Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and eighty nine agreements

The situation in the world is changing. At the end of 1508 in the nautical calendar, in this special year that is about to pass, the melee of various forces in the chaotic sea area finally ended, adding more glory to this legendary year.

The war in the chaotic sea started from the fall of the two veteran overlords, Silver Ax and Wang Zhi, bigmom Charlotte Lingling, and Beast Kaido became emperor, from the fourth year of the Great Pirate Era to the tenth year of the Great Pirate Era , which lasted for more than six years.

In a chaotic sea area, the conquest of various forces, countless pirates sacrificed in the chaotic sea area.

After such a long period of time and attrition, all forces are actually somewhat exhausted, and the outbreak of Whitebeard is actually the general trend.

In the eyes of countless people, the whole world is witnessing this moment, which can be seen through the live broadcast from above.

An unnamed island in the chaotic sea has now become the focus of the world.

A large number of pirate groups, pirate ships, stay around this small island, all kinds of pirate flags are fluttering in the wind, and the number of pirate ships is countless.

The various pirate groups who conquered the chaotic sea area gathered here. For the future of this sea area, an agreement needs to be signed. Their arrival is for this matter.

Now the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates, the Flying Pirates, the Big Mom Pirates, and the Hundred Beasts Pirates are all here.

Although the Big Mom Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates did not participate in the melee, they were the main force in destroying the Silver Ax Pirates and the Wang Zhi Pirates, and they also occupied a large area of ​​land.

However, the territory they occupied did not compete for the front. It originally belonged to Yin Fu and Wang Zhi's territory, but it was also a part of the territory occupying the Chaotic Sea Territory. Moreover, there will be friction between the various forces in the Chaotic Sea Territory in the future.

This kind of thing, they also need to join in.

Except for Whitebeard, the other three captains of the Royal Pirates did not come. The Beast Pirates are fighting with the Whitebeard Pirates, which means that the two sides are in a state of hostility, and Wano Country is the same thing. , if Kaido comes, there will definitely be a collision between the two sides.

Bigmom is holding a tea party, and she doesn't care about such things.

Shi Ji didn't know what he was planning and disappeared.

These three pirate groups have sent a core cadre, and it is also for this discussion to save face.

The arrival of a large number of pirates,

There needs to be a recognized strongman to suppress

The prestige of Whitebeard alone is enough. Under the witness of many pirates, besides, the signing of this agreement has the greatest impact on the Whitebeard Pirates, completely breaking free from this sea area.

Similarly, there are many unrelated pirates who specially ran over to witness this moment.

The signing of the agreement also needs to be discussed. After discussing this sea area, if nothing is done, just to confirm the territory, then it will not be long before there will be chaos again.

The war has been going on for such a long time. Even if you get the territory, it will take time to gain benefits. Minerals need to be mined and the economy needs to be restored.

It takes time to digest the land, and in a stable environment, otherwise these lands will be of no benefit, and they have paid so much. Now, it is time to reap the rewards.

Now that the war is over, there needs to be a period of peace, at least for a certain period of time without trouble, this must be established.

The main thing to discuss is this.

The tall figure with white beard sat at the first place, his eyes fell on him, exuding the domineering aura of a king and the aura of a strong man.

There is admiration and fear in these gazes, but the white beard looks calm.

And sitting in the other seats are all kinds of forces, large and small, in the chaotic sea area.

In the center, there is a large piece of paper with a map drawn and words written on it, not many, even the reporter bird in the sky approached with a video phone bug and adjusted the lens so that people from all over the world can clearly see it.

This is the map of the chaotic sea area. Through different pens and inks, the spheres of influence of various forces are divided. The largest occupying territory is the Whitebeard Pirates and the Flying Pirates. The second step is the Big Mom Pirates and the Beast Pirates. group.

After the battle of becoming emperors, they occupied a large area of ​​land in the first place, without paying much loss, and they were completely out of the way during the melee in the chaotic sea area, and no one targeted them.

Because all forces tacitly agree that those sites have already belonged to the Big Mom Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and they deserve it.

If it weren't for the battle of becoming emperors, this sea area would not be their turn. If the two pirate groups had the ability to swallow all the territory of the defeated overlord pirate group, they could only drink some soup at most.

