Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and ninety-seven actions

Although the layout of the new world has not changed much, there is only one more sea emperor.

But the impact was huge, and the Dark Emperor became emperor earlier than expected.

Most of the maritime overlords' ambitions to become emperors have been cut off, and their forces are mixed among the various maritime emperors. How can they become emperors? The only way is to kill a sea emperor and replace them.

A large area of ​​sea in the south and back of the New World has many maritime overlords, and a large number of forces gather here.

As long as the Night Pirates no longer expand eastward, this territory can fully accommodate an emperor of the sea.

But with Wano Country here, it is impossible for the Sea Emperor to appear here. Wano Country will not allow it. Even if Wano Country's power is not large on the sea, Wano Country's sea area is a small sea area centered on Wano Country. , there are only a few islands.

But the power of Wano is enough to deter most forces.

The large area at the front of the new world cannot give birth to a sea emperor. If the foundation is placed there, it will definitely suffer a severe blow from the navy, and it will provide a barrier for other forces to resist the power of the navy.

It will not be a matter of time before the navy returns to the new world.

But now there is no strong person qualified to replace the Sea Emperor.

Now that the situation is gradually stabilizing, it has evolved into a situation where the emperor of the sea is aloof and aloof from the affairs, and the maritime overlord dominates a region, but has to constantly face challenges from the latecomers who are spying on the overlord's position.

These overlords are blocking the gun for the Sea Emperor, and the Sea Emperor is also developing rapidly, expanding its power and expanding its influence.

The Beast Pirates are digesting their own territory, recruiting and training members, and at the same time seeking to expand and seize more territory.

What's more, Quinn, the world's top scientist, has gathered the powerful scientific research power of the entire kingdom and even the entire sea of ​​beasts.

Quinn has sufficient funds to show off his talents and do the research he wants. The longer it takes, the "more terrifying the results" of Quinn's research will be, and the greater the increase will be to the Beasts Pirates, and he will live up to it. "Disaster".

The Big Mom Pirates expanded in another way, constantly giving birth to children, expanding the power of the family and even the pirate group through blood ties.

Children with great potential grow up quickly, while those who are more mediocre are left.

Inheriting the bloodline of Big Mom, the potential is far beyond that of ordinary people. As long as he grows up, he will have the strength of at least 100 or 200 million Baileys.

With the huge base, the gathered strength is also very powerful. At least there is no shortage of combat power in the middle-level, there is a lot.

At the same time, the Big Mom Pirates are still expanding their power through marriages. The forces that can allow the Big Mom Pirates to marry are all well-known forces in the New World, pirates, or kingdom forces representing special races.

Bigmom's potential power and influence are also constantly expanding, and they are also actively recruiting strong people who are willing to join the Bigmom Pirates.

It's a pity that the number of people is small, probably because of prejudice. The reason is that Big Mom is a woman. Most pirates are men and are unwilling to submit to a woman. Women also don't like Big Mom's style of having children casually.

Therefore, there are very few people from outside who are willing to join the Big Mom Pirates.

And this may be the reason why Big Mom expands its power by multiplying families.

Even at this time, none of them wanted to fall behind.

After the battle between Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor, the Night Pirates continued to retreat, giving up all other territories except the Notting Sea.

Although this kind of behavior is a bit surprising, it is not difficult to understand. No matter what, the Night Pirates make a lot of money, whether it is Notting Seas or fame.

Seeing this, the Whitebeard Pirates took advantage of the situation and took back these territories.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, Kaido the Beast suddenly came to trouble Whitebeard, and after fighting with Whitebeard for six days and nights, he lost his fighting power and fled, falling into the sea without a trace.

But everyone knows that Kaido of the Beasts did not die. A few days later, Kaido was fished out of a certain sea area by the Beasts Pirates and returned to his home territory.

As for Kaido, who was stimulated, his pursuit of death was not over yet, but intensified. Only five days later, he left his own territory again and came to the Sky Kingdom of the Sky Pirates to cause provocation and wreak havoc.

He was so arrogant and destructive on the territory of the Sky Pirates. How could Shiji the Golden Lion let him go so easily? Coupled with the other powerful combat powers of the Sky Pirates, Kaido simply couldn't hold on and was unable to compete. He persisted for a short period of time. He was defeated in just two days, exhausted and captured alive.

The Sky Pirates still underestimated Kaido, but two days later, Kaido took the opportunity to break the sea tower stone chain, and turned into a blue dragon to escape.

This is also big news in the world, especially since Kaido provoked two sea emperors one after another and was ultimately defeated, but it still illustrates his terrifying strength.

