Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

In the past month, Carl had devoted himself to studying various abilities, and he had mastered the use of any of them. With the combination of various abilities, his combat effectiveness was greatly improved again.

As for [Zero], he did not delay both training and executing tasks, but the feedback he brought to Carl in a short period of time was limited, and Carl still did not reach SSS.

But it is worth mentioning that Carl went out and won a new devil fruit - the Slowness Fruit.

And the Slowness Fruit was eaten by Stokberg, and the ability was fed back to himself.

Rewards: A large amount of Conqueror's Haki, Dog Talisman

【Dog Talisman: The power of immortality, which can make the holder forever young and immortal, and can give the holder youth and immortal power. 】

The appearance of the dog talisman can be said to give Carl a power against the sky.

In this regard, no one dared to mention the dog talisman.

This is the real immortality. Once the dog talisman is exposed, the one on the void throne will probably come down personally, and then Carl will inevitably become the public enemy of the world.

And the level of Conqueror's Haki has not been broken through.

It can be seen that the difficulty of improving Conqueror's Haki is simply incomparable to Armament Haki.

During this month, Carl stayed in the Navy Headquarters most of the time and rarely went out. Steel Bone did not give him any mission orders.

Carl now just wants to live quietly until Rocks dies, and he will be truly invincible, sweeping the entire sea alone. What Four Emperors, what Pirate King, what Five Elders, all knocked down with one punch, that would be exciting.

Carl did not want to participate in the battle of God Valley.

Anyway, Garp and Roger teamed up to kill Rocks, so it's normal.

The main reason is that Carl really doesn't want to have any contact with Rocks. The other party is really insidious.

However, it's not what people want.

Carl was suddenly summoned to the office by Cyborg.

Only Sengoku and Cyborg were in the office.

The two looked solemn, and the first thing they said when they saw Carl was:"Carl, Rocks has taken action in the Valley of the Gods!"

Carl was not only not surprised, but also a little excited. Finally, he came, Rocks is finally going offline!

But the next news made Carl uneasy. Cyborg said in a solemn voice:"The Rocks Pirates attacked the Celestial Dragons fleet and blocked many Celestial Dragons in the Valley of the Gods... The Navy has mobilized all its forces, Garp and Zephyr have been dispatched, Carl, you are ready to go to the Valley of the Gods with me. This time, you must not fail."

Sengoku added:"Aokiji was ambushed by John and was seriously injured and unconscious. Chaton resisted Rocks' attack and is in danger."

Fuck! ?

What the hell did you say!

""Why are Aokiji and Chaton in the Valley of Gods!" Carl asked loudly.

Zhan Guo said solemnly:"They were responsible for protecting the Celestial Dragons, but they were in danger together."

""Where's Gion?" Carl asked.

If Momosagi were here, with the horse spell, Aokiji and Chaton should be able to be cured.

"Gion is on a mission, but she has been transferred to God's Valley." Cyborg said.

Carl's mouth twitched, and he wanted to curse.

Transferring Momosagi to such a dangerous place?

It seems that he has to go to God's Valley. If one or two members of [Zero] die accidentally, Carl can't accept it.

The navy is the navy, [Zero] is [Zero], they are all his brothers.

""Huh~" Carl took a deep breath and said loudly:"Then let's go."

In this case, let's go!

Cyborg stepped forward and patted Carl on the shoulder, comforting him:"Don't worry, the Five Elders will also participate in the operation. This time Rocks can't escape."

Carl's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly in his heart:"It's better not to come."

It was not a big deal at first, but when the Five Elders came, Carl had to be very alert.

Everyone stopped talking nonsense and directly assembled the army to attack the Valley of the Gods


God's Valley.

This was Carl's first time to this place, and even his first time to see it.

The towering peaks stretched out, forming a strait in the middle, with a long gorge and a complex central island behind.

When they arrived, the sea was full of the smell of blood.

Countless corpses floated on the sea, some of them were from the navy, some were pirates, and even some were from the Celestial Dragons.

"Boss……"Taotu covered her mouth with a shocked look.

This battlefield was too tragic and bloody.

On the way here, Taotu met Carl and others.

Sakaski and Kizaru were surrounded in the Valley of the Gods, and they needed to rush in from the outside.

Countless pirates surrounded the Valley of the Gods.

The number of people was almost catching up with the navy.

This was Rocks' appeal. In order to start this war, he invested all his troops.

From a distance, Carl encountered the enemy.

Kaido and Charlotte Linlin were still in the front.

At first, the two thought it was just ordinary support from the navy, but when they got closer, they found that there was a group of extraordinary guys standing on the ship.

Steel Bone, Sengoku, and Carl who left a nightmare for the two.

Kaido narrowed his eyes, turned his head and glanced at Charlotte Linlin, and the two nodded imperceptibly.

Then, Kaido made a full-strength attack, and Thunder Bagua burst out, rushing straight into the navy camp.

Carl raised his eyebrows. The closer he got to the Valley of the Gods, the more uneasy he became. Seeing Kaido blocking the way, he attacked without hesitation.


An iceberg suddenly spread out from the sea.

Kaido's attack was interrupted abruptly. Kaido jumped and moved in the sky, avoiding the iceberg and rushing towards Carl again.

At the same time, Charlotte Linlin suddenly attacked, and attacked Kaido from the left and right.

The terrifying power directly raised the waves, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Zhan Guo sighed:"As expected of a super rookie, the strength is really strong."

Both of them are guys who have awakened the domineering color domineering, and they must not be underestimated.

Carl just glanced at them lightly and said softly:"Get out of here!"

Whoosh- his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, as if he had never appeared.

I saw that the sky was full of accumulated thunder derived from the layers of dark clouds.

Boom! Boom!

Only two violent sounds were heard.

Kaido and Charlotte Linlin hit the bottom of the sea almost at the same time, and there was no sound.

It seemed that a long time had passed, and there was still no movement in the sea.

Sengoku looked at the sea in surprise, and said in astonishment:"Is it... solved?"

He couldn't believe it. Carl defeated Kaido and Charlotte Linlin with one move?

Carl ignored the two people who escaped from the sea, and stood directly on the iceberg, controlling the iceberg to rush straight into the Valley of the Gods, which was also to open the way for the navy.

All the pirates who blocked the way were crushed and buried in the sea.

Carl was murderous and attacked without hesitation.

He was in no mood to waste time now, and he had to rush to the Valley of the Gods as soon as possible.

At the same time, he had to bring Cyborg in, otherwise... who would deal with Rocks?

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