Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and eighty-six Nautical calendar one thousand five hundred and eight

The year 1508 of the Nautical Calendar was the tenth year of the Age of Discovery. This was a special year. One after another, eye-catching events occurred in the New World.

In the chaotic sea area, all forces are targeting, plus the pressure brought by the Night Pirates and the Beast Pirates.

Whitebeard seemed to no longer tolerate it and began to take the initiative. In the following time, first the Devil Pirates, then the Moonlight Pirates, John, Silver Ax, and the remaining forces of Wang Zhi, all targeted the Whitebeard Pirates. .

Whitebeard came to their door one by one, and each party suffered a heavy blow from Whitebeard.

Only in this way can we cut off the prying eyes of these forces and recognize the gap between ourselves and Whitebeard.

The terrifying power of the earthquake fruit is undoubtedly revealed. Earthquakes, tsunamis, the sea tilts, the world is turned upside down, the sea breaks, and terrible natural disasters are like a child's play in the eyes of white beard.

The Demon Pirates were engulfed by the tsunami and suffered huge losses. The captain, Demon Caesar, was seriously injured and fled. According to the news, he passed out after escaping.

Moria of the Moonlight Pirates and three veteran overlord zombies were even more unable to resist Whitebeard and escaped through hidden means.

The other forces were unable to resist Whitebeard's arrival, and some even fled after hearing the news. Whitebeard alone was more powerful than all of them combined. He could not withstand Whitebeard's full punch. several.

According to intelligence, the huge movement of Whitebeard's action can be felt throughout the chaotic sea area, and even residents in the farther sea areas can feel it.

A total of three islands were completely sunk, and five islands were torn apart by Whitebeard's power. Seriously, even Whitebeard, who had no scruples, was invincible.

This time, it also completely extinguished other forces' spying on the Whitebeard Pirates, and gave up the idea of ​​targeting the Whitebeard Pirates. As long as Whitebeard is around, those islands are not something they can touch.

Guarding their original territory, protecting their existing interests, and licking their wounds at the same time, they did not want to experience such a loss again.

Although there are not many elite losses, a large number of ordinary members are also an important force, and it will take a lot of time to recruit and train them again.

Today's situation in the sea has actually stabilized somewhat. The period of rapid expansion has passed, the recruitment of personnel has slowed down, and all forces have almost entered a saturation period.

Even the Night Pirates recruit fewer members every year.

Most of them are cultivated by themselves.

Whitebeard's outbreak shocked all forces and boosted the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates. They knew that the situation in the chaotic sea would soon stabilize, but it would take some time.

After all, the division of spheres of influence requires an agreement. Even if it is verbal, this can also establish the next pattern of the Chaotic Sea. At that time, the islands in the Chaotic Sea will truly become the territory of all parties, and the name of the Chaotic Sea will also disappear. , after all, order has been established.

Of course, as an area where all forces are connected, there will certainly be no shortage of secret frictions.

Whitebeard quickly settled the matter in the Chaotic Sea.

The war between the Night Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates was equally eye-catching. The Night Pirates did not stop, but instead accelerated the progress of the war.

During this period, they completely annexed the Notting Sea area and continued to invade. In the past few months of Whitebeard's operation, this was something the Whitebeard Pirates did not expect, and it was completely different from the intelligence they received.

I didn’t expect the Night Pirates to have such a big appetite. From the war to now, they have lost nearly a hundred islands to the Night Pirates. Many islands are the hometown of the Whitebeard Pirates, among which is "Ice". The hometown of "The Witch" Huidibe, and her territory Iceland.

This situation completely shattered the Whitebeard Pirates' sense of luck, and they began to resist with all their strength. If the situation continues as before, there is no telling how many islands will be taken away by the Night Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates would really become a joke. It had been almost a year since the war started, and their huge territory was constantly being eroded. Facing the Night Pirates, they had no real victory at all. The gap between the two sides is still growing crucially.

The Whitebeard Pirates began a fierce resistance. They were no longer like before. At least until their father arrived, they could not continue to lose again and again. Of course, the losses were also increasing.

The Night Pirates, on the other hand, have greatly reduced damage. For example, Enel can provide timely support. Even during the battle, the Haki of Visibility can cover the entire battlefield. The "God's Judgment" is becoming more and more proficient and can save people. members who have lost their combat effectiveness.

Injured members go to the rear to rest, receive treatment and recover. The powerful logistics system is fully capable of supporting them, and they are equipped with robotic hands and arms. The number of members who have undergone mechanical transformation is increasing.

