That's right, the roar echoing in the sky was Garp's voice.

Then Garp's figure fell from the sky, and with him was Admiral Sengoku.

When both sides saw the extent of the destruction of the base fortress, the nameless anger in their hearts began to burn. If you can anger these two people at the same time, there will be no more than a handful of people who can survive in the sea.

But unfortunately, it is not their turn to take action this time.

""General Sengoku! Vice Admiral Garp!" Vice Admiral Rod's eyes lit up, as if he saw real hope.

For some reason, after Carl showed his terrifying side, he felt a chill on his back every time he looked at Carl.

Perhaps only Sengoku and Garp could give him a sense of security.

"Hmm? Lieutenant General Rhodes?" Zhan Guo looked at Rhodes, but was immediately attracted by Carl's group and exclaimed,"Carl! Why are you here!"

Carl smiled brightly and waved,"Hello, long time no see."

Zhan Guo never thought that he would run into Zero who was almost out of touch here, especially when he saw Carl, the culprit, he was furious.

""Karl! You are so brave! You dare to cut off the connection with the headquarters. If it causes serious consequences, can you afford it?" Zhan Guo scolded him.

Karl was not angry, because he knew that the other party was so angry because of his own consideration.

""Are you all right? Where are the Bondi Worlds? Which direction did they run to?" While Sengoku was still scolding Carl, Garp finally did not forget the main purpose of this trip.

This shows how angry Sengoku was with Carl. When he saw Carl, everything became unimportant.

Carl, deservedly the first priority to be scolded...

Sengoku finally came back to his senses and hurriedly asked with concern:"Are you all right? Where are Bondi Worlds?"

His first reaction was still to care about the safety of Carl and [Zero].

Vice Admiral Rhodes was trembling on the side, wanting to cry but not having tears in his heart. Obviously, they were the biggest victims, but Admiral Sengoku ran to care about Carl without saying a word to him?

Woohoo~ It turns out that wild children have no mother to love them.

He still doesn't understand the significance of Carl's shoulders.

Carl is the future of the navy.

Carl smiled brightly and was thinking about how to explain what happened just now. Sengoku frowned and urged angrily:"Why are you laughing all the time? I'm asking you something important! Be serious! Carl!!"

The huge roar shook Carl's ears, and at the same time there was some splattering saliva... forcing Carl's smile to solidify, and suddenly he wanted to cry.

We can be tough, but we can't play disgusting games, right?

Carl wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Bondi World... is here."

Akainu spoke from behind Carl, pointing behind everyone.

"There? Running from underground?"

Zhan Guo frowned and strode forward through the crowd. Garp followed closely behind him while picking his nose without caring about his image.

However, the next second, the two of them stopped in their tracks.

"This is...Wald! ?"

Zhan Guo's mind was full of question marks, and the CPU couldn't process the scene in front of him for a while.

Wang Defa?

Is this Bondi Wald?

The enemy he and Garp jointly dispatched to arrest?

Why is he lying here like a dead dog?

Garp picked his nose stiffly. He was not embarrassed, but shocked.

Is this the world destroyer?

Where is the face?

The two were stunned for a while before slowly coming back to their senses.

Zhan Guo's voice was still shocked and asked:"What happened? Who beat him like this?"

He turned and glanced at everyone.

No one spoke, but their eyes were all on Carl.

Carl was wiping his face and cursing in his heart. He had just made a great contribution. Even if there was no reward, he would not spit on him!?

"Carl!? You killed Wald?"

Garp could never think that it was Carl who did it.

Carl is strong enough to kill Wald?


Even if Carl is strong, he can't kill the other party without any injury, right?

That is the guy called the World Destroyer!

Sengoku was even more shocked, and almost jumped up and said:"You kid, tell me! What's going on!" How many things did this kid hide?

Carl felt that the saliva on his face was almost wiped off, so he slowly explained:"Nothing, I just saw him attacking the G-8 branch. As a member of the navy, of course I have no choice but to do this! And that's it." And that's it


You said it so easily!

Sengoku's anger jumped up, and he walked up to Carl and was about to spray him again.

Carl was quick and immediately pulled the confused Kizaru from the side to block him, and shouted:"General Sengoku, let's talk it out, don't spray people with saliva, there is no way I can play with you like this."



"Ha ha ha ha……"Garp was suddenly touched and laughed while holding his stomach.

Anyway, Wald had been dealt with and the situation was no longer serious. Garp returned to his carefree and frivolous self, laughing so hard that his whole body was shaking, and even tears came out of the corners of his eyes. Sengoku's face flushed, veins popped out on his forehead, he was angry and furious, and there was a barely perceptible embarrassment.

He really wanted to tear Carl's mouth apart.

Spitting at me?

No way to play anymore?

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

I am the admiral of the navy!

Don't I have any dignity?!

Kizaru: ??? ?

Boss, if it's the enemy, I am willing to be a shield, but you want me to block your saliva?

"" Karl!!!"

Sengoku's roar resounded throughout the entire naval base fortress, and everyone even felt that it was louder than the sound of the previous battle.

Garp laughed so hard that he covered his stomach and fell backwards,"Hahahaha... Sengoku you... hahahaha."

Sengoku clenched his fists and said angrily:"Garp! You bastard, be quiet!"

"Rod! Escort Bondi Wald to the ship, and I will send someone to escort him to the city. You lead the soldiers to organize and rebuild the base fortress, and apply to the headquarters for the necessary materials! Do you understand?"

""I understand." Lieutenant General Rhodes nodded.

""I'll leave this to you, can you handle it?" Zhan Guo asked seriously. He seemed to be in a posture that if the other party said"no", you would not be a vice admiral.

"" Yes!" Rhodes patted his chest and promised, almost breaking his sternum.

He was not a reckless man like Carl. How could he dare to say"no" at this time?

After giving the order, Zhan Guo grabbed Carl and walked towards the navy ship in the harbor. He and the reinforcements led by Garp were there. Now that the matter here has been dealt with, it is time to return to Marinford.

"【Zero, all of you go back to Marinford."

Carl was dragged along, touching his nose helplessly, feeling that a storm was about to come.

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