Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and ninety-one meetings

Every move of a man like Whitebeard attracts attention, and even more so when he clearly knows Whitebeard's purpose.

Other pirate groups, the Sky Pirates, the Big Mom Pirates, large and small pirate groups, all kinds of forces.

The navy, the world government, and even most people in the world are paying attention to the actions of the Whitebeard Pirates and the actions of the Night Pirates.

Although the war has not yet begun, they can all feel that a storm is coming, getting closer and closer.

Morgans' World Economic News Agency has started a live broadcast, paying attention to every move on the battlefield. The long and boring wait has not worn away their patience, but has become more and more exciting.

At the Navy Headquarters, all high-level navy officials gathered together, and they were paying close attention to this war.

Although they cannot intervene, the Navy and the World Government have not fallen behind in terms of intelligence, and have been paying attention to various intelligence and trends in the New World.

The Golden Sea Battle caused huge losses to the world government and navy, especially the intelligence chain in the New World. However, with the investment of a large amount of money, the intelligence department they controlled quickly stabilized from chaos.

It has now been partially restored.

Meetings at the Navy Headquarters have become normal, even if they cannot intervene in things in the New World, especially the central part of the New World, which is an area that the Navy currently has difficulty reaching.

Such as the war in the Chaotic Sea, the war between the Beast Pirates and Wano, and other major events. Whenever such things happen, the Navy will hold a special meeting.

Because they know that it may be difficult to do it now, but the new world is a battlefield that they will enter again sooner or later. The navy will not remain silent like this forever.

Therefore, they must always control the intelligence of the new world and the changes in the situation, and learn about it as soon as possible.

More naval generals participated in this meeting through video projection. In the past two years, every navy has been very busy, especially those stationed abroad and rarely able to come back.

In such an era, a large number of pirates, no matter who they are, will feel a lot of pressure. Some pirates are even very powerful. The pirates who keep causing troubles have caused a lot of losses to the navy in the process.

Novoa can also be regarded as the navy outside. Although the Chambord Islands are very close to the navy headquarters, the commodore is already considered a high-ranking member of the navy, although not the real core of the navy.

When Novoa's figure appeared,

Many people's targets fell on Novoa. These days, news about Novoa was also widely heard in the navy.

Novoa is in his office at the Naval Branch of the Shampoo Islands, and he is currently enjoying delicious food.

With a large piece of meat steak radiating heat, Novoa held a knife in one hand and a fork in the other, slowly tasting the food like a noble.

On the table, there are precious wines and fruits. It doesn't look like you are attending a serious meeting at all, just like having afternoon tea.

On the wall behind Novoa, there was a calligraphy and painting hanging. Novoa wrote the seven words "justice for whatever you want" in his own hand, as if to mock them.

Novoa has never hidden himself, and because of this, he doesn't have many close friends in the Navy headquarters.

Novoa doesn't care about this. He will train his subordinates himself. When they reach a certain level and become a vice admiral, their status and power will be greatly improved, and more and more people will naturally gather. By his side.

As for Vice Admiral, it is not a problem for him, it is even very easy, as long as he accumulates enough military merit and the help of the World Government.

Moreover, there are currently many vacancies for vice admirals in the Navy, and only two have been added in two years.

Along the way to promotion, Novoa also saw some familiar faces. Those were the spies of the Night Pirates who had inserted themselves into the navy.

As carefully selected, their strength and potential are not bad. Although they are not as good as Novoa, their promotion speed is also very fast, and they are at the forefront among all navies.

Moreover, when the navy now employs people who are short of combat power, they can be promoted as long as there is an opportunity, so the bottom level of the navy is promoted relatively quickly.

Although they don't know Novoya, Novoya knows them, and will give them a little help secretly to help them get promoted. Although it is not an explicit support, as long as there is a chance, they can still do it by giving them more credit. of.

Novoa didn't care about their looks and still went his own way.

In the dark, a person glanced at Novoa, paused for a moment, and then stood seriously, maintaining a military posture.

The important thing is that he wears sunglasses, has lightning-shaped sideburns on both sides of his face, and has a few French fries stuck to him.

This marine named Vergo, as Doflamingo's spy in the navy, has now reached the top ranks of the navy.

Compared with the original work, he joined the navy six years earlier and received Zefa's teachings in the navy's elite training camp, and his strength improved rapidly.

He joined the navy at the age of twenty and graduated from the elite training camp. As a disciple of Zefa, he is also a shining star in the navy headquarters and is known as "Ghost Bamboo".

