Carl never expected that the Shining Fruit would appear in this way

"I have to say, there is a bit of mystery in letting Kizaru point the direction."He muttered in his heart.

Before everyone set off, Carl specifically asked Kizaru to choose the direction, and it turned out that he really encountered the Pikachu Fruit. How can this matter be justified?

"Hahaha… Multiply · 20 times the gun!"

Bondi Wald looked at the two people who seemed to be reminiscing about the past, and threw a stone at random.

The stone instantly increased in size, weight and speed by 20 times.

It was like a cannonball bombarding

"" Exploding magma!"


A stream of boiling, fiery magma rushed out from the side and smashed the stone into pieces.

Akainu, Kizaru and others walked forward slowly.

Bondi World was obviously stunned for a moment, then he said with a grin:"A bunch of young boys, want to stop me? Hahaha!"

He laughed, revealing his sparse teeth, looking funny, but the aura released from his body gave the members of [Zero] a sense of oppression.

Even Akainu frowned and felt the heavy pressure.

Only Carl looked at Bondi World with a light in his eyes... To be more precise, the look in his eyes when he looked at the Shining Fruit was green, like a hungry wolf, eager for delicious food. Vice Admiral

Rhodes, who was standing behind Carl, said:"The Navy just obtained a devil fruit yesterday, and before it was sent back to the Navy Headquarters, Bondi World showed up to snatch it today. He is too powerful.……"

As he was talking, Rhode's voice suddenly became quieter.

He suddenly realized a serious problem. Karl was a civilian.

But what was the force that just attacked? ?

""Karl! How did you appear here? And how strong were you just now?" Rhodes was completely confused.

Karl said calmly:"It's a long story, let's deal with the enemy in front of us first."

""Destroy the enemy? Are you crazy? He is called the World Destroyer. You should find a chance to retreat!"

Rhode was even more confused.

It was easy to kill the enemy, unless the general of the headquarters was here, then it might be possible.

Just relying on Carl and a group of young boys?

Rhode was immediately discouraged.

On the other side, Bondi Wald lost his patience and fired three shots at Carl and others.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The gunpowder burst out, and the sound was crisp and loud.

""Amplify 100 times the gun!"

Those three seemingly insignificant bullets suddenly increased a hundred times in size, weight, and speed, like a rocket bursting out, and their speed was so terrifying that it was impossible to dodge!


Sauro growled, strode forward, his arm wrapped in armed color domineering, and threw a punch. The huge fist covered the three multiplied bullets and blocked them all!

Clang, clang, clang.

With three sounds, the three huge bullets lost power and fell to the ground.

Sauro shook his arm. The lethality at this speed was a bit terrifying. Even if he blocked a few more times, his arm would not be able to withstand it.

"Oh? You are a giant with great power. Are you interested in becoming my subordinate?"Bondi Wold stared at Sauro and tried to recruit him. In response, Carl said calmly,

"Don't waste time, come together."

The next second

"Gravity Tiger Hunt!"

"Line by line, stab and kill!"

"Exploding magma!"

"Point the gun!"


Akainu, Kizaru, Mole and others all attacked, using all kinds of powerful moves in an instant

""Hey, hey, hey, a bunch of rude boys!"

Wald smiled coldly, and suddenly swung his knife with one hand. The knife was immediately magnified 100 times, and then a super slash came horizontally, like the sickle of the god of death, sweeping across the entire island.

""Multiply, 100 times the slash!"

Wald's voice rang out along with the terrifying slash.

Carl raised his eyebrows. Wald's move was a big move, not following the routine at all.

But he still had no intention of taking action. If Akainu and the others couldn't handle this level, then the formation of [Zero] would be meaningless.

According to Carl's perception, Wald was at least S-level in strength.

But compared to Carl, he was still weaker, after all, Carl had more abilities.

Clang - a huge slash passed by.

Akainu's eyelids twitched violently, and he shouted:"Everyone spread out, Sauro and I will attack!"

Sauro swung his fists, and the power of the bull talisman was added!

Akainu's fists turned into rolling lava, and they were swung out at the same time, and the power of the dragon talisman exploded!


The huge sound spread throughout the island.

Then a mushroom cloud rose on the spot, which looked very spectacular from a distance.

Akainu and Sauro joined forces to block the attack, while the others surrounded Wald.


Ghost Spider descended from the sky, and the silk threads behind him woven into a large web like spider silk, covering Wald.

Wald chuckled and ejected a stone, which was a hundred times larger in the blink of an eye and shot out.

Ghost Spider narrowed his eyes and rushed down without dodging.

Swish - the sharp silk thread directly cut the stone.

Even if the stone was amplified, its weight, volume, and speed changed, but its strength was still a stone.

Although speed is strength, if the strength is not enough, it is like hitting a stone with an egg, or a mantis arm hitting a car.

"Finger gun!"

Huoshaoshan has come to Wald and thrusts out with his finger gun.

Wald's arm is wrapped with black armed color domineering, and he waves his hand to resist. The mole directly activates the maximum gravity field, which seriously affects the speed of Wald's punch.

"Huh? What's going on?"Wald paused and was stunned.

However, in just this moment, all the attacks fell.

Wald reacted quickly and covered his entire body with armed color domineering.

The finger gun burst out, knocking Wald back a distance.

The slashes of Mole, Peach Rabbit and others followed one after another. Only Kizaru acted like a fool.

Just when Wald didn't take these tickling attacks seriously, Kizaru kicked the treasure chest containing the devil fruit from the side.

The treasure chest was originally open, and now it was attacked. The treasure chest was still firmly grasped in Wald's hand, but the devil fruit flew out.

At the same time, the ghost spider fell from the sky, and a large web connected by silk threads enveloped Wald.

"Ah! Damn guys, all of you, go to hell!"

Seeing the devil fruit flying out, Wald was immediately furious. With a swing of his sword, the fifty-fold slash soared into the sky, tearing the silk web, and even the ghost spider was affected and flew out.

The attacks of others were all blocked by Wald.

He jumped up, threw away the treasure box in his hand, and grabbed the devil fruit.

Akainu and Sauro had just blocked the knife, so they were too late to support; Kizaru was also forced back by Wald, and the devil fruit was about to fall into Wald's hands again.

At this time, a silk thread that no one noticed spread in the air, entangled the Shining Fruit, and was taken away from Wald in broad daylight.

Wald was left with a confused look on his face.

Damn, where is my devil fruit??

Begging to add it to the bookshelf!!!

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