Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and eighty eighth Ian Novoa

Chambord Islands.

Compared with the collapsed and chaotic state for a long time, a new order has been re-established in just a few months.

It's all because of one person, Ian Novoa, the new Commodore, who is now the veritable master of the Chambord Islands.

No matter whether it is on the surface or in the dark, they dare not offend Ian Novoa. Those who have offended are now destroyed or suppressed, and the remaining forces dare not touch Novoa's brow.

After restoring order, the Chambord Islands began to prosper again. This situation satisfied the World Government, and no one in the navy could do better than Novoa.

After all, stability and order are what they need. Even though Novoa has legal actions that touch the nerves of the navy, they acquiesce and pretend to ignore them.

Even if it is a complaint, it is harmless to Novoa, first of all, it has not made any major mistakes, and second, it has a relationship with the world government.

Novoa's daily training and development of devil fruit ability. After the Shambold Islands stabilized, he didn't take many shots, unless there was chaos somewhere, or some arrogant pirates made trouble.

Since joining the navy, in order not to be exposed, Novoya has not contacted the Night Pirates, nor has the Night Pirates contacted him.

By Novoya's side, there must be people in the navy who pay special attention to him. Maybe it's not doubting whether Novoa was inserted by other forces, but just need to pay attention to Novoa's behavior and whether he will do too much.

Although Novoa's actions are well-measured and on the bright side, there is no guarantee that Novoa will not be able to control it and go too far, and he can stop it in time once he is discovered.

You know, Novoa is now one of the richest navies, with a fortune of over 100 million, and the most accurate information is more than 210 million.

This is the wealth that Novoa has collected in just a few months.

Those who are close to Zhu Zhechi and Mo Zhehei are by Novoa's side, naturally gathered a group of his cronies, who were infected by his behavior style and charisma.

With Novoa, life is much better than other navies. If you have extra money, if you don't squander it easily, you can save a small coffers.

Of course, it is also necessary to cultivate your own elite troops. Novoa is aware of this, and he is not too laissez-faire with his subordinates, and he is merciless in training.

Novoa clearly,

He is a nail that the Night Pirates put in the Navy. He can actually get not much information about the Navy's interior, and he might be able to get most of it with the ability of the Night Pirates.

Except for the important information at the critical moment, he will only be able to access it when he really becomes a high-ranking officer of the Navy Headquarters.

As a nail, its own strength is necessary. At the same time, it also needs an army, that is, a naval branch.

What if a naval branch of the navy suddenly rebelled during the war, and what would happen if there was a back attack when it was hard to guard against? Or destroy the Navy's logistics base?

After all, the navy has begun to be self-sufficient now. Apart from having no source of money and relying on military expenditures from the world government, the navy has opened up a large amount of farmland and grown a lot of food. It has harvested in the past two years.

In the future, the development of the naval food base will be further expanded.

After all, compared with ordinary people, the navy also has a great advantage in planting, and the efficiency is higher. It is very simple to draw a group of people after a while.

Treat this as one of the training items, and you will eventually be able to gain the joy of harvest, and on the other hand, enhance the cohesion of the navy.

Now that it has seen the obvious results, the Navy will definitely invest more.

The navy is changing and changing, and Novoa can even see the possible impact in the future. It is foreseeable that the navy is recovering its strength and becoming stronger.

From his standpoint, although the Night Pirates did not seek him out, he did not take the initiative to contact the Night Pirates. After all, before joining the Navy, he had a phone bug in his hand to contact the Night Pirates, and at the same time learned that the Night Pirates The pirate group is placed in the first half of the great route where the eyeliner is located.

And Novoa also recorded what he saw, the changes in the navy, and his guesses about the future, very detailed, although the effect may not be great.

Waiting for an opportunity, he will send out the information. As for the timing, that is when the navy returns to the new world.

After all, the naval power of the new world is not to be feared by pirates at all, and there is only one vice admiral with the highest combat power.

