Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and ninety-two The war is about to begin

"Dad, I'm so sorry." Facing White Beard, Marco couldn't lift his head, with tears in his eyes.

The loss is too great. I don’t know how many brothers died.

In front of them is a sea of ​​flowers, and at the same time, there is also a burial ground where the bodies of a large number of members of the Whitebeard Pirates are buried.

The beautiful sea of ​​flowers and the gentle sea breeze cannot heal the pain in their hearts.

Tens of thousands of simple tombstones form a unique landscape in the sea of ​​flowers, but they are the blood and tears of the Whitebeard Pirates.

They were surrounded by members of the Whitebeard Pirates. Now, Whitebeard came to join them in mourning for their fallen comrades.

Marco and the others were very excited when they got the news that their father was coming.

But when Whitebeard really arrived, they were not happy at all. They felt that they had no face to see their father. All the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were the same.

Being suppressed all the way, the so-called gap is very obvious in all aspects.

"It's not your fault. It's because the Night Pirates are too strong." Whitebeard said solemnly, looking at the sea. He dared to admit the strength of his opponent. This is also Whitebeard's ambition and courage.

"Besides, our family members died in battle, didn't they? Being able to die in battle on the sea is an honorable thing. They sacrificed their lives for our family."

Whitebeard has long looked away from this point. If he can't even accept the sacrifices of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, then how can he survive and sail on this sea.

"Now that we recognize the gap, we should continue to work hard to become stronger. Only in this way can we better protect our families."

Whitebeard's few words rekindled the fighting spirit of the surrounding members.

Only after suffering a blow will a person have an extreme desire to become stronger.

If you can't raise your fighting spirit, you are likely to fail. There are too many such people on the sea. Along the way, Whitebeard has seen many such people, including those within the Whitebeard Pirates.

The overall morale of the pirate group is very important.

However, this will not make the pain in their hearts dissipate. Instead, it will remain in their hearts and become the motivation to stimulate their potential, which will allow them to grow quickly.

Whitebeard was silent,

But he felt even more angry. Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, these are his family members!


Whitebeard waved his arm hard and hit the air, shattering like glass.

"Don't worry, dad, I will avenge you, and I will definitely teach that guy Tiqi a lesson for you." This is Whitebeard's promise to his family.

In the pirate war, the Whitebeard Pirates were defeated, but a pirate group really depends on the strength of the captain.

The war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Night Pirates is not over yet.

The clenched fists, deep in Whitebeard's pupils, contained a strong killing intent.

Teach, let me see where your confidence comes from. Don't die.

He would never allow anyone to harm his family.

In the eyes of countless people, there is an island between the battle lines of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Night Pirates, and this island has become the center of the world's attention.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Night Pirates have a tacit understanding of treating this island as the final battlefield.

It has no name and does not need a name. Everyone knows that after this battle, this island will no longer exist.

The Whitebeard Pirates' army has arrived. Each pirate ship is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. The huge fleet stopped one kilometer away from the island, not wanting to get too close to the island.

On the other side was the Night Pirates, who also did not approach.

This is a battle between two people. The other members of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Night Pirates are trying to prevent other forces from disturbing the battle between the captains of both sides.

In addition to the Whitebeard Pirates and the Dark Night Pirates, various forces came to this sea area. Their purpose was to watch the battle and witness the battle with their own eyes.

Among them, many well-known strong men in the new world are attracted by this upcoming war.

"Hello! Hello everyone, I am Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency." The live broadcast had already been started, and when the screen turned, Morgans appeared in front of him.

Morgans smiled and greeted the phone bug, and took out a black phone bug from his arms, "Hoo ho! This live broadcast will be hosted by me personally. Let me introduce to you the phone in my hand. insect."

Many people's eyes fell on Morgans' black phone bug. Its black body was twice larger than the average phone bug.

Morgans held the black phone bug and smiled, "Soon, the battle between Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor will begin, and this phone bug will spread images to you."

"This is a battle between two of the world's top players. Their courage is enough to destroy the will of the phone bug and render it useless. Just in case, and to bring you a better visual experience, we specially took out this The King of Phone Bugs.”

