
When Wald heard the two syllables that Carl uttered, his eyes widened subconsciously, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his dark blue face. He exclaimed:"Ryu-Okura Haki? You actually mastered Ryu-Okura Haki!?"

Bondi Wald never expected that the young boy in front of him, who looked young, had already mastered the advanced use of Armament Haki, Ryu-Okura Haki!

You know, Ryu-Okura Haki can even break the defense of Mr. Kai who was seeking suicide, let alone Wald.

So the moment Ryu-Okura appeared, Wald panicked.

"Hmm~ Ryuo Haki? It sounds scary.~~"Kizaru looked puzzled. At this time, he had not yet come into contact with Ryu-O Haki. Akainu also frowned and murmured,"What is Ryu-O Haki? Isn't Haki only Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and Conqueror Haki?" A strong doubt appeared on his cold face.

The skills that Carl showed again and again almost made the members of [Zero] numb, refreshing their cognition again and again! The

Armament Haki wrapped around Carl's fist seemed to have life, constantly wriggling and flowing. A red light film slowly formed on the dark fist, filled with a heart-pounding wave.

In fact, the perfect level of Armament Haki has reached the conditions for performing Ryu-O, but Carl has never had time to study it properly. After reaching the ultimate level, it is almost a matter of course to comprehend and perform it.

The next moment.

Whoosh - maybe it's the time of a blink of an eye?

Maybe it's the time of a breath?

Or maybe it's only 0.01 seconds?

Or even shorter.

Under the extreme effect of the Shining Fruit and the Rabbit Talisman, Roll's body glowed with a yellow light, and then disappeared on the spot.

It was as if he had never appeared in that position.

Carl's speed was reserved before, but this time he used all his strength.

This is the fastest speed in the world!

The ultimate speed!

Wald's whole body was wrapped in Armament Haki, and he had already revealed a look of being ready for a great enemy. He used his Observation Haki to the extreme, desperately searching for and capturing Carl's breath.

Under the extreme speed, Roll's breath was everywhere.

"Let me show you what speed is power!"

Karl's cold voice came from all directions of Wald, everywhere.

Although Karl's strength has not yet broken through S, he is also at the peak of S. Various abilities complement each other under the mobilization of the tiger spell, and his combat effectiveness is not lower than that of SS level.

Especially the extreme speed, which allows him to firmly gain an advantage in the battle.

To put it simply and clichédly, Karl is now able to fight across levels!

Wald's mind was tense, and sweat broke out on his forehead. He felt an unprecedented sense of oppression from this young man, as if he was not facing Karl, but a monster like Garp and Whitebeard!

Suddenly, Wald's eyes blurred.

Karl's figure appeared in front of him, and before he could make any reaction, a fist wrapped in a red and black light film pressed against Wald's chest.


It was obviously a simple collision of flesh, but it burst out with a thunder-like explosion.

Ryuying's domineering punch directly broke Wald's defense, and the terrifying force penetrated his body, destroying his flesh and bones...

In the huge sound, Wald's intermittent voice floated,

"Impossible...I am a world destroyer...How could I lose to...to...……"

Before he finished speaking, he spurted out another mouthful of blood, and his body fell like a kite with a broken string.

The strange thing was that Carl's attack just now did not produce any impact force, but was more like an explosion of inch force.

Suddenly, the back of the falling Wald suddenly exploded, and large pieces of flesh and blood collapsed, revealing bones with obvious signs of fracture. The blood stained his robe red, and he looked extremely miserable.


It fell heavily to the ground like a dead pig, and there has been no movement since then.

Carl defeated Wald with one move!

The entire naval base fortress was dead silent, and all the naval soldiers looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Such a powerful enemy was solved just like that?

Should I be thankful?

Or should I be afraid?

Akainu widened his eyes and couldn't close his mouth for a long time,"Wald was killed... with one move!"

"Hmm~ The boss's strength is really terrifying~" Kizaru said subconsciously with shock in his eyes. Chatun was so nervous that he swallowed his saliva, his voice trembling,"This... is this the strength of the big brother?"

If he doesn't work harder, it will be difficult for him to follow Carl's footsteps.

The shock in Taotu's beautiful eyes was no less,"The boss is too strong! How can I follow him?……"

Everyone was once again deeply shocked.

Lieutenant General Rhodes collapsed on the ground, unable to control his shaking legs."Damn... Carl is simply not a human!"

How could a guy who could kill a general in seconds at the age of 20 still be a human! ?

That was a one-shot kill!

Even if Carl and Wald had fought before, that was only because Carl did not explode.

"It's horrible... It's horrible……"

Vice Admiral Rhodes kept muttering to himself, is this Carl, whom he had always thought was powerless?

After an unknown amount of time, everyone came back to their senses from the shock and subconsciously walked towards Wald.

In the huge pit, a bloody body was quietly crawling on the ground, and the faint breath showed everyone that he was still breathing, he was still alive.

But, that was all.

The clothes behind Wald were completely shattered and stained with blood.

The bones were exposed, and faintly saw the beating flesh-like object, that was the heart.

Akainu's eyes suddenly shrank,"His heart is about to be beaten out!"

Wald, who was on extreme defense, was beaten like this by Carl. If it were them, he probably wouldn't even be able to breathe at this time.

Taotu took a look and turned his head away. The shocking and miserable scene was indeed a bit shocking.

"Hmm~ His sternum is shattered... His spine is also broken... He will be a cripple from now on~" Kizaru said after checking.

Although he said it lightly, there were already huge waves in his heart.

What kind of power did Carl use to cripple the opponent with one move? It was really terrifying.

Carl smiled, as if he had done nothing just now, and walked leisurely.

At the moment when his Ryusakura Haki broke the opponent's defense, it caused huge damage to Wald's body, causing him to lose control of the coverage of Armament Haki, and directly broke through the defense. The power of the Bull Talisman directly penetrated his body, and the power of the Dragon Talisman exploded in his body. If Carl had not intentionally held back, he could have completely blown up Wald's heart.

At this moment, a loud shout came from the sky,

"You bastard who dared to attack the naval fortress, I will arrest you myself!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Carl's smile spread again, and he whispered in a low voice:"Is it Garp who came in person?……"

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