And a plan for the navy has also begun to be implemented.

High in the sky, an aircraft was flying quickly, flying from the New World to the first half of the Great Route.

It was Douglas Barrett inside. Planes and submarines are two completely different feelings.

After seeing the Sky Pirates' aircraft, Barrett became interested and secretly stole the Sky Pirates' technology.

As a superhuman and synthetic fruit user, Barrett is a super engineer. As long as he encounters an aircraft, he can use his ability to understand the structure of the aircraft and how it works.

And through its own ability, as long as the materials are available, it can be completely copied and produced, and it can even be synthesized and upgraded through its own existing technology.

So Barrett was very comfortable, sitting on a sofa, controlling the plane and watching the clouds passing by the window.

In his hand, there is a permanent pointer, and the location it points to is an important grain producing area for the navy. With suitable soil and climate, a large amount of grain can be produced.

There are 12,000 marines he wants, that is, "hostages", of which 10,000 are farming marines and the remaining 2,000 are guarding marines.

"Really! Has the Navy been reduced to farming?" Barrett said with some disdain, thinking about the information he got from Holt.

Finally, the permanent pointer moved and began to shift downward, which meant that Barrett had reached his destination.

"Are we here?" Barrett had a smile on his face, but he was not excited because the naval headquarters on the island made him uninterested. "But let's try it first."

The plane turned quickly and then flew straight down.

As it continued to approach the navy's food base, the entire aircraft's shape changed visibly to the naked eye, and Barrett's figure emerged from it.

Under the influence of the synthetic fruit, the plane turned into inorganic matter again, wrapping Barrett's right arm like a silver liquid, forming a super huge fist with armed domineering energy, and the entire "fist" further expanded.

The speed is too fast, and no strong person can detect Barrett at all. He can only hear the "whooshing" sound.

The next moment, boom!

There was a shocking explosion, and the ground shook violently like an earthquake, and even shifted.

A violent hurricane struck from the center of the island, stirring up a large amount of sand and dust, which spread to the surrounding areas, making it impossible for the weak navy to withstand it.

Barrett punched hard, creating a large crater in the center of the island. With such terrifying force, the entire island fell apart and collapsed downwards.

All the sailors didn't react at all. They didn't know what happened and were in a state of confusion.

The next moment, a terrifying, Shura-like overlord color erupted in an instant, spreading from the center of the island to the surroundings, and a red aura expanded visibly to the naked eye.

Most of the navy was swallowed up in an instant. Under the impact of the overlord's color, their eyes turned white and they fell to the ground unconscious.

With this series of operations, the island was completely captured, leaving no room for resistance.

"It's really boring." Barrett curled his lips. Now he has used his ability to control the entire island. The soil on the ground is rolling, and the navy's hard-working farmland has been completely destroyed.

Guli was under Barrett's control, and each of the unconscious marines was caught by the iron chains he made.

Barrett selected only 10,000 of the navy, saying 10,000 means 10,000.

The other two thousand marines were easily "caught" by Barrett, covered in a large amount of soil, and suffocated to death without any resistance.

As for why and how to do it? Naturally, it is to anger the navy. Only in this way will the navy send stronger forces to let him fight to his heart's content.

Anyway, with advance preparation, he has no worries. The more people the navy sends, the greater the losses will be. As for being caught by the navy, it is not that easy.

As long as he thought about it, Barrett could completely escape. At that time, the navy would not be able to stop him at all.

Perhaps out of bad taste, Barrett kept the most powerful person on the island, the chief who guarded the island, and did not kill him. He only made him unconscious after a heavy blow.

Barrett still expected him to inform the Navy! Although the Navy will know sooner or later, Barrett hopes that the Navy Headquarters will know the sooner the better.

On the shore of the island, a huge submarine has been built by Barrett. The 10,000 sailors were stacked randomly together, very messy, and were installed in the warehouse of the huge submarine.

Compared with airplanes, submarines are undoubtedly better, and Barrett is more skilled. Besides, with 10,000 people, whether the synthesized airplane can fly is still a big problem.

"Haha, it's about to start!" Barrett said excitedly, thinking about the upcoming battle. He took out a gold-plated card from his arms and flicked it.

The card flew out in an instant and got stuck on a boulder specially made by Barrett. It was very conspicuous on the flattened island and could be seen at a glance.

The buildings on the island, as well as warships, have become the raw materials for Barrett to build submarines.

He could already imagine the angry and ugly look on the Navy's face, but he had no scruples.

With a slight leap, Barrett jumped directly into the submarine and opened a passage that was large enough to accommodate his body. Soon the huge submarine sank directly into the sea and headed back and forth in the direction of the new world.