"Just like the awakening of the Overlord's Haki, this phone bug is also the only one among millions of phone bugs. It not only has the best functions, but also has strong resistance to the Overlord's Haki. He will lose consciousness under the impact of the overlord color."

"Of course, both Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor have the world's best courage. Just in case, I will keep some distance and not get too close. Please pray for me and hope that I will not be affected by this battle and die. "Morgans also smiled mockingly.

In the first moment, he won the sympathy and gratitude of countless people around the world. As a big shot of the World Economic News Agency, he was willing to take risks with his own life. It is really great.

However, some big figures in the dark world sneered at Morgan's fake performance. Morgan's strength was not weak, how could he be affected by the battle between the strong and die.

The predictability of the albatross fruit allows him to detect danger in advance.

After saying that, Morgans directly opened the sleeping King's Phone Bug in his hand. The King's Phone Bug immediately woke up from his sleep and opened his eyes.

Then the scene changed, and the perspective of the video screen shifted to the King's Phone Bug in Morgans' hand.

"This way, that way, please pay attention to me, be careful..." Before the battle started, Morgans personally took action, commanding other reporter birds, and began to layout the island that was about to become a battlefield.

Naturally, the live battle depends on him, but other scenes are also very important, such as some post-production. Compared with the live battle, the battle of the strong is too intense, and it may even make people unable to react, and some important plots will be missed.

and the destructive power of the surrounding battlefield.

The videos produced in post-production are actually more beautiful and pleasing to the eye than the live battles, and are more suitable for ordinary people to watch.

In the change of scenes, Morgans used some film shooting techniques in order to bring everyone the most perfect visual expression.

This is all money. Once it is produced, many people will definitely watch it.

The perspective of the live video broadcast is relatively single, but post-production can combine the images from various perspectives to make the battle more complete.

For example, some classic war images are fascinating and make people watch them over and over again.

Morgans is extremely evil. Although the price of video has dropped and everyone can afford it, you can only watch it for a week after buying it, and you need to spend money again after one week.

However, there are not many images that people are willing to watch again and again.

In this way, he can continue to cut leeks. Although the benefits have to be divided a lot, he still makes the most money.

Video live streaming, in terms of the speed of making money, is much faster than the battle pyramid. After all, it connects the entire world.

Suddenly, Morgans raised his brows and his eyes lit up, as if he had heard some good news.

"Whitebeard has started taking action." Morgans announced the news to everyone with a beaming look, and immediately spread his wings and quickly flew in the direction of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Soon, the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates sailed out of the fleet. In the picture, it was constantly approaching. Whitebeard's huge and muscular figure could be clearly seen, standing upright on the bow of the ship holding a child's sword, and behind him The white cloak fluttered in the wind.

The iconic crescent-shaped white beard that curves upward, this is the "world's strongest" white beard, Edward Newgate.

His name resounds all over the world, and even the songs sung by children around the world describe him as "more terrifying than a monster" and he is called a "living legend".

"The Dark Emperor is also here." The screen switched to another phone bug. In the hands of Morgans, there was a "tablet" on which were the live broadcasts of the phone bugs. Morgans could Use it to switch at will.

The ferocious and domineering three-headed dragon head, the huge hull, the undoubtedly war beast, and the large number of artillery muzzles that are so cold that it makes people feel frightened. This is the main ship of the Night Pirates, the "Queen Anne's Revenge" .

There were not many people on the Moby Dick, and there were still people sailing the ship.

But there was only one person on board the Queen Anne's Revenge, and no one was at the helm.

They speculated that the ship was sailed by the Dark Emperor using his own abilities, but in fact, they would not have thought that the ship was alive.

The Queen Anne's Revenge has its own consciousness, a ship spirit named Lucky.

Looking from top to bottom, there is a huge lawn on the wide deck, and inside, on the gorgeous throne, a figure closes his eyes and meditates.

Wearing a gorgeous black gold-edged dragon-patterned pirate coat, he opened a dark blue shirt underneath, revealing his strong chest.

On top of his head is a black captain's hat with the Night Pirates' pirate flag logo printed on it.

