Pirate of Darkness

Four Hundred and Ninety-Three Dark Emperor vs Whitebeard (1)

Whitebeard wielded the childish sword, his body was huge, but his speed was not bad at all.

Teach's figure disappeared from the spot.


The earth cracked, the surrounding ground bulged piece by piece, and the two figures appeared in the center in an instant.

It makes no sense that the two of them had terrifying power as soon as they made a move, without even the slightest hint of temptation.

This is a real battle, and neither side has any intention of holding back.

Whitebeard wants to avenge the sacrifice of his family and defend the dignity of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Teach also wanted to fight to the fullest, against Whitebeard who was still in his prime.

Black domineering energy covered Tiqi's arms and flowed on Tiqi's claws. The deep black light shone with a trace of purple light. At the same time, the black energy flowed on Tiqi's body, turning Tiqi's hands completely into " Devil's Claw".

Whitebeard's Zhidao was also wrapped with domineering energy and turned completely into a black knife. White light surrounded the Zhidao, containing terrifying power of shock.

After the collision, invisible impacts centered on the two people continued to spread to the surroundings. Sand and dust flew up, the ground was destroyed, and the clouds in the sky were impacted and dissipated.

You can imagine how terrifying the power of both sides is.

The two were in a stalemate for a while, and Tiqi changed his moves in an instant, and his sharp claws kept grabbing at Whitebeard, pointing directly at the vital point.

"Eight little girls!"

A snap that tears everything apart.

The two engaged in a fierce confrontation. Tikki's speed was too fast. Through the image, Tikki's figure had disappeared. Only some afterimages and the terrifying dark claw light could be seen.

Whitebeard stood there, but he was also experienced in many battles. He kept waving his childish sword, resisting Teach's attack, and even seized the opportunity to actively fight back.

Tikki's figure appeared on the right side of Whitebeard. Whitebeard reacted immediately and punched Tikki's sharp claws with his backhand.

A terrifying punch containing shocking power collided with Teach's sharp claws.

"What's going on? Whitebeard's vibration power should be more than this, right? It's a bit strange.


At the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku frowned and looked at the pictures on the video screen. Since he was not there in person, he could not watch their battle more clearly with the color of his eyes, but with his eyes, he could also see the battle between the two.

Warring States was a little confused. He and Whitebeard were old rivals. Even his body could not bear the terrifying power of the shock. It was impossible to cause such a small amount of destructive power.

The power of shock can be extended. Even if there is armed domineering to resist it, it will still invade the body and cause damage. This is also the scary thing about the power of shock.

The inside of the human body is always more fragile than the outside.

But Teach seemed completely unaffected by Whitebeard's vibrating power, facing Whitebeard's attacks time and time again.

"It should be due to the Dark Fruit. Whitebeard's ability has failed, or it should be absorbed. It should be both. The power and impact of Whitebeard's fists were absorbed during the confrontation with the Dark Emperor."

He noticed it and analyzed, "So, Whitebeard's attacks were severely weakened when faced with Teach, especially the power of the shaking fruit."

"This is the true power of the Dark Fruit, the nemesis of ability users. However, the Dark Emperor dares to challenge Whitebeard's confidence. The failure of the Shock Fruit is equivalent to Whitebeard losing a big boost."

He's analysis made many people fall into silence. This ability was indeed terrifying, and the terrifying power of shock had no effect on the Dark Emperor.

Facing Teach, not only will his abilities be disabled, but the damage and impact will also be absorbed, and his attack power will be weakened, making it difficult for anyone to deal with him.

"Don't underestimate Whitebeard! That man can't be dealt with so easily." Warring States said seriously, his eyes fixed on the screen.

"I believe Whitebeard has also discovered this. In addition to the terrifying gravity of the Dark Fruit, the effect that disables the ability user can only take effect when the two parties are in contact."

Whitebeard did realize that the previous battle was just an adaptation. After discovering that the ability failed, fortunately, he no longer needed the ability to shake the fruit.

The attack power is weakened and absorbed, so you can't fight Tikki head-on. The power of the Dark Fruit is indeed very strange.

But Whitebeard is still not weak. Even without the Shock Fruit, Whitebeard is still the world's top powerhouse. His terrifying strange power is difficult for Teach to compare with now. He is inferior in terms of pure strength.

Both of them have completely mastered the destructive power brought by domineering power, the flow of domineering power, and the internal destruction of domineering power.

