Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and sixty-eighth, the pride of the era

"Are there any outstanding geniuses in the sea?" Sengoku asked. This is what the Navy headquarters has been collecting for a long time. Many of those geniuses and monsters showed their uniqueness when they were young, and the purpose of the Navy , is to find them out.

The young Kuzan was met by Lieutenant General He and then joined the navy. Before joining the elite training camp, he had been trained by He for several years, so Kuzan was naturally close to the doves.

Since it is impossible to wait for those geniuses to join the navy, the navy can only let the navy take the initiative to find them.

"Yes." The intelligence officer nodded, and took out a photo, showing a young child. What surprised people was that he had another terrifying bird that was dozens of times bigger than his body, covered in red Hairy demon hand.

"The child named Gurante was brought back by General Qingzhi some time ago. He was born with an uncontrollable devil's hand and possessed terrifying power."

"The specific physical potential is not clear yet. If he can master it, he may have the potential to become a top combat force, but it is a pity that he is only five years old now, and he is still many years away from growing up."

"Well, I know a little bit." Warring States knew about Gurant, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Gurant's demon hand is very dangerous, as if he has his own consciousness. Now the Naval Science Department is also studying to suppress his demon hand. device, otherwise it will get out of control at any time.

Then, the intelligence officer took out another photo, showing a blond-haired child in aristocratic costumes, wearing a black top hat with goggles on his head, and holding a steel pipe as a weapon in his hand.

"This is the child of Orteluk III, a nobleman of the Kingdom of Goya in the East China Sea, Outoruk Sabo, a monster in the East China Sea Triton training camp, known as the shining star of the East China Sea."

"Although he is an aristocrat, he is friendly and has a perfect personality. He was trained as the future East China Sea Sea Guard. He has excellent fighting talent. He is only ten years old. He defeated a man with his own strength a year ago. A pirate with a bounty of 30 million."

"According to the news, the East China Sea Kingdom Alliance has even prepared a precious phantom beast devil fruit for him. It's a pity that we haven't found out the specific ability."

Big Dog, Sengoku couldn't help but feel a bit of a toothache when he heard about the phantom beasts. How powerful are these kingdoms hiding? A Phantom Beast was taken out directly.

For example, the Kingdom of Mainz, the kingdom of Tirisfal, a powerful country in the West Sea, is a natural-type · air fruit capable person. There is no doubt that it is the top devil fruit. The air fruit had a terrifying reputation hundreds of years ago. It hasn't appeared in a hundred years,

It must have been collected by the Kingdom of Tirisfal, and there must be many such cases in the sea.

These alliances of kingdoms add up to a terrifying background.

It would be great if such a talent could join the navy, Sengoku couldn't help feeling that such a personality was very suitable for the navy, but unfortunately he knew it was impossible.

In the same way, if he is trained as a general, can the navy give him better treatment?

The strength of a piece of sea area, the strength of teachers is not much worse than that of the navy, not to mention the precious devil fruit that has been prepared.

The status of aristocrats can even serve as a link between nobles and ordinary residents.

Another photo, this is a young man with a slightly handsome face, sharp eyes, strong body, short brown hair, standing on a hill made of fallen corpses, behind him, there is a group of men.

"Serizawa, an orphan, was born on a chaotic island named Lily of the Valley in the West Sea. In order to survive, he started fighting at a young age. He has a terrifying appetite, a strong physique, strange power, and amazing resilience. Gradually reflected in the process, broke out the title of the king of all beasts."

"This is a young man with the demeanor of a king, possessing the arrogance of a king, and gathered a group of subordinates. When he was fourteen years old, he led his subordinates to defeat all the other forces in Lilyland Island one by one, and unified the entire island. Instantly became famous in the West Sea."

"A few months after that, Serizawa was adopted by Xihaihaojie Crusado Cizell as his adopted son, inherited Cruzado's surname, and received key training from Cizell. Now sixteen years old, he has joined the I joined the West Sea Triton, and got the Phantom Beast Beamon form given by the West Sea Alliance, and I will be the general of the West Sea Triton in the future."

Another phantom beast species! Warring States didn't even know what to say. Phantom beasts are more precious devil fruits than nature ones, but according to the current situation in the sea, the number of phantom beasts is more than that of nature ones, and there are already more than ten. This used to be unimaginable.

Such a monster, born in the West Sea, was naturally recruited by the West Sea Alliance first.

Strong potential, powerful devil fruit, plus good training, there is no doubt that these young monsters have the qualifications to become generals.

"Is there any more?" Zhan Guo rubbed his temples and sighed. There are talents, but they are not his own.

"Well, with the establishment of the Four Seas Alliance and the establishment of the Four Seas Triton, in the process of expanding enrollment, many talents have emerged in recent years, so I won't list them one by one. Sabo and Serizawa are the most powerful in the East China Sea and West Sea Representative two."

