In fact, Carl doesn't want to do so.

It's not that he is afraid of the World Government. Not to mention now, even if he doesn't have the strength, he will not succumb to the World Government. This is not a matter of strength.

As long as Carl is given time, he is confident that he can make the navy a different navy.

As Cyborg and Sengoku said, the future of the navy belongs to Carl and others. Give him time, let the younger generation of Akainu and Kizaru grow up, and they may be able to compete with the World Government.

What's more, Carl remembers Sengoku's favor, and Sengoku treats him... really well. He is a grateful person.

But now, he can't submit to the Five Elders.



The conflict did not escalate in the end.

After all, it was the headquarters of the Navy. How could Steel Bone, Sengoku and others watch Satan, one of the Five Elders, fight with Carl? Wouldn't that be a complete mess?

Satan was thoughtful and had already felt that Carl's strength was not weaker than his. Even if he took action, the result would not be good, so he had to choose to retreat.

But for Carl, a guy who jumped out of control, the Five Elders were completely alert.

If possible, they would not mind killing Carl.


""Karl, you are too impulsive. After all, the other party is one of the Five Elders. Why would you offend him?" Zhan Guo sighed and stared at Kahl beside him.

Kahl spread his hands helplessly,"I didn't want to either, but he came up and asked for my blood. What? Am I a guinea pig, to be manipulated by others? Experimented on at will?"

Thinking of his own peculiarity, how could Kahl let others study his blood at will.


Kahl narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly remembered the battle scene with Rocks in his mind. Did the other party steal his blood?

Damn it!

Insidious and cunning Rocks!

Damn it!

Kahl's face sank and he almost cursed out loud.

It seems that he... was calculated by Rocks!

"What happened again?"Zhan Guo said helplessly when he saw his startled look.

Carl waved his hand,"It's okay, it's okay."

He said it was okay, but the alarm bell rang in his heart.

""Alas." Sengoku sighed heavily,"You have angered the Five Elders this time, and it will be difficult for you to be promoted in the future."

Carl didn't care.


He would refuse even the title of Admiral of the Navy, but if the position of Im was given to him, he could still consider it.

Cyborg felt some disgust towards Carl's rebellious behavior.

Suddenly, he was a little worried about handing over the future of the Navy to such an uncontrollable, random guy.

Whether Carl felt it or not, it didn't matter.

Again, he didn't care.

For a moment, Carl really wanted to rebel against the Navy and live freely in the world, but he quickly extinguished the idea.

The Navy had a ready-made plate. If he rebelled against the Navy, Akainu, Kizaru and others would follow him, not to mention that he would inevitably become enemies with Sengoku, Garp and others. In terms of friendship, Carl didn't want to see this scene.

Besides, wouldn't it be nice to be able to take over the Navy directly?

As for the Five Elders and the World Government, who always look down on them, just treat them as farts. After talking with Sengoku for a while, Carl left and summoned the members of [Zero]

"Boss! That guy has gone too far!" Akainu said viciously, and he was still a little angry.

For Carl who made great contributions, not only did he not get any reward, but he even wanted to use Carl for experiments?

This was unbearable.

Kizaru's face was also ugly, and anger rose in his heart.

If they were trained by the navy step by step, they might have a little respect for the Five Elders.

But now, their boss is Carl, and the other party came up to make things difficult for Carl?

What the hell is this?

"It's okay. I called you here for this matter. You can have grudges against the World Government, but not against the Navy. As I said before, the future of the Navy belongs to us! Do you understand?" Carl said seriously.

Akainu and others nodded.

At this point, Carl smiled and looked at Akainu,"Take your time. I'm still waiting for the day when you become the Admiral."

By then, we brothers will have the final say in the Navy.

Such words would be considered treason in ancient times.

But Akainu nodded seriously, confident.

"Well~ let's see who will take that position first."Kizaru smiled slightly, with a rare fighting spirit burning in his eyes.

Carl was slightly startled. Has Kizaru changed his personality?

Akainu raised his eyebrows and naturally accepted the challenge. Let's see who can become the first admiral of the navy. Aokiji tilted his head and thought silently, should I also set a goal of becoming a navy admiral?

Chatun was silent, as if he had the motivation to fight.

If Carl knew what they were thinking, he might be extremely shocked: Brothers, do you even look down on the position of admiral these days? Are you all navy admirals?

Wake up, there is only one position of navy admiral, not three.

These people gathered together... to discuss something that was tantamount to rebellion.

It sounds ridiculous, but no one present felt inappropriate. It can only be said that the ideas of those who hang out with Carl have all changed. After talking for a long time, they slowly dispersed.

Carl left Momotosagi alone and admonished:"Study the surgery fruit slowly, and I will guide you when I have time; but don't expose your abilities for the time being."

The only people who know that Taotu ate the Operation Fruit are Carl and Bakin. Silver Axe is already dead.

Carl mainly doesn't want the World Government to know about this. The status of the Operation Fruit in the legend is very high. What if Taotu is taken away by the World Government for experiments?

As for whether Bakin will leak the news, that is not within Carl's control.

Even when fighting with Rocks, Carl never used the power of the Operation Fruit.

Taotu smiled and nodded,"I know, boss."


Beehive Island, Hatchinos

��Jin hurriedly found Rocks again, with a shocked expression,"Captain! Carl's blood... is no different from that of ordinary people!"

"Ordinary people?"

Locks paused, and even he didn't react for a moment.

Such a powerful and abnormal guy, but his blood is that of an ordinary person!

How to explain it?

It doesn't make any fucking sense!

Locks rubbed his brows with a headache. The mysterious Carl made him feel difficult.

What secrets does he have?

""Captain? What should we do? Should we continue the research?" Ba Jin asked cautiously.

It was obvious that Rocks was in a bad mood.

A sharp light flashed in Rocks' eyes, and he said coldly:"The enemy standing in front of me... just kill him. Prepare the plan for the Valley of Gods well, and don't make any mistakes!"

Ba Jin wanted to say something, but Rocks waved his hand, motioning her to leave.

"Carl...what's your secret?……"

Inside the palace, Rocks' hoarse whisper echoed.

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