The slightly curly black hair is hanging down, exuding domineering and powerful power.

This is the captain of the Night Pirates, the leader of the new era of pirates, the Dark Emperor Marshall D. Teach.

The figures of the two people constantly appear alternately in the picture, as the two protagonists who are about to go to war.

People all over the world have different ideas.

"White Beard, Dark Emperor." In Windmill Village, at the home of a female bandit named Dadan, many bandits stayed in the house to watch the live broadcast, including a seven or eight-year-old child.

There were freckles on both cheeks, and he looked at the images in the video very seriously.

Although he is still young, he is very mature. Looking at the two figures in this image, Ace can't help but hear their names in his heart.

The appearance of images made him understand the world better, and he would often use the money he robbed from fighting gangsters to watch battle images, especially those of strong men.

Those terrifying battle scenes completely shocked his heart and made him understand how big this world is. There are people outside the people and mountains outside the mountains. How could there be such terrifying strong men with human power capable of reaching that level.

And that man, who can become the Pirate King, naturally has such powerful strength.

Among these images, he also found the battle images of the old man. He never thought that the annoying old man who always wanted him to join the navy had such a powerful power.

The world's top powerhouse, Ace thought in his heart, a monster among monsters, this is a concept he learned from many images.

Although the battle has not yet begun, Ace's heart has already been raised. There is a "legend" parallel to that man, a dark emperor who is powerful in the sea and the overall strength of the pirate group is terrifying.

Also in Windmill Town, many villagers gathered in a bar and watched the video carefully.

Even small villages like them will pay attention to this kind of thing, and it can kill boring time. This has become the norm in the world. Whenever there is an important event and there is a live broadcast, they will watch it.

Among them was a child of about five years old. Looking at the video, he noticed his empty cup, picked up the cup and said, "Sister Maginot, have a glass of milk."

"Okay, Luffy." The girl named Maginot smiled softly and poured the child a glass of milk.

Luffy is the grandson of the naval hero Garp. Garp is often away, so it can be said that Luffy was raised by the entire Windmill Village. He usually lives in the village chief's house and takes care of him.

Gu Yue said: "What a big ship, Si Guoyi, bigger than grandpa's iron ship." Luffy was still young and didn't understand. He was not as nervous as others. Instead, his attention was on the Whitebeard Pirates and the Dark Night Sea. The pirate group's pirate ship.

Both the "Mobydick" and the "Queen Anne's Revenge" are among the top pirate ships in the world, using the top shipbuilding materials and the skills of top shipwrights.

In response to Luffy's words, the others all smiled and said nothing. Instead, they were more concerned about the battle that was about to begin. They felt a little nervous. Invisibly, they could feel the pressure from Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor. Just seeing their figures.

On the table, drinks and food have been prepared for a long time. Some people even brought straw mats and quilts and planned to sleep in the bar. After all, it is normal for strong men to fight for several days and nights. The bar run by Maginot also prepared it in advance. A lot of drinks and food were prepared.

Scenes like this happen in bars all over the world. Whenever there is a similar situation, these bars will be full and make a lot of money.

In a medical center on an island called Arcas, three people were watching the image. Modi folded his arms and leaned against the window. Monica sat on a chair and looked at the images flashing across her body. A domineering figure with shining eyes.

Beside her, there was a child who had a calmness that was different from other children.

He inherited Tikki's natural curly hair, has the same hair color as Monica, and has the same eyes as Tikki. In appearance, he is very similar to Tikki, more like his mother Monica.

Looking at the figure appearing in the image, "Is this my father?"

In fact, he had determined that the child named Saga was the son of the Dark Emperor who inherited Tiqi's bloodline.

Saga, meaning "legend", represents Teach's hope for him.

Tikki's physique is abnormal and special. After Saga was born, Modi and Monica discovered that Saga inherited Tikki's physique, which means that Saga, like Tikki, cannot sleep.

They knew how much pain Tikki was in, and Monica didn't want her child to be like Tikki.

With Teach's secret support, they developed an effective and harmless medicine for Saga, which can help Saga sleep and allow Saga to sleep for two hours a day, but this is also the limit.

