Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and ninety-six The influence of becoming emperor

"Let's go!" Teach flew back to the Queen Anne's Revenge and landed on the deck. His whole body was shaking a little, as if he would fall down at any time.

Although it seems to be nothing serious, the injury is actually very serious and will take time to recover.

As the battle progressed and Whitebeard continued to fight, Teach's body continued to get heavier.

The damage caused by the force of vibration is not visible on the surface.

"Captain, the food is ready." Mostima nodded and then said.

The fragrance was flowing everywhere. He had already foreseen this situation, and when he realized that the battle was about to end, he sent people to prepare.

Nowadays, Teach's physical strength has reached its limit, and he needs sufficient energy to replenish his physical strength. With enough energy, the injury can be recovered quickly in a short period of time.

"Yeah." Tiqi's depleted body was eager for energy replenishment. He came to the large table of delicious food and started to enjoy it.

Tikki quickly cleared the food on the table like a glutton, but his stomach did not change at all. After entering his stomach, it was quickly digested and turned into energy to quickly replenish Tikki's body.

Such a physique and strong digestive ability can be said to be necessary to become a strong man in the new world.

Every cell in Tiqi's body was hungry for energy, and the last move of Dark Sun squeezed his energy to the limit.

Meat was constantly being brought to him, and Tiqi devoured it.

The same scene appeared on the other side of the Whitebeard Pirates. Although Whitebeard was in much better condition than Teach, his own consumption was also great and he suffered a lot of injuries.

They need to recover their status quickly so as not to give other forces an opportunity to take advantage of them.

Whether it is the Whitebeard Pirates or the Night Pirates, the huge fleets have already left, and the remaining forces watching the battle cannot stay any longer.

Morgans flew all the way back to his base camp after the battle, hoping to present a clearer and more exciting scene to the world in the shortest possible time.

In a short period of time, with a large amount of food, Tiqi's physical strength has recovered to some extent, and the wounds on his body have recovered visibly, but the internal injuries in his body will take longer to recover.

Only the hideous scar on the chest,

Remains remain.

"Huh!" Teach breathed out hot air, wiped his mouth with a napkin, raised his head, and was surrounded by members of the Night Pirates.

Sitting on the throne, Teach tapped his index finger on the armrest, "We will retreat. Except for the Notting Sea area, which is the established target, the rest will be returned to them."

"Yeah." Mostema nodded, he knew why.

Although this war is over, the Whitebeard Pirates will not give up. After all, they have lost such a large piece of territory, so how can they do nothing.

Returning the territory will also give the Whitebeard Pirates enough face.

More importantly, Whitebeard is too powerful, so terrifyingly powerful that after awakening, Whitebeard is no match for Whitebeard in a head-on confrontation with Teach.

The double heartbreaking pain almost made Tiqi lose consciousness. I really don't know what made Tiqi persist.

This extreme increase in attack power cannot be compared to Teach even if he is also awakened.

Of course, Teach has only just awakened and does not fully control the power of the Dark Fruit awakening.

After a period of time, the swallowing gravity of the Dark Fruit increased again, and even if it could not completely withstand the shaking power of Whitebeard's Shock Fruit awakening, it could still absorb a large part of the power.

Besides, the Night Pirates' goal has been achieved. Instead of continuing to struggle with the Whitebeard Pirates, it would be better to just return the territory to them.

Unfortunately, the expected buffer zone could not be formed, and Whitebeard's deterrence was further enhanced after showing such power.

However, recognizing the powerful power of the Night Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates will not conflict with the Night Pirates, as long as the Night Pirates do not take the initiative to attack.

Naturally, the Night Pirates would not do nothing in the territory they gave up. They would leave behind hidden elements and develop their power.

The Whitebeard Pirates cannot manage such a large territory, especially the edges of the territory, where the level of control is very low.

Whitebeard will grow old sooner or later. The Whitebeard Pirates have lost Whitebeard. Even if there is a successor, at least half of the huge territory must be given away. With such a huge benefit, Teach will naturally not let it go. The Night Pirates The group should also prepare for these in advance.

Slowly infiltrating, and now these territories have been occupied by the Night Pirates for a long time.