After graduation, he went directly to the most dangerous New World to train, and experienced the battle between the Navy and the New World Pirates without any sacrifice. Doflamingo must have helped secretly.

In terms of resume, Vergo is very dazzling, and he is rigorous, leads by example, and is deeply trusted by his subordinates.

Because of this, Vergo is now a commodore, working in the G1 branch of the New World, and will soon be able to assume the position of rear admiral, and in the future he will be able to become the commander in charge of a naval fortress.

After receiving Zefa's teachings and training in the new world for a long time, Vergo's strength is much stronger than what he was at the same time.

Vergo is somewhat concerned about Novoa. The newly emerged monster in the navy is also a signature nowadays. Its strength and skills are extraordinary. Although he is a natural devil fruit user who has confidence in his own strength, he and Novoa If Woya really wanted to fight, he would probably be no match.

After all, he had also understood the horror of the Steam Fruit. Cold steam, hot steam, burning, suffocation, impact, and explosion were all perfect. In Novoa's hands, he fully demonstrated the power of a top-notch Devil Fruit.

Smoker, the natural smoke fruit ability user who had just joined the navy, was incomparable to Novoa.

What concerned him was that Novoa's behavior was completely different from that of the general navy. His extraordinary skills and abilities had opened up relationships between all parties, allowing each force to succumb to him and earn profits openly.

Dover should be very interested in such a person, Virgo thought.

In his opinion, if he could establish a relationship with Novoa, it would also be of great help to Dover's business in the first half of the Great Line.

Maybe now Doflamingo has secretly contacted Novoa. After all, Doflamingo is sitting behind the scenes and has many properties under his control.

He plans to contact Doflamingo if he has the opportunity, and Novoa has even established a relationship with the World Government. Novoa's ability and importance have completely reached a new level.

After all, Doflamingo's power is still in the development stage. As core industries, he is engaged in dark businesses such as arms trade, slave trade, and drugs, and is expanding rapidly.

But there are too many competitors, including the world's powerful arms dealers, the Dark Council, the Beast Pirates, the Night Pirates, some kingdoms with technology, dark forces, and brotherhoods.

The Night Pirates naturally have an arsenal. They have always been self-sufficient, and they naturally sell guns and shells to the outside world. The Night Pirates' armaments are still very famous, and they have been established through wars.

The New World is Doflamingo's base, but he is suppressed by the Brotherhood. He only managed to grab a small part of the arms business from the New World.

The North Sea contains a lot of interests for Doflamingo, but there is a "paradise" in the middle. If the "paradise" can be opened up, it will definitely be of great help to the expansion of Doflamingo's arms trade.

Even with the status of Shichibukai, his property cannot be put on the bright side, after all, it cannot be seen in the light.

From the North Sea directly to the New World, the development of his power in "Paradise" is not fast. Although he believes in Doflamingo's ability, this is just a small problem and will be fine after a while, but the faster the development of his power, the better.

The important issue is that the World Government has been investigating which traitors have appeared within the organization, resulting in major mistakes and panic among internal officials.

This makes it difficult for Doflamingo to establish a relationship, or there may be, but the number is relatively small. If it is a peaceful matter, with Doflamingo's methods, the power will definitely develop quickly.

Vergo was thinking about Doflamingo and naturally wanted to find a way for him.

But these were still too far away, and Vergo cleared his mind.

In comparison, his task was more arduous and important. Although it was relatively smooth along the way, he did not dare to relax at all. He could just mention it to Dover when the time came. I believe Dover understood what he meant and would handle it well. of.

Doflamingo is very satisfied with Vergo's promotion speed. It is certain that he will become a lieutenant general in the future, and Vergo also has this confidence.

From the information Doflamingo revealed to him, Vergo knew that Doflamingo was looking for a Devil Fruit suitable for him to further enhance his strength.

While pursuing higher power, you must also have the power to protect yourself. If it is really exposed and Vergo is killed, it will definitely be a huge loss to Doflamingo.

Doflamingo also knows the role of strength. He does not have very powerful subordinates around him. Pika is one, and there is Vergo. The others are a little less interesting. In Doflamingo's eyes, It can only be considered good.

The meeting has started.

"Aren't we going to take action?" You Haijun was not reconciled. In his opinion, this was a good time, a good time to weaken the Whitebeard Pirates and the Night Pirates.

Once there is a war, both sides will definitely suffer losses.

"It's useless. This is a battle between Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor. The members of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Dark Night Pirates will definitely guard against other forces taking action." Sengoku shook his head.