As the body becomes resistant to the drug, the efficacy of the drug will become less and less effective, but by that time, I believe Saga has overcome this side effect.

Even so, Saga was quite painful, but he persisted with Monica's company. It is precisely because of this that Saga's mind matured earlier.

Although he had never met Teach, he knew who his father was very early on.

At home, his mother and grandfather never tried to hide it from him. Monica collected various battle videos and newspapers related to Teach and the Night Pirates.

There are even reward orders and some photos of Teach from various periods.

Therefore, Saga knew Tiqi well, and even took the initiative to read it, and also asked his mother and grandfather about Tiqi's past affairs.

I also have some ideas about Teach's image.

For many people, Teach is also a legend, with his growth experience and growth speed, he established the Night Pirates, a terrifying pirate group with a vast territory.

These are all things that make people yearn for and want to replace them, and this battle is also a very crucial battle for Teach. Whether he can become the emperor depends on Teach's strength and performance. After all, his opponent has not been replaced for many years. "The Strongest in the World".

Saga has never rejected the identity of the Dark Emperor's son. He knows that although Tiqi is not by his side, he is protecting him in his own way.

His grandfather Modi often brought back some precious medicinal materials and a large number of training manuals, allowing him to grow perfectly and lay a solid foundation.

These were sent here secretly by someone, naturally it was Teach.

Saga never asked when Tikki would come because his grandfather had said that Tikki would take him away when he was seven years old to prepare him.

He has seen a wider world, and with Teach's blood flowing in his body, he will naturally not be content with being ordinary, and sooner or later he will embark on Teach's path.

He had long been aware of this.

He was not worried that his mother would be alone, because there were two little guys, his younger brothers and sisters, who were already asleep.

Before he could remember, Teach had been here once, and he might have considered this kind of thing. He was lucky enough to kill two birds with one stone, and he was lucky enough that his body was not abnormal and he could grow up with peace of mind.

You can also accompany your mother better.

Brother Garon, sister Mijela.

The younger sister looks like her mother, while the younger brother looks very similar to him, almost exactly the same, but it's easy to tell them apart. His younger brother's hair is black.

Back in the image, Whitebeard has landed on the island, and the Dark Emperor directly controls gravity to fly into the air.

The Mobydick and Queen Anne's Revenge also returned to both fleets after the two landed on the island.

After flying to the center of the island, Teach's body slowly descended and landed on the ground.

Then he waited quietly. A few minutes later, the white-bearded figure appeared from the jungle and came to Tiqi. The distance between the two was almost fifty meters.

When the two kings met, they both looked at each other quietly. Morgans, who was filming in the sky, had a premonition of something, trembled, flapped his wings, and kept rising into the air.

Below, terrifying aura erupted from the bodies of the two of them, and they greeted each other with overlord-colored domineering aura before the fight even started.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the terrifying domineering energy expanded its scope like an ever-increasing aura, causing a fierce collision between the two central overlords.

The overbearing color that swallows everything like an abyss has the aura of power that shakes the world.

The whole world seems to have turned into two colors. The overlord color collides, the ground is shaking, and cracks are born. At the center of the collision, the interweaving of two powerful magnetic fields, "sparks" like black lightning, continue to emerge.

A terrifying wave of air swept around.

And the sky was covered with dark clouds in the blink of an eye, bringing a terrifying sense of oppression, lightning and thunder, and purple lightning constantly emerging.

The two overlords collided, and each side's power occupied half of the sky. They were evenly matched. In terms of courage, Teach was not at a disadvantage against Whitebeard.

Before taking action, such earth-shattering changes occurred, which shocked the hearts of those who watched the images.

Especially when he saw cracks appearing on the ground, which soon became as dense as a spider web.

The dominant color for the spirit is very lethal to flowers, plants and trees. After all, everything has animism and breathing.

The area covered by Tiqi's Overlord Color has been annihilated with life visible to the naked eye. After all, even the average strong person can't resist it. Fragile souls are easily crushed, leaves fall, and vegetation withers.

It is really scary to be noticed by such a scene. This is the true manifestation of the extraordinary damage to the spirit after Teach's overlord color has been further improved.

