what?

Fuck him!


The rolling magma spread out like a torrent, ruthlessly devouring the mountains and forests, turning a large area into magma, just like a crater, there is a danger of volcanic eruption at any time.

Kizaru was the first to retreat, muttering,"Oh~ Really, this guy always makes such a big noise, he must be getting hot~"

Seeing this, Momosaurus, Chaton and the others all understood the situation.

Ghost Spider, Fire Mountain, Mole and CP-0 who were fighting with them quickly moved away, fearing that they would be affected.

The guy with the pure white mask looked at the shocking scene in front of him and said in a lost voice,"That magma guy is so terrifying, fighting back and forth with the leader!?"

He admitted that he spoke a little loudly to Akainu last time.

"Damn it.

The masked man with dark circles under his eyes cursed in a low voice and wanted to withdraw from this magma area. Here, he would not only have to perform the Moon Step, but also lose the terrain advantage and be surrounded by magma.

The magma under his feet suddenly turned into a magma column that shot up into the sky, blocking the black-eyed masked man.

""Get out of the way!"

The masked man with dark circles roared, and punched out with his fist wrapped in Armament Haki.


The magma rolled and took the shape of Akainu.

A sneer appeared on Akainu's cold face, and he also punched out.


The fists of the two collided, and a dull sound broke out.

The heart of the masked man with dark circles seemed to beat violently with the sound, because he instinctively sensed a hint of danger with his Observation Haki.

Sure enough.

Akainu immediately used the power of the Dragon Talisman, and the explosive force exploded on his fist.


It was like the sound of a cannonball exploding, and the sound was extremely deafening.

The masked man with dark circles suddenly changed his face, and his figure flew out uncontrollably.

In the next second, a stream of magma appeared behind him again, and another Akainu slowly formed.


The masked man with dark circles under his eyes was shocked, and almost thought that Akainu could clone himself.

In fact, when this Akainu was formed, the figure just now turned into ordinary magma and fell into the magma pool below, splashing out hot air waves.


In a hurry, the masked man with dark circles under his eyes twisted his body with difficulty and punched Akainu again.

His body flew high and fell heavily to the ground.

Due to the great strength of Akainu, he actually knocked the opponent out of the range of the magma.

"cough cough……"

The masked man with dark circles under his eyes got up from the ground and coughed painfully.

The arm he had just punched twice in a row was completely numb, and blood even dripped from his fist.

The masked man with dark circles under his eyes was now more certain that there was something wrong with the opponent's magma.

Because no matter how strong the magma was, it was impossible to break through the defense of Armament Haki head-on, and now his fist was injured under the entanglement of Armament Haki.

He was a strong physical athlete and rarely got injured, but now he felt the pain of the wound again, which made him more bloodthirsty in his violent mood. He fought back again regardless of anything, vowing to compete with Akainu.

In the distance, Carl sat on a tree, lifted up his clothes and kept fanning himself, but under the baking of the magma, the wind was hot, and Carl cursed angrily,"Let's fight, why summon so much magma, does that kid Sakaski want to kill me with heat?"

He had an urge to let the frozen fruit left for Aokiji be eaten by the members of [Zero] to cool him down, which was really a bit uncomfortable.

Carl usually had to use a parasol to shade himself when basking in the sun, let alone being so close to the lava.

At this time, he completely forgot that he could also use the lava...

Not far from Carl, Taotu's cheeks suddenly turned red as she secretly glanced at Carl. She was so excited that she cheered in joy:"Woo woo~~ I actually saw the boss's abdominal muscles!!"

Everyone's attention was on the battle in the field, and they all noticed Taotu's changes.

"Gravity Tiger Hunt!"

Mole suddenly shouted loudly, and the long sword in his hand was wrapped in a strong gravity field, forming a powerful gravity slash, which was launched across the sky.

Puff - the sound of metal scratching flesh.

The man with a beard on his mask who was fighting with Mole had a line of blood spurting out of his abdomen, and fell heavily to the ground. He was the first to be defeated after the man who was killed instantly by Sauro.

"How can you be so strong!"

The masked man with a beard symbol murmured unwillingly.

He couldn't understand why he was selected to join CP-0 because he was a genius in the World Government, but he was defeated by a guy who was so much younger than him? He was really unwilling and couldn't believe it.

The Mole was slightly stunned. Why am I so strong?

He was in a trance for a while, and murmured softly:"My strength was given to me by the boss."

If it weren't for the Heavy Fruit, the Mole would never be able to reach this point.

His current combat power has surpassed the peak he can reach in the future.

Carl looked at the Mole who sheathed his sword, and murmured:"The Mole has a good talent, and he is getting more and more adept at using the Heavy Fruit. If he can improve his physical strength, he will definitely be a general."

Carl was very satisfied with the Mole's performance.

He improved rapidly by combining gravity with slashing.

On the other side, Huoshaoshan relied on his powerful physique in human-beast form to fight with the guy in the pure white mask until now, and finally won miserably.

The pure white masked man was covered in blood and fell to the ground with a weak breath. The mask on his face was broken into two halves, one half fell off and the other half was still hanging on his face.

Huoshaoshan himself was seriously injured. His left hand suffered continuous heavy blows and now hung limply beside him.

After the Mole finished the battle, he quickly stepped forward to support Huoshaoshan.

Huoshaoshan grinned proudly,"It's solved."

The corners of the Mole's mouth twitched,"If you don't solve him, you will be useless."

Huoshaoshan chuckled, and then said,"Mole, help me light a cigar... I'm a little excited to knock down a man with the strength of a lieutenant general for the first time."

The corners of the Mole's mouth twitched even more.

Carl's evaluation of Huoshaoshan is just two words- reckless man!

"It's fine if he's honest at ordinary times, but he doesn't know how to adapt when fighting. If the opponent is stronger than him, he would be the one falling down now. Did he treat the experience he taught me as seasoning for cooking?"

Karl held the tree trunk with one hand and fanned himself with the other hand, cursing.

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