Carl takes action.

He will succeed.

"Who is it!?"

Wold was furious, looking at Carl in the direction where the devil fruit fell, and he attacked with a rage, several bullets burst out, instantly amplified a hundred times, completely covering Carl.

This is not over yet.

He was wrapped in armed color domineering, and his dark blue body was like a devil, rushing towards Carl at 30 times the speed.

Wald's sudden killing momentum did not make Carl panic.

His arm controlled the silk thread to throw the devil fruit, and it fell into Kizaru's hand.

"Borsalino, it's for you."

After the words fell, Carl's arm was covered with armed color domineering, and the power of the bull spell was added. He blasted out a fist mixed with flames.

Dragon spell, blast!

Boom! The violent explosion made everyone's ears buzz.

Lieutenant General Rhodes looked at the shocking scene in front of him, his jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock, and his eyeballs almost popped out.

"These guys... are so strong!"

He was now in deep doubt. Where did these young guys come from?

Why do they feel more like lieutenant generals than him?

Too strong!

Especially Carl. Is he still the Carl he knows?

Can he block the power of this punch?

"Are the combat effectiveness of the civilian staff of the headquarters so amazing now? ?"

Rod was extremely shocked, and his previous understanding of Carl was completely overturned.

In the explosion, Wald had no scruples at all, and appeared behind Carl, hugged Carl's body, and let out a grim laugh,"Boy, are you ready to die!"

""Multiply · 50 times the speed · Hammer!!"

Wald's move was to grab the person, spin him and increase the speed by 50 times, and then use the accumulated centrifugal force to throw him away!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh - just like the spin dryer of a washing machine, it began to spin wildly. At this speed, even Carl felt a little confused. The next second, Carl's body was thrown away and fell into a building at a faster speed.


A large part of the building collapsed, smoke and dust filled the air, completely burying Carl's figure.

"Boss!" Taotu screamed, her heart suddenly rising to her throat.

""Brother! Damn it!" Chatun was extremely worried and launched a desperate attack on Wald.

"I'm going to kill you!" Akainu was furious. He actually attacked his boss?


Exploding magma attack!

Akainu was murderous at this moment. He had never had such a strong killing intention towards a person.

Everyone attacked madly.

Kizaru looked at the devil fruit in his hand, his mind went blank, and he murmured in disbelief:"Boss...he was killed in order to snatch the devil fruit for me...……"

Now everyone subconsciously believed that Carl was at least seriously injured, and there was even a possibility of the worst outcome.

The moves Wald had just displayed were too unethical.

"Boss! I will avenge you!"

Kizaru suddenly felt an unprecedented firm belief in his heart.

It was also at this moment that he recognized Rawl from the bottom of his heart.

【Zero】Completely at peace.

In their hearts, Carl silently became the first person they wanted to protect!

Greater than everything, above everything.

They saw everything Carl had done for them. In addition to selflessness, he gave everything he had. And whenever they encountered a real crisis, Carl would always rush to the front and protect them with actions.

Now, it's time for them to protect Carl!

Kizaru took a bite of the devil fruit with a firm look in his eyes. The taste that was so bad that it made people want to die filled his entire mouth, making his stomach churn, but he still had no expression and stared at Wald with murderous intent.

He didn't even think about what the ability of this devil fruit was. Since it was given to him by Carl, he would take it even if it was a useless fruit.

But after eating it, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart that he seemed to be able to become faster...


Kizaru suddenly felt that he had turned into light!


A flash of yellow light disappeared on the spot.

When the light particles condensed and reorganized, and Kizaru's figure appeared again, he came in front of Wald and kicked out.


The light particles exploded on Wald's face.

He raised his head slightly and resisted Kizaru's kick.

Because his head was also covered with Armament Haki.

But this kick still hurt Wald... He lost two more of his already sparse teeth.

It was like... making the already poor family even worse.

""Ahhhhh!! I'm going to kill you!"

Wald spat out a mouthful of blood, mixed with two teeth, and punched out.

Kizaru reacted quickly and turned into light particles, leaving first, causing Wald's punch to miss.

Then Akainu and others attacked one after another, and started a group fight against Wald.

When these elites showed their crazy side, they were able to suppress Wald temporarily.

But Wald's defense was too high. After a long stalemate, except for Kizaru's unexpected killing of the opponent's teeth at the beginning, he had not suffered any substantial damage until now.

But the continuous attacks gradually made Wald lose his patience and became irritable.

""Double 100 cuts!"

He roared, and slashed out a devastating huge blow again.


Everyone resisted the slash.

The slash broke, and everyone was forced to retreat.

Just as they were preparing to attack again, a helpless voice came from the dusty ruins,"Well... I haven't been hurt yet."

Carl was both heartwarming and helpless about everyone's performance.

Carl was really moved that they could fight so hard for him.

But do they subconsciously think that Carl is weak?

Then can Carl be killed with one move?

Besides, even if you don't have confidence in him, you have to have confidence in the law of"no harm in smoke" - such a large piece of smoke, it's obvious that nothing has happened at first glance

"Boss! I'm so glad you're okay!" Taotu shouted in surprise, her eyes red as if she was about to cry.


"Boss is fine!"

"I was saying, how could the boss be in trouble!"

""Well~ That's great~" Kizaru felt relieved and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Carl brushed the dust off his clothes and said helplessly:"Also, next time if you think I can't do it, can you come up and save me first?"

This sentence made everyone laugh.

Lieutenant General Rhodes widened his eyes and blurted out:"Fuck! This kid is fine! ? Is he still human?"

He clearly remembered that Carl was a civilian staff who was powerless. How come he suddenly turned into a monster after not seeing him for a while?

A look of surprise flashed across Bondi Wald's face,"You are not dead?"

Carl raised his eyebrows, raised his head and smiled:"Dead? You underestimate me too much. You can't make me die!"

Carl is now more confident.

Because just after Kizaru took the Pikachu Fruit, he gave feedback to Carl, and the system prompt sounded:

【Ding! The host's ability increases!】

【Reward: Rabbit Talisman! Lots of Armament Haki!】

【The level of Armament Haki is increased——Secret! 】

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