"Whitebeard will not allow it. Don't forget, two of the Night Pirates did not take action. I don't think the remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirates can stop the Shadow Dragon Redeat and the fierce god Ares."

Gu Gui Warring States' words made the eyes of those around him freeze, and some couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Only then did they realize that the power of the Dark Night Pirates was so terrifying. There were three giants in the Dark Night, three full masters. Whether it was the Shadow Dragon or the Fierce God, they were all top powerhouses in the world.

"That's right. It's not so much that Whitebeard takes the initiative to fight, but it's better to say that he responds passively. The initiative lies in the hands of the Night Pirates." He nodded and couldn't help but sigh, "Even if there is Whitebeard, the Whitebeard Pirates are still there." The overall strength is not as good as the Night Pirates, and there is even a big gap."

"Let's just be a bystander in this battle. We have just emerged from the predicament not long ago. The intelligence gained from analyzing their strength and capabilities through the battle can be useful in the future."

Since He and Sengoku have said this, others have nothing to refute. What they mean is also the mainstream thinking of the navy present.

Even Sakaski means the same thing. The navy is not powerful enough. He knows better as he controls the Ministry of Supervision. Although it is the judicial department, it also has a lot of internal intelligence in the navy, giving him a sufficient understanding of the navy.

Moreover, with the incident involving the giants, the Navy lost a lot of support from the giants, and its strength weakened a lot.

What the Giants hate most is deception, and the Giant Vice Admiral and Giant members cannot accept it. Even if they do not blame the Navy, they will not stay in the Navy in the face of Elbaf's recall.

Now that the navy is on the rise, it is natural to maintain it well. They were driven out of the new world for the second time. The second time their foundation was damaged. They finally broke out of the darkness. They did not want to go through the third time before they truly recovered their strength. Second-rate.

More importantly, that is the middle of the new world. Once you go there, you will probably face a siege by pirates. At that time, you will not be able to escape and you will have to wait for death.

If you just think about waiting for others to suffer losses and then reap the benefits, then it is too simple.

Although he didn't say anything, in his heart, Sakaski shook his head with the navy who just said those words.

As a naval general, he cannot see such a simple situation clearly. This is undoubtedly unqualified and has no value for further training. He should just be a thug.

After all, becoming a general requires more than just strength, wisdom, and leadership, all of which need to be learned, except of course for those who are particularly powerful.

Like Sakaski, Sengoku and other senior naval officials also put a death sentence on that naval officer's future career, making it difficult for such a person to take on important responsibilities.

Next, some more things were discussed regarding the world situation.

"Although we haven't taken any action, we still can't relax. We should always pay attention to the intelligence among the various forces in the new world. If we endure it for a while longer, we will officially start cleaning up the great shipping route." Warring States stood up and said firmly in a sonorous voice, " End of the meeting."


The words of the Warring States Period made other navies excited. Naturally, the pirates on the Great Line were to be cleaned up. As the basic base of the navy today, the navy's scope of activities only covers 30% of the area of ​​the Great Line.

They have been looking forward to this moment for a long time. Although the pirates in the New World are difficult to deal with, the pirates injured by the Great Route are not difficult for the navy.

"Clean up the Navy?" After the meeting, Novoa sat in his office, thinking about the content of the meeting.

This incident has little impact on him, and it will happen sooner or later. The number of great sea pirates may decrease, but under the pressure of the navy, the real elite and outstanding pirates can be selected to enter the new world.

And he, sitting in charge of the last stop to the new world, will naturally not lack credit, and his promotion in military rank will be accelerated. In short, it is all small things.

The next battle between Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor is what he is concerned about. After all, he is a member of the Dark Night Pirates, and he does not want the Dark Emperor to lose.

He couldn't decide this kind of thing. Faced with the strongest person in the world like Whitebeard, everyone had actually expected the final result, which was definitely in favor of Whitebeard.

However, the battle to become an emperor does not necessarily have to be a winner.

The navy is having a meeting, and the World Government has already taken action, sending agents to sneak into the new world.

The rise of the Night Pirates is unstoppable. After suffering such serious losses in the Golden Sea Battle, the power of CP0 has been greatly weakened, and more importantly, it is no longer mysterious.

The capabilities of the two deputy directors have been exposed, but it has also enhanced the deterrence of the World Government to a certain extent, making other forces afraid to take too much action against the World Government. The World Government still has terrifying power.

Two years is not enough to restore CP0. There is always a shortage of strong men. The combat power of each CP0 is one of a million, and they are selected from a large number of agents.