Teach's gains were equally great.

More importantly, every member of the Night Pirates is excited and excited from the bottom of their hearts.

Because, Teach officially became the emperor and became the fifth sea emperor of this sea.

There is no doubt that the power Tiqi showed in this battle has completely proved that he is definitely capable of becoming an emperor.

Combined with the powerful power of the Night Pirates, the power of the Night Pirates surpassed the Big Mom Pirates, the Beasts Pirates, and even the Whitebeard Pirates.

If Whitebeard hadn't shown such terrifying strength.

Although this battle has ended, the turmoil it brought about has just begun, sweeping the entire world like a terrifying storm.

Although the battle between the two only lasted for five days, the shock and power displayed completely surpassed the battle between Kaido and Oden.

Although most people did not see the specific scene of the battle clearly, the effects displayed were deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

The darkness that consumes the world, the star of destruction, the dark sun.

A torn space.

The ultimate collision is unforgettable.

At the same time, in their hearts, they are even more looking forward to the fact that the battle edited by the World Economic News Agency will allow them to see this battle more clearly.

Everyone knew the result of this battle. The Dark Emperor was defeated, but he was not defeated either.

Facing such a terrifying white beard, defeat is still an honor!

And the Dark Emperor, through this battle, completely defended his position as emperor.

Reporters, media and newspapers from all over the world have already taken action to write a special book about this shocking battle.

The efficiency was astonishing. The five days of the battle were very sufficient for them. Not long after the battle ended, various newspapers focusing on this battle had been produced, undoubtedly occupying the front page.

Printed publications began to be sent to all over the world. While printing newspapers, they were quickly shipped to all parts of the world through Newsbird.

"The Dark Emperor fights Whitebeard and is crowned emperor!"

"The fifth sea emperor of the sea! The darkness that swallows the world!"

"The power to tear apart space, defend the name of being the strongest in the world!"


This epic battle is destined to go down in history and be spread across this sea.

The battle between "Legend" and "New Emperor".

This battle also had a considerable impact on several other sea emperors.

The royal city of King Barbarossa.

Kaido was no longer in the mood to drink anymore.

Not to mention the rising star Dark Emperor, he has completely caught up and has reached the top level in the world in all aspects. Moreover, Dark Emperor is only twenty-seven years old now and has full potential to continue to improve.

As for Whitebeard, the strength he displayed also proved that his immortality was not invincible, and Whitebeard had the power to kill him.

Kaido is no longer immersed in the joy of the growing power. He already has a sense of urgency. Not only must the pirate group strengthen, but his own strength must also continue to increase.

Kaido is the emperor of the sea and he is arrogant. Not to mention being surpassed by a latecomer, there is still such a big gap between him and Whitebeard. How can he endure this?

"Governor, are we letting our territory go?" Krell asked tentatively. The battle between the Dark Emperor and Whitebeard still shocked him.

And Kaido's expression was solemn, making people wonder what he was thinking.

"Hmph! Why let him? Whitebeard will not interfere in the fight between the juniors." Kaido snorted coldly, "But it is necessary to do it once. I will go to find trouble for him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kaido left the palace, turned into a blue dragon and flew into the sky, heading towards the Whitebeard Sea.

Kaido wanted to become stronger, and further become stronger, and the sense of urgency in his heart also made him desire to become stronger.

Only by fighting with people stronger than yourself can you become stronger faster, and Whitebeard can give him such a sense of oppression, so that he can become stronger!

Although Whitebeard has the power to kill him, it does not mean that Whitebeard can kill him.

Toland of All Nations, Big Mom crushed the armrest of the throne. Seeing this battle, her whole body felt bad, and the joy after the tea party completely disappeared.

She has a powerful Homitz "Earth Cassius", who has the ability to control the earth and gravity, and also has terrifying defense power, which greatly increases her strength.

And Whitebeard's power still made her feel a little scared from the bottom of her heart.

His body exuded a terrifying aura, and his face was gloomy and scary. All the sons and daughters of Big Mom present, except Katakuri, lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

"Well, Mom!" The smile suddenly appeared on bigmom's face. Compared with the angry mother, bigmom's smile at this time made them feel more frightened. Their bodies were trembling and they didn't dare to look at bigmom at all.

