The matter was resolved, but the matter was not resolved.

During the follow-up process, Garp had a dark face.

After all, he had just boasted to Ling Yan about the justice of the navy in the morning, and he was slapped in the face before he left Kokosia Village.

"Vice Admiral Garp, do you think a mouse colonel dares to be so unscrupulous in the East China Sea? I think you should check his boss!" Ling Yan said lightly.

"I know, don't worry, I will give an explanation to Kokosia Village, Bogart, let's go!" Garp's face was serious, and he took the 16th branch and left Kokosia Village.

Even if Garp's brain was not smart, he could think that what the mouse colonel did must be protected by someone.

Otherwise, he would not have received any reward for bullying civilians in the East China Sea for so long. You know, the East China Sea is where he often hangs out.

"Wahahaha! These bastards, do you really think I won't get angry?" On the dog-headed warship, Garp chewed senbei with a calm expression.

"Vice Admiral Garp, if you want to move the people of the Navy Crime Investigation Bureau, did you contact Marshal Sengoku?" Bogart asked. The rat has already confessed that his backer is in the Crime Investigation Bureau.

"No, there is no need to trouble Sengoku for such a small matter." Garp said indifferently.

Bogart's mouth twitched. A small matter? That's the Navy Crime Investigation Bureau! The situation inside is complicated and there are many factions. The supporters behind them are the World Government!

However, Bogart didn't say anything. This style is indeed what Vice Admiral Garp can do.

"Ling Yan, how do you think Vice Admiral Garp will explain to us?" Nojigo asked, looking at the warship moving away.

"What a shitty explanation, it's impossible to even think about it, let's go home." Ling Yan said indifferently. The Navy's roots are the World Government, and the World Government is rotten, what explanation can they give.

Unless the Navy can turn against Tiangang and overthrow the World Government, but such a thing is enough to think about~~~

Back to the manor, they found Bellemere busy in the orchard, and by the way, he was still developing devil fruits. They did not disturb him, but went to Nami's studio.

"Ling Yan, now that old man Garp is gone, can we set off?" Nami looked at Ling Yan expectantly

"Hmm~~~ Then tell Bellemere and we'll set off." Ling Yan thought for a while and said.

"I'll tell Bellemere!" Dessa rushed downstairs directly.

After reporting to Bellemere, the five people came to the back mountain. This time they were going to Kozia Island, a country destroyed by Germa.

Kozia Island is not far from Hobby Island where Cocosia Village is located. Ling Yan and his friends arrived here in about two hours by Black Hawk.

Schematic diagram

Unlike the Kingdom of Oikot, although Kozia Island was destroyed, there are still many people living here.

Because of the war, this place has become a lawless zone.

Black Hawk landed in the mountains and forests, and Ling Yan and his friends came to the ruined streets through the alien space. When they walked out of the hidden corners, countless pairs of eyes stared at them unkindly.

The five-member group was very indifferent to this. These war survivors posed no threat to them.

It's just that the tiger has no intention of hurting people, but people have the intention of hurting tigers. As more and more people gathered, Ling Yan and his friends were directly surrounded.

Because they saw that Ling Yan and his friends were outsiders, the people here couldn't even eat enough, how could they dress as well as Ling Yan and his friends.

Outsiders mean there are ships! There is food!

They want to go to sea, want to leave this ghost place, and don't want to be hungry anymore, so they can only rob.

Ling Yan and his friends stopped and looked at the people who were slowly gathering indifferently.

"Are you sure you want to do it?" Ling Yan asked calmly.

"Where is your boat? Hand over the boat and food, and we will let you go!" A ferocious-looking man nearly four meters tall walked out.

"You will die!" Ling Yan narrowed his eyes and warned him.

"Stop talking nonsense! Anyway, we are almost dying, tell us where the boat is!"

"Yes! Tell us!"

"And food, where is the food!"

Ling Yan's words seemed to anger them, but they still maintained a certain restraint and did not take action directly.


"Korpo, you are really a waste, you are still hesitating about just a few children, you deserve to be hungry!" Suddenly another group of people came out from the dark.

The leader walked towards Ling Yan with a step that did not recognize any relatives.


"Kate!" Korpo, the nearly four-meter-tall man before, gnashed his teeth and stared at the newcomer.


"Korpo, since you can't do it, then get out of my way!" Kate glanced at Korpo with contempt.


"Get out of here, Korpo, these prey are ours!"

"Huh? These women are really good-looking, boss, look at them!"

"Hahaha! Really good!"

"Besides, the meat is very tender, it should taste great!"


This group of people is very arrogant. From what they said, they have started to eat their own kind, and they said it so calmly.

"Hey! Go! I can help you stop them, but the premise is that you have to give us the boat and food!" Just when Ling Yan and the others were about to take action, Korpo suddenly blocked Ling Yan and the others.

And the people who followed Korpo stood with him.

Ling Yan and his friends were somewhat stunned when they saw this scene. Could it be that this was the kind-hearted person in the legend? And they met him?

"Guys! Did I hear correctly? This guy actually wants to go against us?" Kate was stunned as if she had encountered something funny.


"Boss, why are you talking nonsense with them? I can't wait!"

"That's right, boss, do it!"

"Okay! Guys, come on!" Kate gave the order directly.



These hooligans rushed towards Korpo and his people instead of Ling Yan and his people. In a few seconds, they immediately started fighting.

However, Korpo and his people were no match for Kate and his group, and people kept being knocked down.

"Ling Yan~~~" Nami felt a little reluctant.

"Kill them~" Ling Yan said softly.

In an instant, the four girls disappeared from the spot, and then, there was a tragic wail one after another.

To be honest, Ling Yan was somewhat moved at this moment. Korpo and his people should have been very outstanding in the past, but they became the current situation because of the destruction of their country.

A few minutes later, Kate and her group were all dealt with by Nami and her group.

But now, Korpo and his group looked even more terrified. It turned out that these young children were so strong!

Korpo's brain was turning rapidly, trying to come up with a way to let these children spare them.

"We don't have a ship, but we can give you food."



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