The close combat, the punches to the flesh, and the fierce physical contests all made people's blood boil.

Nuts appeared one after another on the ground, which were continuously destroyed during the war. The powerful collision made not only the entire island, but also the air tremble.

Suddenly, Tiqi's eyes froze and he sensed a crisis. He crossed his arms in front of him. Dark Jade appeared in an instant and turned into a shield to block him.

Whitebeard caught him in a flaw. Although he didn't use the power of the Shock Fruit, it didn't mean that he couldn't use it.

The terrifying punch containing the power of shock hit him directly and landed in the air in front of him, which was the position in front of An Yu.


The air shattered like a mirror, and time seemed to stand still. The terrifying power exploded in an instant. Under the power of Whitebeard's vibration, cracks appeared on the dark jade. Before it had time to recover, it shattered in an instant.

Tiqi's pupils shrank, and he faced this terrifying power. Faced with the power of vibration and the terrifying impact, Tiqi's whole body was sent flying backwards.

But this is not over yet, how could Whitebeard give Teach a chance.

"The ground cracks!"

A punch containing the power of shock hit the ground directly in the direction of Tiqi.

The ground shattered in an instant and splashed at any time. The terrifying earthquake wave erupted directly, turning into a white light wave that shattered the ground and rushed straight forward.

Wherever it passed, a gully dozens of meters wide was left, and the rocks were rugged.

Facing this blow, Tiqi reacted in an instant and advanced instead of retreating. The recovered dark jade wrapped Tiqi's body and turned into a cone-shaped black spike, directly attacking the seismic wave released by Whitebeard.

There is no doubt about Anyu's defensive power, but Whitebeard's attack power is too strong, and Teach faced Whitebeard's punch directly.

The power of that punch was more concentrated and the power was more terrifying. Under the control of Whitebeard, it was condensed into a small amount and easily shattered the dark jade.

In comparison, this seismic wave poses little threat to Teach.

Under Teach's control, he passed through the seismic waves at extremely fast speeds, crossed the floating smoke, and headed straight towards Whitebeard.

Behind him, the seismic wave had exploded, and the terrifying power exploded in an instant, and the power continued to spread to the surroundings.

Looking from top to bottom, one can clearly see that the ground with a radius of hundreds of meters is covered with cobwebs in an instant, the ground collapses, and the direction of the influence is thousands of meters long.

Whitebeard noticed Tikki's approaching aura, clenched his fists, and a white air mask containing vibrating power appeared, hitting the air in front of him fiercely.

Gu Lao was "shocked in the air!"

The terrifying destructive power will affect the entire sea and sky.

Due to the battle between the two, the sea had long been turbulent and set off stormy waves, and Whitebeard's power made the sea even angrier.

As for Tiqi, Anyu returned to its original posture, flying in the air, a hundred meters away, but unable to move forward due to the air shock.

The space was vibrating, Teach could feel it.

Faced with this blow, Tiqi did not retreat, and the sky instantly darkened. The terrifying power of darkness was released from Tiqi's body, turning into a huge dark vortex, blocking Tiqi's front.

The power of darkness that swallowed everything, even the light was being swallowed up, not to mention Whitebeard's power of vibration.

With Whitebeard's terrifying destructive power, cracks clearly appeared in the air, and the extremely large range continued to extend forward.

But it stopped when it reached the dark vortex. The dark vortex was not affected in any way and kept spinning, swallowing up the terrifying power that came.

"It's so powerful!" Teach was not affected by Whitebeard's air shock. He was behind the dark vortex, but he could clearly feel the terrifying air shock.

On both sides of the dark vortex and behind it are the areas affected by the air shock force, which destroys everything. With this punch, Whitebeard can destroy all enemies in front of him.

It's not just one or two people who are defeated by Whitebeard, it's always an entire pirate group.

Even the navy would not dare to face Whitebeard without top powerhouses like Sengoku and Garp to resist.

This is the power that can destroy the world.

Controlling the dark vortex and approaching Whitebeard, the power of the air shock has ended. The moment the dark vortex disappears, Teach's figure passes through the dark vortex and kills Whitebeard at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Whitebeard held the Zhi Dao in the air and slashed at Tiqi. The vibrating force attached to the Zhi Dao and was released through the Zhi Dao. Tiny and dense cracking sounds were heard in the space.

"Let me break your black shell! Teach." Whitebeard burst out with terrifying power, and the shock force was even more terrifying.

