"What can I do?" Carl asked hesitantly.

The office fell into silence, and everyone was waiting for Cyborg to speak.

Cyborg paused and continued,"I hope you will investigate this matter.……"

"Shall I investigate?"

"Yes, without a general, Zhan Guo and Zefa are already overwhelmed."Gonggu said seriously

"What about Zero?" Carl asked with a frown.

Cyborg seemed to have planned it in his mind and said directly:"You will continue to lead. I am going to remove Zefa from his position as instructor, and you will take full charge."

"Wait! Why bring Zero?】?"Zephyr broke his usual tone and retorted:"The Buono incident is very likely related to the Rocks Pirates. If you let Carl lead Zero to investigate, the consequences will be very serious if a conflict breaks out! The members of Zero are all the most elite soldiers in the Navy!"

Zephyr couldn't help but worry.

If Zero had an accident, it would definitely be the biggest loss for the Navy!

There are a few guys in there,���Fa was very optimistic about him and even thought he had the talent to become a general. He must not take risks.

Zhan Guo remained silent. He also had some concerns in his heart.

"Hahahaha... I might as well investigate this matter." Garp laughed and broke the silence.

Crane immediately frowned and retorted:"Garp! We believe in your fighting ability, but you can't do this kind of thing with your thick nerves."

Garp was not angry after being scolded like this. He grabbed his hair and laughed, seeming to be unconcerned.

Carl suddenly looked up and assured:"I can do it."

He looked very serious, not at all like a joke.

After a brief thought, Carl made a decision in his heart: he would lead [Zero] to explore the sea and let those guys grow up quickly, so that he could become stronger, at least he had to have the means to protect himself in the Battle of God Valley!

All the members of the Rocks Pirates are monsters!

With Carl's current level, it is not enough.

Although he has the strength of an admiral and the blessing of the bull talisman, his domineering aura is too weak, and he still looks small in front of the real strong.

Thinking of this, Carl's desire to let Akainu, Kizaru and others improve their strength became more urgent

"Good! I didn't make a mistake!" Cyborg said in a low voice, undisguisedly praising.

The Navy needs such fearless warriors the most!

"I don't agree! This is sending them to their deaths!" Zefa stood up suddenly and said angrily.

Even Admiral Bruno was defeated, what can Carl and others do?

Carl frowned, turned his head to look at Zefa, and said calmly:"General Zefa, do you think my strength is not enough?"

The faint voice blew up an invisible storm in the office.

Although he knew that Zefa had good intentions, Carl would not let anyone influence his plan, so it was necessary to show some real strength.

The invisible storm filled the space between Carl and Zefa. Their eyes collided, and a strong fighting spirit rose from them.

"Carl? Do you want to challenge me?" Zefa stretched out his fist, turned his wrist casually, and his voice was full of oppression.

"Since Admiral Zephyr has no confidence in me, I have to come up with something, right?"

Carl was not moved at all, and looked at each other calmly.

Cyborg and Sengoku looked at each other, and neither of them said anything to stop him, especially Sengoku who actually added,"Let's go to the training ground."

Carl's mouth twitched.

It was hard not to doubt that this scene was what Cyborg and Sengoku wanted to see, and the purpose was to test his strength.

Shaking his head, Carl didn't worry so much, anyway, the arrow was on the string and had to be shot.

A group of people came to the training ground in a mighty manner.

The navy's training grounds are divided into several places, and they chose the nearest training ground, which happened to be the training ground of [Zero].

Akainu, Kizaru and others watched as the Navy Marshal Cyborg, Admiral Sengoku, Admiral Zephyr, Garp, Crane and Carl came to the training ground together, and their eyes widened in disbelief. All the leaders of the navy gathered together. Did something big happen?

""Teacher Carl, what happened?" Akainu couldn't help asking as he looked at Carl approaching.

Carl smiled and explained to everyone,"It's nothing serious, it's just that General Zefa wants to teach me, you guys get out of the way first."

General Zefa teaches Carl??

Everyone's brains were hot, and they all showed expressions of eating melons.

"Well, that will be an incredible battle~" Kizaru sighed, seemingly calm, but the curiosity on his face betrayed him.

"The battle between Instructor Carl and the General!"

"The whole person became excited!"

"Instructor Zefa is a general, can Instructor Carl be his match?"

"Did you forget that Teacher Carl took action? His momentum was not necessarily weaker than that of General Zefa?"

"I 'm really looking forward to the result."

Mole, Huoshaoshan and others started a heated discussion.

Sauro took out the Bull Talisman without hesitation and handed it to Carl,"Teacher, the Bull Talisman is for you."

Carl was slightly startled, a warm current flowed through his heart, and then he said:"I don't need the Bull Talisman. Sauro, remember, I have given it to you, and you are its master. Do you understand?"

Sauro's eyes flashed, and he lowered his head and said sullenly:"I understand."

At this moment, he had an extremely firm idea in his heart, he wanted to become stronger!

Strong enough to protect Carl, and to live up to Carl's expectations and efforts!

In the huge training ground, Carl and Zefa stood opposite each other.

The two looked calm and said nothing, but the invisible sense of oppression was like a pair of big hands, making the members of [Zero] feel suffocated.


Zefer's figure suddenly moved.

Like a galloping beast, he rushed towards Carl.

The muscles on his arms bulged like a dragon, and a heavy punch hit Carl's head.

The fist brought a strong gust of wind, Carl squinted his eyes unconsciously, retreated quickly, twisted his body, and kicked out with a whip kick.

Zefa reacted even faster, and directly changed his fist into a palm, locked Carl's legs with both hands, twisted his body and threw him out like a discus, and hit him heavily on the hard ground of the training ground.


Bricks and stones shattered, the ground collapsed, and dust flew.

Instantly formed a circular gully with a radius of several meters.

Ganggu hugged his arms and saw Carl being thrown out by Zefa in one round. He whispered:"Zefar was serious from the beginning, it seems that Carl will suffer."

Zhan Guo had a helpless bitter smile and a hint of worry on his face.

Even if Carl's strength improved rapidly, he could not be the opponent of the general.

Although Carl reacted quickly to avoid a punch just now, he was beaten back by a move afterwards. It seems that the gap in strength is still quite large.

I still overestimated Carl's strength.

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