The test was over very quickly. Both Cyborg and Sengoku were sure of the power of the Bull Talisman and had high hopes for Zero.

However, the one who surprised them the most was Carl.

He had quietly reached a combat power comparable to that of a general, and even awakened his Conqueror's Haki. With this kind of talent and age, he could be called a little monster.

"Well, today's business ends here, you go back and have a good rest."

Cyborg gave orders to the members of [Zero] and dismissed them, then said to Zhan Guo earnestly:"Karl has been buried for too long, it's time to give him a chance to show his abilities... Bring him to my office tomorrow, I want to talk to him in person."

"Yes."Zhan Guo replied respectfully.

"Crane, you must urgently recall Zefa. I have new plans for Zero."

"Yes." The crane also answered respectfully.


The next morning, Zhan Guo went to the dormitory and pulled Carl up.

"Warring States General! Even if you are a general, you can't infringe on my right to rest. It's only six o'clock, and it's not time to go to work yet!"Karl rubbed his sleepy eyes and refuted helplessly.

"Why are you sleeping? Marshal Steel Bone wants to see you! Hurry up and pack up!"Zhan Guo was furious when he thought about the boy in front of him hiding so much from him, and said viciously

"Marshal Steel Bone wants to see me?"

Carl muttered as he got up. After all, he didn't understand why he had done something that the Navy Marshal noticed.

He was full of doubts and was taken to the Navy Marshal's office by Zhan Guo.

""Admiral Cyborg." Carl walked in with his head down and greeted him honestly.

But when he looked up again, he was shocked.

Because not only was Cyborg present.

The future Navy hero Garp, Navy Admiral Zephyr, and Crane were all sitting in the office, as if they were waiting for him.

What the hell, what is this lineup trying to do?

Carl was alert at the time.

"Carl... you hid it too deeply." Steel Bone stared at Carl with burning eyes and said faintly.

Carl was immediately startled again and subconsciously said:"What did I hide?"

Steel Bone had a faint smile on his lips and said lightly:"Strength comparable to that of a general? Conqueror's Haki? And the Bull Talisman? Carl, you gave me a big surprise."

You knew it so soon?

Carl raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, then relaxed, spread his hands and said:

"This is not considered concealment, right? After all... no one has asked me."

Zhan Guo put his palm on Carl's shoulder and said in a bad tone:"You didn't even reach the strength of a colonel in the test a year ago!"

In response, Carl just smiled and didn't explain.

Because there is no way to explain.

You can't expose your systematic things, right?

"What an interesting little guy. Hahahaha……"Garp leaned back in his chair and laughed.

Zephyr frowned, he couldn't understand Carl at all.

Crane kept looking at Carl, but couldn't see anything.

Cyborg tapped the table with his fingers, and said thoughtfully:"So, now tell me the purpose of your forming [Zero]."

The purpose of forming [Zero]?

Of course, it is to activate the gold finger to make yourself stronger!

But this cannot be said out loud.

Carl was silent for a moment, then raised his head with a serious face, his bright eyes met Cyborg's inquiring eyes without fear, and said slowly:"Following Admiral Sengoku, I came into contact with a lot of information. After sorting it out, I found that the number of pirates on the sea is growing at an incredible rate! No matter what the reason is, at least one thing is certain, the navy needs to invest a lot of energy to deal with these incidents.……"

"Moreover, there is no shortage of monsters among pirates. Not to mention Rocks, even Edward Newgate, Golden Lion, Charlotte Linling and other monster-like guys, the navy does not have enough time and energy to deal with them. What's more, they are now gathered under Rocks, plus famous pirates such as Silver Axe and Wang Zhi, they will become the biggest enemy of the navy!"

"Roger's pirate group is also very powerful."

"The only way to solve these problems is to make the navy grow quickly, so I focus on the young and strong elites, train them quickly and make them capable of standing on their own!"

"Even if a war strikes in the future, the navy does not need to be so passive and must firmly grasp the initiative!"

Carl's heartfelt words made the entire office silent.

Steel Bone looked at him with undisguised admiration.

This is the talent the navy needs most!

Being able to silently prepare for the future of the navy, making efforts in advance, and interpreting one's goals with practical actions is no longer just"excellent" to describe.

Zhan Guo's face was full of excitement, and he knew he was not wrong about Carl!

"Is that so?……"Zefa's eyes flickered. He didn't expect that this was the reason why Carl insisted on forming [Zero] to prepare for future wars. After all, the pirates would not surrender.

""Great ambition! Great young man!" He couldn't help but admire.

Karp smiled, and his eyes became more and more interesting when he looked at Carl.

""Hahahaha... Good! Good! Good! I'm glad that the Navy has talents like you!" Cyborg laughed and praised.

Now he finally understood Carl and was ready to support him.

Because if the problems Carl mentioned just now were not solved, there would never be peace on the sea.

Carl looked calm and composed, as if he had written the words"Navy justice and world peace" on his face.

"I didn't expect you to stand up when the Navy needed manpower the most. Carl, I want to give you a very important task!"Cyborg crossed his hands and casually placed them on the desk, with a serious look on his face.

"What mission?" Carl was slightly puzzled.

Cyborg suddenly burst out with a strong aura, and his slightly narrowed eyes shone with a dangerous luster. He said in a deep voice:"Admiral Bruno... is missing."

Bruno is one of the three admirals of this period, but his qualifications seem to be younger than Zefa. Anyway, this person has never appeared in later history.

Carl was stunned, and finally understood what Cyborg meant by"the time when the navy needs manpower the most".

The disappearance of the admiral of the navy is a serious blow to the navy!

"Missing?" Carl murmured, thinking about this matter in his mind.

"That's right, there has been no news for half a month. Zefa has been dealing with this matter recently, but there is still no clue... The worst possibility is that General Bruno has met with an accident."

Carl did not comment.

Without thinking too much, you know that Bruno is most likely dead.

The Battle of the Valley of the Gods is about to begin. Whether there is a record of Bruno in history shows that he has no influence on the direction of the times. Now it seems that he was killed before he grew up.

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