Bigmom looked at her second son and said, "Katakuri, practice with me after dessert every day."

After saying that, Big Mom stood up and left. After watching the battle for so long, she was a little tired and needed a good sleep.

Bigmom's figure gradually left, while the children staying here were stunned.

"Brother, what does mom mean?" Cracker looked at Katakuri in confusion, as did everyone else.

Katakuri, on the other hand, frowned in thought. His expression was obviously different from the previous calmness, as if he couldn't believe it, and his tone seemed uncertain, "Da, I probably want to increase my strength through exercise."


"How can it be?"

As soon as Katakuri said this, everyone else couldn't believe it. They opened their mouths and their eyes almost fell out.

They couldn't believe what they heard. They had never seen their mother exercise since she was born. It had always been like this.

But since Katakuri said so, he certainly has his reasons.

Gu Niu "Maybe she feels the pressure from Dark Emperor and Whitebeard, and doesn't want to fall too far behind." Smoothie calmed down, thought about it carefully, and said seriously.

After saying this, the others reacted. Thinking of the terrifying strength of the Dark Emperor and Whitebeard, they were all very frightened and felt uneasy.

Whether it was Whitebeard or the terrifying moves of the Dark Emperor, they were unable to resist or even resist.

"fair enough."

Today's opponents are so formidable. The stronger their mother is, the more at ease they feel.

"Let's get together then. I can't hold on for long in my mother's hands on my own." Katakuri said seriously. The reason why her mother named Katakuri was because the entire Big Mom Pirates group can fight with her. He was the only one with Ichiban.

Everyone else will be killed instantly. There is no doubt that they know how terrifying their mother is. Just by virtue of her indestructible body and terrifying strange strength, she is enough to stand among the top strong men in the world.

What's more, Big Mom also has the powerful Homitz, who has the ability to control the weather. He is a veritable monster and has the title of "Queen of Weather".

"Ah, how can this be done?"

They instinctively want to refuse. They are afraid of their mother in their hearts and dare not take action against her.

"It's okay. If there are more people, the effect will be better. Forget about lack of strength." Katakuri said. They have also considered this. Facing the terrible pressure from their mother, they will grow faster. "Mom, I have to become stronger." , we cannot fall behind.”

Moreover, an agreement has been signed in the Chaos Sea Area, and there is no war. The Big Mom Sea Area is located in the north of the New World, close to the front of the New World. Some islands to the east are the territory of the Sky Pirates. They do not want to collide with the Sky Pirates. , so there is no expansion.

There was great resistance to the separatist forces to the south, so they could only expand to the west, that is, to the front of the New World.

Now that the power has basically been established, the Big Mom Pirates have few opportunities to fight and become stronger. The most chaotic period of the new world has passed.

Katakuri said this, and others agreed. There were actually only a few people who could fight with Katakuri.

The generals have not yet appeared, but the most powerful ones are the eldest son Perospero, the second son Katakuri, the third son Daifuku, the fourth son Owen, the tenth son Cracker, the eldest daughter Compert, and the fourteenth son who has begun to grow. Female Smoothie Seven.

Although there are others with extraordinary strength, fighting at this level is just a make-up.

Even among them, apart from Katakuri who was the main attacker, the other six could only assist.

Although the eldest daughter Compert is not famous, she is one of the monsters of the Big Mom Pirates.

Snager, who will be one of the four dessert generals in the future, is still relatively young and has not grown up.

Just as they guessed, BigMom also has a sense of crisis, she is the "Queen of the Sea"! How can we lag behind?

Therefore, after watching the battle between the Dark Emperor and Whitebeard, the idea of ​​exercising to become stronger arose in her mind for the first time.

This has never happened before. She is a born monster, a "born destroyer". She destroyed Elbaf's village when she was five years old, and is called the "Evil God" by the giants!

Even if you eat and drink every day, you will naturally become stronger as you get older, and you will become a leader as soon as you join the Rocks Pirates.

