The battlefield of Demon Spider is a crushing scene.

I have to say that Demon Spider and the String-String Fruit are a perfect match!

Again, the perfect match, the best match, the best match, even better than Doflamingo!

"Hmm~ I feel that the strength of the spider demon has increased greatly~" Even Kizaru, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but sigh.

The spider demon still uses two swords in both hands, and the ability of the string-string fruit is completely controlled by the eight hands formed by the hair, which is quite a mysterious attack method.

""Line by line, cut!"

Ghost Spider roared angrily and slashed at the air in front of him.

The masked man with red marks under his eyes paused, not understanding why Ghost Spider did this. He had been suppressing him, but now he was exposed and attacked the air himself?

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with his brain."

The masked man with red marks muttered coldly, wanting to take this opportunity to finish off Ghost Spider.

However, he greatly underestimated Ghost Spider.

He had wrapped many silk threads around him before, and when he swung his knife and chopped on the transparent silk threads, it was like triggering a mechanism, causing all the silk threads to shrink instantly.

""Not good! Cunning boy!"

The masked man with red marks noticed all this and cursed in a low voice.

But it was too late.


The silk thread contracted and bound him, restricting his instantaneous movement.

""Get out of here!"

He burst out with all his strength, trying to break free from the silk thread.


A silk thread broke.

Seeing that the masked man with red marks was about to succeed, how could Ghost Spider let go of the opportunity he had created with great difficulty?

The two swords crossed and slashed down.

Blood splashed, leaving a scarlet mark in the air.

The masked man with red marks fell down.

At this point, except for the masked man with dark circles under his eyes who was struggling to hold on, all CP-0 were killed.


The masked man with dark circles under his eyes no longer looked arrogant, but was getting more and more panicked. He was used to being arrogant, but for the first time he hit a wall. He struggled to hold on under Akainu's violent attack.

Spider Demon knew that the other party's identity was tricky, so he ran to Carl and asked,"Boss, how should we deal with him? Kill him or..."

Carl touched his chin and pondered slightly.

Killing them is indeed a good idea, but they can't run away. If they are investigated, they will be exposed too easily.

But let them go like this?

Carl was a little entangled.

Kizaru came over and whispered,"Boss, we can't kill them. Conflicts can be resolved, but if we kill them, the World Government will not let us go."

At this time, Kizaru's tone was extremely serious.

Carl nodded,"Forget it, just treat it as a favor to them and let them gain combat experience."

He is a navy after all, and the Battle of God Valley is about to break out. He can't become an enemy of the World Government now.

Besides, he is very good to Sengoku. If he really kills these people, it will be difficult to explain to Sengoku.

"Exploding Hell Dog!!"

Akainu's roar attracted everyone's attention.

""Hmm~ Sakaski is so strong that it's scary~" Kizaru stared at Akainu's figure and felt a lot of pressure.

Originally, he was the oldest and the strongest.

But Akainu obtained the magma fruit and the dragon charm given by Raw, and his strength grew extremely rapidly.

Even the strength of Mole, Spider Demon and others made Kizaru feel pressured.

Carl didn't say anything. If Kizaru himself was anxious, it would be easy to deal with. Otherwise, with his lazy personality, he would slack off until the end of time.

The masked man with dark circles under his eyes was wrapped in armed color domineering all over his body. He shuttled out of the magma with difficulty, just in time to face the Exploding Dark Dog!

Dark Dog is Akainu's most lethal move, and later injured Whitebeard.

Now with the dragon charm, it is completely beyond the ability of the masked man with dark circles under his eyes to resist.

Carl whispered in his heart,"Sakaski's strength is indeed growing very rapidly, but it is not enough! With their current strength, they are still S when it comes to me. In the final analysis, the others are too weak."

Thinking of this, Carl slapped Kizaru on the head and said viciously:"Borsalino, you practice well. If you don't become stronger, I will break your legs."

Kizaru was confused and looked extremely aggrieved.

He seemed to sigh that Akainu was strong, and then he was taught a lesson by Carl?

He also wanted to break his legs?

This boss is too cruel.

Kizaru wanted to cry but had no tears.

At this time, Akainu's battlefield was over.

The explosive Hades just made the black-eyed masked man completely lose his combat effectiveness.

Just when Akainu was about to kill, Carl urgently called out:"Sakaski! Stop!"

Even Carl's heart jumped.

Akainu is so brave that he doesn't care about his life. That's CP-0. Even he has to hesitate to kill, but Akainu is going to kill without blinking?

This kid is too good!

However, he really can't be killed.

Akainu, who was stopped by Carl, reacted and realized that the other party's identity was a problem. He drew back to Carl and whispered:"Boss, how to deal with it?"

Karl spread his hands and said helplessly:"We can't kill them, so let's leave them here and let them fend for themselves. Let's go."

Karl turned around and left, but suddenly thought of something and ordered:"Borusalino, Chatun, go and search their valuables and send them to the breakfast restaurant to compensate them at that time."

"I understand, big brother." Chatun went to do it immediately.

Kizaru was a little surprised,"Hmm~ When did Chatun change his way of addressing the boss~"

He sighed and hurried to help.

Taotu asked curiously, but only got Carl's mysterious smile.

Then everyone left.

Before Akainu left, he turned his head and looked at a few people coldly, then slowly followed the team away.

After a while, the forest became quiet.

The sea breeze on the shore blew, bringing a hint of coolness.

The masked man with dark circles under his eyes woke up faintly, and the last name he heard kept echoing in his mind. He gritted his teeth and said:

"Sakaski, right? You wait for me!"

Akainu didn't know that he was regarded as the leader of this gang by CP-0, and he also remembered his name.……


At night, they found an island and set up camp.

They had just completed a day of training here.

Huoshaoshan's dinner, which was scolded by Carl, not only did not become more delicious, but also deteriorated.

The next day, they set out early in the morning and embarked on their journey.

Before leaving, Carl specifically asked Kizaru to point out a direction.

Then the group shuttled westward on the sea.

Not long after, they passed by the Navy G-8 branch, but were attracted by the sound of an explosion from the base.

"Boss, the G-8 branch has been attacked!" Akainu put down the telescope and said worriedly. Kizaru exclaimed:"Huh~ Someone actually dared to attack the Marine branch? That's terrible~"

Terrible, terrible, terrible, can't you use another word?

Carl complained about Kizaru in his heart, then urgently ordered:"Go at full speed and see what's going on! Everyone get ready for battle!"

"Yes! Boss!"


The Shiny Fruit will appear soon!

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