The Hundred Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates are also the first forces to digest the benefits of all forces, and they are developing steadily and rapidly while the forces of all parties are exhausted.

And the text below is simple and rude, "Under the witness of all forces, this sea area will remain stable in the next... years."

It's very pirate style, in fact, it can be more detailed, but it's meaningless to pirates.

This is a new world, how can there be peace? The forces of all parties are hostile relations, and it is necessary to maintain peace for a certain period of time. After that, the agreement will naturally be invalidated, and they can come as they want.

Some forces are not satisfied with the territory they have obtained, the number is too small, and they feel that they can obtain more benefits with their own strength.

And some other forces are already satisfied and just want to develop with peace of mind and digest their own territory.

The atmosphere was a bit dignified, and there was a chilling atmosphere in the air.

The forces of all parties were conquering each other before, and being able to sit here is already giving White Beard face, relying on White Beard's terrifying power to suppress it.

Even so, some blood feuds stared at each other fiercely, as if they would explode at any moment, and the hostile relationship between the pirates was fully revealed.

It seems that a small action may trigger a riot, and these pirates will fight each other.

"Five years, you have no objections." White Beard said, but there was no question in his tone, he was just informing them.

The others didn't dare to resist Whitebeard's overbearing, they simply didn't have such power.

This is Whitebeard, isn't it natural to say such a thing?

Whitebeard had already conquered them all with his own strength, besides, five years was acceptable to them.

Five years is a reasonable time.

White Beard is not a random number, naturally he has carefully considered it, since it is necessary to develop, it is obviously impossible for a year or two, and in the new world, it is impossible for too long.

Conflicts will accumulate and eventually erupt. There are too many reasons for war, and sometimes they cannot be suppressed.

The forces that are not satisfied with their territory hope for a shorter time, while those that are already satisfied hope for a longer time.

Whitebeard had to take care of each other, although he himself hoped that the peace would last longer.

Some things cannot be suppressed by one's own strength, even if he has great strength.

five years?

The time determined by Gu Yan and White Beard can satisfy most people, so that is enough.

Before these pirates came, they already had a rough answer in their hearts.

Without thinking for a long time, these pirates nodded one by one, agreeing to the time determined by Whitebeard.

"In this case, let's sign an agreement." White Beard picked up the bowl the size of a washbasin on the ground, and drained the wine in the bowl.

The big piece of paper has now been pasted on a wooden board and stood upright. After confirming it, someone wrote the number "five" on the vacant seat.

Standing up, Whitebeard walked to the wooden board, took out a small knife, cut his finger, pressed lightly on the paper, and left bloody fingerprints on the paper.

Then, the leaders of various forces, like Whitebeard, cut their fingers, but some were finger prints, some were palm prints.

For them, a little bit of skin bruising and bleeding would not be a minor injury, and they might be able to fully recover in less than a day.

Soon, most of the lower half of this "agreement" was stained with blood.

In this way, the war in the chaotic sea area officially ended, and the territories of various local forces were officially established.

Five years of peace is also very precious in the new world. Of course, the so-called peace here is nothing more than no more conquests among the various forces, and it is still the territory of pirates.

The agreement was formally signed, and under the attention of the world, the Whitebeard Pirates left first, and it was meaningless to continue to stay here.

But this leaving figure seemed a little urgent to others, as if there was something urgent.

They could all guess that after the matter in the chaotic sea area was settled, Whitebeard was finally free to deal with the Dark Night Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

The situation of the Whitebeard Pirates is not good. It has been almost two years since the start of the war. Facing the Dark Night Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates have already lost more than 140 islands and have been continuously attacked. The repelled forcibly annexed.

As for the Hundred Beasts Pirates, due to insufficient combat power, almost fifty islands were also annexed, and the total number was equivalent to one-fifth of the entire territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

This is still when the Night Pirates and the Beasts Pirates did not use their full strength, and the Beasts Pirates only sent two disasters.

As for the Dark Night Pirates, they dispatched powerful forces and many experts, but according to speculation, they only accounted for 60% to 70% of the Dark Night Pirates except for the three masters.

With such a result, the Whitebeard Pirates can't bear the title of "the strongest", although the members of the Whitebeard Pirates think that the Whitebeard Pirates are the strongest pirates, and many people think so.

