Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and ninety-five Dark Emperor vs Whitebeard (3)

"Then let's give it a try, Teach." In this battle, Whitebeard also found the long-lost passion and became a little excited.

For a guy like Teach, how could Whitebeard let him continue to be arrogant.

The next moment, he put the childish knife in his hand on the ground. When it was attracted by gravity, Whitebeard did not forget to pick up his favorite knife. Otherwise, the world would lose a supremely sharp knife.

He raised his hands and spread his fingers into a claw shape, as if tearing apart a curtain, suddenly "grabbing" the atmosphere.

This move is very familiar to Teach, but it is even more terrifying. Whitebeard captures not only the atmosphere, but also the space.

"Come down here!"

Whitebeard shouted, his hands suddenly pulled down, and the air and scenery in front of him suddenly became dislocated.

At the same time, what makes people feel terrible is that the space is torn apart by white beard like a piece of cloth.

As for Tiqi, within this "cloth", his body could not resist and fell into the space. He used his ability to stabilize his body before being smashed to the ground.

The real war began. The power of the Dark Fruit was continuously released, and the entire island was shrouded in darkness in a short period of time.

At this time, Whitebeard has arrived. It is obvious that although Teach's dark power cannot restrain Whitebeard, it can restrict Whitebeard's actions.

His feet were shrouded in black mist, and the darkness swallowed everything. Even with the domineering resistance, Whitebeard's movements were still restricted.

However, Whitebeard also has a way to deal with it. Just like coming down from a high altitude before, Whitebeard uses his ability to step on the space and quickly approach Teach.

The level of this war has been raised to another level. Both Whitebeard and Teach have shown more terrifying power.

And this power, awakening.

The top players in the world can see it.

The whole world seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

And Whitebeard has shown methods that he has not shown before.

The space that was torn away has not been fully restored, and the power to destroy the world has only now been truly revealed.

The power of darkness is surging,

Under Tiqi's control, divine dragons formed by condensed black energy appeared. They were hundreds of meters long and extremely numerous.

Teach could have made a bigger black dragon, but there was no doubt about it.

With a ferocious face, the entire dark field was like sea water. The black dragons sank into it and disappeared, but they were quickly approaching Whitebeard.

The sea of ​​darkness suddenly set off a huge wave, like a tsunami hitting Whitebeard.

Facing the wave of darkness, Whitebeard punched directly. The space was directly broken by this punch, and the wave of darkness was split into two.

The power displayed by Whitebeard now makes the navy, other strong men on the sea, and the emperor of the sea feel fearful and deeply fearful.

They stared at this battle intently, especially Kaido and Big Mom who wanted to challenge Whitebeard. They clearly realized that even though they had grown somewhat over the years, there was still a big gap between them and Whitebeard, especially since Whitebeard had always been The hidden power of true awakening.

If it was a little bit meaningless to say that Whitebeard could destroy the world before, now it is completely worthy of the name.

After awakening, the power of Whitebeard's shaking fruit is too terrifying. Every punch is directed at the space, but the darkness cannot swallow up the space.

He also knew that the simple power of vibration would not have any effect on Teach's darkness, and being swallowed easily would only be a waste of energy.

Whitebeard's figure passed through it, and black dragons attacked Whitebeard in an instant.

Shattering all darkness, these black dragons are composed of the power of darkness, and naturally inherit such characteristics. This power is further enhanced after the awakening of the devil fruit.

It turns out that Teach can only use this feature when using "Dark Bite".

Now it is completely an enhanced version of Dark Devour, and it is no longer a simple release and absorption. Teach can control them, control these powers, and shape them through the air, which he could not do originally.

The dark chains can only be formed when they are connected to his body.

There are evil dragons in the sea, and the waves of darkness keep coming, surrounding Whitebeard. It is impossible for Whitebeard to ignore the terrifying power after the awakening of the Dark Fruit.

After Whitebeard tore apart a black dragon, the black dragon reunited in the blink of an eye. Instead, a black dragon behind him seized the opportunity and swallowed Whitebeard in one gulp.

With such a large number, even if Whitebeard had the ability to predict the future, he would not be able to avoid it.

Although Whitebeard broke free quickly, it was obviously uncomfortable. The pain of being squeezed by the terrifying force was really terrifying.

The terrifying ability to suck in everything that comes into contact with darkness and compress and crush it with infinite power has become a reality after the awakening of the Tikki Devil Fruit.