She has terrifying qualifications, such as domineering, which she can easily master. After joining Rocks, her strength increased rapidly because she experienced a lot of battles.

After Rocks was disbanded, Big Mom didn't fight much. She stayed in Tolant and her strength was still getting stronger. Roger also had to steal the rubbings to capture the Signpost Stone. The fact that she didn't want to face Big Mom head-on showed how terrifying her strength was. .

Bigmoms should get serious and realize that they need to become stronger "natural destroyers", which will only make them more terrifying.

Bigmom's pressure was too little before, but now she feels huge pressure, which naturally generates motivation.

"As expected of Newgate! That kid Teach is not bad either." In the empty palace, the golden lion Shiji opened his arms and laughed excitedly.

"But soon, with a grand fireworks display, you, the world, will realize whose era this is! Jie hahahaha!"

During this period of time, the Sky Pirates were somewhat quiet, but they were all preparing for the next big move that would shake the world.

"Is Wilmayor okay?" Shichi calmed down and asked Rhine looking to the side.

"Well! We are heavily guarded and have been protecting very well. However, there are more spies from the World Government and Navy in the Sky Kingdom. Although some have been caught, there are still a large number of spies hidden." Rhine nodded and frowned. , a little worried.

"It should be for pure gold, and they may also have found out about Vermeio's existence. Our plan has not been exposed yet, but Vermeio is no longer safe."

Not many people know about the huge plan of the Sky Pirates, but many members of the Sky Pirates know about Wilmayor's big move.

Naturally, other forces will learn about it, especially the navy and world government who are paying close attention to them.

They realized that the Sky Pirates were hiding a huge conspiracy, so they kept sending spies.

"Then transfer Vermeio. Anyway, the research on SIQ will be successful soon. I will give them a big surprise then." Shi Ji is very satisfied with the research on SIQ and has gathered a large number of scientists and researchers.

But they found that well-known scientists often disappeared a few years ago, and someone was collecting scientists early, those well-known top scientists.

If not, the Sky Pirates' research on SIQ might have been successful by now.

On Barrett's side, the majestic fighting spirit burst out, putting great pressure on Holt beside him, and his body was unable to move.

Fortunately, Barrett quickly restrained his fighting spirit.

"I didn't expect that, those two guys." Barrett said excitedly, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes, as if he was going to fight Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor immediately.

"Do you want to change the target? Both the Dark Emperor and Whitebeard are very scary, and Whitebeard's power." Holt asked. Although he did not continue, Barrett knew what he meant.

Even with the terrifying power of Whitebeard after his awakening, Holt believed that he was no match for Barrett. This was judged through his own intuition and rationality.

"The plan remains unchanged, but after this operation I will also challenge Whitebeard. Roger will not be surpassed so easily! Wouldn't it be better to have a stronger enemy? Hahaha!"

What Barrett needs is a goal. The stronger his opponent is, the happier he will be. What he fears most is not having a goal. It is precisely because of this that Roger becomes his obsession, because he has not surpassed Roger yet. Roger died.

Since he is not his opponent now, he should continue to become stronger. He still has time.

"Then take action in half a month. The sea should have calmed down a little by then, and it will take time for so much explosives, even raw materials, to pass through our channels." Huot said.

"Well, just wait." Barrett naturally hopes that the plan will be successful and that he can enjoy the battle better.

As for the Navy Headquarters, a serious meeting has been held regarding this battle.

Everyone's expressions were very solemn. Whether it was Whitebeard or the Dark Emperor, the power displayed was so terrifying that they were almost breathless, especially Whitebeard.

Even Garp didn't look as careless as usual.

"Both Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor pose great threats, but with Whitebeard's character, the Dark Emperor poses a greater threat."

"He is too young and grows too fast. The Dark Fruit has already awakened. He has only been eating the Dark Fruit for less than nine years."

The three natural generals were present. Kuzan and Sakaski looked solemn, and Porusalino also looked serious, but there was a strange color in his eyes, making it unclear what he was thinking.

They know how difficult it is to awaken the natural devil fruit, which is more difficult than most devil fruits. They are still stuck at the bottleneck of awakening, and they don’t even have a clue. However, Teach actually managed to do it in just nine years. The dark fruit awakens.