Just two or three years is not enough to restore the strength of the navy, but the interior is thriving, and the positive atmosphere can be felt in Novoa, and the overall atmosphere is excellent.

He never thought that the navy could adjust in a short period of time and join the navy before the lowest point of the navy. Novoa can clearly understand this, and even experienced it all the way.

With the concerted efforts of the high-level navy and the whole navy, the navy came out of the trough. After all, the difficulties faced by the navy were very heavy, and the military expenditure provided by the world government was far from enough.

However, the loss of the four seas also reduced part of the navy's consumption.

Even getting out of the trough took two years, and now the Navy has not been out of the trough for a long time. Although it has worked hard to grasp the first half of the great route, it only has 30% of the sea area.

Among them, the most important force is concentrated on protecting the alliance countries and the sea areas near the alliance countries.

After the Golden Sea Battle, the importance of the franchise countries has greatly increased compared to before. Except for the franchise countries that have separated from the world government, the franchise countries in the first half of the great route have actually become tougher.

The right to speak in the world conference has been greatly improved.

It can be clearly seen in the World Conference not long after it ended.

However, with the gradual recovery of the navy's power, the navy will increase its efforts to deal with pirates in the coming days.

This is all predictable, and it is the information that Novoa got from the navy, and many people from the outside world have made similar guesses based on the changes in the situation and the recovery of the navy's power.

In fact, in the past two or three years, the navy has been very low-key, except for protecting the alliance countries, it is recovering its strength.

The slow recovery of the navy's power is also due to the World Government. The world government's annual gold has been greatly reduced, and the financial and economic pressures. They are short of money, so how can they focus on the Navy.

Except for the first year, the military expenditure of the navy has been reduced a lot in the next two years, because the navy has grown its own food and has achieved results.

The Red Earth Continent is still chaotic, and has never stopped, unrestrained blood-sucking, even in the areas under their control, the number of people is constantly decreasing, and the wealth obtained is also decreasing.

There is also the impetus of the revolutionary army in the dark to carry out fierce resistance. Even though the world government has undergone strong suppression, under the brutal rule, a large number of people who can't stand it leave and join the camp of the rebel army, setting off time and time again. resist.

This is a great drain on the finances of the world government, not even lower than the amount of military expenditure given to the navy.

A large number of residents of the Red Earth Continent began to flow into the world from Guling. Human power is infinite, potential is infinite, and the principle of man's determination to conquer nature is fully revealed and inspired under pressure.

On the Red Earth Continent, there are four "ladders" connecting the four seas from top to bottom.

What a spectacular sight, people are constantly going to the world from the ladder.

This is a road soaked in sweat, and it has paid the price of countless blood.

According to speculation, in building this "ladder" that can be said to be a safe passage, the residents of the Red Earth Continent have paid more than four million casualties, and the real death toll is actually even more.

Perhaps their actions moved the world. Many non-governmental organizations in the world, and even the Kingdom Army, etc., spontaneously helped them. It only took two years to create these four ladders from hell to heaven.

There are many strong people joining them, such as the "blind swordsman" Yixiao who shines in the kendo competition. It is with the help of these strong people that these ladders can be born in a short period of time.

Maybe the four seas are not the so-called paradise, but for those who come down from the red earth continent, it is no different from heaven.

The red earth continent is too chaotic, war, chaos, even if there are resources, they are in the hands of a small number of people, or are prepared for rebellion.

How many people starved to death? In this case, even the Revolutionary Army cannot take care of everything.

Those who died in battle, starved to death, and the legendary paradise, in just over three years, more than 50 million people have died, which is a terrible number.

The evil of human nature is undoubtedly revealed on the Red Earth Continent, and it is gradually turning into hell.

The hard red soil cannot even be cultivated, let alone the sufficient resources of the sea, it is difficult to survive.

It is precisely because of this that more people have fled from the Red Earth Continent. The Red Earth Continent is gradually turning into a battleground between the Revolutionary Army and the World Government, and in the end, it will become a battlefield between the World Government and the Revolutionary Army.