Originally it could only be done by inhaling the dark space.

Whitebeard knew that continuing to fight would only waste his energy. If he didn't deal with Teach, he would be dragged here.

Looking in one direction, with a gleam in his eyes, Whitebeard stretched out his hand and grabbed the air. The entire space was grabbed again and torn open by Whitebeard.

The entire dark field was like a piece of black cloth being torn apart, with a piece missing. Although it was soon shrouded in darkness again, Teach's figure was clearly revealed.

"Gula la la! Tikki, I found you!" Whitebeard's sight had already locked onto Tikki. He stepped on the broken space and instantly jumped up to a thousand meters high.

"I have never hidden it. If you have the ability, come and do it!" Tiqi responded unceremoniously.

Although awakening has enhanced his strength, his physical strength is also rapidly depleted, and it is the same for him and Whitebeard.

Rich and powerful dark power continued to emerge, surrounding Tiqi's body. At the same time, behind Tiqi, it transformed into a huge black dragon, killing straight into the sky, opening its ferocious mouth, trying to kill Whitebeard. Swallow it.

He already knew what Whitebeard was going to do next. Because of this, Teach did not dare to underestimate him. The shocking collision many years ago was still vivid in his mind.

And this blow will only be more terrifying when Whitebeard's ability is awakened. If he can't block it, he will really die!

Teach has already felt a strong crisis, but he will not shrink back. His body is completely excited, and he uses life return to adjust his state to the best.

Darkness circulates, and the great sword "Long Yuan" that has not seen light for a long time appears in Tiqi's hand, entangled in darkness.

In this case, Teach didn't dare to be stupid enough to touch Whitebeard with his hand.

The strongest collision of this battle begins here.

With terrifying power, Whitebeard swooped down, pressing down like a huge mountain.

The momentum of both of them was raised to the extreme, and it seemed as if there were only the Dark Emperor and Whitebeard in the whole world.

The weapon in their hands turned black and red in an instant, with the overlord color twining around them, and both of their eyes turned red in an instant.

The black dragon swallowed Whitebeard whole into his stomach, squeezing and crushing everything and impacting Whitebeard.

With a beard and a white beard, he held a big knife and slashed out of the air. With the terrifying force of vibration, the whole black dragon was split into two in an instant.


"White beard!"

Tiqi was completely prepared, his energy and spirit were raised to the extreme, the domineering energy in his body was almost substantial, and black and red lightning emerged.

In the battle with Whitebeard, I felt the truly terrifying pressure of Whitebeard. At this moment, my own spirit finally transformed, and the power of my whole body became even more terrifying. The entire sky was completely affected, and a terrifying scene of thousands of thunders appeared, as if Resonated with Teach.

One of the thick dark purple thunders suddenly erupted and fell from the sky, swallowing Tiqi's entire body instantly. But Tiqi, nothing happened. Instead, the terrifying thunder and lightning completely condensed on Longyuan Sword.

Seeing this scene, Rayleigh, who was far away in the Chambord Islands, was a little surprised and couldn't help but admired, "Have you grown to this point?"

The entire blade of the Longyuan Sword in Tiqi's hand flashed with terrifying thunder and lightning, condensing a terrifying mental shock.

As soon as he stepped out, the ground was crushed to pieces, and he swung his sword with all his strength into the sky.

"Boom!" The two weapons slashed at the same time.

A shocking scene appeared, how far the two people's strength had reached, and the two knives did not even touch.

The confrontation between the two seemed to become the only light between heaven and earth. The terrifying forces intertwined and collided to form a strange balance. A ball of light containing terrifying power was born between the two knives.

When Kozuki Oden, who was far away in Wano Country, saw this scene, he couldn't help but recall the scene where Roger and Whitebeard collided many years ago. It was still so terrifying and thrilling.

This collision is so similar to that one.

Even though the darkness swallowed up most of the power caused by the collision between the two, the movement was still terrifying.

Tiqi gritted his teeth, blood spilled from his mouth, and the terrifying power of vibration was impacting his body through the black energy on his body.

Tiqi was holding on forcefully, enduring the pain, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and the blood vessels in his arms burst one by one under the terrifying force.

The balance was finally broken. Whitebeard's power was too strong. Even if Teach broke through at the critical moment and his attack power was greatly enhanced, there was still a gap between him and Whitebeard.

Being able to maintain balance for a period of time is the reason why Teach tried his best.

