Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and eighty-five actions

The Beast Pirates once again invaded the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the war with Wano did not cause them much losses.

Bista, who supported Marco and the others, did not leave, but Jozi left. No matter what, they had to find a powerful fighter to resist the Beast Pirates.

For the Beast Pirates who are good at melee combat, Jozi is undoubtedly more suitable to deal with them.

The extra combat power of Bista, coupled with the pirates under Bista's protection, reduced their pressure a lot. Their resistance to the Night Pirates strengthened, delaying the Night Pirates' advance. pace of.

The Whitebeard Pirates don't have as much money, manpower and material resources as the Beasts Pirates, nor do they have as powerful military technology or a large amount of arms as the Beasts Pirates. Otherwise, it would definitely be much easier.

Under the threat of the powerful firepower of the Night Pirates, they can only fight passively and fight head-on with the Night Pirates. The losses are increasing and the pressure is also increasing.

Of course, in order to delay time until Dad can free his hands, they need to hold on and keep retreating, striving to turn the war into a battle between their main powerhouses and reduce the damage to ordinary members.

It is not known how long it will take for the war in the chaotic sea to be completely stable. The Whitebeard Pirates have a large amount of territory, coupled with the situation that the Whitebeard Pirates are facing.

Many forces also have a tacit understanding to attack the Whitebeard Pirates, and with the invasion of the Night Pirates, they want to force Whitebeard to leave the Chaotic Sea to deal with the Dark Night Pirates.

And they divided up the Whitebeard Pirates' territory in the Chaos Sea.

But the Whitebeard Pirates are still persisting. The value of the more than one hundred islands they have occupied in the Chaotic Sea is far higher than that of the islands in the Notting Sea.

The Whitebeard Pirates cannot give up. Once lost, it will cost even more to get it back.

The value of the Notting Sea is not great to the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is even only a nominal rule.

In fact, just give up the Notting Sea and give it to the Night Pirates. This will solve all the problems and the Whitebeard Pirates will not be so embarrassed.

Everything was still caused by the pride of the Whitebeard Pirates. They were unwilling to lose to the Night Pirates and wanted to persist until the Chaos Sea was completely stabilized. Whitebeard came to the Notting Sea to fight back the Night Pirates.

This is the thought of many members of the Whitebeard Pirates,

The Whitebeard Pirates are as strong as the clouds. Although the number of top strong men is insufficient, there are many backbones.

Although the losses were huge, and the core members lost a lot, most of them were ordinary members.

The losses of the Whitebeard Pirates were not that serious. After all, the Whitebeard Pirates have grown to this day and are so powerful. With such a large territory, they rely on more than just Whitebeard's power.

However, it is completely true that they were suppressed by the Night Pirates. War is the best place to hone yourself and enhance your strength. As time goes by, the number of the Night Pirates decreases instead of increasing, because people continue to join the battlefield.

In contrast, the Whitebeard Pirates' power continues to weaken.

Losing part of their powerful combat power has put even greater pressure on them.

Many islands have fallen into the hands of the Night Pirates and been annexed. Every retreat means that the Whitebeard Pirates have lost seven or eight islands.

After being defeated again and again at the hands of the Night Pirates, more than half of the more than 60 islands that originally belonged to the Whitebeard Pirates have fallen into the hands of the Night Pirates.

Even if the Whitebeard Pirates don't surrender voluntarily, this sea area will be annexed by the Night Pirates.

Teach didn't care about the war. He believed in the power of the Night Pirates, and even more so in his subordinates, unless there was information about Whitebeard's arrival.

He must prepare for the battle with Whitebeard, and he will not relax even if it takes many years.

In a short period of time, the Notting Sea Area will be completely annexed, and the Night Pirates will not simply stop.

The buffer zone between the Beast Pirates and the Isolation Zone is actually a good way to avoid direct friction between the top forces, and also allows the pirates in the new world to circulate without touching the top forces. More convenient.

The Night Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates also need a buffer zone. This is something that will happen after the war. The Night Pirates have already started planning.

However, the territory of this isolation zone has to be cut off from the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, with about fifty islands.