Shortly after Barrett left, a bloody hand emerged from the ground.

"Here, what happened?" A confused and trembling voice looked at the completely changed island with dull eyes.

At a glance, everything is flat. Where are the people? What about buildings? What about farmland? Where have they all gone?

Some desperate fear arose in his heart, and he knelt on the ground blankly, like a stone statue, and couldn't help but shed tears.

After a long time, he came back to his senses, seemed to have thought of something, lowered his head, and took out a phone bug from his pocket with a weak arm.

But the phone bug suddenly fell from his hand and fell to the ground. He couldn't even catch the phone bug, his body trembled and he fell to the ground.

Most of the bones in his body have been broken, and his ability to survive is also due to his superhuman physique. It will take a long time to recover completely.

Enduring the pain, he raised his arm tremblingly and turned on the phone.

Soon, the phone bug opened his eyes, "Bulu Bulu! This is the headquarters. What can I do?"

"I, I am Brigadier General Jon, No. 3, Food Base No. 3 is gone." Even now, he still can't believe it.

"Walter? What do you mean? Be clear." The phone bug completely simulated the other person's appearance as if you were joking.

"Something happened at the No. 3 food base. Please inform Marshal Warring States immediately." Jon's thoughts have been very confused since he woke up, but he still knows his responsibilities. "Send someone over quickly! The food base is gone, and I am the only one left on this island. One, and the others don’t know where they are?”

Jon said angrily, with a very strong tone.

Hearing Jon's tone, it didn't sound like he was joking. One can imagine the role that food bases play in the navy now, especially several important food bases, which are numbered first.

It seems something really happened.

"Okay, notify the marshal immediately!"

Even if the intelligence is false, people from the Supervision Department will naturally enforce the law. He only needs to do his job well and notify the superiors of the intelligence in a timely manner.

Soon, the information was passed to the Warring States Period.

"What! Send someone quickly!" After hearing this information, Warring States suddenly had an ominous premonition. The navy who could be sent to guard the food base were all carefully selected.

But it was precisely this that made his heart tighten. Only one person? The food base is gone? What does this mean? It is unimaginable that it is definitely a huge loss for the Navy.


"It's so tragic!" The approaching navy has arrived at the island, and a large number of corpses have been dug out of the soil. They were all caught by powerful forces, and then suffocated to death. Many sailors had blood in their mouths and noses. was filled with soil.

And the person who did this was definitely a cruel person.

General "Kizaru" Porusalino, who was sent by the Warring States Period, has arrived. Looking at the scene below, he does not look as usual, with a serious expression.

Although he is a little out of tune, he has never let go of the chain at critical moments and has always upheld justice in his own way.

"It seems we are in trouble." The golden card was already in his hand. It looked like an invitation, but it was actually a challenge.

In front of Porusalino's eyes, the figure that had disappeared in this sea for many years appeared.

Thinking of the news about Barrett's appearance on Boxing Island, I didn't expect to directly target their navy.

"Let the marshal take the headache." As soon as he finished speaking, Porusalino turned into a ray of light and quickly flew towards the navy headquarters.

The Navy Headquarters did not expect that important meetings would be so frequent during this period.

But unlike before, this time the content was completely aimed at their navy.

"Damn Barrett! If you want to challenge, just say so. You have to use such a method!" Warring States was furious, the breath of terror broke out uncontrollably, the food base was destroyed, their previous efforts were completely lost, and they needed to start over. , not to mention the sacrifice of two thousand sailors.

The other navies were also very angry.

The contents of the challenge letter left by Barrett were fully announced.

Taking 10,000 navy as hostages, in order to save them, Vice Admiral Garp went to Bastola Island to fight him alone, or else he would kill them directly.

It was a threat, a naked threat, and they had to accept it.

Maybe it’s because you don’t trust the navy? Novoa couldn't help complaining in his heart that the battle took place in the New World. If it were in "Paradise", he would definitely be surrounded and suppressed by the Navy Headquarters.

In fact, they all know that they will not comply with Barrett's request. For the Navy, Barrett, who is alone, this is a good opportunity to capture this huge threat.

"Calm down, that's the life of 10,000 sailors. This matter cannot be made public. We need to operate secretly." He said seriously.

"Well, not only must we rescue these ten thousand marine soldiers, but we must also imprison this devil's heir in Impel Down City."

"Then let Garp go first, then secretly rescue those 10,000 sailors without Barrett taking care of it, and finally cooperate in the arrest of Barrett!"

Soon, the charter and goals for the next actions were established.

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