The Shock Fruit can affect even space, and will naturally affect the dark vortex that connects the dark space.

The reason why he was unable to break through the dark vortex was simply because his power of vibration was not strong enough.

Powerful enough to crush everything.

"Then come on, Whitebeard!" Teach laughed excitedly, "Let's see if your strongest attack can break the swallowing of darkness!"

In front of Tiqi, a dark vortex appeared again. Although it became smaller, its devouring power was even more terrifying. At the moment of its formation, a large amount of air, light, and even stones on the ground were attracted and devoured.

The two once again showed off a powerful confrontation.

Whitebeard's air shock.

Tikki's dark vortex.

In the dark sky, under the terrifying power of Whitebeard, there appeared a terrible scene of the sky falling, a natural disaster with a wave of hands.

The foundation of the island beneath me is trembling, and I don't know how long it can last. However, the fate of this island has been determined, that is, it will sink into this sea.

Tikki was quickly approaching Whitebeard, carrying a dark vortex, and resisting Whitebeard's air shock. The power of the vibration was constantly being swallowed up. Under the devouring gravity released by Tikki with all his strength, even Whitebeard's power could not shake.

The gravity of darkness that swallows everything, is this just talk? Moreover, Teach's development of the Dark Fruit is on the verge of awakening.

If Teach hadn't focused his main energy on other aspects, maybe the Dark Fruit would have been developed to the point of awakening long ago. The awakening of the natural system is even more difficult. The Dark Fruit could be developed to this extent in just eight or nine years. It's already very fast.

As the distance between Whitebeard and Whitebeard gets closer, Whitebeard is gradually affected by the gravity of darkness, and his body tends to be pulled.

In fact, the distance between the two sides is not far. For Teach, it is only a breath or two.

Soon, the dark vortex came in front of Whitebeard. A hand surrounded by black energy stretched out from the dark vortex and directly grabbed Whitebeard's arm.

The power of the shock fruit failed in an instant. Unprepared, Teach's figure had appeared, and a powerful punch hit Whitebeard's abdomen directly.

Whitebeard withstood Tikki's punch and took a step back.

Then his fist turned into claws and he grabbed Whitebeard fiercely.

A red light flashed in Whitebeard's eyes, and the sensory feedback from Shi Wense Haki had already told him Teach's attack trajectory.

The strongest man in the world gently blocked Tikki's attack with his child's knife. The handle of the knife was just right to resist Tikki's attack.

At this time, two dark jade appeared behind Whitebeard, and under Teach's control, they turned into spikes and continuously extended to pierce Whitebeard.

Whitebeard has already noticed that he is a shocker who has eaten the shock fruit! With a slight shake of his shoulders, the vibrating power of exquisite control erupted from Whitebeard's body, shattering the sharp parts of the dark jade, and the remaining parts fell on Whitebeard's body, making a sound of metal collision without causing any damage.

Teach faced the biggest enemy he had ever faced since going to sea. With his terrifying strength and powerful combat experience, he was simply invincible.

Both sides are competing in terms of hard power. Teach's domineering advantage is not great. Predicting the future is not his only privilege. Whitebeard also has this ability. This is the ultimate level of general knowledge!

During the confrontation of domineering power and the battle with Whitebeard, Teach could feel that his domineering power seemed to be improving and getting stronger, both in quality and quantity.

Although it is slower, it is much faster than training on his own. The difference in weapon color between Teach and Whitebeard is not big, but I believe that before long, they will be completely on par with Whitebeard.

Fighting, fighting with the strong, is the best way to increase your domineering power and break through the limits.

The entire island is already somewhat fragmented.

Tikki used all his strength, his arms turned black and red, and the overlord color was wrapped around him. Whitebeard also used this technique.

The destructive power of both sides has risen to another level.

Black and red lightning intertwined and collided. There was no contact between the sharp claws and the child's knife during the collision, and terrible energy was generated in the center due to the collision.

The fierce battle lasted for two days and two nights. Both sides were evenly matched and had terrifying destructive power.

Both kings showed strong fighting skills and fighting awareness.

The ability of the Shock Fruit is limited, and Whitebeard cannot suppress Teach.

In the fierce battle with Whitebeard, Tikki's powerful accumulation turned into nutrients, and he grew at a very fast speed.

There is a certain amount of pressure but not absolute. Teach's strength improves under pressure.

Even so, in terms of combat experience, Whitebeard still has the upper hand.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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