Naturally, these territories must be seized from the Whitebeard Pirates first, otherwise, how could the Whitebeard Pirates agree.

The Whitebeard Pirates don't know how to operate. Losing so much territory means less annual income, which is also a weakening.

The Dark Night Pirates can secretly develop their own power in this area. A large number of pirates will flood into this buffer zone, which will also promote the prosperity of this area and obtain a lot of benefits.

Once the buffer zone is formed, many forces will settle here. They will survive in the cracks of the top forces without relying on the strong, and they will have a certain degree of freedom.

It can be seen in the area between the Night Pirates and the Beast Pirates that the number of people has increased and the rapid development is visible to the naked eye. After all, pirates are the main force of consumption.

Like those underground forces and dark forces, they will also settle their industries on these islands.

This is not only a buffer zone between the top forces, but also a chaotic area in the new world, a fertile ground for survival of pirates who are unwilling to surrender to the top forces.

It is composed of large and small forces, and there is no power to resist these giants.

If the territory comes into direct contact, there will inevitably be friction, confrontation, war, and even a waste of energy in sending strong men and cadres to protect them.

With this isolation belt, there is no need to be so troublesome, at least there is no need to waste such a powerful combat force.

For example, the isolation zone between the Dark Night Pirates and the Beasts Pirates is usually guarded by only one affiliated pirate group, who takes turns guarding it with other affiliated pirate groups. A bounty of two to three billion is enough to deter most pirates.

It can effectively avoid disputes between the two top forces.

Similarly, as time goes by, the number and strength of the pirates gathered on the buffer zone will increase. Even if they want to start a war, it will take a lot of effort to clean them up.

In this way, things like undeclared war and raids are difficult to succeed. If some powerful pirates appear, it can prevent such things from happening.

In the future, the Dark Night Sea will basically be fixed. Although it can gain a larger territory, it is completely enough for the Dark Night Pirates.

Together with the buffer zone of the Dark Night Pirates and the Beast Pirates, it forms a barrier to protect the main places in the eastern and northern parts of the Dark Night Sea.

In fact, the Night Pirates have also thought about connecting these two buffer zones, but it is very difficult. Moreover, with the strength of the Night Pirates, they are not afraid of other forces, so there is no need to waste so much energy.

Compared with defeat, admitting defeat would make them feel more surrendered. The Whitebeard Pirates continued to retreat, and they also deliberately gave up their territory to the Night Pirates.

Gu Jie has no reinforcements, and they are no match for the Night Pirates on their own. If they are too stubborn, they will definitely suffer huge losses, which they cannot bear, so they adopted this method tacitly.

If the Whitebeard Pirates think that the Night Pirates will stop soon, they are totally wrong.

How many people are waiting to see the jokes of the Whitebeard Pirates, a legendary pirate from the previous era and a rising overlord in the new era.

In the eyes of many people, this is also a battle between the old and the new. Whitebeard has reached his peak, but the Dark Emperor is still growing.

Over the years, many young pirates have risen. Although most of them have been swallowed up by the wave of the New World, there are always some who have made a huge name and risen rapidly. The era of great pirates has begun. They can be said to be New World Pirates. the main force.

Red-haired Shanks, Clown Bucky, Eric Sulfuric Acid, Moonlight Moria, Tenyasha Doflamingo, etc., there are too many, and there are many pirates with a bounty of over 100 million.

And Andi Tiqi is the most representative among them, and can also be said to be a benchmark.

The new Emperor of Darkness ascending the throne means much more than the other four Sea Emperors becoming emperors.

The Dark Emperor did not adopt the same method of defeating another sea overlord as the previous four sea emperors.

After all, there are no established overlords like John, Silver Axe, and Wang Zhi in the sea who have great prestige and strength and have been able to control the sea for many years.

It would be too boring to become emperor just by defeating another overlord-level force.

And the Dark Emperor wants to become emperor in one fell swoop by fighting Whitebeard, so the effect will be even more shocking.

After all, Whitebeard is recognized as the strongest in the world! Have the power to destroy the world!