Everyone has extraordinary vitality. Even if you lose too much blood, you will not die easily. Even if you lie down for two or three days, you may still be breathing. So even if you fall down, it does not mean that you will die. You may lose consciousness. .

After treatment, the injury will recover quickly, and the body's incompleteness can be made up for through life machine technology, which can also increase combat power to a certain extent.

The mortality rate of the Night Pirates has been greatly reduced. How can the Whitebeard Pirates compare?

One is a complete system and the other is relatively primitive. This is the gap between the two sides.

The Whitebeard Pirates had more injured, seriously injured, and mutilated people than died. If they wanted to recover, they would need to spend a lot of money to order life mechanical organs from the Night Pirates after the war.

The advantage will expand like a snowball, and this situation is very obvious.

At the same time, the giants welcomed back the long-lost captains of the Giant Pirates, Aki and Aoki, who had been fighting in the small garden of the Ancient Island for nearly a hundred years.

The world government's deception of the giants was also completely exposed.

The World Government deceived the former members of the Giant Soldier Pirates, Oymo and Cassie, and lied that their leaders, Tori and Broki, had been imprisoned by the government. As long as Oymo and Cassie worked for the World Government for a hundred years, they could be released. As a leader, the two listened to the lies of the World Government and guarded the gate of Justice Island for more than thirty years.

And this was simply a lie, which aroused the anger of the giants. With the departure of the two giants, the giant members of the navy also resigned one after another. The world government and the navy lost the powerful power of the giants, which also aroused the giants' rebellion. Hostile.

The prestige of the world government has dropped a lot.

At the same time, the Giant Soldier Pirates, which shocked the sea many years ago, was rebuilt under the organization of the two returning Ao Oni and Red Oni, and became a powerful force at the back of the new world.

The development of the Shihai Kingdom's power has completely severed its relationship with the World Government. The pirate power and number are still strong, but they no longer threaten most of the kingdoms. The kingdom cares about its own interests first, and there is no effort to eliminate pirates. So big.

The compression of pirates' living space has also prompted more pirates to enter the great sea route, putting considerable pressure on the navy.

The navy also specially established a naval branch in the area near the intersection of the great shipping routes, hoping to strengthen the fight against pirates.

However, the sea area of ​​​​Tiaoshan Mountain was not a good place to establish a naval branch. Moreover, due to various reasons, a naval branch was eventually established close to the joining country, the Kingdom of Grape.

Therefore, the crackdown on pirates from all over the world is not strong.

The strength of the kingdom is not good for Doflamingo. Although the world government is weakened, the more chaotic the sea, the better. Moreover, the arms trade is a major source of income for Doflamingo.

It is precisely because of this that under his secret operation, the premeditated plan was completely implemented.

The booklet printed with the secrets of practicing the Sixth Form of the Navy was spread all over the world in a short period of time, and was given to others for the price of one hundred beli, the price of a newspaper.

After years of development, in just half a month, the world government and those kingdom forces were unable to react. When they wanted to curb this trend, they could no longer curb it. Soon, the Sixth Form of the Navy was basically One is in hand.

The World Government and the Navy could only watch the spread of this secret book. Although the complete training secret book did not touch the core of the six naval styles they had mastered, only a few strong people could master the core.

This means that their advantage in facing the sea will be greatly weakened.

This is a channel for people to become stronger, a secret book for people to become supermen. Some people want to become stronger, but there is no way. Now that it is available, everyone can become stronger and change their own destiny.

The systematic exercise method of Navy Six Style can make people grow up and become stronger quickly, which is much better than casual exercise on their own.

Among the video phone bugs, there are also many "masked men" who selflessly explain the Sixth Form of Navy to others, telling them how to exercise, get started faster, and understand and learn more easily.

In this sea, strength has long been the most important thing. The Sixth Form of the Navy has given the oppressed people at the lowest level hope to become strong or to take revenge.

In the past few years, many stupid nobles have died and been retaliated against, because more people have become stronger, and due to the cycle of cause and effect, too many people have been offended in the past.

According to intelligence statistics, almost 10% of the world's nobles have died in the past few years. This has improved the average quality of the noble class a lot, and some nobles have become less arrogant and more restrained.

This is the arrival of the age of images. Some people become stronger by watching images or being affected by them.

And Doflamingo's approach will also improve the effect a lot. In the following days, even more nobles will be affected, completely improving the average strength of the world.

The old order is collapsing and a new order is being established.