"Furthermore, it has only been ten years since the Dark Night Pirates were established, and it has already reached such a terrifying level. The Dark Emperor has become the emperor, and he is only twenty-seven years old. His potential has not yet reached its limit!"

This is also the most terrifying thing about Teach. His threat has actually exceeded that of Whitebeard. With Whitebeard's character, he will not pose an excessive threat to them.

The Dark Emperor is as ambitious as the Golden Lion.

The overall strength of the Night Pirates made them even more frightened. It was hard to imagine that this was a pirate group that had only been established for ten years.

Both Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor have become the focus of their attention due to the terrifying power they displayed.

Who can guarantee that Whitebeard will not do anything irrational and terrible? Even the world government will not feel at ease.

"In addition, although the Night Pirates are not blocked and are relatively open, they have been built like iron barrels by the Night Pirates. A large number of our intelligence personnel disappeared some time ago." He said, what does the disappearance mean? They all know it.

"A large number of mechanical creatures have appeared in the entire Dark Night Sea, specifically representing mechanical dogs, mechanical birds, and mechanical eyes. It cannot be ruled out that there are also mechanical creatures in the sea. They monitor everything in the entire Dark Night Sea. Once something happens, the Dark Night Sea will The thieves will know it as soon as possible."

"The technology used should be related to the robot hand."

Crane took out several photos of mechanical creatures.

The mechanical eye placed in the corner, a mechanical dog with four red eyes, patrols in all directions without blind spots, monitoring everything around it.

The mechanical bird in the sky can be seen clearly.

There may also be unknown mechanical creatures in the sea.

"With these mechanical creatures, the entire Dark Night Sea is completely controlled by the Night Pirates. According to Vegapunk, these mechanical creatures have no intelligence and are controlled like mechanical hands."

"With the technology of the Night Pirates, we cannot rule out the possibility of mechanical creatures with powerful destructive power. This further increases the overall threat of the Night Pirates."

"Although we haven't obtained any information yet, the key point is Otto, the cadre scientist of the Night Pirates, and we need to pay attention to it."

Crane's expression was solemn and serious.

"Finally, what I want to say is that the threat of the Night Pirates is close to that of the Sky Pirates, and even on par with the Sky Pirates. Their style is far beyond what ordinary pirates can compare with, and their threat will still be It will improve.”

Today, the biggest threat to the world government and navy is the Sky Pirates. Not only are they powerful, but they are also brewing terrible conspiracies.

Until now, they still don't think that the Night Pirates have surpassed the Sky Pirates, but Crane has fully realized the threat of the Night Pirates, and others have also recognized it.

The Night Pirates have strong technological strength, which is unmatched by previous pirates. Through technology, the Dark Night Pirates have created a large network throughout the entire sea area like Homitz of the Big Mom Pirates. .

By the time they realize it, it's too late.

"Pay more attention. In addition, the overall bounty of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Night Pirates will be increased!" Sengoku finally set the tone. They don't want to get involved in the new world yet, but in terms of intelligence, they will not fall behind at all. .

The greater the threat, the more attention needs to be paid.

Soon, the bounties for Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor were determined, and they were completely shocking figures.

Whitebeard's bounty has not been increased for many years, but the power shown in this battle has made his threat even higher, and the bounty will also be increased.

"Edward Newgate Whitebeard, 5.387 billion." The bounty increased to 341 million Baileys, completely approaching Roger the Pirate King's 5.5 billion.

"Dark Emperor Marshall D. Teach, 4 billion 32 million." Officially reached the terrifying number of 4 billion Baileys. Although it failed to surpass Big Mom and Kaido, it also reached the 4 billion mark.

It is worth mentioning that Teach’s previous bounty was 3.2 billion Beli, which was increased after the Golden Battle. His record was amazing, and he almost killed the commander-in-chief of the army, Cyborg Kong. Got him.

Raising 800 million Baileys in one breath is enough to show how much of a threat Teach poses to the world in the eyes of the Navy World Government.

And their bounty quickly spread to all parts of the world.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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