Coupled with the invasion of Tiqi's body by the power of vibration, it caused great harm to Tiqi.

Tikki's arm trembled, and the tiger's mouth was completely split open. He could no longer hold on, and Whitebeard's unparalleled power swallowed him whole in an instant under Tikki's horrified eyes.

The extremely sharp blade fell directly on Teach's chest, blood spattered and left a terrible wound.

And Tiqi's body flew backwards like a meteor, and his whole body fell on the sea of ​​darkness, without causing any subsequent damage to Tiqi.

The terrifying power made it impossible for Teach to even control gravity to stabilize his body.

Even in the sea of ​​darkness, Teach flew thousands of meters away.

Tiqi gasped for air, feeling a strong life-and-death crisis. The knife wound on his chest was so deep that the bones were visible, and even his sternum cracked under the force of the shock.

Tiqi quickly recovered from his injuries, consuming his own physical strength, and the life return function reached its peak. In a short period of time, Tiqi's injuries were nearly half healed. This kind of recovery is almost terrifying, when it does not affect the battle. , and then stopped.

Now every bit of physical strength is very precious and cannot be wasted.

The battle is not over yet. Before Teach's physical strength is exhausted, the majestic fighting spirit can only fight once.

Tiqi's figure flashed, holding Long Yuan to kill Whitebeard, and the two weapons entwined with the overlord color collided again.

The fierce confrontation started again, and sparks like lightning kept flashing.

The two of them made a tacit agreement not to use the power awakened by the Devil Fruit, which would consume too much physical strength.

Even so, the fighting between the two was still terrifying and very intense.

It was the fifth day of the battle, and now, with the rapid consumption of physical strength and aggravation of injuries, Teach was almost at his limit.

It became a little obvious that Teach was suppressed by Whitebeard, and he also knew that it was almost over now.

"This is the last move! Whitebeard." Tikki said seriously, his body flying in the air, constantly squeezing his own physical strength, and the terrifying power of darkness erupted from Tikki's body.

And the light dimmed again, and Whitebeard felt the terrible power.

He couldn't help but raise his head, and saw that the power of darkness in Teach's hand continued to condense, getting bigger and bigger. While spinning, it was accompanied by a terrifying devouring gravity.

"Dark Sun!"

This is a black sun, containing terrifying power. Under the concentration of Tiqi's power, this "sun" continues to grow. Soon, this island that can be said to have been destroyed is shrouded in Tiqi. Under the dark sun.

"How, how could it be possible?" Some people's pupils shrank, looking at this terrible scene, even visually, it brought them extreme fear.

I couldn't imagine what would happen if this move happened to my head, I could only feel deep despair.

The sun exudes dark gravity, swallowing everything, and anything sucked into it will be easily crushed and shattered.

This is different from the Star of Destruction. The Star of Destruction is pure extreme gravity, and this move of Dark Sun is the extreme of darkness, which also comes with the power of dark gravity.

This is Tikki's final blow, which condenses all Tikki's remaining physical strength. It is also a move developed based on the power of darkness that is enhanced after the ability is awakened. It also draws on the move "Dark Emperor" from the original work, but It is even more powerful in terms of power.

Whitebeard simply couldn't dodge this terrifying move. Even if Whitebeard could tear apart space, he couldn't tear apart such a large "dark sun".

But it couldn't be stopped. Whitebeard could only be swallowed by this move, swallowed by darkness, and probably swallowed by sea water. The island had already collapsed, and a large amount of sea water invaded it, leaving few places to stay.

Teach knew that he had been defeated, but he also wanted to see how Whitebeard would respond to this move. Should he resist it forcefully? There is still a way.

The dark sun is falling, sinking continuously, like a falling meteorite, but even more terrifying. This is the darkness that swallows everything.

Whitebeard couldn't help but laugh when he saw it, "Do you want to give me such a big gift before leaving?"

But in the face of a terrifying blow, Whitebeard did not dare to bear it. This was different from the Star of Destruction.

But he naturally had a way to deal with it. The terrifying power of vibration erupted again, trampling the space and flying towards the outside of the island. As the dark sun descended, Whitebeard tore the space again and again, avoiding the terrifying squeeze of the dark sun. With crushing power, he broke free from this terrifying move.

The dark sun fell into the sea, and with this move, the island completely disappeared.

After unleashing this move, Teach left and flew back to the Night Pirates' fleet.

Whitebeard also returned to the Whitebeard Pirates.

This is how the battle ends.

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