[Ding! The host's ability increases!】

【Reward: Rabbit Talisman! Lots of Armament Haki!】

【The level of Armament Haki is increased——Secret!】

【Rabbit Talisman: It enables the holder to move at an extremely fast speed, representing teleportation and agility! 】

When Carl heard the system prompt sound, he couldn't help but feel excited.

Not only did he get the Shining Fruit, but he also got the Rabbit Talisman.

What effect will the two speed abilities add up to?

Moreover, during this period of time, the strength of the [Zero] members has grown rapidly, and their Armament Haki and Observation Haki have also increased. The improvement in the sum of Roll is also huge. With the large amount of Armament Haki rewards this time, the Armament Haki has finally been raised to the ultimate level!

"" What a shameless fellow! I am a world destroyer!"

Wald was enraged, waving his sword with both hands, unleashing the power of multiplication, and a hundredfold slash fell from the sky, slashing down on Carl's head.

Carl looked at the huge slash and couldn't help smacking his lips,"The upper limit of the multiplication fruit is a hundredfold enhancement. If it can be multiplied more times, it will probably become the most perverted devil fruit."

He said so, but his hands did not stop moving.

His body soared into the air.

Just floating up without any warning.

Carl himself has the chicken talisman, and with the rabbit talisman he obtained, he can already fly!

Although he can dodge it easily, there is a naval base below. If he dodges it, the navy below will inevitably suffer, and it is estimated that the entire base will have to be rebuilt.

With this thought in mind, Carl flew into the air and punched forward.

This punch was mixed with various forces.

The magma flowed, covered with silk threads, lingering with forward gravity, mixed with laser beams, and the cow talisman. Power, the explosion of the dragon spell... an inexplicable strange power erupted with this punch.


The slash shattered into a scattered light and shadow in an instant.

Kizaru turned into a yellow flash, flashed behind Wald, and kicked him in the neck. Unexpectedly, Wald was prepared for his speed. He used his powerful observation Haki to perfectly predict Kizaru's attack, twisted his body, grabbed Kizaru's ankle, and locked it with his Armament Haki, preventing Kizaru from changing into light particles and leaving.

Wald grinned,"That kid can bear it, I don't believe you can still be unscathed!"

""Amplify 50 times!"

As soon as the words fell, Wald pulled Kizaru and spun around.

Kizaru's face changed, and then he felt dizzy in his mind,"Uh~ That's bad~"

But suddenly, a figure that was 50 times faster than Wald appeared and punched Wald on the arm. The violent impact force spread instantly, and even caused Wald's arm to deform slightly.

The severe pain made Wald loosen his hands directly, and Kizaru flew backwards, but was caught by a figure with extremely fast speed.

It was like... teleportation?

After Kizaru saw the person who caught him, he was dumbfounded, and his voice trembled with shock,"Boss?"

What speed was that just now?

Why did it feel faster than him?

When did the boss become so fast?

Not only Kizaru, but even Akainu and the others were all confused, staring at Carl with wide eyes, with incredible expressions on their faces.

"Boss?? That was the boss just now!"

"Boss, what speed is this! I can’t see it with my naked eyes. Even if I use my observation Haki, I can only catch a blurry shadow!"The mole was shocked.

"How can big brother have such a terrifying speed? The speed of light is probably just like this!"

"The boss is so handsome!" Taotu's eyes sparkled.

Everyone was shocked and crazy because of the speed shown by Carl.

Carl twisted his neck and said to everyone:"Leave it to me next."

He wanted to minimize the losses of the naval base.

"Boss, be careful!"

"Come on, boss!" Taotu waved her little fist

"Big brother will win!" Chatun narrowed his eyes and laughed.

For some reason, whenever Carl showed this attitude, they felt particularly safe.

Carl smiled.

Vice Admiral Rhodes looked at Carl, who was like the return of the God of War, and his mind went blank. He was completely confused...

Is this really Rawl??

He asked himself roaring in his heart.

Wald moved his injured arm and roared with a gloomy face:"Impossible! How can you be so fast! Even the Navy Six-style Shave can't do it!"

The speed just now was tantamount to teleportation.

Not to mention the mole, even Wald's observation Haki would find it difficult to capture Carl at that speed.

Carl smiled,"Have you ever heard of a saying?"

"What?"Wald seemed a little confused, not understanding what Karl was up to.

"Speed is power!"

After the words fell, Carl's figure suddenly disappeared.

Under the dual effects of the Triangle Fruit and the Rabbit Charm, his figure was completely imperceptible to the naked eye. He disappeared from the spot in the last second, and appeared in front of Wald in the next second.

What's more, Carl can fly.

Kizaru's eyes lit up, and he muttered,"Speed is power... There is a touch of the power of the Triangle Fruit and an unknown power in the boss's speed~ The boss is really a mysterious man~"

Kizaru has already felt the breath of Carl's power, and at the same time he has a guess in his heart.

Gravity, magma, lines, The Shining Fruit... It seems that Carl can do everything they can do...

Wald could only vaguely sense the presence of auras around him, but he could not capture them accurately. He felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart, and immediately activated his Armament Haki to its strongest level, wrapping his entire body.

At this moment, he looked more like an evil spirit, with sparse teeth, a weird beard, and a dark green sheen flowing on his body. He looked extremely terrifying.

The next second, he was suddenly attacked!


A heavy punch made him retreat repeatedly. Then there was another punch from the side. Another punch from the back.


Wald was completely unable to fight back, which completely angered him.

"If you have the guts, fight me openly!"

Damn it!

How could that kid be so fast!


He was responded with a heavy punch, a punch mixed with the power of the bull spell that made him retreat a distance again, with his teeth bared.

Then he also exploded

""Multiply 100 times the speed!"

Wald suddenly moved, and began to fight with Carl at an extremely fast speed.

Although the 100 times speed was not enough for him to compete with Carl, he was not completely passive.

The two figures were so fast that they were blurred, and they were fighting hand-to-hand.

Wald was at a disadvantage, but with his strong defense, he did not suffer any substantial damage.

"Hahaha, is this what you mean by speed is power? You can't even break my defense!"

Wald found the right opportunity to punch Carl, then quickly distanced himself from him and laughed arrogantly on a tall building.

A gust of wind blew by, and Carl's figure appeared in an open space.

"Really? Then try this punch."

After the words fell, Carl's fist wrapped in Armament Haki suddenly flashed with light, as if something was flowing on his arm, blooming with strange colors, as if there were cherry blossoms floating.

Carl's mouth slowly curved, and he whispered two words:

"Flowing cherry!"

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