The two of them were eating, and the two of them were eating.

"Woo woo woo woo~~~"

"Thank you, I haven't eaten such delicious food in a long time~~~"

"Me too, this kind of meat is so delicious~~"

"Dad, you eat first~~"

"Okay~ Leia will eat too, my brother and sister gave me a lot~"

"Well! Then I will go thank my brother and sister later~"

"Sister, thank you for bringing us food~~~" Leia, who was about three years old, ran to Nami.

"Hehe, you're welcome, sister has a lot here, eat quickly~" Nami said sweetly to Leia, she felt that this little girl was too cute.

"Well! Sister, you eat too~" Leia handed the cake in her hand to Nami.

After a while, Ling Yan and the others' feeding slowly turned into a banquet~~~



"I haven't had a drink for a long time, it's so refreshing~~~"


"Brother Ling Yan, thank you!"

"Yes, Brother Ling Yan, I apologize to you for our previous behavior!"

"Hahaha, no need to thank me, no need to thank me, and you are all forced to do it, we won't take it to heart."

"Ling~~ Ling Yan~~ Why do you have two heads~~~ Hiccup~~~"

"Ah! Desha, why are you drinking!"

The banquet was very pleasant. In the open space of this dilapidated street, dozens of people seemed to have forgotten their troubles and reveled to their heart's content.

The atmosphere on the scene was very cheerful.


The next morning, Ling Yan and the others left a lot of food and prepared to leave.

Berry can't give it. There is no place to use it here now. Giving it to Berry and his group will only cause internal conflicts.

Korpo and his group are also very grateful to Ling Yan and his group, because Ling Yan and his group dealt with Kate's group, and no one can steal their food in this area in the future.

Without the harassment and threat of Kate's group, they can slowly start planting crops again in the fields.

"Goodbye! Brother Ling Yan!"

"Sister Nami, I will miss you, goodbye!"

"And Sister Nokigo, Sister Kuina, Sister Desha, goodbye!"


"Leia must grow up quickly!"

Ling Yan and his group left here quickly with reluctant farewells.

Along the way, several girls were very happy, chattering about yesterday's experience. They seemed to be proud and satisfied because they did good things yesterday and helped many people.

Nami was not idle either. She was drawing the sea chart here while walking. Ling Yan and others helped Nami pass a pen or cut a tree so that she could do her job better.

The atmosphere on the road was very relaxed and happy. Everyone talked and laughed together, playing with each other, as if time had stopped.

However, when they came to a small village, this cheerful atmosphere disappeared instantly.

The village looked unusually quiet, with almost no sound coming out, which made people feel terrified.

Everyone walked into the village curiously, trying to figure out what had happened.

As soon as they stepped into the village, they were stunned by the scene in front of them. The village seemed to be empty, with only a dead silence.

But there were new signs of fire on the outskirts of the village, as if it had just experienced a fire.

Not only that, there were several corpses lying in the grass in the fields outside the village, and some weeds were stained with a lot of blood, which was shocking.

"Not long ago, there should have been a war here." Guina looked at the scene in front of her and said solemnly. Her tone revealed a respect for life and helplessness towards the cruelty of war.

After what happened yesterday, everyone's mood suddenly became bad when they saw this scene again.

"Then, do we still want to go in?" Desha asked hesitantly, looking at the deserted village.

The other three girls looked at Ling Yan.

"Let's go in and take a look. I always feel that there is something strange here~~~" Ling Yan walked in.

The four girls followed immediately.

When they came to the village, the situation inside was also the same. It was just that one of the houses was much cleaner, and there seemed to be lights in the house.

Several people looked at each other, and then walked towards the house with lights on.

"Is anyone there?" Noqi shouted.

After waiting for a while, there was no response.

Just as they were about to step in,

But a voice came from the other side: "You~~~you are not allowed to come in, otherwise~~otherwise my brother will come back and beat you to death!"

Ling Yan and the others looked towards the place where the voice came from, and saw a little girl hiding behind a door, with a look of fear on her face.

Ling Yan did not speak, the girl was very wary, and it would be counterproductive if he spoke.

"Hello, don't be nervous, we won't hurt you, can you tell us what happened here?" Noqi Gao asked softly.

"I~~~I won't talk to you~~~" the little girl said very scared.


As soon as the little girl finished speaking, her stomach growled.

"Little sister, we just want to know what happened here. If you tell us, sister will give you this cake, okay?" Nami stretched out her hand to open the door, took out a piece of cake and said softly.

The little girl looked at the cake that Nami took out, and her eyes were filled with two words, want to eat!

But she still shook her head and refused: "No, I'm not hungry!"


The little girl just said she wasn't hungry, but her stomach started to growl again.

"Hehehe, then we won't ask anymore, the cake is for you, eat it quickly~~~" Nami put the cake into the house and walked out.

"Don't hurt my sister!"

Suddenly there was a roar, Ling Yan and the others looked back and saw the little girl's brother rushing over with an axe at a very fast speed.

Ling Yan stepped forward and blocked his attack, but Ling Yan frowned slightly.

This man is quite powerful!

"Brother!" Seeing that her brother's attack was blocked lightly, the little girl shouted immediately.



The little girl's brother struggled to break free from the axe and chopped at Ling Yan again.

"You are not my opponent~~~"

"Don't get excited first, we are not here to fight with you, and we will not hurt you." Ling Yan said while dodging the attack.

"Brother, they really didn't hurt me~~~" the little girl also said.

Hearing this, the boy stopped attacking and looked at Ling Yan and others vigilantly and said: "Aren't you sent by the next village?"

"Of course not, we came from outside, but we saw that the situation here was a little strange, so we entered this village." Desha explained softly.

"Brother, they just seemed to want to ask me about the situation here~~~" The little girl ran behind her brother and said softly.

"Uh (⊙o⊙)... I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, I apologize." Although the boy apologized, he was still very vigilant.

"It's okay, can we sit down and talk?" Ling Yan said softly.

Nami on the side also took out a lot of food from her backpack.

It's been a while since I've seen such delicious food. Both siblings are craving for it, but they are too embarrassed to ask for it.

Nami: No censoring today~

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