"South Sea Triton and Beihai Triton also launched their own monsters. They are all monsters selected by themselves and endowed with top-level abilities. As a facade, all in all, it is difficult for us to intervene in the four seas."

The times have changed, and under the influence of various factors, those geniuses and monsters have appeared together, the Universal Alliance is expanding, and its deterrent power is increasing.

It has effectively suppressed the turmoil in the four seas. This situation is good, but it has nothing to do with the navy, let alone the world government.

"There is another trend. With the establishment and expansion of the Four Seas Triton, the power is obviously increasing. Relatively, the average power of the Four Seas Pirates has also increased significantly. Nowadays, there are not a few pirates with a bounty of over 100 million. The bounty is as high as 270 million."

This is of course, the tempering of the environment, the improvement of strength, coupled with the spread of the six naval styles, and even the spread of domineering cultivation methods, the four seas are the most affected.

The new world has not changed much.

But it is also a fact that the Four Seas are more stable. A large number of people are very safe and protected by Triton. Pirates are confined to some areas and are obviously suppressed by the Four Seas Triton.

To form a relatively stable pattern, just like the previous world government, the top leaders of the Universal Alliance do not want to wipe out all the pirates, and need to maintain a balance.

When the level has risen, the vision will naturally improve relatively, and one can see farther.

The birth of pirates cannot be contained, because the Universal Alliance cannot radiate to the entire sea area, and not all kingdoms join them, due to the influence of geographical location and various factors.

For example, the radiation range of the East China Sea Alliance is only half of that of the East China Sea, the West Sea Alliance is the largest, with 80% of the coverage, the South China Sea is next, with almost 70%, and the North Sea also accounts for half.

In the chaotic North Sea, if it weren't for Christopher Cabot's top combat power, the North Sea Alliance might still be three or two cats.

But it is precisely because of this top powerhouse that the North Sea Alliance can be quickly established, and the situation in the North Sea is much more stable.

The East China Sea, on the other hand, has disadvantages compared to other sea areas, and does not have the top combat power like other sea areas. Although there are many strong players, they are always inferior to other sea areas.

Like the emperor of the South China Sea, the King of Darkness, Kukulkan Keyatl's identity has begun to change from darkness to light, as a sharp weapon to deter the South China Sea.

In addition to cultivating young talents like Sabo, the East China Sea Alliance is trying to invite those strong men hidden in the East China Sea to come out of the mountains. At the same time, they also want to dig the naval hero Karp to the East China Sea Triton, but Karp refused.

However, Donghai is Garp's hometown after all, and Garp is also very concerned about it, promising to return to Donghai every once in a while.

"Are there any on the pirate side?" Sengoku also needs to pay attention to the young forces on the pirate side, because they may become the navy's enemy in the future.

There are so many supernovas every year, some stay on the great route, some are wiped out by the navy, and more go to the new world. The supernovas that can survive quickly become famous pirates in the new world after undergoing the baptism of the new world , to attack the local forces in the new world.

What the Warring States really cares about is those guys with terrifying potential. If they grow up, they can really have an impact on the structure of the new world.

Just like today's red-haired man, who has begun to show the majesty of the emperor, in the next few years, he is likely to become the fifth emperor of the sea.

But the red hair had fully grown, and it was useless for the Navy to stop it.

If such monsters really appear, they must be killed in the cradle before they grow up.

Over the years, the navy has also dealt with two young pirates who possessed domineering aura.

"Yes, but it is difficult for us to take a shot against them."

With that said, the intelligence officer took out two photos and put them in front of Zhan Guo.

A young girl with long white hair that fades from white to green and then blue from the top of the head to the tip.

There is a pair of distinctive red demon horns on the top of the head.

Carrying a mace on his shoulder.

Let Sengoku recognize her identity at once, "This is Kaido's daughter."

Speaking with emotion, I didn't expect Kaido's daughter to be so old.

He had also obtained information about Yamato before, but Yamato was well protected, with very little information, and he did not pay special attention to it.

"That's right, after collecting during this period of time, this girl named Yamato is the daughter of Kaido, the emperor of the new world, and the princess of the Beast Pirates, who inherited the powerful blood of Kaido, and It is also a phantom beast species, cat cat fruit, and a person with the ability to form a white tiger, which poses a great threat."

"We speculate that in the melee of the top pirate groups in the Kendo Contest seven years ago, the two members sent by the Hundred Beasts Pirates, apart from "White Fox" Krell, should be the other one wearing a mask. Yamato is only eight years old."

The intelligence officer on the side said seriously, "Besides, there are three young monsters with Yamato, all of whom are capable of ancient fruit seeds. They should be the backup force cultivated by Kaido of Beasts, and they will also pose a huge threat in the future."