Many powerful people have noticed this, which shows that the Dark Emperor's overlord color is special and has extraordinary abilities.

The red-haired pirates said, "Captain, it seems you are not the only one, but it is not the same as your direction." Beckman looked calm and said to Shanks beside him.

He naturally knew that his captain had an extraordinary talent in the Overlord Color. He had to be more powerful and be able to affect matter. This was something that could only be achieved by the collision of two Overlord Colors.

When he saw Tiqi, he knew that Tiqi also had a special talent in overlord color.

The black pirate coat was blowing in the wind. Under the domineering and domineering realm, combined with the scene inside, Teach looked like a demon from the abyss.

The sky cleared suddenly and everything became calm.

Many people were panting heavily, with sweat on their bodies. The collision of overlord colors in a short period of time took a long time for many people.

My mind was completely absorbed in it.

"It's not bad, Tikki, you already have such courage." Whitebeard praised, Tikki's courage is completely comparable to his, and has truly reached the top level in the world.

And he could feel that his Overlord Color had reached its limit, and Tiqi's Overlord Color had the potential to rise further. The Overlord Color's domineering energy with such a terrifying mental impact was unique in the sea.

"Of course." Teach accepted Whitebeard's praise.

Darkness surged around his body, and two small wine jars appeared from them. One of them, under Teach's control, quickly flew towards Whitebeard.

Whitebeard raised his hand and caught the wine jar firmly.

"What? Do you want me to be merciful? Teach." Whitebeard joked, "You won't put poison in it, will you?"

White Beard gently opened the lid of the wine jar, and the rich aroma of wine wafted out.

Teach didn't pay any attention to Whitebeard's joke. He looked at Whitebeard, opened the wine jar and took a sip.

"You have a white beard! Besides, this jar of wine can't be exchanged for 100 million beli. You have never been in the habit of inviting others to drink. I brought this specially."

Tikki's words did not make Whitebeard angry. Instead, he raised his head and laughed loudly, "Gula la la la la!"

No one knows why Whitebeard smiles so much, except the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Tiqi knew Whitebeard. Whitebeard was very stingy. All his wealth was donated to his hometown, so he had no money and never invited others to drink. He always liked to drink from his son.

Unexpectedly, the two sides started chatting before the battle started.

After laughing, the two drank wine at the same time. They drank the small jar of Monkey King Wine in one gulp and then threw the jar aside.

Whitebeard has already felt the effect of Monkey King Wine, but the effect is not great, especially for a strong man like Whitebeard. The effect of Monkey King Wine is not that incredible, and it takes a long time to drink it to be effective.

"How is it? It tastes good. I should be able to last longer in the next battle." Teach looked at Whitebeard and smiled.

The air suddenly became heavy, and the hidden meaning in Teach's words was undoubtedly a provocation to Whitebeard.

"Gu la la la! This is my first time drinking such a fine wine. I hope you don't do it as well as you said, Teach!" Whitebeard twisted his neck.

"Haha, I have been looking forward to this fight for a long time. Let's fight it before you get old. You may not have such an opportunity in the future." Tiqi tilted his head slightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and had a smile on his face. .

"After all, it's my time next!"

The meaning of these words is already very clear. Whitebeard's peak period is almost over and he will soon grow old.

This also made many people realize that although Whitebeard is powerful, he is still a mortal with a heart. How long can he maintain his strong strength?

Now Whitebeard is a fifty-eight-year-old man and will soon enter the downhill stage.

And Teach's words, "my era", are like a declaration, extremely confident, which makes people clearly feel, calm and convincing, how domineering and domineering.

Listening to it makes people feel excited.

The members of the Night Pirates were cheering.

Of course, there are still people who are not satisfied, such as other sea emperors.

"Jie hahaha! I'm not old yet!" Golden Lion Shiji laughed and refuted Teach's words, "But that kid is right, Newgate is old, and I like his domineering attitude. Jie hahaha!"

Whitebeard, on the other hand, grinned, "Come and try, don't get slapped in the face, Teach! I'm Whitebeard, it's not your turn to make noise!"

"Don't die!"

"Then come on!"

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