At the same time. In the Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

In the office of the Navy Admiral, Cyborg Kong's angry roar was heard,"Call that kid Carl back to the Navy Headquarters for me! Now! Right now!" Just now

, the Navy's intelligence personnel sent a message that Silver Axe returned to the Rocks Pirates, and Rocks has begun to look for Carl's trace.

This news instantly made Cyborg uneasy.

Sengoku, who had a braided beard, frowned and said,"Carl can't be contacted now."

"Damn that kid! I'll make him pay when he comes back!" Ganggu was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, and veins on his forehead were faintly popping out.

Garp was chewing senbei in his mouth, not looking anxious at all. He laughed and said,"I think there's no need to be so nervous. Karl must have the confidence to do this. I don't think that kid is a simple guy."

"How can he be so confident? He has to face Rocks!"Garp, how confident are you when facing Rocks?" Cyborg shouted angrily, slamming the table.

Garp was stunned for a moment, then grabbed a handful of senbei and stuffed them into his mouth.

His behavior made Cyborg's blood pressure soar, and he almost couldn't help but take action.

Crane suddenly spoke,"Stop arguing for now, there's something wrong with this information! The intelligence says that the Rocks Pirates want to find out who in the navy has taken the magma fruit? Have you ever heard of anyone with the ability of the magma fruit in the navy?"

Cyborg was stunned for a moment, then looked at Sengoku.

Sengoku shook his head firmly and said,"I've never heard of it. I've read the information of all the personnel." Then he asked in confusion,"Then who is Rocks looking for?……"

"Carl? Did Carl take the magma fruit?"Cyborg slapped his forehead and suddenly realized,"You don't know about this?" Zhan Guo shook his head in confusion,"I don't know, Carl didn't report this matter"

"That's right!

If that's the case, it makes sense!

Carl found the magma fruit, and his strength was greatly improved, so he defeated Silver Axe.

Now that Silver Axe has returned to the Rocks Pirates, they are looking for Carl!

Maybe because they don't know Carl's name, they are looking for his most prominent feature - the magma fruit!

"Cyborg's eyes lit up, as if he had found the answer, and at the end he didn't forget to add:"It must be like this!

Otherwise, how could Carl have the strength to defeat Silver Axe!


Sengoku listened to Cyborg's well-reasoned reasoning, and nodded in agreement:"It is very likely that this is the case. Carl and his men are definitely in danger now! I will notify the naval bases stationed around the world and ask them to find Carl's general. As soon as they find him, let Carl return to Marinford immediately!"

Cyborg urged:"Go quickly, this matter can't be delayed!"

Just as Sengoku got up, the soldiers outside the door rushed in in a panic, panting:"Marshal, the G-8 Navy Branch requests support! The base fortress was attacked by the pirate Bondi Wald!"

""Bondi World? Damn it!" Cyborg slammed the table, very angry.

Bondi World is one of the famous pirates. Although he is not as scary as Rocks, he should not be underestimated, and he is given the title of"World Destroyer"!

Sengoku narrowed his eyes and said vigilantly:"Why would he suddenly attack the naval base fortress?"

Cyborg didn't care about so much, and directly ordered:"Sengoku, Garp, you two, come to support quickly! This guy who challenged the majesty of the navy must be sent to Impel Down!"

""Understood." Sengoku said respectfully.

Garp had just finished eating the senbei in his hand, clapped his hands and said,"Ah? Another mission? What a busy day, hahahahaha……"

Sengoku and Garp gathered their troops and quickly provided support

…… at the same time

G-8 Navy Branch.

The flames of war were raging, and more than half of the base was destroyed.

As soon as Carl and his men landed on the island, a huge rock fell on their heads. It looked like a small mountain.


Akainu snorted coldly, took the initiative to step forward to explode the magma, cleared the boulder, and then said:"Boss, it seems that the enemy is very powerful, and the base has been destroyed beyond recognition."

Carl nodded, and then led everyone to rush to the center of the battlefield quickly.

The navy along the way showed puzzled and unfamiliar expressions when they saw them, but Carl had no time to explain his identity at this time. If he delayed any further, this naval base fortress would really be destroyed.

From a distance, Carl heard arrogant laughter,

"Do you think you can stop me? Amplify 10 times the gun!"

The person who spoke fired a bullet, and then the normal-sized bullet turned into the size of a cannonball, and the speed increased tenfold in an instant, making people dizzy. Opposite him was a vice admiral holding a knife in one hand.

The reason why he held the knife in one hand was because one of his arms was broken.

Seeing that he could not resist this attack and was about to die here, a young and handsome figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The gravity field in front of the two of them suddenly changed, becoming dozens of times heavier, and they could see the phantom sinking in the stand.

And the bullet, which had a larger size and speed, was slowed down when passing through the gravity field, until it could not move at all and fell to the ground.

"Ah? Another ignorant fellow has appeared. Hehehe, I will have some fun with you guys!"The man on the other side laughed unexpectedly, not panicking at all because he was in the navy's territory.

The one who rescued the vice admiral was Carl.

"Hmm? You are... Carl?" The Vice Admiral shouted in great surprise.

He had been to the Navy Headquarters and had a mission handover with Sengoku, so he knew Carl.

Carl grinned,"Rod, you're not doing very well."

The Vice Admiral Rod, whom Carl called, smiled bitterly and shook his head, sighing,"I didn't expect to run into Bondi World, he's too strong."

Bondi World?

Upon hearing this, Carl looked up and carefully examined the enemy opposite him, and gradually formed some impressions in his mind.

Bondi World, the user of the Multiplication Fruit.

He is tall, with strong arms, a blue-brown beard, a helmet with two sharp horns on his head, a chain hanging diagonally on his chest, a shoulder-length fur coat, very sparse teeth, and a somewhat funny smile.

Ability: Multiplication Fruit: The fruit ability is to magnify the speed, strength, volume, weight, etc. of the objects it touches by multiples, up to 100 times

"It's him?"

Carl's eyes moved slightly, a little surprised, but then he was attracted by the open treasure chest in Bondi Wald's hand.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in his mind:

【Ding, Devil Fruit detected……】

【Natural system·Shining Fruit!】

【Effect of consumption: The body turns into light, becoming immune to physical attacks, non-domineering attacks, and most energy attacks. It also has the speed and power of light, and can emit lasers through the body, which can produce large-scale explosions. 】

Carl couldn't help but take a breath.

The long-awaited Shining Fruit... finally appeared!

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