In addition to the Dark Night Pirates, the Beast Pirates are the most threatening to Sengoku today. There are many strong players, a growing reserve force, and strong scientific research capabilities.

The terrible red devil virus is already very troublesome, and now staff officer He can't get away, staying in the naval science department, which increases his workload a lot.

Besides, it's just a virus, and the Beasts Pirates don't know what virus they will develop.

Moreover, the territory of the Beast Pirates and the Night Pirates is connected, and the occurrence of conflicts is directly avoided due to a separation zone.

The rising momentum of the Beast Pirates is becoming more and more threatening, and it needs to be suppressed. Coupled with the provocation of the Beasts Pirates against the World Government, this is the fundamental reason why the Navy wants to go to war with the Beasts Pirates.

The world government is dealing with Wano, and the navy is dealing with the Hundred Beasts Pirates. In the Hundred Beasts Sea, Wano secretly sent people to steal the signpost stones, causing a lot of friction. This is the relationship between these parties today.

Now that the research on the antidote has achieved some results, I believe it will definitely be researched within a month or two, which is much faster than the originally expected half a year.

The Navy Headquarters began to prepare for the Hundred Beasts Pirates again, and got some information about the Hundred Beasts Pirates. Compared with before, the Navy is more fully prepared.

"Who is this one?" Zhan Guo's eyes fell on another girl with long blue hair and a glamorous demeanor, and her eyes were full of confidence.

Wearing a white military uniform, a military cap, and a Western sword on his waist, this military uniform has a completely different style from the navy, or it is not a military uniform, but a special custom.

And the most obvious ones are the three skull marks in the middle of her hat, and the crossbones on the back. Who knows this mark in the new world?

"A member of the Night Pirates?" With doubts in his mouth, he actually confirmed it in his heart.

"Yes, Balutus Esdes was born on a small island called Frost Island in the Dark Night Sea. Primitive way of hunting to survive."

"She has a strong potential and a deep-rooted concept of the jungle. It is said that she started hunting wild animals when she was four years old. When she was ten years old, the island was officially connected to the outside world. She was spotted by the "hunter" Ren Garr, one of the seven demon kings of the Night Pirates. , brought back the cultivation of the Night Pirates."

"Appeared in the battle pyramid at the age of twelve, and now three years have passed. At the age of fifteen, he climbed to the fourteenth floor of the battle pyramid with great strength. He has powerful physical skills and sword skills. The devil fruit temperature fruit at the top of the battle pyramid."

"It is very likely to climb to the top of the battle pyramid within two or three years and break the record of the youngest person who climbed to the eighteenth floor. It can be said that he is one of the people who have the best chance of winning the fruit of temperature in the battle pyramid today, and he has a huge threat."

"Really?" The Beasts Pirates have an amazing reserve force potential, and the Night Pirates are also not bad, and Esdeth is the best one among them.

Also noticed by the navy is the "Reaper" poison Q who has become the thirteen magic generals, has extremely dangerous abilities, and has the ability of bacterial fruit.

A young fighter named Bashas, ​​born with strange strength, also honed in the fighting pyramid.

Van Oka is the younger brother of "Death Gun" Kos, the sharpshooter of the Night Pirates.

There are many similar ones, all honed in the Battle Pyramid. Apart from facing the sea, the Battle Pyramid itself is a platform for training subordinates.

The Navy's success rate against them is close to zero, because the battle pyramid is basically fought by people of similar strength.

Unless the combat power is very strong, just enter the battle pyramid, and then kill all the way from the bottom, and the possibility of encountering it is also very low.

As a new star in the Night Pirates, he will definitely operate in secret, and it is impossible to encounter opponents whose strength is too different.

Seeing that other forces are getting stronger, and there are amazing talents appearing, but there is no one on my side, it makes people feel a little helpless.

Gurante was too young to show his potential, and although Smoker could focus on training, he did not reach an amazing level.

Personality needs to be polished, not enough emphasis on physical skills, some dependence on devil fruit ability, and now he is not proficient in the use of domineering.

It's just annoying, and troubles often arise, and he is afraid of comparison in everything. He thought Smoker was not bad at first, but now, he thinks Smoker needs rigorous training.

In Karp's words, "love's iron fist."

"It's time to pay more attention to the new generation of the navy." Sen Guo pondered, with a serious light flashing in his eyes.

In the navy, many naval students complete the training tasks set by the instructors and they are done. There are not many students who take the initiative to train and become stronger.

How can such a new generation of navy grow up quickly? He felt the need to push.

"Let all naval branches pay attention to whether there are young talents, and focus on recruiting them." Warring States issued an order.

With the departure of the intelligence personnel, Sengoku sighed again. The only thing he felt relieved was that the World Government sent a batch of Devil Fruits, some of which had good abilities.

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