A booklet will lead this sea to unknown territory.

The person who exposed the Sixth Form of the Navy was also searched by the Navy and the World Government. Such a large-scale spread would definitely leave clues and be noticed.

Doflamingo had already anticipated this. For his own plan, he established a vest very early, but easily discarded it after the incident, and all those who knew about it were dealt with by him.

At the same time, he began to muddy the waters and put the responsibility on the revolutionary army. After all, he had nothing to do with the revolutionary army and there was no pressure to shirk responsibility.

On the other side, there is the Dark Night Sea, Pajira Island, and the Battle Pyramid.

It has been five years since the Battle Pyramid was established, and the three precious Devil Fruits taken out by the Night Pirates are finally ready to meet their masters.

To be able to collect enough points to buy precious devil fruits in just a few years is undoubtedly not a fighting maniac, and he has to go through at least a thousand battles to do it.

In other words, there is a battle every one or two days, or even several battles a day.

Although points will continue to accumulate, they will also be consumed. In addition to purchasing some training rooms, high-end services, or treating injuries, points are also an important currency.

Points are even more valuable than Bailey, because points can be exchanged for Bailey, but Bailey cannot be exchanged for points, and points cannot be traded.

At the same time, if you want to step into a higher level, you need strong strength, and if you want to improve your strength, you have to spend points in exchange for things that can improve your strength.

There is a lot of this in the combat pyramid, complete secrets of the six naval styles, deeper development, domineering training manual, training methods and techniques to improve domineering.

Kendo manuals, various classics collected by the Night Pirates, and even sparring services.

If you want to become stronger, you will definitely need a lot of investment in the early stage, which will cost points. After all, no one is very strong from the beginning.

Those who obtained these three precious Devil Fruits all climbed up from the bottom step by step through the battle pyramid, quickly became stronger and rose, and created their own legends.

In so many years, he has completely grown from a nobody to a strong man who can stand in the new world.

Such news spread throughout the world in an instant, and countless people followed it through video phone bugs.

I want to see if the Night Pirates will really take out these three precious Devil Fruits that can create three more powerful leaders.

Although the Night Pirates should not lie based on their reputation, some people still don't believe it. Countless people are looking forward to witnessing this moment with their own eyes.

Gu Zhi also means that there will be three more strong men in the new world, who have the potential to become overlords. Their own strength is already very strong. With the addition of the precious Devil Fruit, their strength will naturally be greatly improved.

The Siren Fruit planted in ancient times played a significant role in the rise of the Night Pirates. It was the ability of the first strong man to die at the hands of the Dark Emperor who ate the Dark Fruit.

The previous generation of capable person was the king of Kraken Kingdom, a powerful country in the West Sea that had been destroyed.

Superman-type Boom Fruit, a powerful Superman-type Devil Fruit. The previous generation ability user was a vice admiral with the status of general candidate, and he also died at the hands of the Night Pirates.

The natural type Snow Fruit will be very powerful when fully developed. The natural type alone can arouse the pursuit of countless people.

In a few years, the battle pyramid has completely turned into a battle paradise in the new world, and even a battle paradise in the world. The power gathered in the battle pyramid is very terrifying, and there are many powerful people, including famous figures in the new world, pirates, and loners. , or a new and powerful one.

Even in the New World, many people who have become famous in the New World came from the Battle Pyramid and experienced the baptism of the Battle Pyramid.

The division of floors also makes people more eager to go higher, making contestants want to climb up, which requires stronger strength.

Now, three people have finally emerged from it. Their strength may not be the strongest. There are some who are stronger than them in the battle pyramid, and there are even more people with the same strength.

However, they are recognized as "hard-working". They fight in addition to fighting, fight after recovering from injuries, and even fight when they are almost recovered.

Battle after battle has established their huge reputation in the Battle Pyramid. With their official website, they are connected to all over the world and are the stars in the Battle Pyramid.

It also has a great reputation in other places in the world. It is the main target of the Battle Pyramid's propaganda. It changes destiny, rises from an unknown person to a strong man, etc., making the Battle Pyramid's reputation more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

This is also due to the powerful medical capabilities of the Night Pirates, the world's top medical technology from the Drum Kingdom, and the science and technology of the Night Pirates, which has been greatly improved.

The large number of injured people has greatly contributed to the improvement of medical technology, and even medicines for replenishing energy and adding physical activity have been developed.

One restores physical strength and the other enhances self-healing ability. Combining the two, you can quickly recover from injuries in a short period of time.