The Whitebeard Pirates are indeed a lot of strong people, and every team leader is one of the best in the New World, some of them are still in the growth stage, and they have a large number of pirates under their banner.

But through this war, without the four top combat powers of Whitebeard, Dark Emperor, Shadow Dragon, and Fierce God, it can be seen that the combined strength of the Whitebeard Pirates is not the same as that of the Night Pirates. There is even a big gap between the opponents.

What's more, in this war, the Night Pirates suppressed the Whitebeard Pirates with full strength. If they really used any tricks, the Whitebeard Pirates would have been defeated long ago.

With such a large territory, the Whitebeard Pirates don't know how much effort it will take to regain it.

In this war that lasted for two years, the combined losses of the two sides have reached 50,000, of which the number of losses of the Night Pirates only reached 5,000, and the rest are the deaths of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In addition, there are many disabled people. The loss of Whitebeard is not only as simple as it seems on the surface. The overall strength of the Whitebeard Pirates is greatly depleted. It has reached ten.

Although the team leader did not sacrifice, but

This gap is huge, and the Whitebeard Pirates have been trampled underfoot by the Night Pirates.

Whitebeard's departure from the sea of ​​chaos also means that the battle between the Dark Emperor and Whitebeard will soon come.

It can already be seen from the battlefields of both sides that the Night Pirates have stopped attacking, without any movement, as if they are waiting for something.

Everyone can see that the Night Pirates are waiting for Whitebeard's arrival. The Whitebeard Pirates have almost lost their temper after being beaten, and have been in a passive defensive state.

Under the pressure of the Night Pirates, they kept retreating, and a large area of ​​​​the territory was lost in this way.

Now that Whitebeard is coming, there is no need to continue the war. Continuing the war will only add to the losses. The two-year war, even if the opponent is the Whitebeard Pirates, has lasted for so long, making Gal and the others feel a little boring.

After fighting for so long, their goals have been achieved. Through the war, they have proved with absolute power that the Night Pirates are stronger than the Whitebeard Pirates.

But this war still needs an end, and that is the battle between Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor.

After sacrificing so many children, it wouldn't be Whitebeard if he just swallowed his anger.

Everyone knows what the Night Pirates are thinking, and Whitebeard has long been mentally prepared.

"Are you ready?" Redyard asked, looking at Teach.

Although he was asking, Redyard could feel that Tiqi was ready and Tiqi had been preparing.

Tichi, who disappeared in the sea, appeared in the Battle Pyramid after a long absence.

In addition to occasionally learning some outside information during the rest time, Tiqi devoted himself to the exercise wholeheartedly. Under such a boring, lonely and even mechanical continuous exercise, Tiqi gained a lot.

This point, Redyard can clearly feel, even though Ticky hides his aura and is very introverted, in Redyart's eyes, it is still as dazzling as the sun, and he can feel the aura contained in Ticky's body terror force.

"Well, my blood is about to boil." Tiqi chuckled, raised his head and took a big sip of Monkey King wine.

The improvement of the armed domineering quality, the enhanced physique, and the initial formation of the domineering body have enhanced Tiqi's defense power. Maybe one day, Tiqi's physical defense alone can be comparable to Kaido, bigmom.

The color of knowledge has also been improved a bit. Now Tiqi no longer pursues the improvement of the range of color of knowledge. His range of color of knowledge is wide enough, and he is re-investing in the micro-development of color of knowledge. At the same time, he is also increasing the duration of "foreseeing the future".

Tiqi is already very proficient in overlord color entanglement.

In the development of the dark fruit, Tiqi has also steadily improved. The power and effect of various moves, and the control over the ability of the dark fruit are all improving.

In a short period of time, Tiqi has eaten the dark fruit for almost eight years. While the development progress has been improved, it has also reached a bottleneck. Tiqi has touched the awakening of the dark fruit.

But it will take time before the real awakening. Tiqi has a premonition that when it reaches a certain level, the dark fruit will naturally awaken. If there is an opportunity, the awakening time will be even earlier.

Now, the eleventh year of the Great Pirate Era is approaching, and Tiqi is almost twenty-seven years old now.

This battle came a year earlier than expected.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the arrival of this battle, the battle between the Dark Emperor and the Dark Night Pirates.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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