Due to the Golden Sea Battle Dragon's move and the World Government's downturn after the Golden Sea Battle, the Revolutionary Army took this opportunity to intensify the chaos on the Red Earth Continent and cause trouble for the World Government.

On the Red Earth Continent, the revolutionary army is no longer hiding in the dark. By supporting arms, providing supplies, and even high-end combat power, it resists the world government and begins to gradually move to the fore.

How many residents who came down from the ladder wept with joy.

The establishment of the ladder is undoubtedly an epic moment, enough to be recorded in history.

The financial consumption is much more than the heavenly gold obtained, and even some treasures have to be sold at the beginning to replenish the financial resources.

The nobles of the world still maintain the most luxurious life and enjoy a lot of wealth.

Due to the chaos of the sea, the world government has restricted the Tianlong people from leaving the holy land.

Tianlong people also want to live, and the biggest pastime is slaves. The number of slaves has been greatly reduced and consumption. Tianlong people are in urgent need of high-quality and large number of slaves.

The life of Tianlong people cannot live without slaves.

Even if something goes wrong with the world government, it still has huge influence, and the world nobles are still world nobles. This has not changed, and they have the highest rights.

Although the slave trade has been hit to a certain extent, it still has a huge market and huge profits attract countless slave traders.

Many pirates moonlight as slavers.

The long-inherited Tianlong people group still maintains the slave culture so far, and is keen to raise slaves of various races including humans. As part of the slave culture, the slaves raised by the Tianlong people will be branded on their bodies. It is the imprint of "Dragon's Hoof" and the proof of being a slave "inferior humans".

No matter what race you are, no matter how high or low your original status is, whether you are a criminal, a businessman, or even a prince, after being branded by the Tianlong people, you will have only one status—slave.

Slaves are the spiritual food of the Tianlong people. It is conceivable that although the Tianlong people are suppressed by the world government, a large number of slaves are also sent to the Holy Land through various channels.

And the Tianlong people want high-quality slaves of all races.

During these days, the rare Tianlong people came to the Chambord Islands one by one.

Due to the stability and order of the Chambord Islands, the world government has relaxed the "going down" of the world nobles.

The Tianlong people who have been suppressed for a long time have brought enough Bailey, and they want to buy a large number of slaves in the Chambord Islands to supplement their "inventory".

Naturally, a lot of things happened in it, which made the Chambord Islands go crazy, but they were all suppressed in the end, and nothing happened.

This is naturally the role played by Novoa, and the reason why the Tianlong people can come to the Chambord Islands is also the reason why Novoa has managed the Chambord Islands well.

This is also the reason why Novoa is favored by the world government, and even has a relationship with the Tianlong people. After all, before going to the Chambord Islands, the Tianlong people will not know everything. Once they come and go, Novoa's name will enter The ears of the Tianlong people are even somewhat famous among the Tianlong people.

A large number of slaves were transported to the Chambord Islands, and then bought by the Tianlong people. The slave traders made a lot of money. The strong purchasing power of the Tianlong people also raised the slave trade in the first half of the great route.

The slave trade in the four seas has begun to be suppressed. After all, with the establishment of the new order, some rules of the old order will naturally be squeezed.

"It's really disgusting!" Novoa, who greeted the departure of the Tianlong people with a smile on his face, thought in his heart.

Watching the departing troops of the Draconians, the agents protecting the World Government, and the throng of slaves in cages and slave collars.

Due to the large number of slaves, not even one ship could hold them, and two full ships were needed.

One can imagine how fast the Tianlongren slaves are consumed.

While receiving and protecting the Tianlong people, he can also get some information from them. In the hands of the Tianlong people, it is normal to kill a few slaves a day, and there are dozens or even hundreds of slaves.

Under the calm face, Novoa hid anger in his heart. He never forgot that he was once a slave. If he was unlucky, he might be transferred to the hands of Tianlong people.

"Go back!" Seeing the Tianlongren's ship out of sight, Novoa gave the order.

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