Although the Dark Emperor may not be Whitebeard's opponent, the Dark Emperor's strength cannot be underestimated, and the Dark Fruit is the nemesis of all ability users. In the hands of the Dark Emperor, it has exerted unimaginable terrifying power.

The darkness that swallows everything can swallow any power, even the shaking power of the Shock Fruit. Therefore, the battle between Dark Emperor Teach and Whitebeard Edward Newgate is truly eye-catching.

It’s more exciting than the battle between Kaido and Kozuki Oden.

At the same time, the number of sea emperors on the sea is limited, five or six is ​​the limit, and the dark emperor who becomes emperor is likely to be the last one, unless someone can annex the sea area in front of the new world.

Or be recognized by the world in terms of strength and overall strength.

No matter what, it is very difficult.

If you really want to become emperor after this, you must defeat one of them and replace him.

When a single force is insufficient, some forces must unite and form an alliance to resist or deal with the more powerful sea emperor.

Also be careful of the newly rising pirates, who are easier to replace than the Sea Emperor.

This is the current pattern of the new world. There are some giant elephants mixed in between the giant dragons, forming a strange balance. The change of power occurs in this pattern.

The Sea Emperor rules the sea, but he does not arbitrarily destroy other forces. These forces have their own meaning of existence, and they can be regarded as checks and balances on each other.

There are many overlords. If they are threatened and unite, even the emperor of the sea will be unable to resist and avoid excessive losses.

In the chaotic sea, on a huge pirate ship like a whale, a tall figure stood on the bow of the ship, holding a child's sword, his white coat fluttering in the wind, and looking into the distance.

This is Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, the strongest superman with the power of the Shock Fruit.

"Tiqi, are you going to cut it off completely? Are you irritating me and you don't want me to hold back?" Whitebeard said to himself, but his tone was very firm.

The sacrifices of a large number of members of the Whitebeard Pirates made Whitebeard feel heartbroken and even more angry. Among them was a familiar face to Whitebeard, his son whom he personally recognized.

During the war, four pirate groups under the Whitebeard Pirates have been destroyed, and the captain has sacrificed his life on the battlefield with the Night Pirates.

Whitebeard can feel that Teach is stimulating him, irritating him, and stimulating him through the many casualties of the Whitebeard Pirates. He wants him to attack with all his strength and not be soft-hearted in the future battle.

I want to see and experience his true power.

Although he is currently trapped in the chaos of the battlefield, he and Teach will have a battle in the future. Many people can predict it, and Whitebeard can naturally predict it.

If they lose the turf war, Whitebeard will admit it and won't be angry. After all, his son is not strong enough to defeat the other party, but it will make them work harder to become stronger and grow up.

However, Whitebeard could not sit back and ignore the sacrifices of a large number of members. Some news came, familiar names, and faces closed their eyes forever.

This made Whitebeard's anger continue to burn and accumulate, seemingly waiting to explode.

"One by one." Whitebeard said, his face suddenly turned ferocious, he held the handle of the knife tightly with his palm, raised it slightly, and then struck it towards Jiafang.

The invisible power of shock spread to the surroundings in an instant, and the calm sea suddenly set off huge waves, rolling continuously and seeming to be roaring.

The sky was also covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning were dancing wildly, and a strong sea wind was blowing.

The various forces in the chaotic sea have a tacit understanding to target the Whitebeard Pirates. These more than a hundred islands have never calmed down. If they hadn't been dragging them, how could the Whitebeard Pirates have suffered such huge losses?

The chaotic sea area would have been completely stabilized during this period of time. After all, it has been almost five or six years, and the trouble is not over yet. Instead, the Whitebeard Pirates have been tortured.

Whitebeard naturally knows what these forces think. It is precisely because of this that he cannot do what they want.

And what they did completely angered the strongest in the world, who was Whitebeard! How dare you force him to use these stupid methods.

Whitebeard wants to completely shock these ignorant brats and teach them a profound lesson, and he will not let any of them go!

By the way, vent your anger.

Whitebeard has already taken action. His target is the territory occupied by the Demon Pirates.

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