Of course, there are exceptions for some cp0 officials. Although they have cp0 status, they do not have the corresponding strength, such as Spangdyne, the former cp9 chief who launched the demon-slaying order.

After sacrificing so many CP0 members, CP0's vitality was severely damaged. Unlike the Navy, it will not take a while to recover.

However, the order still needs to be carried out, and the world government agents of cp0 are invading the new world. The exposure of the information about the signpost stone makes the world government very angry.

And they are extremely eager to grab a signpost stone. As long as they have one in their hands, they can sit back and relax without worrying about the truth they are trying to hide being exposed.

Unless someone can snatch the beacon stone from the hands of the World Government.

Therefore, in the Big Mom Sea, the Kingdom of Barbarossa, the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, and even the Kingdom of Wano, there are agents of the World Government, looking for traces of the Signpost Stone.

It is naturally not that easy to get the signpost stone. Cake Island is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, completely controlled by the Big Mom Pirates.

Besides, the road sign stone is "closely" protected by Big Mom, so how can it be found?

Many agents were exposed and died at the hands of the Big Mom Pirates. The remaining agents were hidden. Before being ordered to leave, they must continue to execute the order and contribute their lifespan to Big Mom every time.

The Beast Pirates were even more heavily guarded, and the real Signpost Stone was hidden. Only Kaido, Jhin, and Krell knew that the Signpost Stone protected by the Beast Pirates was just an imitation.

After all, some Devil Fruit users are difficult to resist, and the more people know about it, the worse it is. For example, Nelson of the Night Pirates, a cp0 strongman who appeared under the World Government in the Golden Sea Battle, can hide under the ground.

Some agents died while searching for traces of the Signpost Stone.

The agents in the Whitebeard Sea area are better, but in such a large sea area, it is very difficult to find a stone like a drop in the ocean.

Wano Country, which owns the last landmark stone, is also the main target of the World Government. The CP0 sent was to sneak into Wano Country when Kozuki Oden led the army to leave Wano Country.

After paying a lot of casualties, through special ability users, the World Government finally learned the location of the Wano Land signpost stone, which was inside the Shogun's Mansion.

After the news about the Signpost Stone was exposed, in order to protect the Signpost Stone, Kozuki Oden brought the Signpost Stone to the General's Mansion. He believed that his cronies would not tell this matter.

But because of this, the location of the signpost stone was exposed.

Regarding Devil Fruit, even if it is connected to the sea, Wano is still unfamiliar and has no idea that such an ability exists.

When the country of Wano was marching towards the Beast Pirates, a war broke out in the country of Wano. The World Government wanted to obtain the signpost stone and used the method of diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

But unfortunately, it failed in the end, and cp0 lost two more people, one of whom was the "gentleman" and died under the siege of the warriors.

The country of Wano also suffered a great loss. The World Government was about to succeed, but unexpectedly, the country of Wano went so extravagantly to build a "small house" with sea tower stones to store the road sign stones.

The World Government took things by surprise, poisoned them with tactics, and used a large number of agent cannon fodder to ensure that nothing went wrong, but they were ultimately defeated here.

However, the World Government has not given up yet. Compared with those unknown things, Wano Country, the signpost stone, is obviously easier to obtain.

This matter was blocked by Wano Country, and no one knew about it except the World Government and Wano Country. Kozuki Oden did not expect that his home was really robbed after he left.

The losses to Wano Country were greater than imagined, and the losses to the World Government were also not small.

It is conceivable that the World Government's fight for the Landmark Stone of Wano will continue, and they will not give up so easily. They will take action whenever they have the opportunity.

In comparison, the battle between Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor is no longer important. After all, they are extremely dangerous people who cannot be changed no matter what, and there is nothing they can do. The Navy will pay attention to this kind of thing.

They just need to achieve their goals.

The signpost stone is pure gold.

They did not give up on pure gold, especially for a group of Celestial Dragons. They lacked nothing but eternal life.

It reached the point of madness. After knowing that the pure gold fell into the hands of the Golden Lion Shiji, he sent a large number of agents and CP0 to the Sky Kingdom of the Sky Pirates.

The Tianlong people naturally possess powerful power, which even the Five Old Stars cannot control or interfere with.

If you take the initiative, you will naturally be noticed by the Flying Pirates, and then your power will be continuously damaged and consumed.

"The captain is here."

In the Night Pirates, Mastima put down the phone bug and chuckled. Hearing the news, the other crew members became excited.

Under the boundless night, Teach's figure quickly flew towards the battlefield.

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