Of course, the effect is not that buggy, it just makes the body's recovery ability increase from 1.5 times to more than twice its original value for a period of time, but it is also an invention that transcends the times.

At the same time, due to the blockade of technology, there is no way to purchase this kind of medicine in the outside world. It can only be used on the spot. The Night Pirates will not do anything to fund the enemy.

The technology contained in it is an extension of the "super genetic potion" technology, and there are leftovers from it, but it is not ruled out that there are capable people in the sea who can develop this potion.

The three people are very close in the standings. As the number of points increases, the closer they get to the points required to exchange for the three devil fruits, the more people are paying attention to them, and the expectations and attention fall on them.

In the past two years, they can be said to have grown up under the spotlight. There are not only three people pursuing Devil Fruits, but many. Some have given up, and some cannot catch up with them at all.

Their points are all above 1,300 points, and the fourth place's points are only about 1,000 points. It seems that the difference is only 300 points, which can be obtained by winning more than 30 battles.

In fact, it is much more difficult, and one point represents one million Baileys, and three hundred points represents 300 million Baileys.

This is a historic moment in the Battle Pyramid, and naturally requires some sense of ceremony, just like the final stage of a kendo competition.

It also needs a moment that attracts world attention, which can also give the Battle Pyramid a huge reputation and attract more people.

Such a precious devil fruit costs 1,300 points, which is more than 1.3 billion beri converted into beri.

Some people may think that 1.3 billion beli is a loss in exchange for such a Devil Fruit, but precious Devil Fruits are priceless and they are willing to exchange them.

With strength, there will be no shortage of Baileys. Moreover, they have earned a lot of Baileys through fighting in the Battle Pyramid for so many years. Although the expenses are high, there are also a lot of Baileys left.

Perhaps due to fate, the three people's choices of Devil Fruits did not collide, and each of them chose one Devil Fruit. Otherwise, this arrangement would be meaningless. If they value the same Devil Fruit, then Compete to see who can accumulate enough points first.

"Jab" Joshua is a fighter from the South China Sea. It is worth mentioning that he is one of the supernovas in the second year of the great pirate era, with a bounty of 120 million beli.

After quickly entering the new world, he was baptized by the new world. The entire pirate group was destroyed, and only a few people except him survived.

And he became a lone pirate in the new world. Although he learned the two-color Haki, it was only at an ordinary level. It was not until he entered the battle pyramid that he quickly grew up through continuous battles and advanced handwriting.

Many people know his thoughts, including rebuilding the Jab Pirates and taking revenge on the pirates who destroyed their pirate group.

Fortunately, the original pirate group is still active in the New World after so many years. The captain's bounty has reached nearly 400 million beli. He is also a relatively famous pirate in the New World. After all, the higher the bounty is, the higher the bounty is. The more difficult it is.

It is conceivable that a story of revenge is about to take place. It may be difficult for Joshua to deal with that pirate group now with his strength. However, after obtaining the Booming Fruit, and after a period of development, Joshua's strength will There will definitely be a qualitative improvement.

If Joshua is a famous pirate in the New World, then the second one is the well-known lone pirate in the New World. The bounty is as high as 360 million "Bone" Seti. He also has a Identity, that is, the prince of the Seti Kingdom, the successor of the "Seti" name, and the future king of the Seti Kingdom.

This kingdom, which had a chance to be occupied by the Dark Night Pirates, was close to the Dark Night Sea, and such a powerful prince came out.

The Kingdom of Seti is not a military power, but it is a war power. The country is warlike and the culture of worshiping the strong is engraved in its bones, not to mention that there are many gladiatorial arenas in the country.

There is more than one prince in each generation, but there is only one who can inherit the name of "Seti", that is, the strongest. To become a king, you don't have to have any brains, but you must have strong strength that can deter pirates and protect the kingdom.

After all, there will be dedicated people to manage the kingdom. In a place like the New World, strength is the most important thing.

After Seti made his mark in the country, he went to sea and became a lone pirate. In just a few years, he earned a bounty of more than 300 million. He is known as the "Bone Crusher" and likes to crush other people's bones, which also symbolizes With Seti's powerful power.

After returning to the country, he truly became the successor of the Seti Kingdom and inherited the name "Seti".

The existence of the battle pyramid is naturally very attractive to Seti, and it is also for the ancient species Siren Fruit brought out by the Night Pirates.

Even though the Seti Kingdom is very powerful, it doesn't have a big relationship chain. If you can't get powerful Devil Fruits, they can only get carnivorous things from the ordinary animal system.

But how could Seti take such a fancy? After learning about the ancient species, he immediately came running.

Seti's arrival also attracted many people from the Seti Kingdom to the Battle Pyramid for training.

If the first two were somewhat famous before entering the Battle Pyramid, then the third one was really a nobody, an independent person with no bounty, and not even a pirate.

He only has one sword and has practiced swordsmanship for several years, so he has a good foundation.

The young man named Hirsch showed his talent and climbed from the bottom of the combat pyramid to the top through battle after battle.

In terms of the number of battles, he had more than 200 more battles than the other two.

Of course, Hirsch started fighting during the Kendo Competition, and accumulating points in the early stage would have had a great advantage, but at that time there were also many members of various pirate groups participating.

In just a few years, his strength has undergone an astonishing transformation. Not only has he mastered the two-color domineering, he has become a powerful swordsman, and he has completely become a strong man. Among the three, he is the most impressive. surprise.

What he was looking for was the natural Snow Fruit, which was powerful and could match his swordsmanship, while the other two Devil Fruits were not well matched to him.

In the dark, some people contacted them and wanted to buy the Devil Fruit, but no one would agree so stupidly. After working so long, besides becoming stronger, wasn't it just for the precious Devil Fruit?

Even the Devil Fruit is for the purpose of becoming stronger.

As the Night Pirates' victories against the Whitebeard Pirates continued to spread, the Night Pirates' momentum and majesty grew stronger and stronger.

Especially the eight fully armed giant gatekeepers in front of the four gates of the battle pyramid. There are actually sixteen of them, but they take turns guarding the gates of the battle pyramid.

And they have officially become members of the Night Pirates. After all, as members of the Night Pirates, their jobs remain the same, but their pay is higher. Why not?

Moreover, in order to express their goodwill, the Night Pirates told the Giants the whereabouts of the two captains of the Giant Pirates who had disappeared.

Therefore, the events involving the giants on the sea have the shadow of the Night Pirates secretly involved.

While everyone was watching, one of the three masters of the Night Pirates, Shadow Dragon Redeat, also came to witness this moment in person.

Amid the envy, jealousy, and anticipation of countless people, Joshua, Seti, and Hirsch connected with the shadow tentacles at Redeat's feet, wrapped around three boxes containing devil fruits, and came to them.

They each took the box, opened it, and looked at the devil fruit inside.

None of the three were hesitant, but they felt a little excited at this time. They picked up the Devil Fruit and ate it in one bite.

Although he was mentally prepared, his expression still changed. He was disgusted by the smell of Devil Fruit, and his expression was a little distorted.

The way the three people ate the Devil Fruit was different. Joshua knew that the long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain, so he just swallowed it in one gulp.

Seti ate the devil fruit in two mouthfuls, but the result was unpleasant.

The younger Hershey almost knelt on the ground, held the knife to support the ground, and endured the nauseating taste as he ate one bite at a time. After eating, he started vomiting again, but couldn't spit out anything.

Such a scene caused a lot of people to laugh, including many Devil Fruit users. It was rare to see such a scene, where everyone looked at their ugly appearance under the spotlight.

And this is just an interlude, they are looking forward to the abilities of the three of them.

The three of them were all strong, able to put their abilities to use in a short period of time, and they knew the Devil Fruit they wanted beforehand.

The three of them recovered, and Seti was the first to show off his abilities. His body grew visibly larger. Soon, Seti transformed into a huge sea monster with 10,000 tentacles, plus The powerful aura it exudes makes people feel terrifying.

Seti could clearly feel the improvement in his own strength and was mastering his abilities. It took some time to get used to such a body, and he soon returned to his human form.

When you first eat the Devil Fruit, you can only switch between human and beast forms. It takes a certain amount of time to master the human and beast forms.

Like Sett, it is certain that only the human-animal form can bring out his strongest strength.

Next came the jab to Joshua. He clenched his fist tightly, raised his fist and swung it out quickly and forcefully like the air in front of him. A sound explosion erupted in an instant, an invisible impact visible to the naked eye. If he wanted to exert stronger power, Continuous development is still needed.

In the end, Hirsch felt the power in his body. Part of his body became elemental and turned into white snow. The temperature of the air was dropping. The area more than ten meters around Hirsch was soon affected by his ability and was covered in ice and snow. covered.

At this point, the three people's ability to eat what they want has been demonstrated in front of the world.

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